[FairfieldLife] Now It Can Be Told - There Is No Shankara In MMY's Teachings

2016-06-01 Thread emptyb...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

"Though there is the natural eradication of difference in deep sleep and in 
transcendence, because false knowledge has not been removed, differences occur 
once again upon waking just like before" 

 Shankara's commentary
 Brahmasutra Bhasya 2,1,9 

[FairfieldLife] Now it can be told: REAL FACTS ABOUT TM -- Re: Duveyoung highly dishonest

2015-07-16 Thread Duveyoung

(I have no position , payment from or financial interest in the TMO.  I don't 
need any such motivation to want to warn people that 99 percent of what you say 
here is fabrication.)

Of course a paid shill would say such a thing, so we don't know if it's true or 
Meanwhile, note the exaggeration:  99%...fabrication.  That's the tell -- 
that's how you identify a person with an agenda.

I have an agenda, yep, so it's okay if a pus-sucking-putz does too -- fair is 

But, sheeesh, 99%?  

Confession:  I exaggerate for effect.  BAM...there, satisfied?  

But if you were a serious person instead of a probable-bath-fart-bubble 
smeller, I'd wither your brains with data that the TMO has tried to suppress 
across the decades.  I don't need exaggerations to prove a point; I need them 
to get people to try to figure out what the real point is.  If I just tell the 
truth, people don't get serious enough for my taste.I want folks steamed.


There was a real murder by a real meditator on TMO related property.  What is 
false in this statement? 
That murder was avoidable if the TMO ON CAMPUS had done the legally required 
thing when the pen incident happened.  What is false in this statement?

Many women have said Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had sex with them.  What is false in 
this statement?

There have been campus suicides.  What is false in this statement?

The course office will pull your badge, and you cannot find out why. What is 
false in this statement?

There's a good chance that, heh go figure, 99% of the TMers in town know about 
Bev and Hag's sexual exploits.  What is false in this statement?

The TMO had their teachers gaining thousands of dollars-worth of credits 
towards future courses, and then the TMO simply took that money away from most 
of those teachers who couldn't immediately use the credits because of other 
real-world necessities.  What is false in this statement?

There's dozens of stories and testimonies in town of international money 
laundering. What is false in this statement?

 There are REAL boys behind a barbed wired enclosed compound and they are so 
abused that they even broke out in a protest that had to have the cops called.  
What is false in this statement?

Anyone in Fairfield can tell you a story or several about folks who relied on 
TMO's Ayurveda health advice instead of Western Medicine and ended up worse or 
using Western Medicine at the very end when it's too late.  Many of Ayurvedic 
medicines had to be smuggled into the USA because they had illegal amounts of 
mercury in them.  What is false in these statements? 

The vast majority of TM related science is obviously biased.  What is false in 
this statement?

The TMO's top leaders have been caught, again and again, in scandals of every 
sort.  Many went to prison,   millions of dollars were fraudulently bilked, 
women drugged and raped, etc.  What is false in this statement?

Do I need to continue? The above TRUE FACTS are enough to send anyone running 
at top speed AWAY from the TMO.  No matter how good the technique, the results 
in these evil personalities shows that the technique DOES NOT AFFECT MORALITY.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :

 I have no position , payment from or financial interest in the TMO.  I don't 
need any such motivation to want to warn people that 99 percent of what you say 
here is fabrication.


[FairfieldLife] Now it can be told!

2014-07-05 Thread emptyb...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


[FairfieldLife] Now it can be told ... the truth about Vedic/Tantric deities or angry Semetic gods!

2014-02-08 Thread emptybill

 The Big Board - by Kilgore Trout

 … It was about an Earthling man and woman who were kidnapped by 
extra-terrestrials. They were put on display in a zoo on a planet called 

 These fictitious people in the zoo had a big board supposedly showing stock 
market quotations and comodity prices along one wall of their habitat, and a 
news ticker, and a telephone that was supposedly connected to a brokerage on 
Earth. The creatures on Zircon-212 told their captives that they had invested a 
million dollars for them back on Earth, and that it was up to the captives to 
manage it so that they would be fabulously wealthy when they were returned to 
The telephone and the big board and the ticker were all fakes, of course. They 
were simply stimulants to make the Earthlings perform vividly for the crowds at 
the zoo—to make them jump up and down and cheer, or gloat, or sulk, or tear 
their hair, to be scared shitless or to feel as contented as babies in their 
mothers’ arms.
The Earthlings did very well on paper. That was part of the rigging, of course. 
And religion got mixed up in it, too. The news ticker reminded them that the 
President of the United States had declared National Prayer Week, and that 
everybody should pray. The Earthlings had had a bad week on the market before 
that. They had lost a small fortune in olive oil futures. So they gave praying 
a whirl.
It worked. Olive oil went up.

[FairfieldLife] Now It Can Be Told: 'Just in C.C.'

2011-04-21 Thread emptybill
Zeno Nagarjuna reveals the dirty little secret.
Yer jus' a figment of my imagination ... bitch!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willytex@... wrote:

   CC is not a static state but is a signpost on the
   road to development of freedom...
  One is just moving towards Brahman anyway so these
  are just the scenery along the way...
 Actually, people are not moving anywhere. Brahman is
 an already existent; not an object of cognition, and
 absent all movement.

 All people need to do is *isolate* the scenery from the
 Reality. The scenery is just apparently moving, but not
 really - things don't really move about from one place
 to another. Perceived movement is just a series of
 thought instants. Movement is impossible - it's just
 an illusion.