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Before you read this you might be interested to learn of a second 
contribution , in this case editorial:  comment by Alex Hankey;   in 
the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine of April, this 
year (vol11, no 2) on:  

  The Scientific Value of Ayurveda
Alex Hankey 
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Apr 2005, Vol. 11, 
No. 2: 221-225
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But now this article:


Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2005 March; 2(1): 5–12. 

doi: 10.1093/ecam/neh073.

Copyright © The Author (2005). Published by Oxford University Press. 
All rights reserved.

CAM Modalities Can Stimulate Advances in Theoretical Biology

Alex Hankey 

Hethe House, Cowden, Kent TN8 7DZ, UK

Table of Contents

The Biophysics of Regulation and Health 
Ayurveda's Tridosha: Gross Regulation of Organisms 
Genomes and Feedback Singularities 
Ayurveda and Energy Medicine 

Most complementary medicine is distinguished by not being supported 
by underlying theory accepted by Western science. However, for those 
who accept their validity, complementary and alternative medicine 
(CAM) modalities offer clues to understanding physiology and medicine 
more deeply. Ayurveda and vibrational medicine are stimulating new 
approaches to biological regulation. The new biophysics can be 
integrated to yield a single consistent theory, which may well 
underly much of CAM—a true `physics of physick'. The resulting theory 
seems to be a new, fundamental theory of health and etiology. It 
suggests that many CAM approaches to health care are scientifically 
in advance of those based on current Western biology. Such theories 
may well constitute the next steps in our scientific understanding of 
biology itself. If successfully developed, these ideas could result 
in a major paradigm shift in both biology and medicine, which will 
benefit all interested parties—consumers, health professionals, 
scientists, institutions and governments.

In the past decades, the public have turned to therapies of 
complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) on a scale that 
ministries of health were unprepared for, and which is driving the 
present revolution in patterns of health care (1–6).

One reason is the increased incidence of chronic disease, and the 
natural concern of many people to leave no stone unturned in their 
search for an end to the suffering of themselves, or their nearest 
and dearest, particularly if someone they trust has found relief. It 
is commonplace that the increase in mean ages of their populations is 
driving the increase in chronic disease in developed countries (7). 
As baby boomers come up to retirement, a crisis in public health 
looms that will stretch the budgets of all economies.

Currently, orthodox biomedicine has no power to cure these diseases. 
Indeed, that is the only reason orthodox medicine lumps such 
illnesses together in the category it terms `chronic', introducing 
the terms `chronic disease care' (8) and `chronic disease management' 
(9) to indicate that the best it can offer is being done for them.

On past experience, conventional medicine will only discover cures 
for chronic diseases slowly. It is therefore imperative for all 
concerned that other avenues of approach to the problem are explored. 
Wherever CAM modalities can be shown to offer cheaper or more problem-
free alternatives to conventional practice in managing chronic 
disease, they will potentially provide welcome relief for Ministries 
of Health and their Exchequers alike. If such CAM therapies also 
offer fewer side effects than drug therapies, they will be welcomed 
by consumers. Any CAM modalities that were shown to provide reliable 
cure for a presently incurable chronic pathology should be doubly 

One of the problems that faces governments in providing funding for 
CAM therapies, however, is the continued lack of understanding of 
what they can offer and how they work. On the one hand, the evidence 
base of complementary medicine is increasing, an important factor 
this journal has been founded to encourage (10). On the other hand, 
there is an almost complete vacuum of theoretical understanding of 
complementary medicine. This presents a block to those who make 
decisions on whether specific therapies merit public funding based 
partly on scientific models of how they function—models that become 
increasingly sophisticated, as science progresses. For this reason, 
the need for developing scientific theories of how CAM modalities 
work is of significance in order to justify using them on a wider 
scale (11,12).

