Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 ---In,  wrote :

 I don't want to get in the middle of any "the TMO killed Doug Henning" 
discussion, but in a very real sense, they did. I knew Doug briefly because one 
of my roommates at the time created airbrush-painted silk costumes for him. 
During that year, I saw him go from TM newbie to Absolute, No-Question-About-It 
TM Cultist. It was not a pretty transition. He always stayed a nice person, 
even when he learned that my roommate and I had backed away from the TMO, but 
we could tell he was being pressured to distance himself from us. 


 I was deeply saddened when years later I heard that he'd taken the "Andy 
Kaufman cure" and become yet another TM cancer fatality. He was really *such* a 
nice guy, but easily swayed by Woo Woo. 

I thought he was a really nice guy, the only time I ever really saw him was in 
a presentation video the TMO PR department had cobbled together to raise funds 
for his Veda Land project.

 Trouble is he was on his death bed at the time but that little factoid didn't 
make it into the presentation for some reason. That was my turning point in 
turning away, that they would shamelessly exploit such an innocent seeming guy 
made me realise the sort of organisation I was dealing with. 


 Doug, in the time I knew him, was in the finest of health and skills. I 
consider myself infinitely fortunate to have been exposed to such a master of 
the magical arts, and in such close proximity. Doug would come over to our 
apartment in Marina del Rey to do costume fittings with my roommate. While he 
was waiting around, he'd sit on the floor of our apartment and entertain the 
rest of us with close-up magic. He had studied with the best (Dai Vernon) to 
learn it, and then practiced 6-8 hours a day for 20 years to perfect it. I was 
in AWE of Doug's close-up magic. 


 I've probably described it here before, but he'd sit on our floor, 
crosslegged, and invite us to sit around him. Except for me. Even then, he must 
have suspected that I was the critic in the group, because he allowed me to 
move around and watch his act from any perspective I wanted. So then he'd sit 
there, wearing a T-shirt so that there could literally be "nothing up his 
sleeves," and hold his two hands out, resting on his knees, palms downward. 


 First, he'd turn each hand over and show us that there was nothing in either 
hand. Then he took a gold Kruggerand from his pocket and placed it in one hand, 
and then turned that hand over. Bear in mind that when I say "turned his hand 
over," that was all there was to it. His two wrists from this point on never 
moved from resting on his knees. So first he's sitting there with his two hands 
closed and facing downwards, and then he turns over the one into which he'd 
inserted the Kruggerand, and there's nothing. Nada. Zip. He turns his hand over 
so both of them are palms-downward again. 


 Then he smiles and says, "Listen," and I hear a "Clink!" in his other hand. He 
turns it over. There is a gold coin in it. He turns it back over, I hear 
another "Clink!" and then he turns over that hand again and there is nothing in 
it. He turns over the *other* hand, and there is the Kruggerand. 


 This goes on for some time, in various permutations. The whole time I was free 
to wander wherever I wanted in the room, to try to figure out what he was 
doing. At several points I literally placed my head on the floor beside and 
behind him, so I could get a better view of what he was doing, and thus figure 
it out. I never figured it out. 


 Was it "real" magic? No, of course not. But it's as close as I've ever seen, 
and it was wonderful. 


 Excellent story. I love that sort of thing, making elephants disappear has its 
place but there's nothing like good sleight of hand right in front of you. Card 
tricks are my faves, don't see many people doing them now. Paul Daniels was the 
best, I shall look up some vids on youtube, must be something good of his on 

 I know a guy who has a career entertaining kids with a science show, loads of 
explosions and cheeky banter but it's also informative. He did the David Blaine 
levitation trick in my kitchen once, right in front of me he rose into the air, 
my jaw dropped off. But looked at from another angle what he had done was slip 
his shoe off and was lifting himself up with his barefoot while holding his 
shoe between his ankles.

 I think it works by taking you by surprise so much you just don't see how 
obvious it is from the front. You simply stop looking for a solution as your 
brain does somersaults. I'm sure most magic is diverting attention from what 
you are doing and making it look harder than it is. 

 Or they've got super powers. I'm actually positive that Derren Brown has. In 
the last show of his I saw on TV, he guessed someone's mobile phone number by 
asking questions about their gr

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

I don't want to get in the middle of any "the TMO killed Doug Henning" 
discussion, but in a very real sense, they did. I knew Doug briefly because one 
of my roommates at the time created airbrush-painted silk costumes for him. 
During that year, I saw him go from TM newbie to Absolute, No-Question-About-It 
TM Cultist. It was not a pretty transition. He always stayed a nice person, 
even when he learned that my roommate and I had backed away from the TMO, but 
we could tell he was being pressured to distance himself from us. 

I was deeply saddened when years later I heard that he'd taken the "Andy 
Kaufman cure" and become yet another TM cancer fatality. He was really *such* a 
nice guy, but easily swayed by Woo Woo. 
I thought he was a really nice guy, the only time I ever really saw him was in 
a presentation video the TMO PR department had cobbled together to raise funds 
for his Veda Land project.
Trouble is he was on his death bed at the time but that little factoid didn't 
make it into the presentation for some reason. That was my turning point in 
turning away, that they would shamelessly exploit such an innocent seeming guy 
made me realise the sort of organisation I was dealing with. 

Doug, in the time I knew him, was in the finest of health and skills. I 
consider myself infinitely fortunate to have been exposed to such a master of 
the magical arts, and in such close proximity. Doug would come over to our 
apartment in Marina del Rey to do costume fittings with my roommate. While he 
was waiting around, he'd sit on the floor of our apartment and entertain the 
rest of us with close-up magic. He had studied with the best (Dai Vernon) to 
learn it, and then practiced 6-8 hours a day for 20 years to perfect it. I was 
in AWE of Doug's close-up magic. 

I've probably described it here before, but he'd sit on our floor, crosslegged, 
and invite us to sit around him. Except for me. Even then, he must have 
suspected that I was the critic in the group, because he allowed me to move 
around and watch his act from any perspective I wanted. So then he'd sit there, 
wearing a T-shirt so that there could literally be "nothing up his sleeves," 
and hold his two hands out, resting on his knees, palms downward. 

First, he'd turn each hand over and show us that there was nothing in either 
hand. Then he took a gold Kruggerand from his pocket and placed it in one hand, 
and then turned that hand over. Bear in mind that when I say "turned his hand 
over," that was all there was to it. His two wrists from this point on never 
moved from resting on his knees. So first he's sitting there with his two hands 
closed and facing downwards, and then he turns over the one into which he'd 
inserted the Kruggerand, and there's nothing. Nada. Zip. He turns his hand over 
so both of them are palms-downward again. 

Then he smiles and says, "Listen," and I hear a "Clink!" in his other hand. He 
turns it over. There is a gold coin in it. He turns it back over, I hear 
another "Clink!" and then he turns over that hand again and there is nothing in 
it. He turns over the *other* hand, and there is the Kruggerand. 

This goes on for some time, in various permutations. The whole time I was free 
to wander wherever I wanted in the room, to try to figure out what he was 
doing. At several points I literally placed my head on the floor beside and 
behind him, so I could get a better view of what he was doing, and thus figure 
it out. I never figured it out. 

Was it "real" magic? No, of course not. But it's as close as I've ever seen, 
and it was wonderful. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 I don't want to get in the middle of any "the TMO killed Doug Henning" 
discussion, but in a very real sense, they did. I knew Doug briefly because one 
of my roommates at the time created airbrush-painted silk costumes for him. 
During that year, I saw him go from TM newbie to Absolute, No-Question-About-It 
TM Cultist. It was not a pretty transition. He always stayed a nice person, 
even when he learned that my roommate and I had backed away from the TMO, but 
we could tell he was being pressured to distance himself from us. 


 I was deeply saddened when years later I heard that he'd taken the "Andy 
Kaufman cure" and become yet another TM cancer fatality. He was really *such* a 
nice guy, but easily swayed by Woo Woo. 

I thought he was a really nice guy, the only time I ever really saw him was in 
a presentation video the TMO PR department had cobbled together to raise funds 
for his Veda Land project.

 Trouble is he was on his death bed at the time but that little factoid didn't 
make it into the presentation for some reason. That was my turning point in 
turning away, that they would shamelessly exploit such an innocent seeming guy 
made me realise the sort of organisation I was dealing with. 


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 5:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known

 ---In,  wrote :
 If you think my writing are harmful to the subtle bodies, at least to mine, I 
wonder what you think the fate of people like James Randi will be? I just wish 
he has gotten a-hold of faker liar Marshy during his huckster lifetime. 

 Randi did investigate the Maharishi Effect when it was first announced in 
Fairfield. They claimed that so much peace had descended because of the 
meditators on the town that the police were laying people off because they had 
nothing to do.

 One phone call to the chief later, and it turned out the opposite was true and 
they were hiring new officers. Randi felt that was all the research he had to 
do. Others got stuck in to the published papers on the ME but I would have 
loved to see the TMO take up the now defunct $1,000,000 challenge to prove they 
could create action at a distance, that would have made for some quality TV.

