Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-29 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/28/2014 7:36 PM, wrote:
you've become sort of the mirror image to someone like Nabby, in that 
you have this knee jerk reaction to find a justification for your 
conclusions even if they don't make a lot of sense.

Barry did a 180 - he used to sort of make sense about being on a 
spiritual path, but these days he seems more confused. He still sort of 
likes Rama and MMY, but he can't stand anyone else that does too. Go figure.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread steve.sundur

 I get that you are not into dialogue.  That suits me fine.  But do you realize 
how invested you are into a narrative that seeks to portray anyone who doesn't 
feel as you do, a "True Believer"?

 For example, you have this notion that anyone's take on these questions, other 
than yours has surrendered all faculties of discrimination, and is, by default, 
a "True Believer"

 Anyway, that's your privilege, but you've become sort of the mirror image to 
someone like Nabby, in that you have this knee jerk reaction to find a 
justification for your conclusions even if they don't make a lot of sense.

 So, slow down, everything's still here just as you left it a few days ago, for 
King's Day.  Nobody suffered by not having their buttons constantly pushed.  
You don't have to get frantic about it. 



---In,  wrote :

I repeat my first "take" on these quotes from Maharishi. Many of them are 
fuckin' Looney Toons. But to people who have been conditioned to see him as 
essentially perfect, they're perfect. And there is nothing that anyone can do 
or say that will convince them that *they're* not the sane ones, and that 
everyone else is *wrong*. In fact, because their egos get *larger* as a result 
of criticism, they'll believe even more strongly than they did before. 

It's just one of those mysteries of being human, I guess. Go figure. Go fuckin' 






Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread authfriend
Lenz may well have been interviewed by Hard Copy at some point, but the 
reporter in the wheelchair was crack journalist John Hockenberry interviewing 
Lenz on Dateline NBC. When I saw the tapes, I couldn't believe how phony Lenz 
came across. 

 Just as an aside: If one isn't a terminal tightass, it's entirely possible to 
appreciate charm and wit and general cleverness without necessarily believing 
the charmer is perfect. As it happens, in these transcripts the comparison of 
Maharishi with Lenz regarding these qualities is not, to say the least, in 
Lenz's favor.




 So in a fit of Narcissistic Personality Disorder squared, the Rama guy 
actually agreed to be interviewed by "Hard Copy," the American TV counterpart 
of the National Enquirer. "Bahd idea," as Ahnold said in "Predator." :-) The 
interviewer 1) had done his homework, and 2) was in a wheelchair. It was a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread TurquoiseBee
Just to follow up, I'll tell a "Rama story," one that was a major influence in 
me coming to my senses about him, about his students, and about myself. It was 
during the "anti-cult attack" period, which actually was one, because there 
were an angry group of parents -- egged on by "deprogrammers" who were trying 
to get them to pay $50,000 to them to kidnap their sons and daughters -- who 
actually practiced hard-core blacklisting and smears in the newspapers to try 
to "bring him down."

In retrospect, some of the things these people said were true, and some were 
made up. But at the time, being on the receiving end of the blacklisting and 
other tactics, naturally some students fell into the "You're either with us or 
against us" mindset, and the Rama guy cultivated that 'tude in his students, 
just as Maharishi did with his self-importance fantasies about the CIA. 

So in a fit of Narcissistic Personality Disorder squared, the Rama guy actually 
agreed to be interviewed by "Hard Copy," the American TV counterpart of the 
National Enquirer. "Bahd idea," as Ahnold said in "Predator." :-) The 
interviewer 1) had done his homework, and 2) was in a wheelchair. It was a 
bloodbath. I remember watching it with a group of Rama students, and what I 
remember most clearly was their reaction. The interviewer would ask, "Have you 
ever told students to break with their parents, and have nothing more to do 
with them if they don't support them studying with you." He looked straight 
into the camera, and said, "No." The interviewer asked other things, like, 
"Have you ever referred to yourself as one of the only 12 fully enlightened 
beings on the planet." Again, the Rama guy looked at the interviewer, and 
through the lens at millions of people, and said, "Of course not." 

People in the room just ate this up with a spoon. Most of them had been in 
rooms when he said these things, or had heard them said to them personally. 
Many of them had audio tapes in their possession where he had been recorded 
saying them. 

