[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-09 Thread Marcio
Hello, Authfriend I come in peace .. :) ... 

you could put the set that you know ... ? invisibility and walk on walls? ...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Jan 5, 2011, at 8:02 PM, Marcio wrote:
   ok everybody talked talked talked, but about the techniques of mantra 
   about the details of the additions of fertilizer nobody said almost 
   nothing, anyone know about the different versions of tm-sidhid? 
   why reason MMY only selected 18 Sutras of Patanjali ... there are several 
   Sutras of Patanjali in his book, but because reason MMY chose only some 
   sutras ? someone can tell the reason?
  On the original experimental courses, which were brought
  out at the moment the TM Org was about to go broke as a
  money-making idea,
 In fact, the original experimental courses took place smack
 in the middle of the Merv wave.
  some were discarded and some were kept. I can post the
  original set when I have time.
 Translation: I have no idea what they were, but I'll see
 if I can find somebody who's willing to tell me.
 The two I know of that were dropped (and which are a
 matter of public knowledge) were invisibility and
 walking through walls (not because they didn't work,
 the story went, but because they worked *too well*).
 Whether any others were dropped from the original
 experimental selection used on the six-month courses,
 I have no idea.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-09 Thread docwhammo
ho marcio

are you wanting powers of spiderman?  needing could then you were bit by 
radioactive spider, only mutation.. LOL.. if that was wanted, flying through 
windows climbing from green goblin!!  :) in careful you would because smoke 
bombs, and such, with robbing banks guru..  then ask wonder woman for airplane 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 Hello, Authfriend I come in peace .. :) ... 
 you could put the set that you know ... ? invisibility and walk on walls? ...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Jan 5, 2011, at 8:02 PM, Marcio wrote:
ok everybody talked talked talked, but about the techniques of mantra 
about the details of the additions of fertilizer nobody said almost 
nothing, anyone know about the different versions of tm-sidhid? 

why reason MMY only selected 18 Sutras of Patanjali ... there are 
several Sutras of Patanjali in his book, but because reason MMY chose 
only some sutras ? someone can tell the reason?
   On the original experimental courses, which were brought
   out at the moment the TM Org was about to go broke as a
   money-making idea,
  In fact, the original experimental courses took place smack
  in the middle of the Merv wave.
   some were discarded and some were kept. I can post the
   original set when I have time.
  Translation: I have no idea what they were, but I'll see
  if I can find somebody who's willing to tell me.
  The two I know of that were dropped (and which are a
  matter of public knowledge) were invisibility and
  walking through walls (not because they didn't work,
  the story went, but because they worked *too well*).
  Whether any others were dropped from the original
  experimental selection used on the six-month courses,
  I have no idea.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-09 Thread WillyTex

   Maybe that's because consciousness isn't mechanical 
   you idiot...
  So, you paid thousands of dollars to the TMO to get common,
  everyday words found in any Hindi dictionary for free, and 
  you spent years and years taking courses to learn how to 
  sleep while sitting on your butt...
 Willy, people who did this (does that include you?) are not 

Thanks for coming to my defense, but when you think about it,
aren't we all idiots for even thinking that consciousness was
a mechanical process? Vaj certainly thinks so!

Is it surprising that Vaj and Turq would be angry that they 
failed to get enlightenment in 5-7 years? 

From what I've read, Vaj and Turq must have spent thousands 
and thousands of dollars, and almost their entire adult life,
learning these meditation techniques. 

The question is, if they lied about TM for all those years, 
who would believe a thing they have to say now? 

And, what exactly, caused them to reverse themselves after 
all those years? By my count, Turq was in two cults for over 
twenty years! Vaj seems to have devoted the better part of
thirty years in pursuit of a spiritual technique. How do you
figure that?

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfr...@... wrote:

  Be careful with the invisibility sutra.  There have been wealth sidhas who
  practiced it and millions of their dollars just up and disappeared.

Well, jahi shatrum, mahaabaaho, kaama-ruupaM dur-aasadam!?  ;)

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 and if I see a person in trouble and I can help I'll help, you will not help 
 .. ? even if it is free .. MMY not paid one cent to enlighten you understand? 

That's right, He did did not pay with money, instead He sacrificed His whole 
life to help us. 

Frankly your pathetic cry about money makes me want to puke.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread Marcio
ok my dear, sorry .. do not be angry .. not good for your soul .. What makes 
for good beyond, is to help .. This is called yama .. and I am no exmplo of 
perfection ... I am a sinner ... mistakes .. but am cristian .. and do not 
understand why not help .. but each one is walking with her own conscience ..

and understand that what I say when MMY to keep secret .. is only for people 
who do not misrepresent knowledge .. teaching the wrong things ... thus 
knowledge is lost .. I think not be a matter of sin .. banned or something ... 
something immaculate .. seems true to me because it is only paying $ 2,500 and 
any thief or bandit can learn ..

formalize my request forgiveness. rauchydog for Mrs. ... . and respect
the horizons of her conscience ..


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  Excuse me ... I think he is selfish but because I think he
  does not charge anything to teach his daughter to his son ..
  or the father or the brother  .. then it's a matter of point
  of view ok?
 No, not OK. First raunchydog is a she, not a he. Second, you
 know nothing *whatsoever* about her, so it's ridiculous for
 you to make assumptions about whether she charges family to
 teach them TM. TM teachers who are still loyal to MMY don't
 make the decision about what to charge for teaching. I don't
 know what TMO policy is about teaching family members, and
 neither do you. Nor do either of us know how much a teacher
 gets to keep of the teaching fee, if anything. So your
 complaints and accusations make no sense at all.
 Third, if you'd been paying attention, you'd have read in
 one of her recent posts that she hasn't taught *anybody*
 in many years.
 Fourth, none of this has anything to do with her teaching
 *you* advanced techniques, as I *and* she have already
 explained but you apparently didn't bother to read. I
 left those paragraphs from my post in so you could read
 them if you want to figure out where you're going wrong.
 As I said, you're way, *way* out of line on this. You
 need to apologize to raunchydog for harassing and
 insulting her.
   As to calling her selfish and saying she has no
   compassion, that's ridiculous. She explained to you
   already why she can't teach you any advanced
   techniques: MMY didn't assign her to teach them. Even
   if you wanted to pay her, she couldn't teach them to
   you. It has nothing to do with money, it has to do
   with her commitment to follow MMY's teaching and
   Plus which, no TMer who has advanced techniques is
   supposed to be telling other people what they are.
   Like your mantra, advanced techniques are private
   instruction, and when you receive them, you agree to
   keep them private. Those who have posted their
   advanced techniques here have broken their word.
   That's their choice, but not everybody is willing
   to take their agreements so lightly.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread Marcio

I've asked for 'forgiveness if I acted wrongly .. but they never said you or 
anyone here is ignorant and arrogant .. sorry .. if you can please forgive me 
.. ok? not 'well you cultivate these feelings inside your soul .. I only desire 
to learn .. I teach everything I know .. but I know that people are not like me 
.. so forgive me .. and she is better that I at all .. ok? I'm not just anyone 
wishing to grow a soul .. you understand that?

forgive me ok 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  ok, someday you will open your heart .. and if ever you need
  someone ... that someone may not help you ok .. god bless ..
  I'm sure you're no christian
 She's a far better Christian than you'll ever be. You're an
 ignorant, arrogant, unpleasant jerk. And we really don't need
 another one of those around here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread Marcio

forgive me please ok .. if you no 

if you do not want to teach, no problem .. I respect the horizons of your 
conscience .. then forgive me .. .. Jesus said .. Forgive to be 'forgiven ... 
and said also help all the needy .. . So forgive me ok?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  ok, someday you will open your heart .. and if ever you need someone ... 
  that someone may not help you ok .. god bless .. I'm sure you're no 
 I've been looking for an excuse to use the Yiddish word shmegegge in a 
 sentence. It has a nice ring to it. Thanks.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   Good grief, Marcio. Give it a rest. Impugning my character isn't winning 
   you any points. Maybe you missed it. So I'll repeat slowly: 
   Maharishi...has...not...given...me...his...blessing...to teach advanced 
   techniques to *anyone* including family and certainly not to you. I'm 
   simply honoring my pledge to Maharishi to keep the teaching pure. Get 
   it? I am not standing in the way of your happiness. Refusing to teach 
   advanced techniques has nothing to do with you and everything to do with 
   my personal realtionship with Maharishi and respect for his wishes.
   Tom offered you $10 grand. Stop asking him questions about it. Send him 
   your name and address, then take the money and run. Preferably, not in my 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:

and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... 
.. ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will 
collect money from their children?

you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the 
people who do not care about the suffering of the world, you're 
insensitive ...

open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his 
children or his wife .. if they want the techniques aprendr ok?

you'll feel better
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for 
  I have learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. 
  transcendental meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. 
  I only bow to the knowledge that I received ... but I want to learn 
  more ... I looked at what you have learned many advanced techniques 
  .. please I beg you to teach me these advanced techniques, it will 
  be great for my life ... my email tmer1306@
 I don't have Maharishi's blessing to teach advanced techniques. I 
 hope your fortunes change for the better. In the meantime, have a 
 peaceful heart and be happy.


