[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth

2013-11-29 Thread authfriend
Nobody was challenging your I don't lie search, Barry. What did you think you 
had to prove? That's pretty funny. Getting a little nervous, are ya?

 BTW, I pointed out a day or so ago that I rarely tout my own honesty (contrary 
to the claims of some here) unless someone has first called it in question. 
These examples all fall right in that category, I believe. And interestingly 
enough, the questioning (accusations, really) in most of these cases came from 
folks I had previously caught lying (e.g., Barry, navashok, Curtis, Vaj, 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB wrote:
 Ah, the patented Steinian Nitpick Lie. :-)
 Now Judy's going to pretend that 41 instances of I don't lie don't add
 up to a declaration of I never lie.

 Since I belatedly realized that this search is done in the old Yahoo interface 
and that possibly not everyone can see it, here are a few highlights:

Oct 5, 2013, in message #359820
I don't lie or twist or reshuffle.

Aug 13, 2013, in message #353409
I'm not the Queen of anything, but as you know, Nabby, I don't lie

Aug 13, 2013, in message #353336
Plus which, they know I don't lie, and they know you *do* lie.

Feb 12, 2013, in message #335232 
Um, no, it's because they know I don't lie.

Jan 26, 2013, in message #333579
I don't lie, and I deny only what is not true.

Mar 12, 2012, in message #306217
Oops, no, Raunchy and I don't lie.

Mar 1, 2012, in message #305356
There are no lies in the paragraph. I sometimes make mistakes, but I don't 

Jan 9, 2012, in message #301381
I'm tough, but I'm pretty fair; I don't lie; I usually check my facts; and I 
rarely make gratuitous attacks. Nor do I dump nastily on posters who 
respectfully and sincerely say things I don't agree with.

Oct 31, 2011, in message #293675
Vaj has never caught me in a lie, for the simple reason that I don't lie.

Jul 12, 2011, in message #282357
Since Judy doesn't lie, it's not possible for her to be lying *again*. Vaj 
knows I don't lie.

Apr 11, 2011, in message #274245
Whatever my other faults may be, I don't lie.

Oct 31, 2010, in message #260625
I don't lie. I'm not a hypocrite.

Oct 11, 2010, in message #259089
As you and Vaj well know, I don't lie.

Jan 26, 2010, in message #239742
I don't lie about Barry. It's his lies that create the battle.

Jan 3, 2009, in message #203765
In contrast, I don't lie, and I do my damndest to be fair.

Jan 3, 2009, in message #203746
Vaj knows I don't lie, so his comment above is itself a lie.

Aug 17, 2008, in message #187141
Funny thing is, nobody has ever caught me in a lie in any Internet forum. You 
know why? It's because there isn't anything to catch. I don't lie.

Mar 15, 2008, in message #170153
However, I'm not duplicitous, mendacious, dishonest, or disingenuous. And I 
don't lie, either.

Dec 3, 2007, in message #156651
As Vaj knows, I don't lie. I haven't lied before, and I wasn't lying here.

Sep 25, 2007, in message #149814
Nope, I don't lie, Vaj. Don't project.

May 22, 2006, in message #98982
BTW, I don't lie, nor do I rewrite history.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Judy Stein wrote:
   Barry wrote:
   Which of the people you have claimed were phonies, for
   instance, have ever said something as stupid
   and as *obviously* untrue as I never lie?
  YOU. Many times, pretending to quote me.
   YOU have said this, many times,
  I can't find one single instance in the archives of my ever having
 said those words here.
  Can you?


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth

2013-11-27 Thread authfriend
Wanted to add a couple points here (in blue):

 I wrote:

 Hey, Barry, have a look at this. It's fascinating. 
Xeno wrote:
 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth
http://liespotting.com/liespotting-basics/words/ We are not face-to-face on 
FFL, it's all words, words, words. Obviously things like facial expressions, 
tone of voice, and gestures are inapplicable here; but there were several items 
on that list that can be found in writing. There are those here who make a big 
deal of their integrity. Perhaps that is a suspect trait.
 Um, or perhaps not. Legitimately suspect, that is. Obviously Xeno is 
attempting a defense of Barry here, but several other people have tried to use 
this tactic against me as well. As I've pointed out when they've done this. I 
almost never tout my own integrity unless it's been challenged. So Xeno's line 
of attack is not legitimate in my case. Me, I think the most reliable way to 
tell if someone is a liar is whether there is documented evidence that they 
have lied. (That's why a functioning Search feature is so frightening to 
Barry.) I think this is key. We can smarmily speculate all we want about 
telltale signs that a person might be lying, but where's the beef? Do we have 
hard evidence that a person is a liar? In Barry's case (and that of several 
others here), we most definitely do. Signs, shmigns. They're just guesswork 
and/or nasty innuendo, and we don't need 'em because we have a dated record in 
black-and-white of what has been said on this forum. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth

2013-11-27 Thread authfriend
Barry shoots himself in the foot...again:
 Always believe Judy.
Because, as she has said many times,
I never lie.

  Researchers into lying would find this claim rather suspect, because in 
  their studies they've never found a 
  single individual who *never* lies.

 Love it, love it, love it.

 From the article Xeno linked to (10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the 

 Liars give very specific denials. We’ve already discussed the human impulse to 
avoid implicating ourselves. So we can expect liars to be very particular in 
what they say and don’t say. Truth-tellers have no problem issuing categorical 
denials—I never cheated anyone in my whole life—where as the liar will choose 
his words ever so carefully. Ooopsie...