The significance of this is illustrated by the history of Lord 
Walton's Report on CAM to the UK Government in 2000 (13). After the 
preferred CAM modalities of homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, 
acupuncture and herbal medicine in category I, others were classified 
in four lower categories, with the least comprehensible being 
relegated to the lowest, IIIb, despite the fact that homeopathy was 
as incomprehensible as any—though this may no longer be the case. Of 
particular concern was the fact that traditional systems of medicine 
such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine received the most 
unjust treatment (14), provoking protest from the governments of 
their countries of origin. This was entirely due to their theoretical 
bases being incomprehensible to the subcommittee, and their 
literatures being in tongues equally unknown.

It is the experience of this author, shared by colleagues trained in 
the practice of traditional systems of medicine, that such systems 
have self-consistent theoretical underpinnings. They have been 
practiced for millennia by intelligent members of supremely 
intelligent civilizations. To dismiss them without careful 
investigation is to risk losing much of potential value from their 
vast experience and long history of development.

It has been the working hypothesis of this author that such 
traditional systems, and indeed other modalities of CAM, use levels 
of physiological functioning that science has yet to recognize (11) 
let alone understand. This approach has resulted in three radical 
theories, one on Ayurveda's Tridosha system of classification of 
physiological function and regulation (15–17), one on a theory of 
physiological regulation (18), which results in a theory of 
vibrational medicine (19) including homeopathy (20), and one (21) 
which draws on the other two to begin to explain one of Scott-
Morley's many advances in the practice of Voll's system of 
electroacupuncture (22).

One compelling aspect of these theories is their compatibllity. They 
yield insights into previously unsuspected aspects of physiological 
function which corroborate each other; there appears to be a single 
overall theory. If the theory can be extended to include further 
aspects of CAM, based on the insights it already provides, each step 
of progress should yield new insights into physiological function, 
and provide deeper understanding of CAM as a whole. The next section 
briefly reviews the new theories, which are then presented in more 

The Biophysics of Regulation and Health
Phenomenologically, any theory of health and deviation from it 
requires a theory of biological regulation—for two reasons. First, 
for an organism to function efficiently, its processes must be 
regulated. To compete more effectively, it must be more efficient. 
Hence, all biological processes should be regulated. Concepts of 
regulation must be central to understanding all biology, an idea 
confirmed by the central position of homeostasis and homeodynamics in 
modern physiology and medicine. Secondly, the way organisms respond 
to challenges in internal and external environments depends on their 
natural regulatory processes. Normal adaptive functioning is only 
transformed into a maladaptive response when regulatory systems fail 
under the pressure of over-stressful challenges. Maladaptive 
responses are the precursors of pathological malfunction (23). It 
follows that theories of regulation and their failure under stress 
must be central to biophysical theories of the transformation of 
health into disease.

This is amply confirmed by much work now being published on cancer 
and regulatory processes involved in oncogenesis (24–26). Such work 
is being carried out on the microscopic level, from a reductionist 
perspective, e.g. the effects of failure of genetic regulation on 
single enzyme activity is often the focus for such studies. However, 
the microscopic, reductionist approach fails for the study of CAM. 
Systems of complementary medicine tend to act on a more holistic 
level, and require more holistic approaches to describing 
physiological function for theories of their action to be 
constructed. A fundamental reason why complex organisms exhibit 
holistic functioning lies in the fact that regulation processes must 
themselves be regulated. This leads to an integrated hierarchy of 
regulation processes of an holistic nature. Assuming that regulation 
processes are necessarily independent of each other—the reductionist 
perspective—is therefore a fundamental error when considering the 
regulation of complex biological systems.