[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread Marcio

I love you .. finally a true christian .. yes I am a seeker of truth my friend 
... my heart is pure .. my heart is good .. and have difficulties with 
hard-hearted people .. selfish .. this materialistic world and weights .. is a 
difficult world .. of selfishness .. where dionheiro speaks Mayan high doque 
anything  poor souls .. I do not like people. they only think of to promote 
.. and feel the owners of the truth .. the truth is free to all who wanted to 
pursue ... Thank you from the bottom of my heart .. and ask again
forgiveness to all
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfr...@... wrote:

 Hey man (or woman since you posted as Ana_Rose over at TMFree.com),
 I'm truly sorry you've been given such a hard time by folks here. Look, once 
 and for all, I'll tell you everything you have been asking for and I won't 
 charge you a dime. I come in peace, to quote you.
 Here's what you do: the advance techniques are to add the sounds Shree, 
 Shree followed by your TM mantra, followed by the sound Namah, Namah. There 
 is one more advance technique, and I am about to tell you what it is my 
 Now listen carefully, when you sit to meditate, close your eyes and gently 
 begin the entire mantra: Shree, Shree, TM Mantra, Namah, Namah.
 If any thoughts intrude, PUSH THEM THE HELL OUT like your life depended on 
 it, and and come SLAMMING BACK TO THE MANTRA. Concentrate on this mantra for 
 all your worth. Ignore any headaches (even migraines) that may result. This 
 is actually the highly secret 5th advanced technique. This highly purified 
 form of incredibly focused CONCENTRATION on only the mantra, and nothing 
 else, will lead you to an eternal bliss beyond nirvana, beyond Samadhi, 
 beyond Brahman Consciousness, beyond even Fairfield Life my friend.
 Again my condolences for the frustration you have had to endure seeking the 
 ultimate reality. You are clearly a sincere seeker of TRUTH. Go my friend, 
 use this technique, and enjoy the Kingdom of Heaven that resides within 
 youwithin your head.
 Blessings my child.
 Sri, Sri Joe-Ji
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  Excuse me ... I think he is selfish but because I think he does not charge 
  anything to teach his daughter to his son .. or the father or the brother  
  .. then it's a matter of point of view ok?
  or you think any teacher who has knowledge of various techniques MMY, will 
  charge $ 2,500 to his wife or son or father to teach these techniques ... 
  is a matter of common sense, 
  and if a teacher teaches his son not to say q he broke the purity of 
  knowledge, and teach it to me, if he wishes .. it also will not break the 
  purity of knowledge .. but if he does not want to teach, I do not 
  understand why ...
  brothers for their children because it is probable that the instructors 
  teach and do not cover $ 2,500 ..
I'm not familiar with the forum so I cheated and posted several times the 
  same thing .. ok sorry
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Marcio, just stop. You've left something like nine
   messages now asking the same thing in just a few
   hours, several of them only a couple of minutes apart.
   Do you really think raunchydog has nothing to do all
   day but sit in front of her computer just waiting to
   read and reply to your posts the instant they appear?
   She drops by the forum from time to time. She may not
   be back for days. If she sees one of your posts the
   next time she's here, she'll probably reply to it
   (although in my opinion you have no business asking
   her personal questions, and she is under no obligation
   to answer them).
   As to calling her selfish and saying she has no
   compassion, that's ridiculous. She explained to you
   already why she can't teach you any advanced
   techniques: MMY didn't assign her to teach them. Even
   if you wanted to pay her, she couldn't teach them to
   you. It has nothing to do with money, it has to do
   with her commitment to follow MMY's teaching and
   Plus which, no TMer who has advanced techniques is
   supposed to be telling other people what they are.
   Like your mantra, advanced techniques are private
   instruction, and when you receive them, you agree to
   keep them private. Those who have posted their
   advanced techniques here have broken their word.
   That's their choice, but not everybody is willing
   to take their agreements so lightly.
   So you're *way* out of line in a number of different
   ways in your harassment of raunchydog.
   Just stop it.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
Raunchydog ?

 you charge for your children or parents. ? How much did you charge 
please answer?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  and his son, his daughter, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread Marcio

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfreak@ wrote:
   Be careful with the invisibility sutra.  There have been wealth sidhas who
   practiced it and millions of their dollars just up and disappeared.
 Well, jahi shatrum, mahaabaaho, kaama-ruupaM dur-aasadam!?  ;)

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread Marcio
I am grateful to him for MMY taught me to meditate ... but .. I practice more 
than 20 years my friend .. and I think it is not with money that was buying the 
entrance to the sky .. I believe that many pay $ 10,000 for two months to learn 
and never practiced TM .. then ... you must grow spiritually and not only think 
about money  but look at the true intention of the heart of the people ... 

I'm serious practitioner ... I give my life for meditation .. I stopped doing 
many things to keep meditating .. then .. There is also my sacrifice ... now 
think .. in someone who drinks smokes .. only do things wrong .. and want to 
learn to meditate .. Ok .. he pays and learn right? .. after 3 months he never 
practiced ... now look, my case, I'm practicing for over 20 years every day ... 
see the difference .. ... reason and because I am treated equally by the TMO? 
think about it

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  and if I see a person in trouble and I can help I'll help, you will not 
  help .. ? even if it is free .. MMY not paid one cent to enlighten you 
 That's right, He did did not pay with money, instead He sacrificed His whole 
 life to help us. 
 Frankly your pathetic cry about money makes me want to puke.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread Marcio
I am grateful to him for MMY taught me to meditate ... but .. I practice more 
than 20 years my friend .. and I think it is not with money that was buying the 
entrance to the sky .. I believe that many pay $ 10,000 for two months to learn 
and never practiced TM .. then ... you must grow spiritually and not only think 
about money  but look at the true intention of the heart of the people ... 

I'm serious practitioner ... I give my life for meditation .. I stopped doing 
many things to keep meditating .. then .. There is also my sacrifice ... now 
think .. in someone who drinks smokes .. only do things wrong .. and want to 
learn to meditate .. Ok .. he pays and learn right? .. after 3 months he never 
practiced ... now look, my case, I'm practicing for over 20 years every day ... 
see the difference .. ... reason and because I am treated equally by the TMO? 
think about it if you can 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  and if I see a person in trouble and I can help I'll help, you will not 
  help .. ? even if it is free .. MMY not paid one cent to enlighten you 
 That's right, He did did not pay with money, instead He sacrificed His whole 
 life to help us. 
 Frankly your pathetic cry about money makes me want to puke.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread Peter
Marco, you do realize that Joe is no friend of yours at all with these 
instructions he gave you. He is being sarcastic. I guess all of you that are 
specifically talking about advanced techniques are not TM teachers because you 
are completely violating your dharma entrusted in you when you became a TM 
teacher. Really disgusting. Just because you no longer meditate or have 
anything to do with the TMO or think MMY was some sort of fraud or whatever you 
think you can violate a trust given to you like this? You're like the guy who 
posts nude pictures of his girlfriend on the internet because he's mad at her. 
Some things are private for a reason. The odds of Marco learning to meditate 
from these pathetic instructions that people have been giving him are about 
zero. And if you're not a TM teacher and are instructing Marco, don't even 
get me started. Marco, go learn a meditation technique that you can afford.   

--- On Sat, 1/8/11, Marcio tmer1...@gmail.com wrote:

 From: Marcio tmer1...@gmail.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 6:13 AM
 I love you .. finally a true christian .. yes I am a seeker
 of truth my friend ... my heart is pure .. my heart is good
 .. and have difficulties with hard-hearted people .. selfish
 .. this materialistic world and weights .. is a difficult
 world .. of selfishness .. where dionheiro speaks Mayan high
 doque anything  poor souls .. I do not like people. they
 only think of to promote .. and feel the owners of the truth
 .. the truth is free to all who wanted to pursue ... Thank
 you from the bottom of my heart .. and ask again
 forgiveness to all
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 Joe geezerfr...@... wrote:
  Hey man (or woman since you posted as Ana_Rose over
 at TMFree.com),
  I'm truly sorry you've been given such a hard time by
 folks here. Look, once and for all, I'll tell you everything
 you have been asking for and I won't charge you a dime. I
 come in peace, to quote you.
  Here's what you do: the advance techniques are to add
 the sounds Shree, Shree followed by your TM mantra,
 followed by the sound Namah, Namah. There is one more
 advance technique, and I am about to tell you what it is my
  Now listen carefully, when you sit to meditate, close
 your eyes and gently begin the entire mantra: Shree, Shree,
 TM Mantra, Namah, Namah.
  If any thoughts intrude, PUSH THEM THE HELL OUT like
 your life depended on it, and and come SLAMMING BACK TO THE
 MANTRA. Concentrate on this mantra for all your worth.
 Ignore any headaches (even migraines) that may result. This
 is actually the highly secret 5th advanced technique. This
 highly purified form of incredibly focused CONCENTRATION on
 only the mantra, and nothing else, will lead you to an
 eternal bliss beyond nirvana, beyond Samadhi, beyond Brahman
 Consciousness, beyond even Fairfield Life my friend.
  Again my condolences for the frustration you have had
 to endure seeking the ultimate reality. You are clearly a
 sincere seeker of TRUTH. Go my friend, use this technique,
 and enjoy the Kingdom of Heaven that resides within
 youwithin your head.
  Blessings my child.
  Sri, Sri Joe-Ji
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   Excuse me ... I think he is selfish but because I
 think he does not charge anything to teach his daughter to
 his son .. or the father or the brother  .. then it's a
 matter of point of view ok?
   or you think any teacher who has knowledge of
 various techniques MMY, will charge $ 2,500 to his wife or
 son or father to teach these techniques ... is a matter of
 common sense, 
   and if a teacher teaches his son not to say q he
 broke the purity of knowledge, and teach it to me, if he
 wishes .. it also will not break the purity of knowledge ..
 but if he does not want to teach, I do not understand why
   brothers for their children because it is
 probable that the instructors teach and do not cover $ 2,500
     I'm not familiar with the forum
 so I cheated and posted several times the same thing .. ok
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 authfriend jstein@ wrote:
Marcio, just stop. You've left something
 like nine
messages now asking the same thing in just a
hours, several of them only a couple of
 minutes apart.

Do you really think raunchydog has nothing
 to do all
day but sit in front of her computer just
 waiting to
read and reply to your posts the instant
 they appear?

She drops by the forum from time to time.
 She may not
be back for days. If she sees one of your
 posts the
next time she's here, she'll probably reply
 to it
(although in my opinion you have no business
her personal questions, and she is under no
to answer them).

As to calling

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread Peter
I don't get it, Marco. Are you a troll or something? Do you practice TM or not?