I asked some of them about this afterwards, and how they felt about him lying 
to both the interviewer and to millions of viewers, and the answer I got was (I 
shit you not), "What does it matter what he says to them. They don't matter. 
They're not us."

Pretty much at that moment I realized that I wasn't one of "us" any more. 

True Believers can find a way to "write off" ANYTHING that other people would 
perceive as craziness or lying or absolute megalomania because it's coming from 
the mouth of someone they have been conditioned to believe, no matter what. 

I repeat my first "take" on these quotes from Maharishi. Many of them are 
fuckin' Looney Toons. But to people who have been conditioned to see him as 
essentially perfect, they're perfect. And there is nothing that anyone can do 
or say that will convince them that *they're* not the sane ones, and that 
everyone else is *wrong*. In fact, because their egos get *larger* as a result 
of criticism, they'll believe even more strongly than they did before. 

It's just one of those mysteries of being human, I guess. Go figure. Go fuckin' 

 From: TurquoiseBee 
To: ""  
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

One of the most fascinating things I've found about the cult mindset is how 
they can find a way to turn anything their cult leader says into a positive. 
You can tell that Dick Mays is actually *proud* of these answers.

Try reading through this interview while substituting the name of any famous 
psychopath or megalomanic for "MAHARISHI" and you've got the same answers. If 
they'd seen these answers coming from anyone else, they would have been able to 
see how crazy they are. But because they're coming from him, they'll interpret 
them as "enlightened wisdom." My favorite is highlighted in red below.

 From: Dick Mays 
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 1:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

REPORTER: "You're not doing much to disabuse me of the notion that you're just 
a P.T. Barnum of the psychic set."
MAHARISHI: "What does this mean?"
REPORTER: "That you're a natural salesman."
MAHARISHI: "Very right. I think I have something salable."
REPORTER: "What are you selling?"
MAHARISHI: "Natural law and the simplest level of consciousness where 
is spontaneously supported by nature. If people buy this product, 
they're better off."

* * * * * * *

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread Share Long
Dick, this is vintage Maharishi, thanks for posting. I've seen or heard similar 
interviews and what always gets to me is Maharishi's simplicity and 
practicality. And total lack of sarcasm, meanness, etc.

On Monday, April 28, 2014 6:48 AM, Dick Mays  wrote:
REPORTER: "You're not doing much to disabuse me of the notion that you're just 
a P.T. Barnum of the psychic set."
MAHARISHI: "What does this mean?"
REPORTER: "That you're a natural salesman."
MAHARISHI: "Very right. I think I have something salable."
REPORTER: "What are you selling?"
MAHARISHI: "Natural law and the simplest level of consciousness where 
is spontaneously supported by nature. If people buy this product, 
they're better off."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Why don't you raise money and distribute it to needy people? Would 
this not be a more effective way to bring about change?"
MAHARISHI: "No, no, it's not the money that can make one happy."
REPORTER: "How can Third World people think about their consciousness when 
they're hungry?"
MAHARISHI: "By using that hardware of the cosmic computer, if they use their 
brain properly -- this is the Technology of the Unified Field -- the infinity 
of nature will make them capable of not only earning their ordinary 
bread but very first-class bread."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "What do you think about the arms race and nuclear war?"
MAHARISHI: "Arms race will not be the cause of nuclear war. Stress will 
be the cause of nuclear war. Stress is the greatest enemy of life, and 
that we can eliminate completely." 

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "You have written that by meditating, man brings out his own sense of 
divinity in himself."
MAHARISHI: "Right, we can talk divinity."
REPORTER: "What about someone like Hitler. If he had meditated?"
MAHARISHI: "He would have been more positive."
REPORTER: "You really think you can change people's natures by meditating?"
MAHARISHI: "The world is already a changed situation. One would not know what 
would have happened between the power blocs if Transcendental 
Meditation was not raising the consciousness of the world."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "What do you do for play?"
MAHARISHI: "The whole life is play."
REPORTER: "What do you do for amusement?"
MAHARISHI: "Oh, this is great amusement when I talk about the unified field, 
of nature, when I hear so many people are starting the courses. I am 
doing two things. One, creating a softness in world consciousness. 
Second, training leadership."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Is what you are doing a game?"
MAHARISHI: "It's a game."
REPORTER: "Do you ever sit back and say, 'I've been playing this game for 25 
years. I'm a millionaire. Gee, I'm a good player?'"
MAHARISHI: "I don't play in the past. I always play in the present for a good 