Hyland (27) specifically suggests that systems theory and the physics 
of complexity must be necessary to describe processes in holistic 
medicine. Holistic aspects of systems are necessary to describe 
similar properties of holistic medicine. Ordinary physics and 
chemistry cannot do so. Milgrom (28–31), in an equally radical 
approach, has used properties of quantum systems to model several 
aspects of homeopathy. Similarly, considering the problem of how 
homeopathic remedies interact with the physiology, Torres (32) has 
shown that instabilities in the physics of networks can model aspects 
of how they do so. He concludes that such critical instabilities, as 
they are known, may provide a starting point for theories of 

Such work has long been anticipated. Bodeker (33) points out that 
concepts in traditional systems of medicine are closer to physics 
than to chemistry. New biophysics may make it possible to understand 
such systems. There have been corresponding developments from the 
biological side. Frohlich (34) found concrete evidence for coherent 
behaviour in biological systems, implying that additional levels of 
orderliness are unexpectedly present. Such additional orderliness can 
result in more integrated function, and be the basis of truly 
holistic patterning. Describing it will require the physics of 
complexity. Smith shows there is evidence for quantum processes, 
normally found only on the atomic level, operating on a macroscopic 
scale (35). He has called for the development of a `physics of 
physick' (36).

All the above inputs (23,27–36) complement each other. Taken 
together, they identify characteristics required of theories of CAM: 
they should be holistic theories of regulation, built around systems 
theory and the physics of complexity, involving quantum theory and 
critical instabilities to yield macroscopic wave functions and 
corresponding patterns of orderliness and coherence. Remarkably, the 
theories of biophysical regulation presented below (15–18,20,21) 
embody all these properties, and may be integrated into a single 
coherent theory—a first step towards a biophysics of health.

The following section summarizes a theory of Ayurveda's Tridosha 
(15,16) utilizing systems theory (27) to identify the chief functions 
requiring regulation. The subsequent section shows how the theory of 
critical regulation (18) at critical instabilities (32) combines 
large-scale correlations (34) and the physics of complexity (27) to 
produce macroscopic quantum wave function mixtures (35), which can 
model the action of vibrational medicines (19) and homeopathy (20,28–
31). The final section integrates these two theories to model some of 
Scott-Morley's discoveries (21). This shows that the new biophysics 
applies to traditional systems' description of deviation from health 
(33,37) qualifying it as a `physics of physick' (36).

Ayurveda's Tridosha: Gross Regulation of Organisms
Ayurveda, the system of medicine from the Vedic civilization of 
ancient India, analyses health in terms of `displacement from perfect 
balance' of three principles named doshas, and their 15 subdoshas 
(37). It lists several levels of dosha imbalance occurring before 
pathology manifests, and so classifies states of health as well as 
disease. Correcting these, Ayurveda restores health, as well as 
eliminating pathology (38). The overall concept is called Tridosha.

By analysing the functions ascribed to the doshas, it has proved 
possible to develop a scientific theory for them in terms of 
elementary systems theory, which identifies three necessary functions 
for any open system, input/output, throughput or turnover and storage 
or structure (15). Any open system communicates with the external 
world, hence input and output occur (Fig. 1a). In any non-trivial 
system, there must be processing between input to output, 
so `throughput' or turnover must also take place (Fig. 1b). If the 
latter is not to be a mere conveyor belt, there must be some process 
where items in throughput are put on hold for future use, i.e. 
storage (Fig. 1c). Hence some form of all three exist in any non-
trivial system.

Mandatory organism efficiency, discussed above, requires that these 
be regulated. By comparing the doshas' known functions with these 
three, the three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha can be identified with 
the necessary control functions regulating input/output, throughput 
or turnover, and storage or structure, respectively. For example, 
Vata is responsible (among other things) for nutrient and fluid 
uptake in the colon, its peristaltic action and also kidney function. 
It tends to involve processes requiring membrane transport, such as 
nerve function. Pitta regulates digestion and all processes of energy 
regulation and balance, e.g. skin pigmentation. Kapha is responsible 
for structure, cohesion and lubrication, the relationship of which to 
storage is based on a common biochemistry of lipids and 
polysaccharides (16).

