As I have said in a previous post, "...I'm all for preserving Medicare,
Social Security and believe we need universal healthcare. These are
essential social safety nets. However, the recent pork laden bailout,
forced on taxpayers, sets the stage for Obama to scrap any program
protecting the most basic of human needs..."

During the debate tonight, when both candidates blithely took aim at
Social Security and Medicare as needing a fix, it confirmed my worst
fears about Obama. He pretends to rage against the excesses of Wall
Street while planning to screw the little guy on Main   Street. This is
the same guy who got a lot of campaign money from BANKS <>


I'll excuse McCain for screwing the little guy because he's a
Republican. As for Obama, he might as well be one.


"Manufactured Crisis" Anglachel's Journal 10/07/08 <>

Honestly, I tried to follow the debate between The Precious and My
Cranky Friend, but it was turn it off or throw up. Tom Brokaw presents
the interests of the Very Serious People and wants to know what the
candidates are going to do to cut spending, "entitlement reform," now
that we have to give all of the money to Wall Street. Social Security,
Medicare and Medicade are mentioned by name as prime candidates to cut.

The completely predictable and ignored until warp-core meltdown
manufactured crisis on Wall Street is used to bolster the perennial
manufactured crisis of how are we going to kill off that pesky New Deal
and Great Society stuff that only helps the little people. Pull up the
ladder, Bo'sun, I'm aboard.

In lieu of actual presidential discussion, I present Hillary's cheeky
and deliciously insulting letter
<>  to The
Chimperor and his Hanky Panky today. She knows who created the problem
and isn't afraid to rub Bush's nose in it, with a delivery all the more
effective because of its politeness:
The ongoing credit crisis has severely restricted bank lending. The
dramatic decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index underscores
the lack of liquidity in virtually all markets except U.S. Treasuries.
At the same time, global market turmoil is creating more uncertainty and
anxiety here at home, when what is needed at this time is confidence to
bolster the credit markets.

Our economy runs on credit and credit is in too short supply. As a
result, many small businesses cannot receive the loans and lines of
credit they need to make payroll, stock inventory, or expand. This is
having a dramatic impact on jobs with 159,000 lost this past month
alone, the ninth straight month of job losses and the greatest single
month loss in five years. Banks' restrictive lending terms will make
securing college loans more difficult, while also increasing the
pressure on colleges and universities who lost access to funds
maintained by distressed financial institutions to raise tuition.

The municipal bond market has taken a huge hit as investors flee and
financing costs skyrocket. Several states and municipalities are at risk
of failing to maintain important government functions.
Shorter Hillary - Look at the mess you made, you bozo, so bad even your
base is in deep doo-doo (as Poppy would say). Nine straight months of
job losses, Chimp, way to go!

I love the patient lecture to these two - See, kids, this is how the
economy actually works. This is how it affects ordinary people, the kind
invisible to you. You are not going to be allowed to sit around and
dither, running down the clock while your uber-rich golf-buddies
manipulate the markets to extort maximum benefit from the bailout.
Unlike the guy the DNC handed the nomination to, she's not afraid to
talk about social justice: The Treasury has already become a lender of
last resort for large financial firms and banks. We must extend that
same help to small businesses, students, colleges, local governments and
all those who are bearing the brunt of the same widespread credit
crisis. It is a matter of necessity and a matter of fairness: we are
helping to keep large Wall Street firms stay afloat with lines of
credit. We should do the same for small Main Street businesses as well.
It matters how you frame arguments. If you accept the terms that there
are no choices except to "fix" social programs by gutting them in hard
times, the times when they are most needed, then that is probably what
you will end up doing. Sympathy for them, even belief in them, is
toothless if not backed by the willingness to fight for them exactly
when it is least popular among the Very Important People. The argument
to make is not one about morality (good people do this, we are a better
people than that), but an appeal to justice (What we do for the powerful
must also be done for the ordinary.). You don't need an appeal to innate
goodness or the charity of someone's heart if you are willing to write
something into law and put the full force of the government behind it.
This applies just as much to healthcare and equal pay as to financial
protection in times of crisis.

Social justice does not happen because we are good. It happens because
we are willing to legislate and mobilize power on behalf of those too
far from the levers of power to dictate what they want. Paulson has
tried to dictate what will be done for the sake of his personal friends
but even more for his socio-economic class and their world-view - a
world-view Brokaw is repeating as Conventional Wisdom as he moderates
the debate. What Hillary does with this letter is interrupt the world
view with an alternative argument of how social goods and resources must
be allocated. Justice is not just about voting the black guy into
office. It's also about defending the ability of small businesses, the
kinds most likely to be owned by people who are not part of the ruling
class, to get venture capital and use debt constructively, businesses
more likely to keep money in localities and regions, helping shore up
the economy. It's about ensuring that access to higher education is not
quietly shut off by denying credit to the many, many applicants who are
not independently wealthy and to the schools that may not make money
themselves, but which are the engines of wealth creation.
I propose that we set aside $150 billion of the $700 billion rescue plan
for an "Emergency Stabilization Fund" to make emergency loans
and establish temporary lines of credit for small businesses; to allow
colleges and universities to have short-term access to funding to reduce
the pressure on tuition; and to increase direct loans to students as
private lending has dried up. The Small Business Administration and the
Department of Education could be temporarily empowered to implement
these loan programs until the market has stabilized.
Think about that. 21% of the bailout to be reserved for something else.
$150 billion to stabilize the economic food chain where it will have
immediate effect. Talking about the needs of small businesses and
education as equally important as the golden parachutes of the Merry
Banksters. This broad is talking as if these people are entitled to some
support from the government! The nerve! Doesn't she know that there's no
credit, no loans for people who can't repay? If they were creditworthy,
they'd have other ways to finance their lives than sucking off the
government teat, heaven without end, Amen! Don't they know we need that
$150 billion to fund our retirement villas in the south of France?
Socialists, all of 'em...

Hillary's bit about municipal bonds is important as more and more
municipalities have had to rely on them to cover the loss of Federal
money for things like infrastructure and support services. The entire
thing reads like tutorial in government finance - and now you do this,
and then you do that, are you following me, boyz? It lacks the grand
rhetorical flourishes and deep econo-geekitude of Roubini's recent
writings, but it gets to the same place - the credit crisis will not be
solved on Wall Street, though it must be addressed there. It can only be
solved by intervention in the localities where wealth is generated and
capital replenished.

She concludes with two items. First, her signature statement about the
power relationship inherent in the financial meltdown:
By failing to tackle a mortgage crisis, we ended up with a credit
crisis. If we fail to take on this credit crisis, we risk deepening a
looming economic crisis.
As Gulliver discovered, ignore the little people and you are toast.  Her
final line is a challenge to more people than Bush:
But if necessary, Congress should be called to return to consider
additional authority to implement this plan.
This is directed at more than the White House. Where is the Democratic
leadership on this issue? Why are they not waging this battle on behalf
of Main Street?

The crises we are facing are things of our own creation - manufactured
right here at home. While there are a number of way to solve these
problems, it matters what path is chosen and whose interests are



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