 I also found this:

 "Randi came to be aware of TM through his friend and fellow magician, Doug 
Henning. “I knew [Henning] very well as a kid, and later as a mature magician. 
We were always in touch…” Randi describes a deeply cultic relationship between 
Henning and Transcendental Meditation that would destroy Henning’s career and 
eventually take his life. Henning’s career as a television magician was 
compromised as he strove to hire only TM initiates to work on the set. 
According to Randi, this was not only problematic for the fact that it was 
difficult to find people within TM who were talented in television production, 
but “every so often they went in to meditation and work just stopped…” 
Eventually, TV executives grew weary of Henning’s professional antics.
 Henning became even more deeply involved with TM following his diagnosis of 
liver cancer, eventually removing himself from contact with non-TM 
practitioners. “He gave up all medical care… the Maharishi had told him that he 
could recover from his liver cancer simply from meditating… he meditated 
himself to death.” Henning died in February of 2000.
 “I’m so angry at the TM movement,” says Randi, “for having taken an innocent 
 Rest is here:
 Lies, Levitation, and Defamations Most Foul : THE PROCESS IS…
 Lies, Levitation, and Defamations Most Foul : T...
 Lies, Levitation, and Defamations Most Foul by doug  —  January 30, 2010

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
We seem to have some people here who have misinterpreted Buddha and 
hammers.  Kurt Vonnegut would be disappointed given his story "Harrison 

TM, yoga and meditation are self improvement programs.  So if practicing 
makes you better then the next guy, so be it.  That's what you signed up 
for didn't you?  If practicing a guitar and taking lesson from a great 
guitarist makes you better than the next guy, so be it. That's what you 
signed up for didn't you?  You did your homework and the other guy 
didn't.  Should the teacher give you both As?

After all the materials to improve were just as available to the "next 
guy" as they were to you.  So why should they be jealous?

I've often viewed humility as a "game" people play. Maybe it too is a 
form of narcissism to be "more humble than you."

Humans are such a curious lot. :-)

On 12/08/2014 11:29 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for 
realized beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha 
karma will come to an end. There is not much to be done to alter that. 
 You lease a car for a specific period -- after that, fini.

Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the 
current body.

For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to 
the vast mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since 
the last bite due to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite 
off another chunk (of prarabdha karma) -- and start anew. Wheel of 
karma keeps on rolling.

Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the 
vast "mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, 
dry-out and extinguished the causal body.

(Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning 
off that last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the 
causal body. If they say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )

I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. 
It both gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way 
for them to keep themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I 
fell for it but it was Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that 
he was basically making it up as he went along - that convinced me it 
was all a put on. And I never heard of anyone better.

What we have is an impossible ideal of wondrous powers and 
paranormally gained "wisdom" that no one ever demonstrates to be 
anything more than them claiming to have attained the sort of godlike 
status we read about in the holy books. Or am I wrong and there really 
is an infinite world within this one that I can reach by purifying my 
mind to reveal a deeper truth about reality that can't be understood 
objectively, indeed can /only/ be experienced rather than studied? If 
only they'd shown us something convincing as I hate taking people at 
their word, especially as their word always involves them living a 
life of luxury being waited on hand and foot.

I've certainly seen something that could be mistaken for this sort of 
enlightenment but is the vedic explanation the best one? Perhaps the 
original holy men had the same vision I did and interpreted that as 
being something fundamental to everything else we normally experience 
and then passed that down as received wisdom when really it's an 
imbalance in the way the brain normally constructs our perception of 
the world. Questions questions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I've never been impressed by Randi as I found his "research" often just 
to be a "magic trick" itself.  I was even less impressed after seeing 
the documentary.  I noticed that as a kid he was already cocky and 
narcissistic and this whole shtick has been to make himself look smarter 
than others.  I also noticed that through his career he seemed to avoid 
the field of Indian philosophy and yoga.

Sure there are charlatans out there but there is also whole fields of 
applied physics not yet understood.

On 12/09/2014 08:44 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

If you think my writing are harmful to the subtle bodies, at least to 
mine, I wonder what you think the fate of people like James Randi will 
be? I just wish he has gotten a-hold of faker liar Marshy during his 
huckster lifetime.

Randi did investigate the Maharishi Effect when it was first announced 
in Fairfield. They claimed that so much peace had descended because of 
the meditators on the town that the police were laying people off 
because they had nothing to do.

One phone call to the chief later, and it turned out the opposite was 
true and they were hiring new officers. Randi felt that was all the 
research he had to do. Others got stuck in to the published papers on 
the ME but I would have loved to see the TMO take up the now defunct 
$1,000,000 challenge to prove they could create action at a distance, 
that would have made for some quality TV.

I also found this:

"Randi came to be aware of TM through his friend and fellow magician, 
Doug Henning. “I knew [Henning] very well as a kid, and later as a 
mature magician. We were always in touch…” Randi describes a deeply 
cultic relationship between Henning and Transcendental Meditation that 
would destroy Henning’s career and eventually take his life. Henning’s 
career as a television magician was compromised as he strove to hire 
only TM initiates to work on the set. According to Randi, this was not 
only problematic for the fact that it was difficult to find people 
within TM who were talented in television production, but “every so 
often they went in to meditation and work just stopped…” Eventually, 
TV executives grew weary of Henning’s professional antics.

Henning became even more deeply involved with TM following his 
diagnosis of liver cancer, eventually removing himself from contact 
with non-TM practitioners. “He gave up all medical care… the Maharishi 
had told him that he could recover from his liver cancer simply from 
meditating… he meditated himself to death.” Henning died in February 
of 2000.

“I’m so angry at the TM movement,” says Randi, “for having taken an 
innocent person.”"

Rest is here:

Lies, Levitation, and Defamations Most Foul : THE PROCESS IS… 


Lies, Levitation, and Defamations Most Foul : T... 

Lies, Levitation, and Defamations Most Foul by doug  —  January 30, 2010

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
ROTFL!  You'd be have to be *quite* old to be name dropping Alice 
Bailey.  OTOH, not everyone is trying to impress people by mentioning 
famous people they know. Sometimes it says more about the people who 
don't like name dropping in that it makes them feel insecure or 
jealous.  For some people the field of work you're in is going to have 
you meeting famous people.  For some people it's just weird or funny 
that it happens.

We've got a few people who like to drop the name Shankara.  Are they 
really that old? :-D

On 12/09/2014 08:00 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Doug, your TM besotted mind is causing you some cognitive dissonance.
I was not dropping Bailey's name. Name dropping is something that is 
done to impress someone by associating the name dropper with the 
person mentioned.

In no way do I wish to be associated with the likes of Bailey. She was 
as much of a fraud as her predecessor, Helena Blavatsky. She was in 
opposition to Annie Besant and who questioned the authenticity of 
Bailey's communications with the so-called ascended masters. Baily got 
kicked out of the Theosopical Society due to her opposition of Besant.

Interesting that all the ones who should have been in harmony with 
each other due to their common connection to the mythical ascended 
masters were actually fighting with each other for the adulation of 
the masses and the power within their various organizations.
If you think my writing are harmful to the subtle bodies, at least to 
mine, I wonder what you think the fate of people like James Randi will 
be? I just wish he has gotten a-hold of faker liar Marshy during his 
huckster lifetime.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Tuesday, December 9, 2014 10:23 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the 
world has ever known

Dear MJ,  You drop the name, Alice Bailey?  Actually Alice Bailey is 
right on it.  You will certainly find out in the end.  Make good use 
of your time while you are here.  And,  Stop being so incredibly 
negative while you can, too.  It is really spiritually sinful to the 
subtle-bodies of the light system that comes with the life in a human 
body.  Love.

JaiGuruDev,  -Buck

---In,  wrote :

*From:* "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Tuesday, December 9, 2014 1:48 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the 
world has ever known

 I don't buy the existence of karma itself. It started with the 
ancient Indians and spread from there to China and Japan via Buddhism.

I mean, if this is the reality of life, how come only the ancient 
Hindus figured it out? Because they lived in the land of the veda? All 
the other ancient civilizations too stupid to figure it out?

Nope, its just some more bullshit made up by those ganja smokers in 
the woods who claimed enlightenment. What better way to control the 
population than to tell them that all sorts of awful things would 
happen to you in an infinite number of lives if you didn't grease the 
palms of the priests so they would do the ceremonies to placate the 
gods and the gods of karma?

There are a few people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani who 
either leave their body or have some sort of visions where they see 
that all is just fine with all the shit that happens all over the 
earth - no karma, no judgment on the part of the Universe towards any 
of the awful things humans do. Not that they necessarily have a lock 
on truth, but it is an interesting differing perspective.

The current popular belief in karma and its originating culture is due 
to the ravings of proven huckster Helena Blavatsky who popularized 
Hindu beliefs in the 1800's that carried over into the 20th century 
through her outfit The Theosophical Society and the bullshit writings 
of her compatriots Annie Besant and Alice Bailey. Not to mention the 
pedophile C.W. Leadbeater who created the myth of Maitreya now 
perpetuated by that nice old faker Benjy Creme.