In single cells, the same functions are governed by similar 
biochemical processes: input/output, Vata, membrane transport; energy 
turnover, Pitta, metabolism; and storage, Kapha, lipids in the cell 
membrane and carbohydrates in the cell wall. Similarity of 
biochemical function makes it possible to trace a continuity of 
Tridosha function thoughout biological evolution. The only possible 
conclusion to be drawn is that the three doshas are invariants of 
evolution. As such they are universal principles of biological 
regulation, present in all organisms. Since they depend on systems 
theory, rather than details of biochemical structures, they are more 
fundamental than DNA and the genetic code, the apparently arbitrary 
choices in which make them specific to life on earth.

The systems approach has been justified by considering the pathway of 
fatty acid metabolism using acyl coenzyme A, occurring in all cells 
in all life forms (16). Its universality implies that it plays a role 
of exceptional significance. Only the systems approach can adequately 
explain this. It is the regulated metabolic pathway connecting Pitta 
and Kapha functions: metabolism (or energy turnover and negentropy 
production) and the storage of energy-rich molecules in the cell 
membrane and cell wall. Only its fundamental role in the strategic 
design of life processes can explain its continuing presence in all 
cells, when mutations creating alternative pathways and functions 
arise so frequently in biological history (16).

That dosha functions remain in some sense unchanged and invariant 
during evolution, like, for example, the genetic code, is supported 
further by considering the principal locations of the doshas in the 
human body: Kapha in the head and chest, Pitta in the middle abdomen 
and Vata in the lower abdomen. Their functions reveal the gastric 
canal to be the key to understanding their separation: Kapha provides 
mucous lubricants to smooth the flow of chyme and protect the gut 
walls from potentially damaging materials ingested along with food, 
and must come first. Pitta generates digestive enzymes, necessarily 
preceding the absorption and elimination functions of Vata, which 
must come last. This means that the principal locations of the doshas 
must have separated in this precise order with the development of the 
gastric canal, and have remained the same—invariant—ever since (17).

Further consideration shows that each dosha corresponds to one of the 
principle definitions of life itself: 

regulation of input/output, or Vata dosha, governs homeostasis, the 
ability of living organisms to regulate their own internal 
regulation of metabolism, or Pitta dosha, enables the living organism 
to function far from equilibrium, and so generate the negentropy 
needed to maintain its integrity of structure, including its internal 
regulation of storage and structure, or Kapha dosha, is connected to 
an organism's ability to maintain its characteristic appearance or 
form—historically, the first and most common definition of how to 
identify and characterize different forms of life.
These modern biological explanations for traditional properties 
ascribed to the doshas show that, as Ayurveda's traditions maintain, 
they are indeed fundamental properties of all living organisms, not 
just human physiology. This demonstrates the real significance of 
dosha. It is a foundational concept of life. Tridosha constitutes the 
most compact, holistic account of organism regulation ever proposed, 
integrating all three of its fundamental aspects. Far from describing 
something esoteric or culturally specific, ancient Ayurvedic texts 
identify key properties of living organisms, more precisely and 
economically than modern medical text books, and in a way that is 
more relevent to the disease process, since their maladaptative 
functioning is directly involved in, and fundamental to, all etiology.

In light of these ideas, empirical confirmations of the concept of 
dosha assume fundamental importance. They are of two kinds. First, 
statistical analysis of questionnaires used to measure doshas 
confirms the validity of the concept (39), in a similar way that 
concepts in psychology of individual differences are validated by 
similar statistical analyses. Secondly, the dominance of one or more 
doshas in individual functioning of the physiology, known in Ayurveda 
as the Prakriti of the individual, has been shown to have genomic 
correlates (40)—and for good reason, dosha invariance throughout 
evolution requires the functions and their variations to be genome 
based (17).

