“The single most profound application of my Vedic Science and Technology is 
through the collective practice of the TM-Sidhi Programme” -Maharishi
 [Absolute Theory of Defence: Sovereignty in Invincibility: p. 83]
 Create Coherence in Collective Consciousness and Eliminate Collective Stress,
 You Can Make a Difference;
 Avert the Danger Before it Comes..
 Half a league, half a league,
 Half a league onward,
 All in the valley of Death
    Rode the six hundred.
 “Forward, the Light Brigade!
 Charge for the guns!” he said.
 Into the valley of Death
    Rode the six hundred.
 “Forward, the Light Brigade!”
 Was there a man dismayed?
 Not though the soldier knew
    Someone had blundered.
    Theirs not to make reply,
    Theirs not to reason why,
    Theirs but to do and die.
    Into the valley of Death
    Rode the six hundred.

 Damn the Torpedoes,  
 Come to Meditation,

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