Re: [FairfieldLife] Impending Crisis - a Vedic Astrology perspective

2006-07-20 Thread Bhairitu
For a more relevant forecast Mars has to be seen from it's transits of 
houses not the signs though the sign will color the transit.  So it will 
be different for each rising sign and more specific with aspects and 
conjunctions to the chart.   An interesting thing it to watch the Rahu 
house transits and see if they reflect themes in your life related to 
the house it is transiting.  Rahu (the north node) is very influential.

George DeForest wrote:

>Maharishi is not alone in forseeing trouble in the coming summer months. Sam
>Geppi is a Vedic Astrologer in San Francisco (not in the TM movement) whose
>daily forcast ring very true for me quite often... Therefore, i post his
>prognosis for this recent transit of Mars into Leo:
>Have you noticed a certain irritability lately, 
>since around the end of last week??. 
>Well this is because Mars has awakened. 
>Mars *had been* very powerful in his own sign 
>for seven months. That ended in March, and 
>since then he has been in signs where he's 
>not quite as assertive as he would like to be. 
>First in Taurus, where he becomes quite earthy and sensual;
>next in Gemini where his energy becomes unfocused and 
>leads to mental aggravation and difficult communication;
>and most recently in the sign of Cancer where he is 
>considered debilitated. 
>Mars is a planet that gives strength. 
>The strength of Mars is not in his ability to fight but 
>in his ability to make peace -- that's true strength, 
>having the courage to consider other options -- 
>which includes reflection (the Moon) 
>and peacemaking (Venus). 
>Wherever Mars goes he tries to strengthen 
>that area of life through disciplined action. 
>Action is related to the fire element 
>and thus Mars does well in fire signs. 
>Fire is the element of our instinctive animal nature 
>which senses the best course of action to take at any time. 
>Mars has a act first, think later mentality. 
>Thus Mars is very powerful when we have a problem to fix 
>and no time to waste fixing it. 
>When he is powerful, he will get to work, 
>logically determine what the best course of action is 
>and then do it. 
>However when Mars is involved 
>in our relationships for example, 
>he'll try to fix it by logically figuring out what's wrong 
>and then doing something about it. 
>When Mars is involved in a conversation, 
>he will logically figure out what's wrong 
>and then do something about it. 
>This is his nature yet we can see very clearly 
>Mars involved in relationships, or in communication, 
>can create problems. 
>This is why he creates arguments. 
>He's a planet of strength and he's trying to strengthen 
>what he sees as a weakness. 
>Yet there can be a destructive quality here. 
>Relationships for example are not meant 
>to be strengthened through logic and action. 
>The best way to strengthen a relationship 
>is through compromise, love and acceptance, 
>things related to the Moon and Venus. 
>Not trying to change or fix but accept. 
>Mars's job is not to accept but to change and fix 
>that which needs to be changed and fixed. 
>In and of itself it's beautiful, but 
>most of the time Mars should not be very present 
>in our interactions. 
>Just like in a conversation -- who wants to talk to 
>someone who is trying to fix them 
>and fix the conversation toward 
>what is right in their mind ... not me!! 
>Mercury is the best one to do the talking. 
>He listens to everyone, he is curious, 
>he is funny, he's playful, he's not 
>married to a way of how things should or shouldn't be -- 
>what is logically correct or what is incorrect. 
>That's Mars is job, Mercury's job is to help decide 
>what's right or wrong, but Mercury himself sees 
>value in all ideas as being equal to someone.
>*Mars in Leo* will try to strengthen our sense of identity, 
>our truthful identity to action in discipline. 
>Mars is in a powerful position for the next two months or so. 
>This is a good time to get back into your Yoga routine, 
>Martial arts or any sort of powerful discipline 
>aligned with  action. 
>We have all been feeling a little weak and powerless 
>to free ourselves from a certain level of 
>luxury or laziness for the last several months 
>as Mars went through Gemini and then Cancer. 
>Especially Cancer because he was also joined Saturn, 
>we may have fallen into some very lazy routines, 
>perhaps went back into some situations 
>out of weakness, revisiting them rather than 
>courageously moving forward, etc. 
>This tendency may have been compounded 
>more recently by Mercury retrograde in Cancer also. 
>The sign of Cancer has been holding 
>at least two malefic planets for months now. 
>Cancer is the sign of vulnerability, compromise 
>and nourishment. Cancer is not a sign where we 
>act powerfully and with courage, 
>that's why Mars is debilitated there. 
>As we've all been lacking in some courage recently 
>and this powerful Mars is ready t

[FairfieldLife] Impending Crisis - a Vedic Astrology perspective

2006-07-20 Thread George DeForest
Maharishi is not alone in forseeing trouble in the coming summer months. Sam
Geppi is a Vedic Astrologer in San Francisco (not in the TM movement) whose
daily forcast ring very true for me quite often... Therefore, i post his
prognosis for this recent transit of Mars into Leo:



Have you noticed a certain irritability lately, 
since around the end of last week??. 
Well this is because Mars has awakened. 

