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> From: "Dome Announcements" <>
> Subject: [FairfieldCafe] Presentation on healthcare reform and you
> Date: September 21, 2013 10:38:15 AM CDT
> To:
> Reply-To:
> As most everyone is aware, some very major changes are coming soon to our 
> nation’s healthcare system.  These new laws represent the most comprehensive 
> changes to the US healthcare system in over 40 years and hundreds of 
> Jefferson County residents will be affected.  The Affordable Care Act, also 
> known as “Obamacare”, will take effect January 1, 2014, and will require 
> EVERYONE to have health insurance or pay a penalty.
> To help members of our community prepare for these changes, the Ideal 
> Community Group is hosting a special presentation on Thursday, Sept 26th at 
> Argiro Center, Dalby Hall from 7:30-9pm.    If you currently do not have 
> health insurance, or you have insurance through IowaCare you definitely will 
> not want to miss this presentation.   Some of the key points covered will 
> include:
> Coverage for pre-existing conditions
> Replacement for IowaCare (ending 12/31/2013)
> Assistance in enrolling in the new plans
> Receiving premium subsidies
> Requirements and options for small businesses
> The presentation will be given by Lynn Schreder, Vice-President of KHI 
> Financial Solutions, an insurance General Agency specializing in health 
> insurance for individuals and small businesses, with knowledge and expertise 
> in the Affordable Care Act.  The event is co-hosted by CoOpportunity Health 
> and the Ideal Community Group.
> For questions or to RSVP, email:  rsvphealthreform@gmail. 
> This email was sent to from Dome Announcements.
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