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Do you want to take over the world?"
MAHARISHI: "I have taken over already!"
REPORTER: "How do you expect people to take you seriously?"
MAHARISHI: "I don't because that is damage to my own message. Serious means 
under stress."
REPORTER: "You don't think that you're just pulling off a beautiful job of 
fooling people?"
MAHARISHI: "Those people who don't know better are always fools, but they will 
become better thinkers, better knowers with this 
REPORTER: "Are you a snake-oil salesman?"
MAHARISHI: "What is a snake oil?"
REPORTER: "A panacea. Something that will solve all the ills of the world." 
MAHARISHI: "Then this is it!"

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "If we sent in an outside person not connected with you to take 
pictures [of Yogic Flying]?"
MAHARISHI: "No one is not connected with me."
REPORTER: "Where did you get your modesty?"
MAHARISHI: "It's simplicity."

* * * * * * * 
REPORTER: "Do people create when they're sitting around feeling happiness 
up? How do you explain geniuses like Dostoevski who lived a miserable 
life and created very much?"
MAHARISHI: "He could have created much more if the environment was less 
REPORTER: "But he wrote about stress. He would have had nothing to write about 
if there hadn't been stress."
MAHARISHI: "One could write about a pond, but that doesn't justify the 
existence of the pond or its utility."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "But you claim credit for meditating suffering away?"
MAHARISHI: "Right. Exactly."
REPORTER: "Have you no shame?"
MAHARISHI: "No shame, no weakness, no failure."
End of interview

~Washington Post-- November 1983~

* * * * * * *
TM Media Alert (Israel): "Meital Dohan bringing TM to Israeli soldiers" -- (Posted on -- April 10, 2014

Jai Guru Dev

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/28/2014 7:57 AM, wrote:
*Barry hasn't had the chance to spill his bile for three whole days. 
Expect a veritable flood in the week ahead.*

These days it seems the main purpose of a discussion group is to vent 
one's anger and complain about the past. While these kinds of online 
groups were never very warm and cuddly, it seems that in the last year 
or so the redundant hate mail on FFL has increased a lot. Some people 
just feel better when they have someone to talk to, I guess. Go figure.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 On 4/28/2014 7:22 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

 One of the most fascinating things I've found about the cult mindset is how 
they can find a way to turn anything their cult leader says into a positive. 
 Or how one former cult member can find a way to turn anything their former 
cult leader says into a negative or a lie. >
 You are really working late tonight!

 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/28/2014 7:22 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
One of the most fascinating things I've found about the cult mindset 
is how they can find a way to turn anything their cult leader says 
into a positive.

You are really working late tonight!

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread Mike Dixon
H when asked about the *arms* race, M was in effect saying *guns don't 
kill people, people kill people. 
On Monday, April 28, 2014 6:03 AM, nablusoss1008  
It's always interesting to read the comments from the Turq regarding cults. 
Please remember that he is the only poster here here with extensive experience 
in a cult. That of a "Buddhist" who claimed he was an incarnation of Vishnu and 
later killed himself wearing a dog-collar around his neck.

---In,  wrote :

One of the most fascinating things I've found about the cult mindset is how 
they can find a way to turn anything their cult leader says into a positive. 
You can tell that Dick Mays is actually *proud* of these answers.

Try reading through this interview while substituting the name of any famous 
psychopath or megalomanic for "MAHARISHI" and you've got the same answers. If 
they'd seen these answers coming from anyone else, they would have been able to 
see how crazy they are. But because they're coming from him, they'll interpret 
them as "enlightened wisdom." My favorite is highlighted in red below.

 From: Dick Mays 
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 1:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

REPORTER: "You're not doing much to disabuse me of the notion that you're just 
a P.T. Barnum of the psychic set."
MAHARISHI: "What does this mean?"
REPORTER: "That you're a natural salesman."
MAHARISHI: "Very right. I think I have something salable."
REPORTER: "What are you selling?"
"Natural law and the simplest level of consciousness where everything
is spontaneously supported by nature. If people buy this product,
they're better off."