--- On Sat, 1/8/11, Marcio tmer1...@gmail.com wrote:

 From: Marcio tmer1...@gmail.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 6:25 AM
 I am grateful to him for MMY taught
 me to meditate ... but .. I practice more than 20 years my
 friend .. and I think it is not with money that was buying
 the entrance to the sky .. I believe that many pay $ 10,000
 for two months to learn and never practiced TM .. then ...
 you must grow spiritually and not only think about money
  but look at the true intention of the heart of the
 people ... ok?
 I'm serious practitioner ... I give my life for meditation
 .. I stopped doing many things to keep meditating .. then ..
 There is also my sacrifice ... now think .. in someone who
 drinks smokes .. only do things wrong .. and want to learn
 to meditate .. Ok .. he pays and learn right? .. after 3
 months he never practiced ... now look, my case, I'm
 practicing for over 20 years every day ... see the
 difference .. ... reason and because I am treated equally by
 the TMO? think about it
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   and if I see a person in trouble and I can help
 I'll help, you will not help .. ? even if it is free .. MMY
 not paid one cent to enlighten you understand? 
  That's right, He did did not pay with money, instead
 He sacrificed His whole life to help us. 
  Frankly your pathetic cry about money makes me want to
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[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:

 Marco, you do realize that Joe is no friend of yours at 
 all with these instructions he gave you. He is being 
 sarcastic. I guess all of you that are specifically 
 talking about advanced techniques are not TM teachers 
 because you are completely violating your dharma 
 entrusted in you when you became a TM teacher. 

So instead you should follow the dharma of lying?

My only contribution to this silliness was to tell
Marcio the truth about what he would be paying $2500
a pop FOR. I feel no obligation to lie about that 
just because a teacher I once worked with decades
ago expected me to.

 Really disgusting. Just because you no longer meditate 
 or have anything to do with the TMO or think MMY was 
 some sort of fraud or whatever you think you can violate 
 a trust given to you like this? 

Personally, I find grown adults who are still willing
to lie or cover up the truth in the name of not vio-
lating a trust to be far more disgusting. 

Pete, you may be willing after all these years to live
your life according to someone else's demands and
expectations. I am not. If that makes me lesser than
you in your eyes, I honestly don't see that I am the
one with the problem.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread raunchydog
Dr. Pete, thanks for being the adult in the mosh pit. Expect to get clobbered. 
You're like the guy who posts nude pictures of his girlfriend on the internet 
because he's mad at her. Exactly. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:

 Marco, you do realize that Joe is no friend of yours at all with these 
 instructions he gave you. He is being sarcastic. I guess all of you that 
 are specifically talking about advanced techniques are not TM teachers 
 because you are completely violating your dharma entrusted in you when you 
 became a TM teacher. Really disgusting. Just because you no longer meditate 
 or have anything to do with the TMO or think MMY was some sort of fraud or 
 whatever you think you can violate a trust given to you like this? You're 
 like the guy who posts nude pictures of his girlfriend on the internet 
 because he's mad at her. Some things are private for a reason. The odds of 
 Marco learning to meditate from these pathetic instructions that people have 
 been giving him are about zero. And if you're not a TM teacher and are 
 instructing Marco, don't even get me started. Marco, go learn a meditation 
 technique that you can afford.   
 --- On Sat, 1/8/11, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:
  From: Marcio tmer1...@...
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers 
  Raunchydog ?
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 6:13 AM
  I love you .. finally a true christian .. yes I am a seeker
  of truth my friend ... my heart is pure .. my heart is good
  .. and have difficulties with hard-hearted people .. selfish
  .. this materialistic world and weights .. is a difficult
  world .. of selfishness .. where dionheiro speaks Mayan high
  doque anything  poor souls .. I do not like people. they
  only think of to promote .. and feel the owners of the truth
  .. the truth is free to all who wanted to pursue ... Thank
  you from the bottom of my heart .. and ask again
  forgiveness to all
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  Joe geezerfreak@ wrote:
   Hey man (or woman since you posted as Ana_Rose over
  at TMFree.com),
   I'm truly sorry you've been given such a hard time by
  folks here. Look, once and for all, I'll tell you everything
  you have been asking for and I won't charge you a dime. I
  come in peace, to quote you.
   Here's what you do: the advance techniques are to add
  the sounds Shree, Shree followed by your TM mantra,
  followed by the sound Namah, Namah. There is one more
  advance technique, and I am about to tell you what it is my
   Now listen carefully, when you sit to meditate, close
  your eyes and gently begin the entire mantra: Shree, Shree,
  TM Mantra, Namah, Namah.
   If any thoughts intrude, PUSH THEM THE HELL OUT like
  your life depended on it, and and come SLAMMING BACK TO THE
  MANTRA. Concentrate on this mantra for all your worth.
  Ignore any headaches (even migraines) that may result. This
  is actually the highly secret 5th advanced technique. This
  highly purified form of incredibly focused CONCENTRATION on
  only the mantra, and nothing else, will lead you to an
  eternal bliss beyond nirvana, beyond Samadhi, beyond Brahman
  Consciousness, beyond even Fairfield Life my friend.
   Again my condolences for the frustration you have had
  to endure seeking the ultimate reality. You are clearly a
  sincere seeker of TRUTH. Go my friend, use this technique,
  and enjoy the Kingdom of Heaven that resides within
  youwithin your head.
   Blessings my child.
   Sri, Sri Joe-Ji
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
Excuse me ... I think he is selfish but because I
  think he does not charge anything to teach his daughter to
  his son .. or the father or the brother  .. then it's a
  matter of point of view ok?

or you think any teacher who has knowledge of
  various techniques MMY, will charge $ 2,500 to his wife or
  son or father to teach these techniques ... is a matter of
  common sense, 

and if a teacher teaches his son not to say q he
  broke the purity of knowledge, and teach it to me, if he
  wishes .. it also will not break the purity of knowledge ..
  but if he does not want to teach, I do not understand why

brothers for their children because it is
  probable that the instructors teach and do not cover $ 2,500

      I'm not familiar with the forum
  so I cheated and posted several times the same thing .. ok

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  authfriend jstein@ wrote:

 Marcio, just stop. You've left something
  like nine
 messages now asking the same thing in just a
 hours, several of them only a couple of
  minutes apart.
 Do you really think raunchydog has nothing
  to do all
 day but sit in front of her computer just
  waiting to
 read and reply to your

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread Vaj

On Jan 7, 2011, at 9:22 PM, emptybill wrote:

 It was a straightforward statement.
 No ... I didn't leave the TTC in Fiuggi
 prematurely but rather full of hope.
 Why are you making this stuff up?
 Are you insisting you need to find
 something that could be controversial?
 Don't waste more of my time.

Just going by what you said. Sorry if that wasn't what you meant.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread Vaj

On Jan 7, 2011, at 5:49 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 I don't teach TM any longer. I teach a different technique and that 
 teaching is in person not on the Internet. Besides only a few 
 initiators were made official advanced technique teachers. There are 
 a few unofficial ones here though. :-D

There is a independent TM teacher movement. I wonder if any of them teach the 
advanced techniques? 

They seemed quite active in Europe a couple of years ago.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfreak@ wrote:
Be careful with the invisibility sutra.  There have been wealth sidhas 
practiced it and millions of their dollars just up and disappeared.
  Well, jahi shatrum, mahaabaaho, kaama-ruupaM dur-aasadam!?  ;)

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
Google tells, google tells, google all the day? :0

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 7, 2011, at 9:22 PM, emptybill wrote:
  It was a straightforward statement.
  No ... I didn't leave the TTC in Fiuggi
  prematurely but rather full of hope.
  Why are you making this stuff up?
  Are you insisting you need to find
  something that could be controversial?
  Don't waste more of my time.
 Just going by what you said. Sorry if that wasn't what you meant.

Exactly what did emptybill say and when did he say it, Vaj? Support your claim 
that he left TTC by referencing a post or we'll assume you lied just to spread 
shit abut him and you're intentionally perpetuating the lie now with a fake 
apology. Disgusting.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:
 formalize my request forgiveness. rauchydog for Mrs. ... . and respect
 the horizons of her conscience ..
I think, I think... I'm going to cry.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:
 forgive me please ok .. if you no

 if you do not want to teach, no problem .. I respect the horizons of
your conscience .. then forgive me .. .. Jesus said .. Forgive to be
'forgiven ... and said also help all the needy .. . So forgive me ok?

Whaddyasay folks.  I think it's time to convene a special meeting of the
FFL Forgiveness Committee.  It may take a while to consider this request
since we have, let me see how many more before it.  Oh, we have only one
from back in 2004.  We'll look it over and let you know Marcio.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread seventhray1

Oh, by the way Marcio, I've been meaning to ask you.  Can you recommend
a good Brazilian steakhouse?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:


 I love you .. finally a true christian .. yes I am a seeker of truth
my friend ... my heart is pure .. my heart is good .. and have
difficulties with hard-hearted people .. selfish .. this materialistic
world and weights .. is a difficult world .. of selfishness .. where
dionheiro speaks Mayan high doque anything  poor souls .. I do not
like people. they only think of to promote .. and feel the owners of the
truth .. the truth is free to all who wanted to pursue ... Thank you
from the bottom of my heart .. and ask again
 forgiveness to all
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfreak@ wrote:
  Hey man (or woman since you posted as Ana_Rose over at
  I'm truly sorry you've been given such a hard time by folks here.
Look, once and for all, I'll tell you everything you have been asking
for and I won't charge you a dime. I come in peace, to quote you.
  Here's what you do: the advance techniques are to add the sounds
Shree, Shree followed by your TM mantra, followed by the sound Namah,
Namah. There is one more advance technique, and I am about to tell you
what it is my friend.
  Now listen carefully, when you sit to meditate, close your eyes and
gently begin the entire mantra: Shree, Shree, TM Mantra, Namah, Namah.
  If any thoughts intrude, PUSH THEM THE HELL OUT like your life
depended on it, and and come SLAMMING BACK TO THE MANTRA. Concentrate on
this mantra for all your worth. Ignore any headaches (even migraines)
that may result. This is actually the highly secret 5th advanced
technique. This highly purified form of incredibly focused CONCENTRATION
on only the mantra, and nothing else, will lead you to an eternal bliss
beyond nirvana, beyond Samadhi, beyond Brahman Consciousness, beyond
even Fairfield Life my friend.
  Again my condolences for the frustration you have had to endure
seeking the ultimate reality. You are clearly a sincere seeker of TRUTH.
Go my friend, use this technique, and enjoy the Kingdom of Heaven that
resides within youwithin your head.
  Blessings my child.
  Sri, Sri Joe-Ji
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   Excuse me ... I think he is selfish but because I think he does
not charge anything to teach his daughter to his son .. or the father or
the brother .. then it's a matter of point of view ok?
   or you think any teacher who has knowledge of various techniques
MMY, will charge $ 2,500 to his wife or son or father to teach these
techniques ... is a matter of common sense,
   and if a teacher teaches his son not to say q he broke the purity
of knowledge, and teach it to me, if he wishes .. it also will not break
the purity of knowledge .. but if he does not want to teach, I do not
understand why ...
   brothers for their children because it is probable that the
instructors teach and do not cover $ 2,500 ..
   I'm not familiar with the forum so I cheated and posted several
times the same thing .. ok sorry
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@
Marcio, just stop. You've left something like nine
messages now asking the same thing in just a few
hours, several of them only a couple of minutes apart.
Do you really think raunchydog has nothing to do all
day but sit in front of her computer just waiting to
read and reply to your posts the instant they appear?
She drops by the forum from time to time. She may not
be back for days. If she sees one of your posts the
next time she's here, she'll probably reply to it
(although in my opinion you have no business asking
her personal questions, and she is under no obligation
to answer them).
As to calling her selfish and saying she has no
compassion, that's ridiculous. She explained to you
already why she can't teach you any advanced
techniques: MMY didn't assign her to teach them. Even
if you wanted to pay her, she couldn't teach them to
you. It has nothing to do with money, it has to do
with her commitment to follow MMY's teaching and
Plus which, no TMer who has advanced techniques is
supposed to be telling other people what they are.
Like your mantra, advanced techniques are private
instruction, and when you receive them, you agree to
keep them private. Those who have posted their
advanced techniques here have broken their word.
That's their choice, but not everybody is willing
to take their agreements so lightly.
So you're *way* out of line in a number of different
ways in your harassment of raunchydog.
Just stop it.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@

