Malpractice Lawsuits Are `Red Herring' in Obama Plan

A 2004 report
by the Congressional Budget Office also pegged medical malpractice costs
at 2 percent of U.S. health spending and "even significant
reductions" would do little to reduce the growth of health-care

The proportion of medical malpractice verdicts among the top jury awards
in the U.S. has declined during the past 20 years, according to data
compiled by Bloomberg. Of the top 25 awards so far this year, only one
was a malpractice case. At least 30 states cap damages in medical suits,
primarily for "pain and suffering" awards.

By Alex Nussbaum
June 16 (Bloomberg) -- Protecting doctors from lawsuits may do more to
gain political cover for President Barack Obama
tfields=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1> 's health-care overhaul than to rein
in medical costs.

While Obama vowed to address physicians' malpractice worries in a
speech yesterday, annual jury awards and legal settlements involving
doctors amounts to "a drop in the bucket" in a country that
spends $2.3 trillion annually on health care, said Amitabh Chandra
a> , a Harvard University economist. Chandra estimated the cost at $12
per person in the U.S., or about $3.6 billion, in a 2005 study
tionerData_2005.pdf> . Insurer WellPoint Inc.
<>  said last month
that liability wasn't driving premiums.

Obama told an American Medical Association <> 
meeting in Chicago yesterday that his efforts to cut costs and increase
coverage couldn't succeed without freeing doctors from the fear of
lawsuits. While that may be what his audience needed to hear, the
evidence that malpractice drives up health-care costs is
"debatable," said Robert Laszewski
p&getfields=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1> , an Alexandria, Virginia,
consultant <>  to health insurers and other

"Medical malpractice dollars are a red herring," Chandra said in
a telephone interview. "No serious economist thinks that saving
money in med mal is the way to improve productivity in the system.
There's so many other sources of inefficiency."

Obama, appealing for doctors' support for health-care legislation,
said he would "explore a range of ideas" to reduce the effect of
lawsuits, without giving specifics. While he opposes caps on jury
malpractice awards, Obama said he recognized the legal threat spurs
doctors to perform unnecessary tests and procedures -- so-called
defensive medicine.

`Fear of Lawsuits'

Making U.S. care more efficient will be harder "if doctors feel like
they are constantly looking over their shoulder for fear of
lawsuits," the president said.

One possibility the Democratic administration has mentioned is shielding
doctors from liability if they follow "best practice" guidelines
developed by physicians' groups, said J. James Rohack
-members/j-james-rohack.shtml> , incoming president of the
250,000-member AMA, in a news conference after the speech. Doctors were
"thrilled" to hear Obama acknowledge the issue, even with the
lack of specifics, said Nancy Nielsen
etfields=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1> , the outgoing president.

"What we heard we were very pleased with," Nielsen said. "He
is open to considering options that will lower the cost of defensive
medicine." While stating opposition to caps, the president "has
not taken that off the table," she said.

In a letter
>  to Obama on June 1, the doctors suggested Congress fund pilot
projects for state courts or administrative agencies specializing in
malpractice. They also recommended experimenting with predetermined
schedules for injury awards and "early offer initiatives"
designed to speed settlements.

Exorbitant Premiums

"Exorbitant" malpractice premiums are making it harder for
doctors to stay in the business, and hurting taxpayers whose money goes
for publicly funded clinics, said William C. Parrish Jr., chief
executive officer of the Santa Clara County Medical Association, based
in San Jose, California. The group represents 3,600 physicians.

Capping awards is "going to ruffle the feathers of trial bar
attorneys," he said by phone. "They are going to say it's
affecting these poor victims. But if we could provide 5,000 more free
visits at the county hospital for indigent care, as opposed to giving a
huge settlement for one person for non-economic damages, socially
that's a good tradeoff."

About 10 percent
.pdf>  of the cost of medical services is linked to malpractice lawsuits
and more intensive diagnostic testing due to defensive medicine,
according to a January 2006 report prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP for the insurers' group America's Health Insurance Plans.

2 Percent of Spending

The figures were taken from a March 2003 study by the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services that estimated the direct cost of medical
malpractice was 2 percent of the nation's health-care spending and
said defensive medical practices accounted for 5 percent to 9 percent of
the overall expense.

A 2004 report
by the Congressional Budget Office also pegged medical malpractice costs
at 2 percent of U.S. health spending and "even significant
reductions" would do little to reduce the growth of health-care

The proportion of medical malpractice verdicts among the top jury awards
in the U.S. has declined during the past 20 years, according to data
compiled by Bloomberg. Of the top 25 awards so far this year, only one
was a malpractice case. At least 30 states cap damages in medical suits,
primarily for "pain and suffering" awards.

`Completely Broken'

The medical malpractice system is "completely broken," said
Chandra, a public policy professor at Harvard in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. It rewards plaintiffs who are undeserving while leaving
others with real injuries unpaid, prompts some doctors to perform
needless tests and encourages others to refuse to care for patients
deemed a higher legal risk, he said.

The development of new drugs and medical procedures, and their growth in
price, has been a bigger factor in costs, said Chandra, citing his
research and that of other economists. Studies haven't found a link
between increasing procedures, such as Caesarian-section births, and
areas with rising malpractice damages, he said.

Medical malpractice is "not a major driver" of spending trends
in recent years, Indianapolis-based WellPoint, the largest U.S. insurer
by enrollment, said in May 27 report
<> . The report
cited advances in medical technology, increasing regulation and rising
obesity as more significant reasons for rising costs.

Issue for Doctors

Malpractice is "a big issue for doctors but whether it's a big
issue for the American health-care system is another question,"
Laszewski, the consultant, said in a telephone interview. "There are
<>  that
indicate that medical malpractice reform would not have a huge impact on
costs, but that is not what doctors think."

A Washington-based trial lawyers' group, the American Association of
Justice <>
, opposes curbing malpractice lawsuits.

The U.S. Institute of Medicine found a decade ago that medical errors
kill 98,000
Americans a year, said Les Weisbrod, president of the lawyers'
association. "By taking away the rights of people to hold wrongdoers
accountable, the quality of health care will suffer tremendously,"
he said.

Without more details of Obama's plan, it's too soon to say how
reforming malpractice insurance will affect companies providing
insurance to doctors, said Michael Nannizzi
p&getfields=wnnis&sort=date:D:S:d1> , an analyst at Oppenheimer & Co. in
New York.

"The insurance companies that are in the business now don't want
medical malpractice to suddenly become an easy business to write,
because that takes away the expertise they've built over the
years," he said by telephone. "But they do want to have some
predictability for their own financials. It's a very fine line."

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