Of whom what where and when.

Gawd strewth Tracey woman you don't half yak on :- ))) But no problem, I
like it, and I am sure the group owner would feel the same. It is the
one liner sarcastic jerks that make me angry and bite back :- )  But I
tell you what, if you and I were married the kids would never get fed :-
))) You say, write and ask, so much there that I can only address it a
bit at a time, and later today if I may.

Just a couple of bits here however. The being alone bit; and the hidden
Jewel thing and its analogys as brought up.  I never like this bit about
casting Jewels to the swine; it is elitist. I don't see human beings as
swine. They are all the same as me and as good or bad as me. I just
happen to know one thing which most of them plainly don't seem to know,
so it is about that which I talk and write. No point in my writing that
they have got a head and two legs is there. I think they all know that.

It is knowing that which makes me lonely you see. If everybody knew it
then I would not be lonely. I do not mean lonely in that I live alone. I
have never lived alone and I enjoy company (some of the time).  I would
not fancy living alone one jot. I am no frigging hermit.  Added to which
I am a perennial romantic :- ) Nothing I can do about that, just born
that way :- )) I like watching sloppy love stories, and I cry sometimes
:- )))  Tell it as it is my dear Lady. Be HONEST.

Then there is the third aspect of being alone, and which applies to us
all. In here there is only one person, me. I do not share this inner
space with anything else, just me, alone. You are the same, we are all
ALONE, in that sense. When I laugh it is only me laughing, and when I
cry it is only me crying, and when I write it is only me writing.

The Jewel symbolism IS a good one if one is going to use symbols. But
best put this way. There is this lump of mud, and mud is all over the
place, there is so much of it so it is common. However you, we, are each
one proverbial handful of mud. But things ain't what they seem. For if
you wash that mud away, pick it off and dump it, then deep inside that
lump of mud you will find the most amazing thing that ever exists –
YOU, the jewel in the mud. IT IS TRUE. Know Your Self.

This clearing the mud off the Jewel is called PURGATION. That means
stripping off stuff which is not the Jewel until ONLY the Jewel remains.
We cannot do it to ourself, it has to be done to us.  You can ONLY find
it in that eternal Paradesium of which I speak, it is beyond time and
space and all  other things brought forth from the cauldron of NO
CREATED THING. You will never find it on earth, and the earth is not
Paradise it is the Earth. Paradise is Paradise. It is NOT here; it does
not exist in the river of time. Neither is it IN me, it is INWARDS. 
Heaven is NOT within me, I AM in IT, and the direction is INWARDS. When
you are in that Paradesium place it is Objective, out there and all
around you, one is IN IT. It is the stuff of which we are made and
somehow become conscious. It is as though (although I am not sure) that
all that stuff is latent consciousness, but it needs a catalyst to wake
a part if it up, become conscious, become I AM. A good analogy is that
of a star becoming a star and going nuclear – Zap, from that stuff
the star has become a star. There are no people in Paradise. There are
no stars in primordial energy. They (and we) emanate from it, grow from
it. Like Yeast I guess. But no thinking goes on there, and one is alone.
It is also a love factory and a beauty parlour. See you later.

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