Lie begets lie, and bs begets bs. Nope, I don't buy the existence of 
karma. If it was real, I think others beside the Hindus and their 
predecessors would have figured it out too. Given the sorry legacy 
India has so far offered the world (just look at the country today and 
don't bother mentioning the mythical "vedic society" that liar Marshy 
used to blabber about) I don't think I am going to give much credence 
to anything that country comes up with in terms of religion, 
philosophy or any sort of guidelines with which to live life.

Can't wait for Buck to denounce me for this post.

*/You can't really complain, though. It's just you

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I don't want to get in the middle of any "the TMO killed Doug Henning" 
discussion, but in a very real sense, they did. I knew Doug briefly because one 
of my roommates at the time created airbrush-painted silk costumes for him. 
During that year, I saw him go from TM newbie to Absolute, No-Question-About-It 
TM Cultist. It was not a pretty transition. He always stayed a nice person, 
even when he learned that my roommate and I had backed away from the TMO, but 
we could tell he was being pressured to distance himself from us. 

I was deeply saddened when years later I heard that he'd taken the "Andy 
Kaufman cure" and become yet another TM cancer fatality. He was really *such* a 
nice guy, but easily swayed by Woo Woo. 
  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 5:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
---In,  wrote :

If you think my writing are harmful to the subtle bodies, at least to mine, I 
wonder what you think the fate of people like James Randi will be? I just wish 
he has gotten a-hold of faker liar Marshy during his huckster lifetime. 
Randi did investigate the Maharishi Effect when it was first announced in 
Fairfield. They claimed that so much peace had descended because of the 
meditators on the town that the police were laying people off because they had 
nothing to do.
One phone call to the chief later, and it turned out the opposite was true and 
they were hiring new officers. Randi felt that was all the research he had to 
do. Others got stuck in to the published papers on the ME but I would have 
loved to see the TMO take up the now defunct $1,000,000 challenge to prove they 
could create action at a distance, that would have made for some quality TV.
I also found this:
"Randi came to be aware of TM through his friend and fellow magician, Doug 
Henning. “I knew [Henning] very well as a kid, and later as a mature magician. 
We were always in touch…” Randi describes a deeply cultic relationship between 
Henning and Transcendental Meditation that would destroy Henning’s career and 
eventually take his life. Henning’s career as a television magician was 
compromised as he strove to hire only TM initiates to work on the set. 
According to Randi, this was not only problematic for the fact that it was 
difficult to find people within TM who were talented in television production, 
but “every so often they went in to meditation and work just stopped…” 
Eventually, TV executives grew weary of Henning’s professional antics.Henning 
became even more deeply involved with TM following his diagnosis of liver 
cancer, eventually removing himself from contact with non-TM practitioners. “He 
gave up all medical care… the Maharishi had told him that he could recover from 
his liver cancer simply from meditating… he meditated himself to death.” 
Henning died in February of 2000.“I’m so angry at the TM movement,” says Randi, 
“for having taken an innocent person.”"Rest is here:Lies, Levitation, and 
Defamations Most Foul : THE PROCESS IS…
||||   Lies, Levitation, and Defamations Most Foul : T...  
Lies, Levitation, and Defamations Most Foul by doug  —  January 30, 2010 |  
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :
 If you think my writing are harmful to the subtle bodies, at least to mine, I 
wonder what you think the fate of people like James Randi will be? I just wish 
he has gotten a-hold of faker liar Marshy during his huckster lifetime. 

 Randi did investigate the Maharishi Effect when it was first announced in 
Fairfield. They claimed that so much peace had descended because of the 
meditators on the town that the police were laying people off because they had 
nothing to do.

 One phone call to the chief later, and it turned out the opposite was true and 
they were hiring new officers. Randi felt that was all the research he had to 
do. Others got stuck in to the published papers on the ME but I would have 
loved to see the TMO take up the now defunct $1,000,000 challenge to prove they 
could create action at a distance, that would have made for some quality TV.

 I also found this:

 "Randi came to be aware of TM through his friend and fellow magician, Doug 
Henning. “I knew [Henning] very well as a kid, and later as a mature magician. 
We were always in touch…” Randi describes a deeply cultic relationship between 
Henning and Transcendental Meditation that would destroy Henning’s career and 
eventually take his life. Henning’s career as a television magician was 
compromised as he strove to hire only TM initiates to work on the set. 
According to Randi, this was not only problematic for the fact that it was 
difficult to find people within TM who were talented in television production, 
but “every so often they went in to meditation and work just stopped…” 
Eventually, TV executives grew weary of Henning’s professional antics.
 Henning became even more deeply involved with TM following his diagnosis of 
liver cancer, eventually removing himself from contact with non-TM 
practitioners. “He gave up all medical care… the Maharishi had told him that he 
could recover from his liver cancer simply from meditating… he meditated 
himself to death.” Henning died in February of 2000.
 “I’m so angry at the TM movement,” says Randi, “for having taken an innocent 
 Rest is here:
 Lies, Levitation, and Defamations Most Foul : THE PROCESS IS…
 Lies, Levitation, and Defamations Most Foul : T...
 Lies, Levitation, and Defamations Most Foul by doug  —  January 30, 2010 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Go ahead to take her up on her offer to lecture! The more the money rolls in 
the less the guilt will become, that seems to be the experience of all the 
enlightenment peddlers. 

Interesting idea but I'd be breaking all my own (not to mention the Vedic ;-) 

 I'd much rather be a crusader against quantum jibber jabber on the internet, 
and when I satisfy myself that I know enough about it I will spread the message 
further. The research continues. 

 Funnily enough there's a new documentary series on BBC4 tonight that's got me 
grinding my teeth already with it's advert proclaiming that things don't exist 
until we observe them! And it's a respectable physicist with PHD that's 
presenting it!
 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 7:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known


---In,  wrote :

 As I have said before, the original holy men were guys who had left regular 
society because they were too lazy to work so they sat in the forests smoking 
ganja and having realistic daydreams like George Hammond.

 When someone would come along and ask them "What you doing sitting here in 
this forest?" they would reply "I am a holy man!"

 "Oh really, tell me holy man about your life."

 "Well, there is the unseen energy that is EVERYTHING and I have become one 
with it, and I've got all sorts of amazing powers!"

 And so the myths began.


 Nice work if you can get it. I just wish I'd thought of it.

 Friends tell me I should be a guru. I know so many people who sign up for 
every yoga/meditation/awakening course they see in town that there must be 
money in it. I'm pretty sure I know at least as much about asanas as the next 
guy and could spin a line similar to Maharshy's and maybe teach them to 
meditate a bit, they won't know whether I'm any good because I'd be about as 
good as anyone else they've seen.

 Trouble is, I'd feel guilty. Unless I felt that I really had something to 
teach that was of value and led people somewhere amazing then I couldn't do it. 
But I was having dinner with some friends of friends the other day and this 
woman who had done a pranyama course, practically begged me to lecture on 
meditation and yoga because I seems to know so much about it! I mean, go 
figure! Maybe the teachings of the Reesh sunk in after all.

 There's a real hunger for this stuff and I suppose it's never been different. 
People always want the easy escape from mundane reality into a better and more 
fulfilling world. I used to but then realised it wasn't an escape that could 
ever work. Maybe that's what I should teach.

 "Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one."



 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 2:29 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known


---In,  wrote :

 Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.   

 Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 

 For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 

 Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  

 (Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )

 I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.

 What we have is an impossible ideal of wondrous powers and paranormally gained 
"wisdom" that no one ever demonstrates to be anything more than them claiming 
to have attained the sort of godlike status we read about in 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Doug, your TM besotted mind is causing you some cognitive dissonance. 
I was not dropping Bailey's name. Name dropping is something that is done to 
impress someone by associating the name dropper with the person mentioned.
In no way do I wish to be associated with the likes of Bailey. She was as much 
of a fraud as her predecessor, Helena Blavatsky. She was in opposition to Annie 
Besant and who questioned the authenticity of Bailey's communications with the 
so-called ascended masters. Baily got kicked out of the Theosopical Society due 
to her opposition of Besant.
Interesting that all the ones who should have been in harmony with each other 
due to their common connection to the mythical ascended masters were actually 
fighting with each other for the adulation of the masses and the power within 
their various organizations. 
 If you think my writing are harmful to the subtle bodies, at least to mine, I 
wonder what you think the fate of people like James Randi will be? I just wish 
he has gotten a-hold of faker liar Marshy during his huckster lifetime. 
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 10:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
    Dear MJ,  You drop the name, Alice Bailey?  Actually Alice Bailey is right 
on it.  You will certainly find out in the end.  Make good use of your time 
while you are here.  And,  Stop being so incredibly negative while you can, 
too.  It is really spiritually sinful to the subtle-bodies of the light system 
that comes with the life in a human body.  Love.     JaiGuruDev,  -Buck  

---In,  wrote :

From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 1:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
  I don't buy the existence of karma itself. It started with the ancient 
Indians and spread from there to China and Japan via Buddhism. 