* * * * * * *
"Why don't you raise money and distribute it to needy people? Would
this not be a more effective way to bring about change?"
MAHARISHI: "No, no, it's not the money that can make one happy."
REPORTER: "How can Third World people think about their consciousness when 
they're hungry?"
"By using that hardware of the cosmic computer, if they use their brain
properly -- this is the Technology of the Unified Field -- the infinity
of nature will make them capable of not only earning their ordinary
bread but very first-class bread."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "What do you think about the arms race and nuclear war?"
MAHARISHI: "Arms race will not be the cause of nuclear war. Stress will
be the cause of nuclear war. Stress is the greatest enemy of life, and
that we can eliminate completely." 

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "You have written that by meditating, man brings out his own sense of 
divinity in himself."
MAHARISHI: "Right, we can talk divinity."
REPORTER: "What about someone like Hitler. If he had meditated?"
MAHARISHI: "He would have been more
REPORTER: "You really think you can change people's natures by meditating?"
MAHARISHI: "The world is already a changed situation. One would not know
what would have happened between the power blocs if Transcendental
Meditation was not raising the consciousness of the world."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "What do you do for play?"
MAHARISHI: "The whole life is play."
REPORTER: "What do you do for amusement?"
"Oh, this is great amusement when I talk about the unified field, laws
of nature, when I hear so many people are starting the courses. I am
doing two things. One, creating a softness in world consciousness.
Second, training leadership."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Is what you are doing a game?"
MAHARISHI: "It's a game."
REPORTER: "Do you ever sit back and say, 'I've been playing this game for 25 
years. I'm a millionaire. Gee, I'm a good player?'"
MAHARISHI: "I don't play in the past. I always play in the present for a
good future."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Do you want to take over the world?"
MAHARISHI: "I have taken over already!"
REPORTER: "How do you expect people to take you seriously?"
MAHARISHI: "I don't because that is damage to my own message. Serious means 
under stress."
REPORTER: "You don't think that you're just pulling off a beautiful job of 
fooling people?"
MAHARISHI: "Those people who don't know better are always
fools, but they will become better thinkers, better knowers with this
REPORTER: "Are you a snake-oil salesman?"
MAHARISHI: "What is a snake oil?"
REPORTER: "A panacea. Something that will solve all the ills of the world." 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread nablusoss1008
It's always interesting to read the comments from the Turq regarding cults. 
Please remember that he is the only poster here here with extensive experience 
in a cult. That of a "Buddhist" who claimed he was an incarnation of Vishnu and 
later killed himself wearing a dog-collar around his neck.

---In,  wrote :

 One of the most fascinating things I've found about the cult mindset is how 
they can find a way to turn anything their cult leader says into a positive. 
You can tell that Dick Mays is actually *proud* of these answers.

Try reading through this interview while substituting the name of any famous 
psychopath or megalomanic for "MAHARISHI" and you've got the same answers. If 
they'd seen these answers coming from anyone else, they would have been able to 
see how crazy they are. But because they're coming from him, they'll interpret 
them as "enlightened wisdom." My favorite is highlighted in red below.

 From: Dick Mays 
 Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 1:48 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts
   REPORTER: "You're not doing much to disabuse me of the notion that you're 
just a P.T. Barnum of the psychic set."
MAHARISHI: "What does this mean?"
REPORTER: "That you're a natural salesman."
MAHARISHI: "Very right. I think I have something salable."
REPORTER: "What are you selling?"
MAHARISHI: "Natural law and the simplest level of consciousness where 
everything is spontaneously supported by nature. If people buy this product, 
they're better off."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Why don't you raise money and distribute it to needy people? Would 
this not be a more effective way to bring about change?"
MAHARISHI: "No, no, it's not the money that can make one happy."
REPORTER: "How can Third World people think about their consciousness when 
they're hungry?"
MAHARISHI: "By using that hardware of the cosmic computer, if they use their 
brain properly -- this is the Technology of the Unified Field -- the infinity 
of nature will make them capable of not only earning their ordinary bread but 
very first-class bread."
* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "What do you think about the arms race and nuclear war?"
MAHARISHI: "Arms race will not be the cause of nuclear war. Stress will be the 
cause of nuclear war. Stress is the greatest enemy of life, and that we can 
eliminate completely." 