Genomes and Feedback Singularities
The doshas have a deeper significance in Ayurveda than the 
description of physiological processes. They also describe the 
dynamics of organismic health. When a maladaptive reaction takes 
place, one or more of the doshas or their subdoshas are said to `go 
out of balance' (15,37), a process which can be detected by changes 
in their qualities in the pulse (38). Descriptions of how the doshas 
go out of balance involve successive processes of different 
character, and sound like different kinds of phase, in a phase 
diagram, with phase transitions between each process (15).

To understand why and how phase transitions arise in this context, 
consider regulation processes in more detail. Regulation involves 
switching between two states, in one of which the regulated process 
is switched on, and in the other, it is switched off. If such a 
switching process results in a change in concentration of some 
chemical species, it is analogous to a phase transition for the 
following reason. In non-equilibrium thermodynamics of complex 
chemical systems such as occur in living cells, a discontinuous 
change in the concentration of even a single chemical has the same 
mathematical properties as when that chemical is the only one 
present. A discontinuous change in the concentration of a single 
chemical, such as the transition from a liquid to a gas, results in a 
visible change of phase. Even when the manifest nature of the phase 
change is obscured by many other chemicals being present, from a 
theoretical perspective, a phase transition has occurred, albeit one 
that is not so manifestly obvious, simply because the mathematics 
describing the discontinuous process are the same.

In their book Order Out of Chaos, Prigogine and Stengers (41) take 
this a stage further, and point out that feedback required for 
regulation and control in biological systems results in the same 
instabilities that Prigogine had previously studied in far-from-
equilibrium thermodynamic systems. Such instabilities occur at the 
boundaries of phase transition regions; they may be points at the end 
of a line of phase transitions representing on/off switching 
processes. This means that switching processes and regulation always 
have such instabilities associated with them.

A crucial point in connecting this to complementary medicine is that 
such singularities can be mathematical attractors in the time 
evolution of a system's dynamics. In this case, left to itself over a 
sufficient time period, the system will naturally centre itself on 
the instability. The instability with its instability fluctuations 
will dominate the system, a condition termed `critical regulation', 
with many significant consequences (18).

One is that a form of self-organized criticality (SOC) results. SOC 
is very important in the physics of complexity, for it simplifies 
system response to external stimuli. In contrast to ordinary SOC, 
however, this is not an `emergent' property of the system, but 
inherent, since the feedback generating the singularity is necessary 
for cellular functioning. The existence of SOC as a general property 
of biological systems can explain the observations noted by Torres 
(32) and Frolich (34) since both directly imply critical behavior. 
SOC means that living systems possess large-scale coherence, a 
property of instability fluctuations at their critical points. 
Secondly, the elements that `fluctuate' are quantum expectation 
values of biochemicals involved in regulation. These couple to genome 
expression and may mean that activity at active sites `fluctuates' in 
a similar quantum sense. On a quantum level, this has the advantage 
of allowing fine tuning of the system to take place, permitting much 
more precise (and thus more efficient) genetic expression in response 
to given levels of demand (18).

For example, in genomic regulation, a regulatory protein binding to 
the DNA may prevent a gene from being read, and therefore switch 
it `off'. When the protein is itself switched off, the site it 
represses is switched on. In eukaryotic cells of multicellular 
organisms, gene repression is the fundamental strategy of regulation, 
required in order to prevent too many genes being expressed in 
differentiated cells and decreasing cell efficiency.

Instability fluctuations smooth regulation processes and prevent 
systems falling into unwanted phases. If a regulatory system departs 
from its critical instability point because of `pressures of 
operation', i.e. the `stress of life', it becomes susceptible to 
getting stuck in a metastable state of some phase, in which a 
required function may be switched off, giving the phase a 
pathological property.