I mean, if this is the reality of life, how come only the ancient Hindus 
figured it out? Because they lived in the land of the veda? All the other 
ancient civilizations too stupid to figure it out?
Nope, its just some more bullshit made up by those ganja smokers in the woods 
who claimed enlightenment. What better way to control the population than to 
tell them that all sorts of awful things would happen to you in an infinite 
number of lives if you didn't grease the palms of the priests so they would do 
the ceremonies to placate the gods and the gods of karma?
There are a few people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani who either leave 
their body or have some sort of visions where they see that all is just fine 
with all the shit that happens all over the earth - no karma, no judgment on 
the part of the Universe towards any of the awful things humans do. Not that 
they necessarily have a lock on truth, but it is an interesting differing 
The current popular belief in karma and its originating culture is due to the 
ravings of proven huckster Helena Blavatsky who popularized Hindu beliefs in 
the 1800's that carried over into the 20th century through her outfit The 
Theosophical Society and the bullshit writings of her compatriots Annie Besant 
and Alice Bailey. Not to mention the pedophile C.W. Leadbeater who created the 
myth of Maitreya now perpetuated by that nice old faker Benjy Creme.
Lie begets lie, and bs begets bs. Nope, I don't buy the existence of karma. If 
it was real, I think others beside the Hindus and their predecessors would have 
figured it out too. Given the sorry legacy India has so far offered the world 
(just look at the country today and don't bother mentioning the mythical "vedic 
society" that liar Marshy used to blabber about) I don't think I am going to 
give much credence to anything that country comes up with in terms of religion, 
philosophy or any sort of guidelines with which to live life.
Can't wait for Buck to denounce me for this post.

You can't really complain, though. It's just your karma. 

  From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 3:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
 From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.  
Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 
For the unliberated (who still have sanchit

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear MJ,  You drop the name, Alice Bailey?  Actually Alice Bailey is right on 
it.  You will certainly find out in the end.  Make good use of your time while 
you are here.  And,  Stop being so incredibly negative while you can, too.  It 
is really spiritually sinful to the subtle-bodies of the light system that 
comes with the life in a human body.  Love.  JaiGuruDev,  -Buck  


---In,  wrote :

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 1:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
  I don't buy the existence of karma itself. It started with the ancient 
Indians and spread from there to China and Japan via Buddhism. 


 I mean, if this is the reality of life, how come only the ancient Hindus 
figured it out? Because they lived in the land of the veda? All the other 
ancient civilizations too stupid to figure it out?

 Nope, its just some more bullshit made up by those ganja smokers in the woods 
who claimed enlightenment. What better way to control the population than to 
tell them that all sorts of awful things would happen to you in an infinite 
number of lives if you didn't grease the palms of the priests so they would do 
the ceremonies to placate the gods and the gods of karma?

 There are a few people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani who either leave 
their body or have some sort of visions where they see that all is just fine 
with all the shit that happens all over the earth - no karma, no judgment on 
the part of the Universe towards any of the awful things humans do. Not that 
they necessarily have a lock on truth, but it is an interesting differing 

 The current popular belief in karma and its originating culture is due to the 
ravings of proven huckster Helena Blavatsky who popularized Hindu beliefs in 
the 1800's that carried over into the 20th century through her outfit The 
Theosophical Society and the bullshit writings of her compatriots Annie Besant 
and Alice Bailey. Not to mention the pedophile C.W. Leadbeater who created the 
myth of Maitreya now perpetuated by that nice old faker Benjy Creme.

 Lie begets lie, and bs begets bs. Nope, I don't buy the existence of karma. If 
it was real, I think others beside the Hindus and their predecessors would have 
figured it out too. Given the sorry legacy India has so far offered the world 
(just look at the country today and don't bother mentioning the mythical "vedic 
society" that liar Marshy used to blabber about) I don't think I am going to 
give much credence to anything that country comes up with in terms of religion, 
philosophy or any sort of guidelines with which to live life.

 Can't wait for Buck to denounce me for this post.


 You can't really complain, though. It's just your karma. 



 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 3:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
 From: salyavin808 
 ---In,  wrote :

 Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.   

 Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 

 For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 

 Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  

 (Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )

 I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.

 I've encountered several of the "supposedly realized" who were better speakers 
(expounders of "the knowledge") than Maharishi -

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
There is that, of course -- the idea that any attempt at describing 
enlightenment will be by definition fiction. 

What I was thinking of with this post, however, was my earlier musing 
suggesting (in all seriousness) that "The Lord of the Rings" was as spiritual 
as "The Bible," if not more so.  I am always astounded by people who allow 
themselves to be inspired by tales that claim to be true (Bibles, Gitas, Vedas, 
"scriptures," first-hand claims by supposed holy men, etc.) but won't allow 
themselves to be equally inspired by works that *admit* they're fiction. 
As a writer, I'm am usually *more* inspired by a good work of fiction than I am 
by any retelling of true events. One of the reasons is that the people who tend 
to write what they consider to be "spiritual non-fiction" tend to 
do I say it...crappy writers. They tend to wallow in emotion and use cheap 
writing tricks like deus ex machina WAY too much. :-) 

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 2:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
    Kurt Vonnegut already beat you to it. Under the guise of Bokonon and 
Bokononism in Cat's Cradle, he wrote: 'All the true things I am about to tell 
you are shameless lies.'
Enlightenment is recognising that the world of experience one was trying to 
escape from, to get to a better place, is the only thing that exists, and there 
is no escape. It is a very peculiar kind of realisation, not an intellectual 
one wrought by reason, that brings satisfaction and fulfilment because you now 
know looking elsewhere simply will not work because that elsewhere was a 
fiction created by your own mind. This statement itself is not true, it is a 
metaphor, and particularly will be perceived as not true by seekers. It is good 
to keep it in mind however, because when the seeking comes to an end, it will 
have a certain rhetorical significance.
There are other phrases that serve the same purpose. The one that was 
significant for me was 'selling water by the river'. 

The search for enlightenment is a dream, and when the dream has exhausted 
itself, you are awake, which of course, you always were.

---In,  wrote :

I figure that if I ever teach again, it will be in my writing, within the 
context of a book that starts with the words that every "spiritual" book, 
lecture, or teaching ever given *should* have started with:  "This is a work of 
  #yiv6680866350 #yiv6680866350 -- #yiv6680866350ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Kurt Vonnegut already beat you to it. Under the guise of Bokonon and Bokononism 
in Cat's Cradle, he wrote: 'All the true things I am about to tell you are 
shameless lies.' 

 Enlightenment is recognising that the world of experience one was trying to 
escape from, to get to a better place, is the only thing that exists, and there 
is no escape. It is a very peculiar kind of realisation, not an intellectual 
one wrought by reason, that brings satisfaction and fulfilment because you now 
know looking elsewhere simply will not work because that elsewhere was a 
fiction created by your own mind. This statement itself is not true, it is a 
metaphor, and particularly will be perceived as not true by seekers. It is good 
to keep it in mind however, because when the seeking comes to an end, it will 
have a certain rhetorical significance.

 There are other phrases that serve the same purpose. The one that was 
significant for me was 'selling water by the river'. 
The search for enlightenment is a dream, and when the dream has exhausted 
itself, you are awake, which of course, you always were.

---In,  wrote :

 I figure that if I ever teach again, it will be in my writing, within the 
context of a book that starts with the words that every "spiritual" book, 
lecture, or teaching ever given *should* have started with:  "This is a work of 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Good one! Wonder if Doug thinks that the destruction as her might call it of 
FFL and the very existence of us neganauts are part of HIS karma?

  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 7:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
    From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 1:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
     I don't buy the existence of karma itself. It started with the ancient 
Indians and spread from there to China and Japan via Buddhism. 

I mean, if this is the reality of life, how come only the ancient Hindus 
figured it out? Because they lived in the land of the veda? All the other 
ancient civilizations too stupid to figure it out?
Nope, its just some more bullshit made up by those ganja smokers in the woods 
who claimed enlightenment. What better way to control the population than to 
tell them that all sorts of awful things would happen to you in an infinite 
number of lives if you didn't grease the palms of the priests so they would do 
the ceremonies to placate the gods and the gods of karma?
There are a few people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani who either leave 
their body or have some sort of visions where they see that all is just fine 
with all the shit that happens all over the earth - no karma, no judgment on 
the part of the Universe towards any of the awful things humans do. Not that 
they necessarily have a lock on truth, but it is an interesting differing 
The current popular belief in karma and its originating culture is due to the 
ravings of proven huckster Helena Blavatsky who popularized Hindu beliefs in 
the 1800's that carried over into the 20th century through her outfit The 
Theosophical Society and the bullshit writings of her compatriots Annie Besant 
and Alice Bailey. Not to mention the pedophile C.W. Leadbeater who created the 
myth of Maitreya now perpetuated by that nice old faker Benjy Creme.
Lie begets lie, and bs begets bs. Nope, I don't buy the existence of karma. If 
it was real, I think others beside the Hindus and their predecessors would have 
figured it out too. Given the sorry legacy India has so far offered the world 
(just look at the country today and don't bother mentioning the mythical "vedic 
society" that liar Marshy used to blabber about) I don't think I am going to 
give much credence to anything that country comes up with in terms of religion, 
philosophy or any sort of guidelines with which to live life.
Can't wait for Buck to denounce me for this post.