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "You have written that by meditating, man brings out his own sense of 
divinity in himself."
MAHARISHI: "Right, we can talk divinity."
REPORTER: "What about someone like Hitler. If he had meditated?"
MAHARISHI: "He would have been more positive."
REPORTER: "You really think you can change people's natures by meditating?"
MAHARISHI: "The world is already a changed situation. One would not know what 
would have happened between the power blocs if Transcendental Meditation was 
not raising the consciousness of the world."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "What do you do for play?"
MAHARISHI: "The whole life is play."
REPORTER: "What do you do for amusement?"
MAHARISHI: "Oh, this is great amusement when I talk about the unified field, 
laws of nature, when I hear so many people are starting the courses. I am doing 
two things. One, creating a softness in world consciousness. Second, training 
* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Is what you are doing a game?"
MAHARISHI: "It's a game."
REPORTER: "Do you ever sit back and say, 'I've been playing this game for 25 
years. I'm a millionaire. Gee, I'm a good player?'"
MAHARISHI: "I don't play in the past. I always play in the present for a good 
* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Do you want to take over the world?"
MAHARISHI: "I have taken over already!"
REPORTER: "How do you expect people to take you seriously?"
MAHARISHI: "I don't because that is damage to my own message. Serious means 
under stress."
REPORTER: "You don't think that you're just pulling off a beautiful job of 
fooling people?"
MAHARISHI: "Those people who don't know better are always fools, but they will 
become better thinkers, better knowers with this message."
REPORTER: "Are you a snake-oil salesman?"
MAHARISHI: "What is a snake oil?"
REPORTER: "A panacea. Something that will solve all the ills of the world." 
MAHARISHI: "Then this is it!"
* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "If we sent in an outside person not connected with you to take 
pictures [of Yogic Flying]?"
MAHARISHI: "No one is not connect

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread authfriend
I wouldn't call his answers "enlightened wisdom," but a lot of them are clever 
and funny. One would have to be a real sourpuss not to find them charming, even 
if one were a True Unbeliever. 

 Barry hasn't had the chance to spill his bile for three whole days. Expect a 
veritable flood in the week ahead.




 One of the most fascinating things I've found about the cult mindset is how 
they can find a way to turn anything their cult leader says into a positive. 
You can tell that Dick Mays is actually *proud* of these answers. 
Try reading through this interview while substituting the name of any famous 
psychopath or megalomanic for "MAHARISHI" and you've got the same answers. If 
they'd seen these answers coming from anyone else, they would have been able to 
see how crazy they are. But because they're coming from him, they'll interpret 
them as "enlightened wisdom." My favorite is highlighted in red below.

 From: Dick Mays 
 Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 1:48 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts
   REPORTER: "You're not doing much to disabuse me of the notion that you're 
just a P.T. Barnum of the psychic set."
MAHARISHI: "What does this mean?"
REPORTER: "That you're a natural salesman."
MAHARISHI: "Very right. I think I have something salable."
REPORTER: "What are you selling?"
MAHARISHI: "Natural law and the simplest level of consciousness where 
everything is spontaneously supported by nature. If people buy this product, 
they're better off."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Why don't you raise money and distribute it to needy people? Would 
this not be a more effective way to bring about change?"
MAHARISHI: "No, no, it's not the money that can make one happy."
REPORTER: "How can Third World people think about their consciousness when 
they're hungry?"
MAHARISHI: "By using that hardware of the cosmic computer, if they use their 
brain properly -- this is the Technology of the Unified Field -- the infinity 
of nature will make them capable of not only earning their ordinary bread but 
very first-class bread."
* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "What do you think about the arms race and nuclear war?"
MAHARISHI: "Arms race will not be the cause of nuclear war. Stress will be the 
cause of nuclear war. Stress is the greatest enemy of life, and that we can 
eliminate completely." 