If the instability point is an `attractor', resting will allow the 
system to return there, restoring power to the critical fluctuations, 
function to the regulated system, and removing the pathology. This is 
reminiscent of naturopathy, where rest restores health by allowing 
the life force to regain its required energy level. In this case: 

the life force is equated with quantized instability fluctuations; 
these are strong close to the instability, but become weaker going 
away from it; 
pathology arises because the system is driven away from its natural 
resting place, and becomes stuck in a metastable state in the wrong 
phase of the phase diagram near the instability; 
i.e. an imbalance has arisen in the regulatory system, the doshas; 
rest allows the system to return towards the dynamic attractor; 
close to the instability, the fluctuations are stronger; so that 
their restored power re-exerts regulatory control; 
the system moves out of its metastable state in the pathological 
functionality returns to the regulated function; and 
(ix) health is restored.
This presents a theory of the life force in terms of dynamics of 
regulation of cellular function, at cytoplasm and genomic levels, 
avoiding all the difficulties that led to its being rejected in the 
middle of the last century. Furthermore, since it explicitly relates 
how doshas go out of balance to a phase transition process, it links 
this section, concerned with the mathematical properties of 
regulation, to the previous one, concerned with the systems analysis 
of organism function. The theory can also be applied to 
the `vibrations' of vibrational medicine (19), such as homeopathic 
medicines: they are quantum fluctuations, with similar power to 
stimulate phase transitions in living systems stuck in a metastable 
state (18,20). The addition of quantum fluctuations in the form of a 
vibrational medicine (of whatever kind) adds power to the naturally 
occurring life force, as many phenomenological accounts of their 
actions state, and naturally restores a system to a healthier place 
in the phase diagram.

One key idea in chronic disease is that the life force has become 
weak. The only way to restore its power is to strengthen it, i.e. 
with the quantum fluctuations of which it is constituted. Mere drugs 
acting at a chemical level will never achieve this. Vibrational 
medicine can, however, if the correct fluctuations are administered. 
Those of a toxin coupling chemically to the disabled function (i.e. 
the function it poisons) will do so (18). This forms the first 
detailed scientific theory of the homeopathic principle, and is 
probably the most powerful result established for the theory so far.

Ayurveda and Energy Medicine
The implications of the last two sections are far reaching. On the 
one hand, the majority of Western-trained doctors who are also 
practitioners of Ayurveda concur with Eastern-trained traditional 
practitioners that all patients presenting pathological states have 
easily detectable imbalances in their doshas (37). On the other hand, 
practitioners of various forms of energy medicine, including 
vibrational medicine, find that pathological states of the physiology 
can be restored to healthy states by means of appropriately 
prescribed energy medicines.

Furthermore, the two systems also agree in a second way: the precise 
imbalances are patient specific. In Ayurveda, imbalances arise as a 
result of stressors acting on the patient's prakriti and life 
experience, and require treatment as much as the presenting symptom. 
The same disease according to the classification of Western pathology 
can be the result of a different sequence of imbalances in the 
patient according to Ayurvedic etiology.

Imbalances are person centered and patient specific, in contrast to 
diseases which are, according to Western classification, presenting 
symptom specific. This is in fundamental agreement with all systems 
of energy medicine. Acupuncture (and its developments) detects 
imbalances in meridian energies and corrects these as much as 
addressing the presenting symptoms. Homeopathy as developed by 
Hahnemann is concerned with life history and with the similarities of 
subtle levels of symptom, not necessarily related to the presenting 
symptom, to those of specific toxins. Again, a much wider 
symptomatology is taken into account and the treatment becomes 
patient specific, rather than presenting symptom (and therefore 
disease) specific.

These more subtle symptoms can all be understood as being caused by 
subtle imbalances in the regulatory system. It is natural, therefore, 
to hypothesize that naturopathic medicine, Ayurveda, Traditional 
Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, and other forms of energy medicine 
including vibrational medicine and homeopathy, are all working on the 
same basis: correct the problems in the regulatory system of the 
patient. Restore the regulatory system to its state of healthy 
functioning in which the life force maintains its `state of balance' 
and is able to provide full regulation.