Mars *had been* very powerful in his own sign 
for seven months. That ended in March, and 
since then he has been in signs where he's 
not quite as assertive as he would like to be. 

First in Taurus, where he becomes quite earthy and sensual;
next in Gemini where his energy becomes unfocused and 
leads to mental aggravation and difficult communication;
and most recently in the sign of Cancer where he is 
considered debilitated. 

Mars is a planet that gives strength. 

The strength of Mars is not in his ability to fight but 
in his ability to make peace -- that's true strength, 
having the courage to consider other options -- 
which includes reflection (the Moon) 
and peacemaking (Venus). 

Wherever Mars goes he tries to strengthen 
that area of life through disciplined action. 
Action is related to the fire element 
and thus Mars does well in fire signs. 

Fire is the element of our instinctive animal nature 
which senses the best course of action to take at any time. 

Mars has a act first, think later mentality. 
Thus Mars is very powerful when we have a problem to fix 
and no time to waste fixing it. 

When he is powerful, he will get to work, 
logically determine what the best course of action is 
and then do it. 

However when Mars is involved 
in our relationships for example, 
he'll try to fix it by logically figuring out what's wrong 
and then doing something about it. 

When Mars is involved in a conversation, 
he will logically figure out what's wrong 
and then do something about it. 

This is his nature yet we can see very clearly 
Mars involved in relationships, or in communication, 
can create problems. 

This is why he creates arguments. 
He's a planet of strength and he's trying to strengthen 
what he sees as a weakness. 
Yet there can be a destructive quality here. 

Relationships for example are not meant 
to be strengthened through logic and action. 

The best way to strengthen a relationship 
is through compromise, love and acceptance, 
things related to the Moon and Venus. 
Not trying to change or fix but accept. 

Mars's job is not to accept but to change and fix 
that which needs to be changed and fixed. 

In and of itself it's beautiful, but 
most of the time Mars should not be very present 
in our interactions. 

Just like in a conversation -- who wants to talk to 
someone who is trying to fix them 
and fix the conversation toward 
what is right in their mind ... not me!! 

Mercury is the best one to do the talking. 
He listens to everyone, he is curious, 
he is funny, he's playful, he's not 
married to a way of how things should or shouldn't be -- 
what is logically correct or what is incorrect. 

That's Mars is job, Mercury's job is to help decide 
what's right or wrong, but Mercury himself sees 
value in all ideas as being equal to someone.


*Mars in Leo* will try to strengthen our sense of identity, 
our truthful identity to action in discipline. 

Mars is in a powerful position for the next two months or so. 

This is a good time to get back into your Yoga routine, 
Martial arts or any sort of powerful discipline 
aligned with  action. 

We have all been feeling a little weak and powerless 
to free ourselves from a certain level of 
luxury or laziness for the last several months 
as Mars went through Gemini and then Cancer. 

Especially Cancer because he was also joined Saturn, 
we may have fallen into some very lazy routines, 
perhaps went back into some situations 
out of weakness, revisiting them rather than 
courageously moving forward, etc. 

This tendency may have been compounded 
more recently by Mercury retrograde in Cancer also. 

The sign of Cancer has been holding 
at least two malefic planets for months now. 

Cancer is the sign of vulnerability, compromise 
and nourishment. Cancer is not a sign where we 
act powerfully and with courage, 
that's why Mars is debilitated there. 

As we've all been lacking in some courage recently 
and this powerful Mars is ready to strengthen us. 

Yet we must be very careful because 
we may have accumulated a lot of frustration 
and have some frustrating circumstances in our life. 


Be careful with Mars declaring war on an external enemy. 

The true source of strength is 
having the courage to face our self 
and our own weaknesses. 

We are the source of everything, 
the good and bad. 

As soon as we take responsibility for this, 
liberation is not far behind. 

As long as we blame others 
for perceived weaknesses 
we're in a deep crisis.

Unfortunately we can also see this powerful Mars 
in the rece