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "You have written that by meditating, man brings out his own sense of 
divinity in himself."
MAHARISHI: "Right, we can talk divinity."
REPORTER: "What about someone like Hitler. If he had meditated?"
MAHARISHI: "He would have been more positive."
REPORTER: "You really think you can change people's natures by meditating?"
MAHARISHI: "The world is already a changed situation. One would not know what 
would have happened between the power blocs if Transcendental Meditation was 
not raising the consciousness of the world."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "What do you do for play?"
MAHARISHI: "The whole life is play."
REPORTER: "What do you do for amusement?"
MAHARISHI: "Oh, this is great amusement when I talk about the unified field, 
laws of nature, when I hear so many people are starting the courses. I am doing 
two things. One, creating a softness in world consciousness. Second, training 
* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Is what you are doing a game?"
MAHARISHI: "It's a game."
REPORTER: "Do you ever sit back and say, 'I've been playing this game for 25 
years. I'm a millionaire. Gee, I'm a good player?'"
MAHARISHI: "I don't play in the past. I always play in the present for a good 
* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Do you want to take over the world?"
MAHARISHI: "I have taken over already!"
REPORTER: "How do you expect people to take you seriously?"
MAHARISHI: "I don't because that is damage to my own message. Serious means 
under stress."
REPORTER: "You don't think that you're just pulling off a beautiful job of 
fooling people?"
MAHARISHI: "Those people who don't know better are always fools, but they will 
become better thinkers, better knowers with this message."
REPORTER: "Are you a snake-oil salesman?"
MAHARISHI: "What is a snake oil?"
REPORTER: "A panacea. Something that will solve all the ills of the world." 
MAHARISHI: "Then this is it!"
* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "If we sent in an outside person not connected with you to take 
pictures [of Yogic Flying]?"
MAHARISHI: "No one is not connected with me."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread TurquoiseBee
One of the most fascinating things I've found about the cult mindset is how 
they can find a way to turn anything their cult leader says into a positive. 
You can tell that Dick Mays is actually *proud* of these answers.

Try reading through this interview while substituting the name of any famous 
psychopath or megalomanic for "MAHARISHI" and you've got the same answers. If 
they'd seen these answers coming from anyone else, they would have been able to 
see how crazy they are. But because they're coming from him, they'll interpret 
them as "enlightened wisdom." My favorite is highlighted in red below.

 From: Dick Mays 
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 1:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

REPORTER: "You're not doing much to disabuse me of the notion that you're just 
a P.T. Barnum of the psychic set."
MAHARISHI: "What does this mean?"
REPORTER: "That you're a natural salesman."
MAHARISHI: "Very right. I think I have something salable."
REPORTER: "What are you selling?"
MAHARISHI: "Natural law and the simplest level of consciousness where 
is spontaneously supported by nature. If people buy this product, 
they're better off."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Why don't you raise money and distribute it to needy people? Would 
this not be a more effective way to bring about change?"
MAHARISHI: "No, no, it's not the money that can make one happy."
REPORTER: "How can Third World people think about their consciousness when 
they're hungry?"
MAHARISHI: "By using that hardware of the cosmic computer, if they use their 
brain properly -- this is the Technology of the Unified Field -- the infinity 
of nature will make them capable of not only earning their ordinary 
bread but very first-class bread."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "What do you think about the arms race and nuclear war?"
MAHARISHI: "Arms race will not be the cause of nuclear war. Stress will 
be the cause of nuclear war. Stress is the greatest enemy of life, and 
that we can eliminate completely." 

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "You have written that by meditating, man brings out his own sense of 
divinity in himself."
MAHARISHI: "Right, we can talk divinity."
REPORTER: "What about someone like Hitler. If he had meditated?"
MAHARISHI: "He would have been more positive."
REPORTER: "You really think you can change people's natures by meditating?"
MAHARISHI: "The world is already a changed situation. One would not know what 
would have happened between the power blocs if Transcendental 
Meditation was not raising the consciousness of the world."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "What do you do for play?"
MAHARISHI: "The whole life is play."
REPORTER: "What do you do for amusement?"
MAHARISHI: "Oh, this is great amusement when I talk about the unified field, 
of nature, when I hear so many people are starting the courses. I am 
doing two things. One, creating a softness in world consciousness. 
Second, training leadership."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Is what you are doing a game?"
MAHARISHI: "It's a game."
REPORTER: "Do you ever sit back and say, 'I've been playing this game for 25 
years. I'm a millionaire. Gee, I'm a good player?'"
MAHARISHI: "I don't play in the past. I always play in the present for a good 

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Do you want to take over the world?"
MAHARISHI: "I have taken over already!"
REPORTER: "How do you expect people to take you seriously?"
MAHARISHI: "I don't because that is damage to my own message. Serious means 
under stress."
REPORTER: "You don't think that you're just pulling off a beautiful job of 
fooling people?"
MAHARISHI: "Those people who don't know better are always fools, but they will 
become better thinkers, better knowers with this 
REPORTER: "Are you a snake-oil salesman?"
MAHARISHI: "What is a snake oil?"
REPORTER: "A panacea. Something that will solve all the ills of the world." 
MAHARISHI: "Then this is it!"