The real advantage of the new biophysics of cell regulation is now 
apparent. It presents a picture of biochemical regulation based on 
well accepted physical chemistry which can unify our understanding of 
separate disciplines of CAM. Having established that patient-specific 
etiology, imbalances in dosha and subdosha functioning, can be 
accounted for in terms of phase transitions in a phase diagram (15), 
the new biophysics begins to explain how, in providing cures, 
naturopathic medicine, energy medicine and vibrational medicine 
including homeopathy can reverse the phase transitions and restore 
balance. A genuine `physics of physick' is beginning to emerge as a 
description of etiology in terms of physical chemistry incorporating 
the physics of complexity.

In support of this, it is already recognized that homeopathy and 
energy medicine are connected to Ayurveda. Specific miasms are known 
to correspond to specific dosha imbalances according to one 
practitioner trained in both homeopathy and Ayurveda who finds the 
relationship helpful in his prescribing, e.g. life style 
modifications for specific miasms based on their corresponding 
Ayurvedic dosha properties (Dr Peter Hudson, personal communication). 
The presence of a miasm implies that a phase transition has taken 
place in the physiology, recognizable as a specific transition 
(imbalance) in dosha functioning.

Similarly, Scott-Morley has discovered three deeper layers of 
pathology encoded within the acumeridian system, accessible by the 
bioresonance test combined with feedback (22). His reports that these 
can be systematically eliminated with energy medicines (electronic 
analogs of homeopathic remedies) can be scientifically modeled by the 
new theory (21). These observations would tend to indicate that the 
acumeridian system is also concerned with the biophysics of 
regulation, as would be expected from the analysis of the disease 
process given above. Electroacupuncture then provides quantitative 
measures of `imbalance' in a regulatory system. This implies that the 
acumeridian system can be expected to be governed by analogous 
biophysics to that described above—Torres's concepts of critical 
points on networks (32) may come into their own, providing new forms 
of long-range coherence (34) and macroscopic quantum fields (35).

The richness and potential versatility of the new biophysics should 
now be apparent. Hopefully, this will stimulate interest in 
developing further applications. Whatever the theoretical interest, 
it is in potential applications to chronic disease that the value of 
the new insights may truly blossom. A theory has been provided for 
why the same chronic condition (according to biomedicine's 
classification) may correspond to different imbalances and 
classification according to disciplines of CAM. In certain cases, the 
correct discipline of CAM may be able to reverse the imbalances to 
the extent of providing a cure for specific patients with the chronic 
condition (42). That is not to say that a chronic condition becomes a 
curable Western pathology, but that certain identifiable sufferers 
(possibly a substantial proportion) could have their condition 
reversed and, in regaining health, cease to be a burden to insurance 
companies and the state.

As Selye proposed, pathology is initiated by a maladaptative reaction 
to a stressor (23). Maladaptation is a failure of a natural process 
of regulation or defense. Hence the reasons for pathology depend on 
specific stressors to which the patient has been exposed, combined 
with the failure of natural regulation processes and/or defense 

Leaving aside the question of stressors, and focusing on the patient, 
the key to the scientific approach to etiology must lie in a theory 
of regulation. Tridosha in Ayurveda presents the holistic structure 
of regulation in any given organism, showing how to classify the 
regulatory systems that can go wrong, i.e. any failure of natural 
regulation processes must be an `imbalance in the doshas'. Modern 
biophysical theories of organism regulation based on quantum theory 
and critical phenomena yield a self-consistent theory of the life 
force and how its deformation results in the maladaptive reactions 
leading to pathological states.

These theories have the power to describe many unusual phenomena, 
including those identified by several different disciplines of CAM. 
Examples given here illustrate this idea for Tridosha, naturopathic 
medicine and vibrational medicine, promising to explain much of the 
physics behind physick.

The proposed biophysics of regulation may therefore be regarded as 
the beginings of a possible biology of complementary medicine, albeit 
one requiring a great deal of refinement and many extensions. It is 
greatly to be hoped that theories such as these will help secure the 
acceptance of CAM disciplines as valid in their own right within the 
framework of modern academic medicine.