 Raunchydog ?

  you charge for your children or parents. ? How much 

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread seventhray1

Marcio, I think you've got the makings of a good sermon here.  The
power of Meditation and the Evils of Money and the bad juju when the
two are combined.  Polish it up a bit, and I think you can take it on
the road. After all Brazil is a big up and comer so people are going to
have a little more money, and likely a little more leasure time.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 I am grateful to him for MMY taught me to meditate ... but .. I
practice more than 20 years my friend .. and I think it is not with
money that was buying the entrance to the sky .. I believe that many pay
$ 10,000 for two months to learn and never practiced TM .. then ... you
must grow spiritually and not only think about money  but look at
the true intention of the heart of the people ... ok?

 I'm serious practitioner ... I give my life for meditation .. I
stopped doing many things to keep meditating .. then .. There is also my
sacrifice ... now think .. in someone who drinks smokes .. only do
things wrong .. and want to learn to meditate .. Ok .. he pays and learn
right? .. after 3 months he never practiced ... now look, my case, I'm
practicing for over 20 years every day ... see the difference .. ...
reason and because I am treated equally by the TMO? think about it

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   and if I see a person in trouble and I can help I'll help, you
will not help .. ? even if it is free .. MMY not paid one cent to
enlighten you understand?
  That's right, He did did not pay with money, instead He sacrificed
His whole life to help us.
  Frankly your pathetic cry about money makes me want to puke.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread Vaj

On Jan 7, 2011, at 10:01 PM, seventhray1 wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:
  you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people 
  who do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
 Marcio, for God's sakes get the mantras.  Practice the techniques!  You are 
 getting more incoherent by the minute.  You may not be familiar with the 
 song, You do the hokey pokey, but try this. 
  You put the Shree in front, you put the Namah in back, you put the Shree in 
 front, and you do it all again.  You do the repitition and then you do it all 
 again.  That's what it's all about
He already has the technique and knows how to use it, all he really needs in 
the correct pronunciation. I'm sure in Europe he could even find an independent 
teacher who would do the puja and give the mantras to him.

Marco, are you familiar with the independent TM movement in Europe?

There are also plenty of Hindu temples / gurus in Europe that could give you 
the full Saraswati mantra (and the guru Amma often tours there).

It might be a good idea to post a listing of alternate sources for TM devata 
mantras, for people looking for deeper answers and expereince.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread Vaj

On Jan 8, 2011, at 9:09 AM, raunchydog wrote:

 Exactly what did emptybill say and when did he say it, Vaj? Support your 
 claim that he left TTC by referencing a post or we'll assume you lied just to 
 spread shit abut him and you're intentionally perpetuating the lie now with a 
 fake apology. Disgusting.

If it's the same guy I thought he said he left Fiuggi early, he claimed to be a 
reincarnation of a Nazi, a student of Younge Khachab Rinpoche and SSRS. 

Like I said, if I got it wrong I apologize.

As I have time I'll search my old email archives.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jan 8, 2011, at 5:28 AM, Peter wrote:

 Marco, you do realize that Joe is no friend of yours at all with these 
 instructions he gave you. He is being sarcastic. I guess all of you that 
 are specifically talking about advanced techniques are not TM teachers 
 because you are completely violating your dharma entrusted in you when you 
 became a TM teacher. Really disgusting. Just because you no longer meditate 
 or have anything to do with the TMO or think MMY was some sort of fraud or 
 whatever you think you can violate a trust given to you like this? You're 
 like the guy who posts nude pictures of his girlfriend on the internet 
 because he's mad at her. Some things are private for a reason. The odds of 
 Marco learning to meditate from these pathetic instructions that people have 
 been giving him are about zero. And if you're not a TM teacher and are 
 instructing Marco, don't even get me started. Marco, go learn a meditation 
 technique that you can afford.   

Right, Peter~~giving out techniques that are by now
all over the Web is going to put my soul, or my dharma
in serious jeopardy.  And it's *just like* the revengeful 
boyfriend trying to humiliate his former girlfriend. (Would
it be any different if the girlfriend posted the pix?)
 Obviously, you still have some fairly
serious investment in imagining that you are protecting 
some kind of sacred purity.  And you are certainly 
entitled to that.  Just, for the sake of your own dharma,
though, I would give up the Victorian indignation when someone
else disagrees.  Or else I  just might post those nude pictures
of you I've been saving for a rainy day. :)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jan 8, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Marcio wrote:

 I love you .. finally a true christian .. yes I am a seeker of truth my 
 friend ... my heart is pure .. my heart is good .. and have difficulties with 
 hard-hearted people .. selfish .. this materialistic world and weights .. is 
 a difficult world .. of selfishness .. where dionheiro speaks Mayan high 
 doque anything  poor souls .. I do not like people. they only think of to 
 promote .. and feel the owners of the truth .. the truth is free to all who 
 wanted to pursue ... Thank you from the bottom of my heart .. and ask again

What??!!  You don't love me??  I'm not a true Christian??
I beat Joe to the punch by at least several hours.  Give
credit where it's due, man~~OK?? :)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread Vaj

On Jan 8, 2011, at 10:29 AM, Vaj wrote:

 If it's the same guy I thought he said he left Fiuggi early, he claimed to be 
 a reincarnation of a Nazi, a student of Younge Khachab Rinpoche and SSRS. 
 Like I said, if I got it wrong I apologize.
 As I have time I'll search my old email archives.

I found it. It was from an offlist email, when he was posting as Billy Jim in 
2007. I'm not going to share a private letter. I believe he was working long 
hours at the time and I probably just misread his letter.

Contact me off list E. Bill if you would.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:

 Marco, you do realize that Joe is no friend of yours at all with these 
 instructions he gave you. He is being sarcastic. I guess all of you that 
 are specifically talking about advanced techniques are not TM teachers 
 because you are completely violating your dharma entrusted in you when you 
 became a TM teacher. Really disgusting. Just because you no longer meditate 
 or have anything to do with the TMO or think MMY was some sort of fraud or 
 whatever you think you can violate a trust given to you like this? You're 
 like the guy who posts nude pictures of his girlfriend on the internet 
 because he's mad at her. Some things are private for a reason. The odds of 
 Marco learning to meditate from these pathetic instructions that people have 
 been giving him are about zero. And if you're not a TM teacher and are 
 instructing Marco, don't even get me started. Marco, go learn a meditation 
 technique that you can afford.   

Very well put, couldn't have said it better myself. 
I sometimes wonder if these former TM teachers knows what they are doing to 
themselves and their future excistences by breaching the trust Maharishi gave. 
Not that He will punish them ofcourse, but how can their own Nature let them in 
on anything spiritually private in the future ? 
I think it simply cannot be done, not for a long, long time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers ?

2011-01-08 Thread Buck
Thanks for distilling that so simply.
It's that large integrity problem inside with the TM movement
that the TM-Rajas are doing nothing to come clean
with.  Is a problem they could change, if they should choose to.
Best Regards,
-Buck in FF

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB turquoi...@... wrote:

  because you are completely violating your dharma 
  entrusted in you when you became a TM teacher. 
 So instead you should follow the dharma of lying?

 Personally, I find grown adults who are still willing
 to lie or cover up the truth in the name of not vio-
 lating a trust to be far more disgusting.

So have a lot of other people. Witness the dome numbers problem from way back.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread Marcio
yes I practice every day ... every day more than 20 years .. MMY and I think is 
a very enlightened master .. and thank all the blessings that I got to learn to 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:

 I don't get it, Marco. Are you a troll or something? Do you practice TM or 
 --- On Sat, 1/8/11, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:
  From: Marcio tmer1...@...
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers 
  Raunchydog ?
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 6:25 AM
  I am grateful to him for MMY taught
  me to meditate ... but .. I practice more than 20 years my
  friend .. and I think it is not with money that was buying
  the entrance to the sky .. I believe that many pay $ 10,000
  for two months to learn and never practiced TM .. then ...
  you must grow spiritually and not only think about money
   but look at the true intention of the heart of the
  people ... ok?
  I'm serious practitioner ... I give my life for meditation
  .. I stopped doing many things to keep meditating .. then ..
  There is also my sacrifice ... now think .. in someone who
  drinks smokes .. only do things wrong .. and want to learn
  to meditate .. Ok .. he pays and learn right? .. after 3
  months he never practiced ... now look, my case, I'm
  practicing for over 20 years every day ... see the
  difference .. ... reason and because I am treated equally by
  the TMO? think about it
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
and if I see a person in trouble and I can help
  I'll help, you will not help .. ? even if it is free .. MMY
  not paid one cent to enlighten you understand? 
   That's right, He did did not pay with money, instead
  He sacrificed His whole life to help us. 
   Frankly your pathetic cry about money makes me want to
  To subscribe, send a message to:
  Or go to: 
  and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 yes I practice every day ... every day more than 20 years .. 
 MMY and I think is a very enlightened master .. and thank 
 all the blessings that I got to learn to meditate

Marcio, *not* that I want to get further involved
in all of this -- just to explain and to present a
point of view that I don't think has been mentioned -- 
one of the reasons I did not encourage you to pay for 
the official TM advanced techniques is that I don't 
feel they have any value.