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "If we sent in an outside person not connected with you to take 
pictures [of Yogic Flying]?"
MAHARISHI: "No one is not connected with me."
REPORTER: "Where did you get your modesty?"
MAHARISHI: "It's simplicity."

* * * * * * * 
REPORTER: "Do people create when they're sitting around feeling happiness 
up? How do you explain geniuses like Dostoevski who lived a miserable 
life and created very much?"

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread Michael Jackson
Beautiful! Beautiful! He admits he is a snake oil salesman! 

On Mon, 4/28/14, Dick Mays  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts
 Date: Monday, April 28, 2014, 11:48 AM
   REPORTER: "You're not doing
 much to disabuse me of the notion that you're just a
 P.T. Barnum of the psychic set."
 "What does this mean?"
 "That you're a natural salesman."
 "Very right. I think I have something
 REPORTER: "What are you
  "Natural law and the simplest level of consciousness
 where everything 
 is spontaneously supported by nature. If people buy this
 they're better off."
 * * * * * * *
  "Why don't you raise money and distribute it to
 needy people? Would 
 this not be a more effective way to bring about
 MAHARISHI: "No, no, it's not
 the money that can make one happy."
 "How can Third World people think about their
 consciousness when they're hungry?"
  "By using that hardware of the cosmic computer, if
 they use their brain
  properly -- this is the Technology of the Unified Field --
 the infinity
  of nature will make them capable of not only earning their
 bread but very first-class
 * * * * * * *
 "What do you think about the arms race and nuclear
 MAHARISHI: "Arms race will not
 be the cause of nuclear war. Stress will 
 be the cause of nuclear war. Stress is the greatest enemy of
 life, and 
 that we can eliminate completely." 
 * * * * * * *
 "You have written that by meditating, man brings out
 his own sense of divinity in himself."
 "Right, we can talk divinity."
 "What about someone like Hitler. If he had
 MAHARISHI: "He would have been
 more positive."
 REPORTER: "You really think you
 can change people's natures by
 MAHARISHI: "The world is already
 a changed situation. One would not know
  what would have happened between the power blocs if
 Meditation was not raising the consciousness of the
 * * * * * * *
 "What do you do for play?"
 "The whole life is play."
 "What do you do for amusement?"
  "Oh, this is great amusement when I talk about the
 unified field, laws 
 of nature, when I hear so many people are starting the
 courses. I am 
 doing two things. One, creating a softness in world
 Second, training leadership."
 * * * * * * *
 "Is what you are doing a game?"
 "It's a game."
 REPORTER: "Do you ever sit back
 and say, 'I've been playing this game for 25 years.
 I'm a millionaire. Gee, I'm a good
 MAHARISHI: "I don't play in
 the past. I always play in the present for a good
 * * * * * * *
 "Do you want to take over the world?"
 "I have taken over already!"
 "How do you expect people to take you
 MAHARISHI: "I don't because
 that is damage to my own message. Serious means under
 REPORTER: "You don't think
 that you're just pulling off a beautiful job of fooling
 MAHARISHI: "Those people who
 don't know better are always
  fools, but they will become better thinkers, better knowers
 with this 
 REPORTER: "Are you a snake-oil
 MAHARISHI: "What is a snake
 REPORTER: "A panacea. Something
 that will solve all the ills of the world." 
 "Then this is it!"
 * * * * * * *
 "If we sent in an outside person not connected with you
 to take pictures [of Yogic Flying]?"
 "No one is not connected with me."
 "Where did you get your modesty?"
 "It's simplicity."
 * * * * * * * 
  "Do people create when they're sitting around
 feeling happiness bubble 
 up? How do you explain geniuses like Dostoevski who lived a
 life and created very much?"
 "He could have created much more if the environment was
 less stressed."
 REPORTER: "But he wrote about
 stress. He would have had nothing to write about if there
 hadn't been stress."
 MAHARISHI: "One could write
 about a pond, but that doesn't justify the existence of
 the pond or its utility."
 * * * *