There is an acute need for theory both to persuade the more 
conservative members of the scientific and medical communities that 
CAM disciplines have genuine substance and because, to increase the 
evidence basis for CAM, a set of testable theories is needed to guide 
experimental design (12). For example, it has been made clear here 
that prescribing vibrational medicines, or other forms of energy 
medicine, on the basis of presenting symptom alone, is likely to 
decrease the effectiveness of treatment. How much worse for the 
evaluation of CAM disciplines if biomedical education alone is used 
to guide experimental design and study protocols.

There should be no illusion that we are close a complete theory of 
all disciplines of CAM. Many CAM concepts still present scientific 
mysteries and must be approached with the same willingness to seek 
clues as to how the missing theories of their biophysics may be 
constructed. Take, for example, the reflexological maps familiar to 
every practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine. To the CAM 
community, their validity is undoubted, but no hint of their 
biophysical or physiological basis is as yet forthcoming. Similarly, 
the modus operandi of the nadi/acumeridian system, the way it 
coordinates biological activity, is the subject of interesting 
hypotheses, but no properly tested theory has yet emerged. Nor has 
any fundamental reason for its existence in both animals and plants 
been hypothesized.

Like doshas, reflexological maps and the nadi/acumeridian system are 
fundamental to animal physiology. Both these problems presented by 
CAM proclaim fundamental properties of life we have yet to understand 
and identify in scientific terminology. They must apply to, for 
example, morphogenesis and embryology. Rather than dismissing them as 
in the past as mere superstition, why not use them to inform the 
development of a new theory of morphogenesis, one based, for example, 
on the concept of a quantum morphogenetic field?

Let us take up the challenge presented by these and other mysterious 
physiological properties used in complementary medicine. The success 
of the originating disciplines both in diagnosis and in therapy 
constitutes a large body of empirical data. Nobel Laureate Sheldon 
Glashow once remarked that given any data, a theory could always be 
found—`Give us the data, and we will find the theory'. The data 
presented by millennia of traditional CAM disciplines imply that 
fundamental explanatory theories for them must exist—as drug 
companies seeking new active ingredients from phytomedicine [or 
marine microorganisms (10)] well appreciate on a more practical level—
there is some reason they work.

Here, a deeper perspective is being proposed, such data also 
constitute evidence in favour of the theories that inform them, as 
has been shown to be the case for Tridosha and the modus operandi of 
vibrational medicines. CAM disciplines can provide vital clues as to 
how to develop our understanding of biology itself. If scientists can 
rise to this challenge, CAM will stimulate the next paradigm shift in 
biology, one even deeper and more profound than present molecular 
biology resulting from elucidating the chemical structure of DNA.

Many years ago, based on considering the influence of electric fields 
on cell reproduction (43), Bentall had an inspired insight, leading 
him to conclude that `Life is a harmonic' (R. Bentall, personal 
communication). Remarkably, quantized fluctuation fields describing 
the life force (18) are like harmonics of ordinary quantum fields. 
Similar, deeper insights surely await those who meet the challenge of 
CAM data and theories. Developing theories of CAM disciplines will 
produce great scientific advances, in addition to providing huge 
social benefits due to the increased scientific acceptability of, and 
therefore government backing for, CAM. Those who will benefit will 
not just be patients, but will include health professionals, 
scientists, institutions and governments as new, more effective 
treatments are accepted, and costs of maintaining the otherwise 
chronically ill are reduced.


I should like to thank B.D. Josephson PhD, T.S. Chang PhD, A. Scott-
Morley BAc, R. Bentall MD, N. Clinch PhD and H. Pilcher MSc for 
conversations, T. Guinness, H. Pilcher, S. Kurth and J. Alchin for 
financial support without which the research could not have been 
completed, and T. Darnell and The Prince of Wales Foundation for 
Integrative Health for helping stimulate its progress.


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