This is a purely subjective opinion, based on my own
experience. I feel that I received great value from 
basic TM itself, and from rounding on in-residence
courses. But if I'm honest I don't feel that I received 
the slightest benefit from any of the advanced techniques 
I learned or from the TM-siddhis. Nothing. Nada. Bupkus. 
Thus, how could I encourage you or anyone else to learn 
them, much less pay thousands of dollars for them? 

Others here seem to have had better experiences with 
them, and claim to have found them of value; they are
free to present their reasons for why they think they're 
worth thousands of dollars. I cannot. My position is 
that I think they are worth what they produced for 
me: Nothing. Nada. Bupkus.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jan 8, 2011, at 11:09 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

 Marcio, *not* that I want to get further involved
 in all of this -- just to explain and to present a
 point of view that I don't think has been mentioned -- 
 one of the reasons I did not encourage you to pay for 
 the official TM advanced techniques is that I don't 
 feel they have any value.
 This is a purely subjective opinion, based on my own
 experience. I feel that I received great value from 
 basic TM itself, and from rounding on in-residence
 courses. But if I'm honest I don't feel that I received 
 the slightest benefit from any of the advanced techniques 
 I learned or from the TM-siddhis. Nothing. Nada. Bupkus. 
 Thus, how could I encourage you or anyone else to learn 
 them, much less pay thousands of dollars for them? 
 Others here seem to have had better experiences with 
 them, and claim to have found them of value; they are
 free to present their reasons for why they think they're 
 worth thousands of dollars. I cannot. My position is 
 that I think they are worth what they produced for 
 me: Nothing. Nada. Bupkus.

I got the same thing you did, Barry.
I kind of wonder what *anyone* got out of all those
add-ons:  advanced techniques, primordial sound, etc.


[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread jpgillam
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1  wrote:

 Oh, by the way Marcio, I've been meaning to ask you.  Can you recommend
 a good Brazilian steakhouse?


Yeah, that can serve food over the phone.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread Joe
Oh, oh...someone's experiencing some roughness of awareness today.

Pete, are you that devil that Yifu Xero said was poking Marco?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:

 Marco, you do realize that Joe is no friend of yours at all with these 
 instructions he gave you. He is being sarcastic. I guess all of you that 
 are specifically talking about advanced techniques are not TM teachers 
 because you are completely violating your dharma entrusted in you when you 
 became a TM teacher. Really disgusting. Just because you no longer meditate 
 or have anything to do with the TMO or think MMY was some sort of fraud or 
 whatever you think you can violate a trust given to you like this? You're 
 like the guy who posts nude pictures of his girlfriend on the internet 
 because he's mad at her. Some things are private for a reason. The odds of 
 Marco learning to meditate from these pathetic instructions that people have 
 been giving him are about zero. And if you're not a TM teacher and are 
 instructing Marco, don't even get me started. Marco, go learn a meditation 
 technique that you can afford.   
 --- On Sat, 1/8/11, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:
  From: Marcio tmer1...@...
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers 
  Raunchydog ?
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 6:13 AM
  I love you .. finally a true christian .. yes I am a seeker
  of truth my friend ... my heart is pure .. my heart is good
  .. and have difficulties with hard-hearted people .. selfish
  .. this materialistic world and weights .. is a difficult
  world .. of selfishness .. where dionheiro speaks Mayan high
  doque anything  poor souls .. I do not like people. they
  only think of to promote .. and feel the owners of the truth
  .. the truth is free to all who wanted to pursue ... Thank
  you from the bottom of my heart .. and ask again
  forgiveness to all
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  Joe geezerfreak@ wrote:
   Hey man (or woman since you posted as Ana_Rose over
  at TMFree.com),
   I'm truly sorry you've been given such a hard time by
  folks here. Look, once and for all, I'll tell you everything
  you have been asking for and I won't charge you a dime. I
  come in peace, to quote you.
   Here's what you do: the advance techniques are to add
  the sounds Shree, Shree followed by your TM mantra,
  followed by the sound Namah, Namah. There is one more
  advance technique, and I am about to tell you what it is my
   Now listen carefully, when you sit to meditate, close
  your eyes and gently begin the entire mantra: Shree, Shree,
  TM Mantra, Namah, Namah.
   If any thoughts intrude, PUSH THEM THE HELL OUT like
  your life depended on it, and and come SLAMMING BACK TO THE
  MANTRA. Concentrate on this mantra for all your worth.
  Ignore any headaches (even migraines) that may result. This
  is actually the highly secret 5th advanced technique. This
  highly purified form of incredibly focused CONCENTRATION on
  only the mantra, and nothing else, will lead you to an
  eternal bliss beyond nirvana, beyond Samadhi, beyond Brahman
  Consciousness, beyond even Fairfield Life my friend.
   Again my condolences for the frustration you have had
  to endure seeking the ultimate reality. You are clearly a
  sincere seeker of TRUTH. Go my friend, use this technique,
  and enjoy the Kingdom of Heaven that resides within
  youwithin your head.
   Blessings my child.
   Sri, Sri Joe-Ji
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
Excuse me ... I think he is selfish but because I
  think he does not charge anything to teach his daughter to
  his son .. or the father or the brother  .. then it's a
  matter of point of view ok?

or you think any teacher who has knowledge of
  various techniques MMY, will charge $ 2,500 to his wife or
  son or father to teach these techniques ... is a matter of
  common sense, 

and if a teacher teaches his son not to say q he
  broke the purity of knowledge, and teach it to me, if he
  wishes .. it also will not break the purity of knowledge ..
  but if he does not want to teach, I do not understand why

brothers for their children because it is
  probable that the instructors teach and do not cover $ 2,500

      I'm not familiar with the forum
  so I cheated and posted several times the same thing .. ok

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  authfriend jstein@ wrote:

 Marcio, just stop. You've left something
  like nine
 messages now asking the same thing in just a
 hours, several of them only a couple of
  minutes apart.
 Do you really think raunchydog has nothing
  to do all
 day but sit in front of her computer just
  waiting to
 read and reply to your posts the instant
  they appear?
 She drops

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:

 I don't get it, Marco. Are you a troll or something? Do
 you practice TM or not?

If you read his posts, Peter, you'd know that he's said
several times he's been practicing TM for many years.

What he's after now is the advanced techniques.

 --- On Sat, 1/8/11, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:
  From: Marcio tmer1...@...
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers 
  Raunchydog ?
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 6:25 AM
  I am grateful to him for MMY taught
  me to meditate ... but .. I practice more than 20 years my
  friend .. and I think it is not with money that was buying
  the entrance to the sky .. I believe that many pay $ 10,000
  for two months to learn and never practiced TM .. then ...
  you must grow spiritually and not only think about money
   but look at the true intention of the heart of the
  people ... ok?
  I'm serious practitioner ... I give my life for meditation
  .. I stopped doing many things to keep meditating .. then ..
  There is also my sacrifice ... now think .. in someone who
  drinks smokes .. only do things wrong .. and want to learn
  to meditate .. Ok .. he pays and learn right? .. after 3
  months he never practiced ... now look, my case, I'm
  practicing for over 20 years every day ... see the
  difference .. ... reason and because I am treated equally by
  the TMO? think about it
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
and if I see a person in trouble and I can help
  I'll help, you will not help .. ? even if it is free .. MMY
  not paid one cent to enlighten you understand? 
   That's right, He did did not pay with money, instead
  He sacrificed His whole life to help us. 
   Frankly your pathetic cry about money makes me want to
  To subscribe, send a message to:
  Or go to: 
  and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB turquoi...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  Marco, you do realize that Joe is no friend of yours at 
  all with these instructions he gave you. He is being 
  sarcastic. I guess all of you that are specifically 
  talking about advanced techniques are not TM teachers 
  because you are completely violating your dharma 
  entrusted in you when you became a TM teacher. 
 So instead you should follow the dharma of lying?
 My only contribution to this silliness was to tell
 Marcio the truth about what he would be paying $2500
 a pop FOR. I feel no obligation to lie about that 
 just because a teacher I once worked with decades
 ago expected me to.

Of course, as you know, there would be no lying
involved in simply declining to say what the advanced
techniques are. Why are you lying about there being a
lie involved?

  Really disgusting. Just because you no longer meditate 
  or have anything to do with the TMO or think MMY was 
  some sort of fraud or whatever you think you can violate 
  a trust given to you like this? 
 Personally, I find grown adults who are still willing
 to lie or cover up the truth in the name of not vio-
 lating a trust to be far more disgusting.

No, as you know, there would be no lying involved in
simply declining to say what the advanced techniques

Plus which, it wasn't just that the teacher expected
you to keep private teachings private; you AGREED to
do so. You didn't have to. Nobody forced you to get
advanced techniques.

So what you're saying is that the longer it's been
since you gave your word about something, the less
need you feel to honor that commitment.

 Pete, you may be willing after all these years to live
 your life according to someone else's demands and

No, actually it's a matter of being willing to live your
life according to your own agreements and commitments.

 I am not. If that makes me lesser than
 you in your eyes, I honestly don't see that I am the
 one with the problem.

I doubt anyone here will be surprised that you don't.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB turquoi...@... wrote:

 Others here seem to have had better experiences with 
 them, and claim to have found them of value; they are
 free to present their reasons for why they think they're 
 worth thousands of dollars. I cannot. My position is 
 that I think they are worth what they produced for 
 me: Nothing. Nada. Bupkus.

