Despite having some conservative views towards fiscal issues and other 
political issues, this woman scares me.  According to the link below, she 
believes in 'submission' to her husband.  She has also gone on some scary 
anti-gay speeches.

Regarding submission issues, perhaps her husband is wise and all knowing 
(though I doubt it).  But she's obviously not aware that there are some rather 
incompetent and unwise men out there that should never be obeyed under any 

I saw her on TV being confronted about her stance on submission and 
gays/lesbians.  She did a very amateur job of disguising what she really meant 

A lot of people I know say she's a breath of fresh air compared to Sarah Palin 
because of her intellect.  My reply is that is what makes her much more 
dangerous than Palin.

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