You can't really complain, though. It's just your karma. 


 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 3:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
    From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.  
Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 
For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 
Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  
(Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )    
I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.
I've encountered several of the "supposedly realized" who were better speakers 
(expounders of "the knowledge") than Maharishi -- IMO MMY was *extremely* 
limited in what he could say, being limited to pa

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Go ahead to take her up on her offer to lecture! The more the money rolls in 
the less the guilt will become, that seems to be the experience of all the 
enlightenment peddlers. 

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 7:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known

---In,  wrote :

As I have said before, the original holy men were guys who had left regular 
society because they were too lazy to work so they sat in the forests smoking 
ganja and having realistic daydreams like George Hammond.
When someone would come along and ask them "What you doing sitting here in this 
forest?" they would reply "I am a holy man!"
"Oh really, tell me holy man about your life."
"Well, there is the unseen energy that is EVERYTHING and I have become one with 
it, and I've got all sorts of amazing powers!"
And so the myths began.

Nice work if you can get it. I just wish I'd thought of it.
Friends tell me I should be a guru. I know so many people who sign up for every 
yoga/meditation/awakening course they see in town that there must be money in 
it. I'm pretty sure I know at least as much about asanas as the next guy and 
could spin a line similar to Maharshy's and maybe teach them to meditate a bit, 
they won't know whether I'm any good because I'd be about as good as anyone 
else they've seen.
Trouble is, I'd feel guilty. Unless I felt that I really had something to teach 
that was of value and led people somewhere amazing then I couldn't do it. But I 
was having dinner with some friends of friends the other day and this woman who 
had done a pranyama course, practically begged me to lecture on meditation and 
yoga because I seems to know so much about it! I mean, go figure! Maybe the 
teachings of the Reesh sunk in after all.
There's a real hunger for this stuff and I suppose it's never been different. 
People always want the easy escape from mundane reality into a better and more 
fulfilling world. I used to but then realised it wasn't an escape that could 
ever work. Maybe that's what I should teach.
"Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one."

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 2:29 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known

---In,  wrote :

Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.  
Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 
For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 
Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  
(Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )    
I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.
What we have is an impossible ideal of wondrous powers and paranormally gained 
"wisdom" that no one ever demonstrates to be anything more than them claiming 
to have attained the sort of godlike status we read about in the holy books. Or 
am I wrong and there really is an infinite world within this one that I can 
reach by purifying my mind to reveal a deeper truth about reality that can't be 
understood objectively, indeed can only be experienced rather than studied? If 
only they'd shown us something convincing as I hate taking people at their 
word, especially as their word always involves them living a life of luxury 
being waited on hand and foot.
I've certainly seen something that could be mistaken for this sort of 
enlightenment but is the vedic explanation the best one? Perhaps the original 
holy men had the same vision I did and interpreted that as being something 
fundamental to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 1:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
     I don't buy the existence of karma itself. It started with the ancient 
Indians and spread from there to China and Japan via Buddhism. 

I mean, if this is the reality of life, how come only the ancient Hindus 
figured it out? Because they lived in the land of the veda? All the other 
ancient civilizations too stupid to figure it out?
Nope, its just some more bullshit made up by those ganja smokers in the woods 
who claimed enlightenment. What better way to control the population than to 
tell them that all sorts of awful things would happen to you in an infinite 
number of lives if you didn't grease the palms of the priests so they would do 
the ceremonies to placate the gods and the gods of karma?
There are a few people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani who either leave 
their body or have some sort of visions where they see that all is just fine 
with all the shit that happens all over the earth - no karma, no judgment on 
the part of the Universe towards any of the awful things humans do. Not that 
they necessarily have a lock on truth, but it is an interesting differing 
The current popular belief in karma and its originating culture is due to the 
ravings of proven huckster Helena Blavatsky who popularized Hindu beliefs in 
the 1800's that carried over into the 20th century through her outfit The 
Theosophical Society and the bullshit writings of her compatriots Annie Besant 
and Alice Bailey. Not to mention the pedophile C.W. Leadbeater who created the 
myth of Maitreya now perpetuated by that nice old faker Benjy Creme.
Lie begets lie, and bs begets bs. Nope, I don't buy the existence of karma. If 
it was real, I think others beside the Hindus and their predecessors would have 
figured it out too. Given the sorry legacy India has so far offered the world 
(just look at the country today and don't bother mentioning the mythical "vedic 
society" that liar Marshy used to blabber about) I don't think I am going to 
give much credence to anything that country comes up with in terms of religion, 
philosophy or any sort of guidelines with which to live life.
Can't wait for Buck to denounce me for this post.

You can't really complain, though. It's just your karma. 


 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 3:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
    From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.  
Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 
For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 
Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  
(Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )    
I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.
I've encountered several of the "supposedly realized" who were better speakers 
(expounders of "the knowledge") than Maharishi -- IMO MMY was *extremely* 
limited in what he could say, being limited to parroting things he'd heard from 
others or read somewhere or ripped off from someone supposedly "assisting" him 
with one of his books. But I completely agree with your point, which is as far 
as we can tell, the "supposedly realized" just make this shit about "what 
enlightenment is like" up, based on stuff that was told to them by their 
teachers (who were *also* just 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 I don't buy the existence of karma itself. It started with the ancient Indians 
and spread from there to China and Japan via Buddhism. 

I mean, if this is the reality of life, how come only the ancient Hindus 
figured it out? Because they lived in the land of the veda? All the other 
ancient civilizations too stupid to figure it out?
Nope, its just some more bullshit made up by those ganja smokers in the woods 
who claimed enlightenment. What better way to control the population than to 
tell them that all sorts of awful things would happen to you in an infinite 
number of lives if you didn't grease the palms of the priests so they would do 
the ceremonies to placate the gods and the gods of karma?
There are a few people like Michael Roads and Anita Moorjani who either leave 
their body or have some sort of visions where they see that all is just fine 
with all the shit that happens all over the earth - no karma, no judgment on 
the part of the Universe towards any of the awful things humans do. Not that 
they necessarily have a lock on truth, but it is an interesting differing 
The current popular belief in karma and its originating culture is due to the 
ravings of proven huckster Helena Blavatsky who popularized Hindu beliefs in 
the 1800's that carried over into the 20th century through her outfit The 
Theosophical Society and the bullshit writings of her compatriots Annie Besant 
and Alice Bailey. Not to mention the pedophile C.W. Leadbeater who created the 
myth of Maitreya now perpetuated by that nice old faker Benjy Creme.
Lie begets lie, and bs begets bs. Nope, I don't buy the existence of karma. If 
it was real, I think others beside the Hindus and their predecessors would have 
figured it out too. Given the sorry legacy India has so far offered the world 
(just look at the country today and don't bother mentioning the mythical "vedic 
society" that liar Marshy used to blabber about) I don't think I am going to 
give much credence to anything that country comes up with in terms of religion, 
philosophy or any sort of guidelines with which to live life.
Can't wait for Buck to denounce me for this post.

  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 3:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
    From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.  
Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 
For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 
Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  
(Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )    
I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.
I've encountered several of the "supposedly realized" who were better speakers 
(expounders of "the knowledge") than Maharishi -- IMO MMY was *extremely* 
limited in what he could say, being limited to parroting things he'd heard from 
others or read somewhere or ripped off from someone supposedly "assisting" him 
with one of his books. But I completely agree with your point, which is as far 
as we can tell, the "supposedly realized" just make this shit about "what 
enlightenment is like" up, based on stuff that was told to them by their 
teachers (who were *also* just making shit up) and, of course, whatever enables 
them to get their way. 

As far as I can tell, based on the few teachers I've met who seemed to have a 
clue, there is NO SUCH THING as "burning off all of one's karma." If you're 
incarnate, you've still got past karma, and you're still busy

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

As I have said before, the original holy men were guys who had left regular 
society because they were too lazy to work so they sat in the forests smoking 
ganja and having realistic daydreams like George Hammond.
When someone would come along and ask them "What you doing sitting here in this 
forest?" they would reply "I am a holy man!"
"Oh really, tell me holy man about your life."
"Well, there is the unseen energy that is EVERYTHING and I have become one with 
it, and I've got all sorts of amazing powers!"
And so the myths began.

Nice work if you can get it. I just wish I'd thought of it.
Friends tell me I should be a guru. I know so many people who sign up for every 
yoga/meditation/awakening course they see in town that there must be money in 
it. I'm pretty sure I know at least as much about asanas as the next guy and 
could spin a line similar to Maharshy's and maybe teach them to meditate a bit, 
they won't know whether I'm any good because I'd be about as good as anyone 
else they've seen.
Trouble is, I'd feel guilty. Unless I felt that I really had something to teach 
that was of value and led people somewhere amazing then I couldn't do it. But I 
was having dinner with some friends of friends the other day and this woman who 
had done a pranyama course, practically begged me to lecture on meditation and 
yoga because I seems to know so much about it! I mean, go figure! Maybe the 
teachings of the Reesh sunk in after all.
There's a real hunger for this stuff and I suppose it's never been different. 
People always want the easy escape from mundane reality into a better and more 
fulfilling world. I used to but then realised it wasn't an escape that could 
ever work. Maybe that's what I should teach.
"Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one."