Let's see; how many here believes the Turq actually learned an advanced 
technique, raise your hand !

See, almost noone. 
Thought so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread WillyTex
 Here's what you do...

Well, I guess this pretty much proves
that Joe is not a TM Teacher. Maybe he
never actually got iniitited. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB turquoi...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  yes I practice every day ... every day more than 20 years .. 
  MMY and I think is a very enlightened master .. and thank 
  all the blessings that I got to learn to meditate
 Marcio, *not* that I want to get further involved
 in all of this -- just to explain and to present a
 point of view that I don't think has been mentioned -- 
 one of the reasons I did not encourage you to pay for 
 the official TM advanced techniques is that I don't 
 feel they have any value.

Yeah, you mentioned this already--to Marcio, in fact.

I see your memory hasn't improved in the time you've
been away.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-08 Thread WillyTex

  My only contribution to this silliness was to tell
  Marcio the truth about what he would be paying $2500
  a pop FOR. I feel no obligation to lie about that 
  just because a teacher I once worked with decades
  ago expected me to.
 Of course, as you know, there would be no lying
 involved in simply declining to say what the advanced
 techniques are...

By responding to Marcio's query, Barry has set himself 
up as a spiritual teacher, so now he owns the karma. If 
Barry had kept his pie hole shut, he could have been just 
*another* guy. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig lengli...@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Jan 7, 2011, at 11:51 AM, WillyTex wrote:
   Or, maybe you have some other explanation. But,
   in over ten years of reading your posts, you
   have failed to explain very much about the
   mechanics of consciousness.
  Maybe that's because consciousness isn't mechanical 
  you idiot.

Says Vaj, inadvertently outing himself as the idiot.
 Neither is Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics,
 and various other disciplines of study with the term 
 Mechanics in the title.

body mechanics
fluid mechanics
wave mechanics

mechanics: 1 : a branch of physical science that deals with energy and forces 
and their effect on bodies 
2 : the practical application of mechanics to the design, construction, or 
operation of machines or tools 
3 : mechanical or functional details or procedure  *the mechanics of the brain*

With regard to consciousness, it's #3, of course--
IOW, *how something works*.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 On Jan 5, 2011, at 8:02 PM, Marcio wrote:
  ok everybody talked talked talked, but about the techniques of mantra about 
  the details of the additions of fertilizer nobody said almost nothing, 
  anyone know about the different versions of tm-sidhid? 
  why reason MMY only selected 18 Sutras of Patanjali ... there are several 
  Sutras of Patanjali in his book, but because reason MMY chose only some 
  sutras ? someone can tell the reason?
 On the original experimental courses, which were brought
 out at the moment the TM Org was about to go broke as a
 money-making idea,

In fact, the original experimental courses took place smack
in the middle of the Merv wave.

 some were discarded and some were kept. I can post the
 original set when I have time.

Translation: I have no idea what they were, but I'll see
if I can find somebody who's willing to tell me.

The two I know of that were dropped (and which are a
matter of public knowledge) were invisibility and
walking through walls (not because they didn't work,
the story went, but because they worked *too well*).

Whether any others were dropped from the original
experimental selection used on the six-month courses,
I have no idea.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 It's funny, people love to cast aspersions and non
 sequiturs, most often without any quotes from posts
 of mine referencing what they're referring to!

Well of course mindfulness of mantra or 'waiting for 
the mantra' is a natural and important part of TM.--Vaj,
#226302, August 1, 2009

 It just seems as if some people are cogitating on 
 the same patterns over and over, probably from old 
 posts they (for whatever reason) couldn't let go 

Unfortunately, you can't un-write a post. You could,
of course, admit you were wrong about the one I just
quoted, but not only will you not do that, you
*revived* that thoroughly erroneous idea a couple 
weeks back.

 It's also very upsetting to some people if you were 
 trained in TM and then went on to be trained in 
 mantra or meditation from a good source.

Notice what Vaj *doesn't* say here about his own
training. That's not an accident.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-08 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 8, 2011, at 10:29 AM, Vaj wrote:
  If it's the same guy I thought he said he left Fiuggi early, he claimed to 
  be a reincarnation of a Nazi, a student of Younge Khachab Rinpoche and 
  Like I said, if I got it wrong I apologize.
  As I have time I'll search my old email archives.
 I found it. It was from an offlist email, when he was posting as Billy Jim 
 in 2007. I'm not going to share a private letter. I believe he was working 
 long hours at the time and I probably just misread his letter.
 Contact me off list E. Bill if you would.

How convenient. Vaj, the paragon of integrity, won't share a private letter he 
thinks he misread that might prove he lied about emptybill leaving TTC. Now 
he's inventing more unsubstantiated claims that emptybill said he was a 
reincarnated-Nazi, thereby stirring more controversy around emptybill in an 
attempt to undermine his credibility. The only person's credibility at risk 
here is Vaj's. Oh right, we already knew that.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 7, 2011, at 9:22 PM, emptybill wrote:

  It was a straightforward statement.
  No ... I didn't leave the TTC in Fiuggi
  prematurely but rather full of hope.
  Why are you making this stuff up?
  Are you insisting you need to find
  something that could be controversial?
  Don't waste more of my time.

 Just going by what you said. Sorry if that wasn't what you meant.

Raunchydog's reply:

Exactly what did emptybill say and when did he say it, Vaj? Support your claim
that he left TTC by referencing a post or we'll assume you lied just to spread
shit abut him and you're intentionally perpetuating the lie now with a fake
apology. Disgusting.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 I became a teacher in Biarritz, France in 1976. Maharishi was there to give 
 us the TM mantras. I'm grateful to him for this knowledge and I feel honor 
 bound to keep the teaching pure as he asked me to do. I haven't taught 
 anyone in years, but I've always been amazed at the utter simplicity of 
 imparting the mantra after the puja. I feel blessed to have witnessed people 
 transcending for the first time...so delicately, innocently, and beautifully. 
 It's a joy. All I can say is, Jai Guru Dev and bow down.  
 I don't experiment with mantras. I figure, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I 
 do TM as instructed. I've had several advanced techniques, the age of 
 enlightenment technique and the TM-Sidhis. I was on the Vedic Atom in India 
 with Maharishi where I did a lot of rounding and also, long programs in the 
 dome for many years. I've trimmed program down to about an hour twice a day. 
 I don't go to the dome regularly, but I like to go when I'm not too busy with 
 work or family. When I retire, I'd like to do a longer program again, but for 
 now, I'm happy as it is. Maharishi's program has given me peace in my heart 
 and silence in my awareness and that's plenty good enough for me.

Beautiful, thanks for posting this.

It's so good to hear that you've kept the knowledge simple; the cluttering of 
minds we often see here stems from making simple things complicated.

If so much complications can arise in the minds of people in such a short time 
just imagine what the knowledge could look like in a couple of generations. 

That's why people like you are so valuable.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Vaj

On Jan 6, 2011, at 3:25 PM, Marcio wrote:

how do you explain this? or you withdrew from your own mind?

Marcio, it's usually pretty easy to find someone who will give you  
your entire TM devata mantra, which will improve and deepen your  
transcending. Often they charge nothing or a donation. Amma used to  
be a popular one in this area. I don't know if she visits where you  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Vaj

On Jan 6, 2011, at 4:19 PM, WillyTex wrote:

 Richard: I don't quite understand your point.
 Are you suggesting that one should get the
 bija mantras from a book and not get an
 empowered mantra through Initiation?

According to at least three FFL pundits, that's
all you need to do. Vaj listed all the bijas and
Barry2 said they were all in books. What would
be the benefit of giving Bevan Morris $2,500 for
a single nonsense syllable to put before and after
his TM bija? Everyone knows Bevan has about zero
'Shakti' power. You're not making any sense.

 I don't recommend people getting mantras from books for meditation  
practice. But I don't recommend people paying exorbitant prices either.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Vaj

On Jan 6, 2011, at 9:16 PM, emptybill wrote:

So teachers … what say you?

Have you been recertified?

I thought you left your course prematurely William?

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher no_re...@... wrote:

 So that's your background, RD...
 And all along I've assumed you were a former roadie-street type person
 with a name like Raunchy Dog, when in fact you've had quite a
 spiritually clean background over the years.

Hair of the dog,
Whiskey, sly, wry.
Wagging tell tale,
In the wink of an eye.

Concocted profusion,
Aim to confuse `em.

So, toast to the New Year,
Pledge not to lie,
But, niggle for giggles.
Here's mud in your eye!



And thus I clothe my naked villany
With odd old ends stol'n forth of holy writ,
And seem a saint when most I play the devil.
~ William Shakespeare, King Richard III. Act I, scene iii