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi interview excerpts

2014-04-28 Thread Dick Mays
REPORTER: "You're not doing much to disabuse me of the notion that you're just 
a P.T. Barnum of the psychic set."
MAHARISHI: "What does this mean?"
REPORTER: "That you're a natural salesman."
MAHARISHI: "Very right. I think I have something salable."
REPORTER: "What are you selling?"
MAHARISHI: "Natural law and the simplest level of consciousness where 
everything is spontaneously supported by nature. If people buy this product, 
they're better off."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Why don't you raise money and distribute it to needy people? Would 
this not be a more effective way to bring about change?"
MAHARISHI: "No, no, it's not the money that can make one happy."
REPORTER: "How can Third World people think about their consciousness when 
they're hungry?"
MAHARISHI: "By using that hardware of the cosmic computer, if they use their 
brain properly -- this is the Technology of the Unified Field -- the infinity 
of nature will make them capable of not only earning their ordinary bread but 
very first-class bread."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "What do you think about the arms race and nuclear war?"
MAHARISHI: "Arms race will not be the cause of nuclear war. Stress will be the 
cause of nuclear war. Stress is the greatest enemy of life, and that we can 
eliminate completely." 

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "You have written that by meditating, man brings out his own sense of 
divinity in himself."
MAHARISHI: "Right, we can talk divinity."
REPORTER: "What about someone like Hitler. If he had meditated?"
MAHARISHI: "He would have been more positive."
REPORTER: "You really think you can change people's natures by meditating?"
MAHARISHI: "The world is already a changed situation. One would not know what 
would have happened between the power blocs if Transcendental Meditation was 
not raising the consciousness of the world."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "What do you do for play?"
MAHARISHI: "The whole life is play."
REPORTER: "What do you do for amusement?"
MAHARISHI: "Oh, this is great amusement when I talk about the unified field, 
laws of nature, when I hear so many people are starting the courses. I am doing 
two things. One, creating a softness in world consciousness. Second, training 

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Is what you are doing a game?"
MAHARISHI: "It's a game."
REPORTER: "Do you ever sit back and say, 'I've been playing this game for 25 
years. I'm a millionaire. Gee, I'm a good player?'"
MAHARISHI: "I don't play in the past. I always play in the present for a good 

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "Do you want to take over the world?"
MAHARISHI: "I have taken over already!"
REPORTER: "How do you expect people to take you seriously?"
MAHARISHI: "I don't because that is damage to my own message. Serious means 
under stress."
REPORTER: "You don't think that you're just pulling off a beautiful job of 
fooling people?"
MAHARISHI: "Those people who don't know better are always fools, but they will 
become better thinkers, better knowers with this message."
REPORTER: "Are you a snake-oil salesman?"
MAHARISHI: "What is a snake oil?"
REPORTER: "A panacea. Something that will solve all the ills of the world." 
MAHARISHI: "Then this is it!"

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "If we sent in an outside person not connected with you to take 
pictures [of Yogic Flying]?"
MAHARISHI: "No one is not connected with me."
REPORTER: "Where did you get your modesty?"
MAHARISHI: "It's simplicity."

* * * * * * * 
REPORTER: "Do people create when they're sitting around feeling happiness 
bubble up? How do you explain geniuses like Dostoevski who lived a miserable 
life and created very much?"
MAHARISHI: "He could have created much more if the environment was less 
REPORTER: "But he wrote about stress. He would have had nothing to write about 
if there hadn't been stress."
MAHARISHI: "One could write about a pond, but that doesn't justify the 
existence of the pond or its utility."

* * * * * * *
REPORTER: "But you claim credit for meditating suffering away?"
MAHARISHI: "Right. Exactly."
REPORTER: "Have you no shame?"
MAHARISHI: "No shame, no weakness, no failure."
End of interview

~Washington Post -- November 1983~

* * * * * * *
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Jai Guru Dev