Is there a need for Nanotechnology in the transhumanist model of evolution? No. 
Kurzweil is a nutcase, and the recent series on the Natgeo channel "Year 
Million": - exploring various possibilities in the distance future, has a major 
flaw: Make that three flaws:

 1. First flaw is that the more desirable (for most) choice in the distant 
future would be to upload one's "consciousness" onto a virtual reality type of 
internet, while the physical body is stored someplace.
 IMO Dumbest idea I've ever heard of.  Those TV producers are assuming that 
one's identity is solely memories, and if one can tap into the brain 
mechanically, those memories constitute the "you"; and given time, technology 
will provide the means of uploading the memories into what they called The 
HIVE: (a shared virtual reality world that everybody on earth is invited to get 

 2. Next problem: leaving the physical body behind somewhere. (this could get 
messy). Obviously inspired by the Matrix movies.  Leave me out of that world.

 3. Third major flaw.  It assumes that Descartes dualism (the Soul can be 
separate from the body). is false and that only Naturalism is the real model 
(that only physical matter exists as information.).  Then, their phoney logic 
jumps from the "information" part (the "you" is only the information contained 
in memories), to an eternal "you" in the HIVE world (a shared Internet virtual 

 An alternative to the "Year Million" model of living in the Internet HIVE is 
the Sant Mat model: develop the ability to travel outside the physical body to 
anyplace in the multiverse.  Then, when the physical body naturally dies, one 
is free to live in any subtle realm (only returning to the physical world by 
choice as an Avatar).


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