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
  I became a teacher in Biarritz, France in 1976. Maharishi was there to
 give us the TM mantras. I'm grateful to him for this knowledge and I
 feel honor bound to keep the teaching pure as he asked me to do. I
 haven't taught anyone in years, but I've always been amazed at the utter
 simplicity of imparting the mantra after the puja. I feel blessed to
 have witnessed people transcending for the first time...so delicately,
 innocently, and beautifully. It's a joy. All I can say is, Jai Guru Dev
 and bow down.
  I don't experiment with mantras. I figure, if it ain't broke, don't
 fix it. I do TM as instructed. I've had several advanced techniques, the
 age of enlightenment technique and the TM-Sidhis. I was on the Vedic
 Atom in India with Maharishi where I did a lot of rounding and also,
 long programs in the dome for many years. I've trimmed program down to
 about an hour twice a day. I don't go to the dome regularly, but I like
 to go when I'm not too busy with work or family. When I retire, I'd like
 to do a longer program again, but for now, I'm happy as it is.
 Maharishi's program has given me peace in my heart and silence in my
 awareness and that's plenty good enough for me.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   This question is interesting and might be valuable to consider.
   it is too simplistic to answer in a straightforward way.
   Since some of us were trained as TM teachers, the real question
   non-diksha mantras revolves around knowing how entertain a
   book mantra by knowing how to introduce it to the mind. Other
   questions revolve around the type and the length of the mantra.
   Most people here are used to practicing a monosyllabic mantra core
   is enhanced with extra syllables. But starting out with
   foreign mantras and then asking if they work the same is just
   too simplistic of an approach.
   Most teachers (post 197o) learned a whole list of core mantra bijas.
   Later they found out that these bijas corresponded with various
   mantras recorded in the Tantras. However just picking out a devata
   mantra (such as NaraSingha or Kalika) is not at all the same
   as using one of the TM bija sets.)
   So can we start with teachers who have meditated with other
   mantras in the set they received when we were made initiators?
   I'll starting with the followingk observation:
   I received my mantra-set from MMY personally (mouth-to-ear) at
 Fiuggi in
   1972. Because I was already familiar with Sir John Woodruff's books
   on Tantrika mantra-shastra, the mantras and their associated devatas
   not news to me since I already understood that the mantras were
 given as
   traditional devata names in Woodruff's many works.
   Much later, when I worked briefly with different bija-s from the
 list, I
   found them all to be quite potent once I indeed entertained them in
   awareness just as if they were my own mantra-of-initiation.
   I didn't continue using them to replace my own diksha mantra because
   I did not see any point in doing so. However, reading various
   shastras and their sadhanas shows that this can be a vary powerful
   to deepen and concentrated the root shakti of the tradition.
   So teachers … what say you?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:
No, Richard.  My point is based on experience. During my TM
   initiation, I experienced some definite SHAKTI, along with what the
   calls Transcendence.  IN MY EXPERIENCE - my TM mantra has a
   distinctive property: empowered ENERGY, not shared by:
a. getting seed mantras from a book
b. other mantras received from other Traditions.
I'm just stating my experience; but ymmv.
Maybe your mantra has no empowered Shakti in it, and for that
   you believe people can save $ and get the mantras from a book.
Let's hear what some other people have to say.
To the others: Is YOUR TM mantra empowered, making it superior to

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio

I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for I have 
learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. transcendental 
meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. I only bow to the 
knowledge that I received ... but I want to learn more ... I looked at what you 
have learned many advanced techniques .. please I beg you to teach me these 
advanced techniques, it will be great for my life ... my email 

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for I have 
 learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. transcendental 
 meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. I only bow to the 
 knowledge that I received ... but I want to learn more ... I looked at what 
 you have learned many advanced techniques .. please I beg you to teach me 
 these advanced techniques, it will be great for my life ... my email 

I don't have Maharishi's blessing to teach advanced techniques. I hope your 
fortunes change for the better. In the meantime, have a peaceful heart and be 

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread WillyTex

  According to at least three FFL pundits, that's
  all you need to do. Vaj listed all the bijas and
  Barry2 said they were all in books...
 Hmmm...how can you guarantee, that a native speaker of,
 say, English, gets the correct pronunciation of a biija-
 mantra from a Latin transliteration of it? :-)

The pronunciation of the bija is apparently not an 
important factor, since the bija is not a word or a sound, 
but a thought-instant. Are you thinking that there is kind 
of magical element to a mechanical technique - a 'ghost' 
in the machine?

But, the real question is, why did these TM Teachers post
the TM bija mantras on the internet if they are unsuitable 
for spiritual usage? The TM bijas were posted by John 
Knapp, and then re-posted by Vaj and the dorkflex. 

Do you think these characters were attempting to impede
our spiritual progress by posting the secret TM mantras
on the internet? 

If so, maybe they should be banned from posting on this 
forum. Or, maybe they would like to explain their motives
for revealing the TM bija mantras.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread WillyTex

  According to at least three FFL pundits, that's
  all you need to do. Vaj listed all the bijas and
  Barry2 said they were all in books...
 I don't recommend people getting mantras from books 
 for meditation practice...

So, you must have posted the link to the TM bijas on 
FFL for a reason. Was it an attempt to 'poison the 
well' or what? If you don't recommend getting mantras 
from books, why did you buy the book in the first place
and get the mantras?

Maybe you posted them because you're not a spiritual 
teacher at all. Or, maybe you thought it was a clever 
thing to do, to indicate that you are a spiritual 

In the past, you posted messages accusing MMY of 
murdering SBS. Is this a forum for attack messages or 
are you just playing games with our souls? Maybe you 
have a lot of explaining to do. 

William seems to be onto you, so maybe it's time for 
you to take a long sabbatical from posting, ponder your 
actions, then in a year or two, maybe you could return 
here to post like an adept, or at least like a scholar.
At present you seem to be neither. 

Or, maybe you have some other explanation. But, in over 
ten years of reading your posts, you have failed to 
explain very much about the mechanics of consciousness. 

Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread WillyTex

 So if you are leaping and bounding at your heart
 chakra then you must not be able to break free of
 this body coffin...

The chakras are not the physical body; they are the
constituent turnings of the subtle, transcendental
body. Bija mantras are 'thought-instants', not words
with semantic meanings. It's all about energy and
the transference of subtle energies.

Each chakra in your spinal column is believed to
influence or even govern bodily functions near its
region of the spine. Because autopsies do not reveal
chakras, most people think they are a fancy of fertile
imagination. Yet their existence is well documented
in the traditions of the far east. - Susan Shumsky


Read more:


'Exploring Chakras'
Awaken Your Untapped Energy
By Susan G. Shumsky
New Page Books, 2003

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread RoryGoff
Thanks, Jim! 

Right, this yagya works upon the simple Understanding that we take full 
responsibility for this timeless Now, our awareness-field of creation. By 
contrast to the eternal perfection of Now, the time-bound Ego or resistant 
desire-particle is revealed by its dissonance, dissatisfaction or disoontent: a 
signal to Us that it is dinner-time and there is More of Us to Love :-)

Agreed, the deity does not appear to be static, as it is the future-self 
reflection (across the Now-point of Us) of the past-self 
remnant-of-desire...in other words, the deity IS or shall be that which the 
desire-particle most longs to be. 

Put another way, the deity is simply US as viewed by the particle, an US which 
the Ego-bound desire-particle does not yet consider itself to be, as we have in 
a sense unconsciously rejected it (ourself) until Now. As the past-self 
particle is an imbalance rejecting the Now, the deity is the particle's equal 
and opposite future-self imbalance. And as WE created the desire-particle out 
of Us, all the desire-particle has to do is back up again and surrender into 
US, once it grasps that attention-cord of our unconditional Love and 
willingness to be it, Now. 

That backing-up attention-cord from future-US is the creator of the DNA 
ascension-column of liquid fire, and is the core technology behind the TM 
initiation. Or so it appears to me, anyhow :-)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotn...@... wrote:

 Thanks Rory. My responses to your responses below:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
   As for devotion, someone said that in the midst of unity duality is 
  created for the enjoyment of experiencing devotion. That pretty well sums 
  it up for me.
I don't know whether God is real to me. The term God is pretty 
amorphous anyway, similar to discussions about what enlightenment 
means. So I tend to focus on one deity at a time - lol. Are they real? 
I don't know. They feel like it to me. On the other hand, perhaps they 
are wholly created imaginings of mine, solely created for me to 
experience and enjoy humility, thankfulness, gratitude,
  unconditional love, etc. Who knows?
  Nicely put, Jim. For me, this was the way beyond the rudderlessness of 
  That-alone-is -- 
  (1) take full responsibility for my creation as it is in this moment,
 ** That finally seems intuitively obvious to me - lol. This is more like an 
 operating principle vs. a localized action, though frequent reminders to 
 myself don't hurt :-)
  2) find the outstanding remnant-of-desire which is unhappy with my creation 
  in this moment, 
 ** I never thought of it before but prayer, or more specifically willful and 
 pure attunement to a deity, could be seen as a response to an inner need, a 
 desire to enlarge my container of consciousness in order to eventually find a 
 solution to the unhappy remnant of desire. Not through control, but through 
 expansion aka getting out of my own way - lol
  (3)create a deity to meet the needs of that desire, 
 ** This process is something like humming a tune I really like and then 
 having a song that closely matches that come into my awareness. Nothing 
 static as both my vibration and the resonance with the deity change as I 
 change - In other words the deity is not always the same one. 
  (4)surrender in all honesty to the intense attention-flow, love-flow, and 
  devotion-flow between particle-me and the newly-incarnate deity-me (now far 
  more than just my creation), to achieve that desire.  
 **Yes, the satisfaction of that desire is not always immediate, though the 
 inner adjustment may be.
  (5)This attention-flow flushes out and brings into full awareness the 
  ancient programs or particles (primarily of undeservingness) in the 
  body-mind which had been creating the old status-quo reality. Once brought 
  to full awareness, they are no longer believed, and 
  (6) the new reality is embodied and experienced.
  An old friend of mine recently had an Aha about this process, and 
  described it as yagya! I would agree with that.
 **Me too. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread whynotnow7
Put another way, the deity is simply US as viewed by the particle, an US which 
the Ego-bound desire-particle does not yet consider itself to be, as we have in 
a sense unconsciously rejected it (ourself) until Now.

Hi Rory - It is quite a fascinating paradox from my perspective. On the one 
hand, each of us is made up of the same stuff as anything else, indivisible 
from any other manifestation, including Vishnu, for example. On the other, the 
only way we can apprehend and fully enjoy any other manifestation is through 
recognizing our separation from it, even though that may be a loving separation 
full of gratitude, recognition and humility.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff roryg...@... wrote:

 Thanks, Jim! 
 Right, this yagya works upon the simple Understanding that we take full 
 responsibility for this timeless Now, our awareness-field of creation. By 
 contrast to the eternal perfection of Now, the time-bound Ego or resistant 
 desire-particle is revealed by its dissonance, dissatisfaction or disoontent: 
 a signal to Us that it is dinner-time and there is More of Us to Love :-)
 Agreed, the deity does not appear to be static, as it is the future-self 
 reflection (across the Now-point of Us) of the past-self 
 remnant-of-desire...in other words, the deity IS or shall be that which the 
 desire-particle most longs to be. 
 Put another way, the deity is simply US as viewed by the particle, an US 
 which the Ego-bound desire-particle does not yet consider itself to be, as we 
 have in a sense unconsciously rejected it (ourself) until Now. As the 
 past-self particle is an imbalance rejecting the Now, the deity is the 
 particle's equal and opposite future-self imbalance. And as WE created the 
 desire-particle out of Us, all the desire-particle has to do is back up 
 again and surrender into US, once it grasps that attention-cord of our 
 unconditional Love and willingness to be it, Now. 
 That backing-up attention-cord from future-US is the creator of the DNA 
 ascension-column of liquid fire, and is the core technology behind the TM 
 initiation. Or so it appears to me, anyhow :-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
  Thanks Rory. My responses to your responses below:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, RoryGoff rorygoff@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, whynotnow7 whynotnow7@ wrote:
As for devotion, someone said that in the midst of unity duality is 
   created for the enjoyment of experiencing devotion. That pretty well sums 
   it up for me.