I figure that if I ever teach again, it will be in my writing, within the 
context of a book that starts with the words that every "spiritual" book, 
lecture, or teaching ever given *should* have started with:  "This is a work of 

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 2:29 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known

---In,  wrote :

Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.  
Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 
For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 
Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  
(Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )    
I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.
What we have is an impossible ideal of wondrous powers and paranormally gained 
"wisdom" that no one ever demonstrates to be anything more than them claiming 
to have attained the sort of godlike status we read about in the holy books. Or 
am I wrong and there really is an infinite world within this one that I can 
reach by purifying my mind to reveal a deeper truth about reality that can't be 
understood objectively, indeed can only be experienced rather than studied? If 
only they'd shown us something convincing as I hate taking people at their 
word, especially as their word always involves them living a life of luxury 
being waited on hand and foot.
I've certainly seen something that could be mistaken for this sort of 
enlightenment but is the vedic explanation the best one? Perhaps the original 
holy men had the same vision I did and interpreted that as being something 
fundamental to everything else we normally experience and then passed that down 
as received wisdom when really

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 As I have said before, the original holy men were guys who had left regular 
society because they were too lazy to work so they sat in the forests smoking 
ganja and having realistic daydreams like George Hammond.

 When someone would come along and ask them "What you doing sitting here in 
this forest?" they would reply "I am a holy man!"

 "Oh really, tell me holy man about your life."

 "Well, there is the unseen energy that is EVERYTHING and I have become one 
with it, and I've got all sorts of amazing powers!"

 And so the myths began.


 Nice work if you can get it. I just wish I'd thought of it.

 Friends tell me I should be a guru. I know so many people who sign up for 
every yoga/meditation/awakening course they see in town that there must be 
money in it. I'm pretty sure I know at least as much about asanas as the next 
guy and could spin a line similar to Maharshy's and maybe teach them to 
meditate a bit, they won't know whether I'm any good because I'd be about as 
good as anyone else they've seen.

 Trouble is, I'd feel guilty. Unless I felt that I really had something to 
teach that was of value and led people somewhere amazing then I couldn't do it. 
But I was having dinner with some friends of friends the other day and this 
woman who had done a pranyama course, practically begged me to lecture on 
meditation and yoga because I seems to know so much about it! I mean, go 
figure! Maybe the teachings of the Reesh sunk in after all.

 There's a real hunger for this stuff and I suppose it's never been different. 
People always want the easy escape from mundane reality into a better and more 
fulfilling world. I used to but then realised it wasn't an escape that could 
ever work. Maybe that's what I should teach.

 "Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one."



 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 2:29 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known


---In,  wrote :

 Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.   

 Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 

 For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 

 Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  

 (Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )

 I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.

 What we have is an impossible ideal of wondrous powers and paranormally gained 
"wisdom" that no one ever demonstrates to be anything more than them claiming 
to have attained the sort of godlike status we read about in the holy books. Or 
am I wrong and there really is an infinite world within this one that I can 
reach by purifying my mind to reveal a deeper truth about reality that can't be 
understood objectively, indeed can only be experienced rather than studied? If 
only they'd shown us something convincing as I hate taking people at their 
word, especially as their word always involves them living a life of luxury 
being waited on hand and foot.

 I've certainly seen something that could be mistaken for this sort of 
enlightenment but is the vedic explanation the best one? Perhaps the original 
holy men had the same vision I did and interpreted that as being something 
fundamental to everything else we normally experience and then passed that down 
as received wisdom when really it's an imbalance in the way the brain normally 
constructs our perception of the world. Questions questions.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
As I have said before, the original holy men were guys who had left regular 
society because they were too lazy to work so they sat in the forests smoking 
ganja and having realistic daydreams like George Hammond.
When someone would come along and ask them "What you doing sitting here in this 
forest?" they would reply "I am a holy man!"
"Oh really, tell me holy man about your life."
"Well, there is the unseen energy that is EVERYTHING and I have become one with 
it, and I've got all sorts of amazing powers!"
And so the myths began.

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 2:29 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known

---In,  wrote :

Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.  
Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 
For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 
Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  
(Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )    
I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.
What we have is an impossible ideal of wondrous powers and paranormally gained 
"wisdom" that no one ever demonstrates to be anything more than them claiming 
to have attained the sort of godlike status we read about in the holy books. Or 
am I wrong and there really is an infinite world within this one that I can 
reach by purifying my mind to reveal a deeper truth about reality that can't be 
understood objectively, indeed can only be experienced rather than studied? If 
only they'd shown us something convincing as I hate taking people at their 
word, especially as their word always involves them living a life of luxury 
being waited on hand and foot.
I've certainly seen something that could be mistaken for this sort of 
enlightenment but is the vedic explanation the best one? Perhaps the original 
holy men had the same vision I did and interpreted that as being something 
fundamental to everything else we normally experience and then passed that down 
as received wisdom when really it's an imbalance in the way the brain normally 
constructs our perception of the world. Questions questions.
  #yiv5956674819 #yiv5956674819 -- #yiv5956674819ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv5956674819 #yiv5956674819actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv5956674819 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 On 12/9/2014 4:23 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
 Those are Buck's mantras. When he gets his next TMO advanced techniques, 
they'll become Sri Sri Neganaut Spiritual Terrorist Period Of Silence Namah 
Namah. >
 Apparently Barry failed to get the memo from Alex. Go figure.

 Ooh, the irony.
 "Indeed! And, the real problem is that there were two factions on FFL who 
simply didn't belong on the same forum. One faction has departed, and the 
gawdawful squabbling has ceased. As far as I'm concerned, the situation has 
successfully resolved itself." - Alex Stanley

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/9/2014 4:23 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/Those are Buck's mantras. When he gets his next TMO advanced 
techniques, they'll become Sri Sri Neganaut Spiritual Terrorist Period 
Of Silence Namah Namah./*

Apparently Barry failed to get the memo from Alex. Go figure.

/"Indeed! And, the real problem is that there were two factions on FFL 
who simply didn't belong on the same forum. One faction has departed, 
and the gawdawful squabbling has ceased. As far as I'm concerned, the 
situation has successfully resolved itself."/ - Alex Stanley/*


Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

Son, that is life in the body.
This is what I'm talking about. Buck talks like there really is another sort of 
life! The implications are staggering but this sort of thing gets bandied about 
without any justification, it's all a lot to be taking for granted and the TMO 
claims to be scientific but they never offer any sort of evidence for any of 

I suspect that the secret of following Buck's logic on all of this is that you 
need to be taking the same meds he is. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

Son, that is life in the body.
This is what I'm talking about. Buck talks like there really is another sort of 
life! The implications are staggering but this sort of thing gets bandied about 
without any justification, it's all a lot to be taking for granted and the TMO 
claims to be scientific but they never offer any sort of evidence for any of 
Yes, I know it's a bunch of unproven ancient religious beliefs and you are 
welcome to them, but what disturbs me is that it's used as a way of raising 
vast amounts of cash from a captive audience. Yagya programme anyone?
Just think how you're going to feel if it turns out if I'm right and all this 
is a delusion, but there's no way of ever proving it either way because it all 
happens in some typically unknowable but amazingly glowing future that we never 
seem to reach. The only people making claims for enlightenment we've come 
across here didn't make me want to head for the dome and that's for sure.
Yeah, I know. Neganaut, spiritual terrorist etc etc. Period of silence required 
etc etc . 

Those are Buck's mantras. When he gets his next TMO advanced techniques, 
they'll become Sri Sri Neganaut Spiritual Terrorist Period Of Silence Namah 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Sorry. Typo corrected below in red.
Making the correction because I think it's a valid point. This whole thang of 
the enlightened "having no more karma" can be explained as coming from the 
subjective experience of extreme narcissism. *They* don't feel any affects from 
their negative actions any more (because they're so narcissistic), so they come 
to believe that their actions don't *have* any negative consequences any more. 

  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 9:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
    From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.  
Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 
For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 
Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  
(Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )    
I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.
I've encountered several of the "supposedly realized" who were better speakers 
(expounders of "the knowledge") than Maharishi -- IMO MMY was *extremely* 
limited in what he could say, being limited to parroting things he'd heard from 
others or read somewhere or ripped off from someone supposedly "assisting" him 
with one of his books. But I completely agree with your point, which is as far 
as we can tell, the "supposedly realized" just make this shit about "what 
enlightenment is like" up, based on stuff that was told to them by their 
teachers (who were *also* just making shit up) and, of course, whatever enables 
them to get their way. 

As far as I can tell, based on the few teachers I've met who seemed to have a 
clue, there is NO SUCH THING as "burning off all of one's karma." If you're 
incarnate, you've still got past karma, and you're still busy generating more 
with every thought and action. The *only* difference between a "realized" 
person and someone "unrealized" IMO is that your karma doesn't bother you as 
much when it comes back on you, because there is a little less self to be 
bothered. I think that the "myth of having no more karma" probably comes from 
that -- people in the early, essentially narcissistic stages of realization 
realize that when they do something bad it doesn't bother *them* as much any 
more, so they begin to believe the actions weren't bad.    

What we have is an impossible ideal of wondrous powers and paranormally gained 
"wisdom" that no one ever demonstrates to be anything more than them claiming 
to have attained the sort of godlike status we read about in the holy books. 

Or over on The_Peak.  :-)
Or am I wrong and there really is an infinite world within this one that I can 
reach by purifying my mind to reveal a deeper truth about reality that can't be 
understood objectively, indeed can only be experienced rather than studied? If 
only they'd shown us something convincing as I hate taking people at their 
word, especially as their word always involves them living a life of luxury 
being waited on hand and foot.
I've certainly seen something that could be mistaken for this sort of 
enlightenment but is the vedic explanation the best one? Perhaps the original 
holy men had the same vision I did and interpreted that as being something 
fundamental to everything else we normally experience and then passed that down 
as received wisdom when really it's an imbalance in the way the brain normally 
constructs our perception of the world. Questions quest

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.  
Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 
For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 
Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  
(Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )    
I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.
I've encountered several of the "supposedly realized" who were better speakers 
(expounders of "the knowledge") than Maharishi -- IMO MMY was *extremely* 
limited in what he could say, being limited to parroting things he'd heard from 
others or read somewhere or ripped off from someone supposedly "assisting" him 
with one of his books. But I completely agree with your point, which is as far 
as we can tell, the "supposedly realized" just make this shit about "what 
enlightenment is like" up, based on stuff that was told to them by their 
teachers (who were *also* just making shit up) and, of course, whatever enables 
them to get their way. 

As far as I can tell, based on the few teachers I've met who seemed to have a 
clue, there is NO SUCH THING as "burning off all of one's karma." If you're 
incarnate, you've still got past karma, and you're still busy generating more 
with every thought and action. The *only* difference between a "realized" 
person and someone "unrealized" IMO is that your karma doesn't bother you as 
much when it comes back on you, because there is a little less self to be 
bothered. I think that the "myth of having no more karma" probably comes from 
that -- people in the early, essentially narcissistic stages of realization 
realize that when they do something bad it doesn't bother *them* as much any 
more, so they begin to believe the actions were bad.    

What we have is an impossible ideal of wondrous powers and paranormally gained 
"wisdom" that no one ever demonstrates to be anything more than them claiming 
to have attained the sort of godlike status we read about in the holy books. 

Or over on The_Peak.  :-)
Or am I wrong and there really is an infinite world within this one that I can 
reach by purifying my mind to reveal a deeper truth about reality that can't be 
understood objectively, indeed can only be experienced rather than studied? If 
only they'd shown us something convincing as I hate taking people at their 
word, especially as their word always involves them living a life of luxury 
being waited on hand and foot.
I've certainly seen something that could be mistaken for this sort of 
enlightenment but is the vedic explanation the best one? Perhaps the original 
holy men had the same vision I did and interpreted that as being something 
fundamental to everything else we normally experience and then passed that down 
as received wisdom when really it's an imbalance in the way the brain normally 
constructs our perception of the world. Questions questions.
It is worth noting that in the realm of spiritual teaching, anyone offering an 
"answer" to these questions seems to expect to be paid for it, and well. That 
*alone* should disqualify them from consideration as "realized."  


Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-08 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Son, that is life in the body.

 This is what I'm talking about. Buck talks like there really is another sort 
of life! The implications are staggering but this sort of thing gets bandied 
about without any justification, it's all a lot to be taking for granted and 
the TMO claims to be scientific but they never offer any sort of evidence for 
any of this. 

 Yes, I know it's a bunch of unproven ancient religious beliefs and you are 
welcome to them, but what disturbs me is that it's used as a way of raising 
vast amounts of cash from a captive audience. Yagya programme anyone?

 Just think how you're going to feel if it turns out if I'm right and all this 
is a delusion, but there's no way of ever proving it either way because it all 
happens in some typically unknowable but amazingly glowing future that we never 
seem to reach. The only people making claims for enlightenment we've come 
across here didn't make me want to head for the dome and that's for sure.

 Yeah, I know. Neganaut, spiritual terrorist etc etc. Period of silence 
required etc etc . You don't have to tell me Buck. Enjoy your day. Nothing 
really matters.



 Good luck,
 -Buck in the Dome

geezerfreak writes :

 (Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )


 Srijau, did you ask Maharishi this question?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-08 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.   

 Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 

 For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 

 Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  

 (Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )

 I love the myths that "realised" people put around about themselves. It both 
gives us lowly mortals something amazing to aim for and a way for them to keep 
themselves above us. It's a neat trick, and yes I fell for it but it was 
Maharshy's obvious weakness as a speaker - that he was basically making it up 
as he went along - that convinced me it was all a put on. And I never heard of 
anyone better.

 What we have is an impossible ideal of wondrous powers and paranormally gained 
"wisdom" that no one ever demonstrates to be anything more than them claiming 
to have attained the sort of godlike status we read about in the holy books. Or 
am I wrong and there really is an infinite world within this one that I can 
reach by purifying my mind to reveal a deeper truth about reality that can't be 
understood objectively, indeed can only be experienced rather than studied? If 
only they'd shown us something convincing as I hate taking people at their 
word, especially as their word always involves them living a life of luxury 
being waited on hand and foot.

 I've certainly seen something that could be mistaken for this sort of 
enlightenment but is the vedic explanation the best one? Perhaps the original 
holy men had the same vision I did and interpreted that as being something 
fundamental to everything else we normally experience and then passed that down 
as received wisdom when really it's an imbalance in the way the brain normally 
constructs our perception of the world. Questions questions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Son, that is life in the body. Good luck,
 -Buck in the Dome

geezerfreak writes :

 (Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )


 Srijau, did you ask Maharishi this question?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 (Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )


 Srijau, did you ask Maharishi this question?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Perhaps (probably) he did.  (Traditionally) it is not uncommon for realized 
beings, even those well on the way, to know when prarabdha karma will come to 
an end. There is not much to be done to alter that.  You lease a car for a 
specific period -- after that, fini.   

 Realized beings simply endure that prarabdha that remains with the current 

 For the unliberated (who still have sanchita karma), then its back to the vast 
mountain range of sanchita karma (which may have grown since the last bite due 
to karma generated in the just prior life) to bite off another chunk (of 
prarabdha karma) -- and start anew.  Wheel of karma keeps on rolling. 

 Unless you have stumbled upon an effective means to  burn / roast the vast 
"mountain range" of sanchita karma, or in parallel parlance, dry-out and 
extinguished the causal body.  

 (Ask someone who claims to be enlightened their experience of burning off that 
last bit of sanchita karma and the extinguishing of the causal body. If they 
say "huh?", "Run Forest, Run" )


Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Srijau, what a nice excerpt as a remembrance.  Who wrote that? MJ, you are a 
complete pimple neganaut of an insolent negative unkind hateful anti-spiritual 
community member.
 JaiGuruDev, -Buck 


mjackson74 wrote :

 And what happened to Tat Walla Baba? He was murdered. Looks like he could-a 
seen that one coming. 

 From: "srijau@..." 
 Sent: Monday, December 8, 2014 8:37 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi -greatest Guru the world has 
ever known
   at Wala Baba
 During the Teacher Training Course with Maharishi in the Academy of Meditation 
Shankaracharya Nagar in Rishikesh at the end of 1969, a course that included 
many of the greatest luminaries of the Movement, the course participants asked 
Maharishi if the famous recluse saint Tat Wala Baba could come to visit the 
course, as had happened in previous courses. Tat Wala Baba was living in a cave 
about three miles up in the hills behind our Academy. It was his custom to only 
come out once a day for one hour to let visitors enjoy his darshan. There was a 
lean-to just below his cave for this purpose.
 He was a very powerful man, very muscular like a wrestler, with matted hair 
that fell all the way to the ground. Maharishi said of him that he seemed to be 
in a good state of Unity Consciousness.
 Maharishi agreed to invite Tat Wala Baba to come to speak to the course, and 
sent Brahmachari Shankerlalji, a very elderly and blissful Brahmachari, who had 
been Maharishi's Guru Bhai when Maharishi was Guru Dev's Brahmachari, and who 
lived out all his final years in Maharishi's Academy of Meditation in Rishikesh 
(except for one time in 1970 when Maharishi sent him to Japan for a trip to see 
the Movement there). Maharishi also sent Bevan to accompany Shankerlalji to go 
to the cave and invite Tat Wala Babaji.
 They drove as far as the could into the forest down a narrow track, and then 
climbed the final section up the hill. They found Tat Wala Baba had just come 
out for his daily Darshan and was sitting listening to a Pandit who was 
chanting slokas from a big book that was open in front of him.
 Shankerlalji and Bevan respectfully greeted Tat Wala Babaji, and then 
Shankerlalji conveyed Maharishi's invitation to come to speak to the course. 
Tat Wala Babaji immediately stood up, saying to the Pandit and the others who 
had come to see him: "Maharishiji is calling I have to go," and put on his 
sandals and started walking down the hill.
 He came in the car through the forest to the Academy, pulling up outside the 
lecture hall where the course was meeting with Maharishi. The lecture hall was 
approached from the back down a ramp, and as Tat Wala Babaji entered the ramp 
the course participants could see him coming, and indicated to Maharishi that 
he had arrived. Maharishi came immediately from his seat, and as he turned the 
corner up the ramp, at the moment he first saw Tat Wala Babaji, Maharishi's 
face lit up like the sun from the joy.
 There followed a beautiful session of questions and answers with the course 
with Maharishi and Tat Wala Babaji sitting hand in hand — an experience that no 
one there will ever forget.
 * * * 
 On another occasion a visitor to the Academy went up to see Tat Wala Babaji. 
When he arrived, he found another visitor there, a businessman from Delhi, who 
asked where our meditator was coming from. He said he came from Maharishi. The 
businessman scoffed, saying he should study some Indian philosopher from Oxford 
instead. So our meditator said, "Why not ask Tat Wala Babaji his opinion of 
Maharishi," to which the businessman agreed.
 Tat Wala Babaji responded to the question, speaking very rapidly in Hindi, 
going on for about 15-20 minutes. As he continued, the businessman looked 
increasingly crestfallen. At the end our meditator asked, "What did Tat Wala 
Babaji say?" The businessman replied, "He said, 'Maharishi knows everything.'"



Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-08 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
And what happened to Tat Walla Baba? He was murdered. Looks like he could-a 
seen that one coming. 

  From: "" 
 Sent: Monday, December 8, 2014 8:37 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever 
    at Wala Baba
 During the Teacher Training Course with Maharishi in the Academy of Meditation 
Shankaracharya Nagar in Rishikesh at the end of 1969, a course that included 
many of the greatest luminaries of the Movement, the course participants asked 
Maharishi if the famous recluse saint Tat Wala Baba could come to visit the 
course, as had happened in previous courses. Tat Wala Baba was living in a cave 
about three miles up in the hills behind our Academy. It was his custom to only 
come out once a day for one hour to let visitors enjoy his darshan. There was a 
lean-to just below his cave for this purpose.
 He was a very powerful man, very muscular like a wrestler, with matted hair 
that fell all the way to the ground. Maharishi said of him that he seemed to be 
in a good state of Unity Consciousness.
 Maharishi agreed to invite Tat Wala Baba to come to speak to the course, and 
sent Brahmachari Shankerlalji, a very elderly and blissful Brahmachari, who had 
been Maharishi's Guru Bhai when Maharishi was Guru Dev's Brahmachari, and who 
lived out all his final years in Maharishi's Academy of Meditation in Rishikesh 
(except for one time in 1970 when Maharishi sent him to Japan for a trip to see 
the Movement there). Maharishi also sent Bevan to accompany Shankerlalji to go 
to the cave and invite Tat Wala Babaji.
 They drove as far as the could into the forest down a narrow track, and then 
climbed the final section up the hill. They found Tat Wala Baba had just come 
out for his daily Darshan and was sitting listening to a Pandit who was 
chanting slokas from a big book that was open in front of him.
 Shankerlalji and Bevan respectfully greeted Tat Wala Babaji, and then 
Shankerlalji conveyed Maharishi's invitation to come to speak to the course. 
Tat Wala Babaji immediately stood up, saying to the Pandit and the others who 
had come to see him: "Maharishiji is calling I have to go," and put on his 
sandals and started walking down the hill.
 He came in the car through the forest to the Academy, pulling up outside the 
lecture hall where the course was meeting with Maharishi. The lecture hall was 
approached from the back down a ramp, and as Tat Wala Babaji entered the ramp 
the course participants could see him coming, and indicated to Maharishi that 
he had arrived. Maharishi came immediately from his seat, and as he turned the 
corner up the ramp, at the moment he first saw Tat Wala Babaji, Maharishi's 
face lit up like the sun from the joy.
 There followed a beautiful session of questions and answers with the course 
with Maharishi and Tat Wala Babaji sitting hand in hand — an experience that no 
one there will ever forget.
   * * *  
 On another occasion a visitor to the Academy went up to see Tat Wala Babaji. 
When he arrived, he found another visitor there, a businessman from Delhi, who 
asked where our meditator was coming from. He said he came from Maharishi. The 
businessman scoffed, saying he should study some Indian philosopher from Oxford 
instead. So our meditator said, "Why not ask Tat Wala Babaji his opinion of 
Maharishi," to which the businessman agreed.
 Tat Wala Babaji responded to the question, speaking very rapidly in Hindi, 
going on for about 15-20 minutes. As he continued, the businessman looked 
increasingly crestfallen. At the end our meditator asked, "What did Tat Wala 
Babaji say?" The businessman replied, "He said, 'Maharishi knows everything.'"
  #yiv6435603674 #yiv6435603674 -- #yiv6435603674ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6435603674 
#yiv6435603674ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv6435603674 
#yiv6435603674ygrp-mkp #yiv6435603674hd 
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{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv6435603674 #yiv6435603674ygrp-mkp .yiv6435603674ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv6435603674 #yiv6435603674ygrp-mkp .yiv6435603674ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv6435603674 #yiv6435603674ygrp-mkp .yiv6435603674ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6435603674 #yiv6435603674ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv6435603674ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv6435603674 
#yiv6435603674ygrp-sponsor #yiv6435603674ygrp-lc #yiv6435603674hd {margin:10px 
#yiv6435603674ygrp-sponsor #yiv6435603674ygrp-lc .yiv6435603674ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv6435603674 #yiv6435603674actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv6435603674 

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

2014-12-08 Thread srijau
at Wala Baba
 During the Teacher Training Course with Maharishi in the Academy of Meditation 
Shankaracharya Nagar in Rishikesh at the end of 1969, a course that included 
many of the greatest luminaries of the Movement, the course participants asked 
Maharishi if the famous recluse saint Tat Wala Baba could come to visit the 
course, as had happened in previous courses. Tat Wala Baba was living in a cave 
about three miles up in the hills behind our Academy. It was his custom to only 
come out once a day for one hour to let visitors enjoy his darshan. There was a 
lean-to just below his cave for this purpose.
 He was a very powerful man, very muscular like a wrestler, with matted hair 
that fell all the way to the ground. Maharishi said of him that he seemed to be 
in a good state of Unity Consciousness.
 Maharishi agreed to invite Tat Wala Baba to come to speak to the course, and 
sent Brahmachari Shankerlalji, a very elderly and blissful Brahmachari, who had 
been Maharishi's Guru Bhai when Maharishi was Guru Dev's Brahmachari, and who 
lived out all his final years in Maharishi's Academy of Meditation in Rishikesh 
(except for one time in 1970 when Maharishi sent him to Japan for a trip to see 
the Movement there). Maharishi also sent Bevan to accompany Shankerlalji to go 
to the cave and invite Tat Wala Babaji.
 They drove as far as the could into the forest down a narrow track, and then 
climbed the final section up the hill. They found Tat Wala Baba had just come 
out for his daily Darshan and was sitting listening to a Pandit who was 
chanting slokas from a big book that was open in front of him.
 Shankerlalji and Bevan respectfully greeted Tat Wala Babaji, and then 
Shankerlalji conveyed Maharishi's invitation to come to speak to the course. 
Tat Wala Babaji immediately stood up, saying to the Pandit and the others who 
had come to see him: "Maharishiji is calling I have to go," and put on his 
sandals and started walking down the hill.
 He came in the car through the forest to the Academy, pulling up outside the 
lecture hall where the course was meeting with Maharishi. The lecture hall was 
approached from the back down a ramp, and as Tat Wala Babaji entered the ramp 
the course participants could see him coming, and indicated to Maharishi that 
he had arrived. Maharishi came immediately from his seat, and as he turned the 
corner up the ramp, at the moment he first saw Tat Wala Babaji, Maharishi's 
face lit up like the sun from the joy.
 There followed a beautiful session of questions and answers with the course 
with Maharishi and Tat Wala Babaji sitting hand in hand — an experience that no 
one there will ever forget.
   * * * 
 On another occasion a visitor to the Academy went up to see Tat Wala Babaji. 
When he arrived, he found another visitor there, a businessman from Delhi, who 
asked where our meditator was coming from. He said he came from Maharishi. The 
businessman scoffed, saying he should study some Indian philosopher from Oxford 
instead. So our meditator said, "Why not ask Tat Wala Babaji his opinion of 
Maharishi," to which the businessman agreed.
 Tat Wala Babaji responded to the question, speaking very rapidly in Hindi, 
going on for about 15-20 minutes. As he continued, the businessman looked 
increasingly crestfallen. At the end our meditator asked, "What did Tat Wala 
Babaji say?" The businessman replied, "He said, 'Maharishi knows everything.'"