 I don't know whether God is real to me. The term God is pretty 
 amorphous anyway, similar to discussions about what enlightenment 
 means. So I tend to focus on one deity at a time - lol. Are they 
 real? I don't know. They feel like it to me. On the other hand, 
 perhaps they are wholly created imaginings of mine, solely created 
 for me to experience and enjoy humility, thankfulness, gratitude,
   unconditional love, etc. Who knows?
   Nicely put, Jim. For me, this was the way beyond the rudderlessness of 
   That-alone-is -- 
   (1) take full responsibility for my creation as it is in this moment,
  ** That finally seems intuitively obvious to me - lol. This is more like an 
  operating principle vs. a localized action, though frequent reminders to 
  myself don't hurt :-)
   2) find the outstanding remnant-of-desire which is unhappy with my 
   creation in this moment, 
  ** I never thought of it before but prayer, or more specifically willful 
  and pure attunement to a deity, could be seen as a response to an inner 
  need, a desire to enlarge my container of consciousness in order to 
  eventually find a solution to the unhappy remnant of desire. Not through 
  control, but through expansion aka getting out of my own way - lol
   (3)create a deity to meet the needs of that desire, 
  ** This process is something like humming a tune I really like and then 
  having a song that closely matches that come into my awareness. Nothing 
  static as both my vibration and the resonance with the deity change as I 
  change - In other words the deity is not always the same one. 
   (4)surrender in all honesty to the intense attention-flow, love-flow, and 
   devotion-flow between particle-me and the newly-incarnate deity-me (now 
   far more than just my creation), to achieve that desire.  
  **Yes, the satisfaction of that desire is not always immediate, though the 
  inner adjustment may be.
   (5)This attention-flow flushes out and brings into full awareness the 
   ancient programs or particles (primarily of undeservingness) in the 
   body-mind which had been creating the old status-quo reality. Once 
   brought to full awareness, they are no longer believed, and 
   (6) the new reality is embodied and experienced.
   An old friend of mine recently had an Aha about this 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Vaj

On Jan 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Marcio wrote:


I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for  
I have learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you ..  
transcendental meditation I love, my life changed for the better ..  
I only bow to the knowledge that I received ... but I want to learn  
more ... I looked at what you have learned many advanced  
techniques .. please I beg you to teach me these advanced  
techniques, it will be great for my life ... my email  

Come on RD, cough up the goods. Where's your compassion?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Vaj

On Jan 7, 2011, at 11:51 AM, WillyTex wrote:

Or, maybe you have some other explanation. But, in over
ten years of reading your posts, you have failed to
explain very much about the mechanics of consciousness.

Maybe that's because consciousness isn't mechanical you idiot.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 7, 2011, at 11:51 AM, WillyTex wrote:
  Or, maybe you have some other explanation. But, in over
  ten years of reading your posts, you have failed to
  explain very much about the mechanics of consciousness.
 Maybe that's because consciousness isn't mechanical you idiot.

Neither is Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, and various other 
disciplines of study with the term Mechanics in the title.


[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 6, 2011, at 4:19 PM, WillyTex wrote:
   Richard: I don't quite understand your point.
   Are you suggesting that one should get the
   bija mantras from a book and not get an
   empowered mantra through Initiation?
  According to at least three FFL pundits, that's
  all you need to do. Vaj listed all the bijas and
  Barry2 said they were all in books. What would
  be the benefit of giving Bevan Morris $2,500 for
  a single nonsense syllable to put before and after
  his TM bija? Everyone knows Bevan has about zero
  'Shakti' power. You're not making any sense.
   I don't recommend people getting mantras from books for meditation  
 practice. But I don't recommend people paying exorbitant prices either.

Currently, the David Lynch Foundation is calling for funding for $50K/year for 
TM teachers to work with 100 at-risk homeless women per teacher. That works out 
to $500 per person per year. Is that really exorbitant?


[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 6, 2011, at 3:25 PM, Marcio wrote:
  how do you explain this? or you withdrew from your own mind?
 Marcio, it's usually pretty easy to find someone who will give you  
 your entire TM devata mantra, which will improve and deepen your  
 transcending. Often they charge nothing or a donation. Amma used to  
 be a popular one in this area. I don't know if she visits where you  

Actually, I never heard MMY or any advanced technique teacher claim that 
advanced techniques improve/deepen transcending.

In fact, sorta the opposite.


[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 very good, thanks ... one doubts,;; bija when it comes to my mind in the 
 heart chkar I repeat it as Aing Aing  .. .. Aing or just keep it in my 
 mind subtly subtly until I forget the bija naturally and effortlessly ..?
 then .. Aing, Aing, Aing, repeat or remember only the bija subtly until I 

I would never consider practicing any 
extension/modification/enhancement/whatever of TM (or any other mental 
technique for that matter) that I learned by reading a forum on the internet.

I would suggest you don't either.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Peter

--- On Fri, 1/7/11, sparaig lengli...@cox.net wrote:

 From: sparaig lengli...@cox.net
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, January 7, 2011, 1:26 PM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:
  very good, thanks ... one doubts,;; bija when it comes
 to my mind in the heart chkar I repeat it as Aing Aing 
 .. .. Aing or just keep it in my mind subtly subtly until I
 forget the bija naturally and effortlessly ..?
  then .. Aing, Aing, Aing, repeat or remember only the
 bija subtly until I forget
 I would never consider practicing any
 extension/modification/enhancement/whatever of TM (or any
 other mental technique for that matter) that I learned by
 reading a forum on the internet.
 I would suggest you don't either.

I second this. Marco, you can't learn to meditate properly without some 
personal instruction. Already you are confused. It just won't work for you. A 
description of how to meditate is not the same as the prescription of how to 
do it. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jan 7, 2011, at 12:43 PM, Peter wrote:

 --- On Fri, 1/7/11, sparaig lengli...@cox.net wrote:
 From: sparaig lengli...@cox.net
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, January 7, 2011, 1:26 PM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:
 very good, thanks ... one doubts,;; bija when it comes
 to my mind in the heart chkar I repeat it as Aing Aing 
 .. .. Aing or just keep it in my mind subtly subtly until I
 forget the bija naturally and effortlessly ..?
 then .. Aing, Aing, Aing, repeat or remember only the
 bija subtly until I forget
 I would never consider practicing any
 extension/modification/enhancement/whatever of TM (or any
 other mental technique for that matter) that I learned by
 reading a forum on the internet.
 I would suggest you don't either.
 I second this. Marco, you can't learn to meditate properly without some 
 personal instruction. Already you are confused. It just won't work for you. A 
 description of how to meditate is not the same as the prescription of how 
 to do it. 

I third this.  And, Marcio, I would like to add:  it has been 
scientifically *proven*  (in peer-reviewed journals  no less) 
that with TM (and that's TM™ don't forget) techniques~~
that unless you are willing
to spend $2500 per technique, and try to get around
that requirement by going to some renegade, OTP,
unlicensed (or whatever they call it) TM
(TM™) teacher,~~that there is a very real possibility
your head may explode the minute you try out said
techniques. :)  Remember the Pinto, Ford's little
present to the American public, the car that would
explode on contact?  That's you, my friend, if you're
not willing to ante up the whole fresh. You've been forewarned.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 7, 2011, at 12:43 PM, Peter wrote:
  --- On Fri, 1/7/11, sparaig lengli...@... wrote:
   I would never consider practicing any
   extension/modification/enhancement/whatever of TM (or any
   other mental technique for that matter) that I learned by
   reading a forum on the internet.
   I would suggest you don't either.
  I second this. Marco, you can't learn to meditate properly 
  without some personal instruction. Already you are confused. 
  It just won't work for you. A description of how to meditate 
  is not the same as the prescription of how to do it. 
 I third this.  And, Marcio, I would like to add:  it has been 
 scientifically *proven*  (in peer-reviewed journals  no less) 
 that with TM (and that's TM™ don't forget) techniques~~
 that unless you are willing
 to spend $2500 per technique, and try to get around
 that requirement by going to some renegade, OTP,
 unlicensed (or whatever they call it) TM
 (TM™) teacher,~~that there is a very real possibility
 your head may explode the minute you try out said
 techniques. :)  Remember the Pinto, Ford's little
 present to the American public, the car that would
 explode on contact?  That's you, my friend, if you're
 not willing to ante up the whole fresh. You've been forewarned.

Feeling compelled to present the Devil's Advocate
position here...even though your head may explode,
your dick may grow to enormous proportions, making
you a Very Popular Boy in your 'hood, wherever 
that may be. Ya makes yer choices and ya takes
yer chances...


Just joking, Marcio. Do whatever your intuition
tells you to do. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread WillyTex

  Aing, Aing, Aing, repeat or remember 
  only the bija subtly until I forget...
 I would never consider practicing any 
Are you seriously suggesting that the only 
way to get a 'sri' extension for his TM 
mantra is to pay someone $2,500, when
everyone knows that the word 'sri' is a 
common Hindi word found in everyday Indian
conversation and in any Sanskrit dictionary? 

This is just outrageous!

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio

and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... .. ask 
to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect money from 
their children?

you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people who do 
not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...

open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his children 
or his wife .. if they want the techniques aprendr ok?

you'll feel better
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for I have 
  learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. transcendental 
  meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. I only bow to the 
  knowledge that I received ... but I want to learn more ... I looked at what 
  you have learned many advanced techniques .. please I beg you to teach me 
  these advanced techniques, it will be great for my life ... my email 
 I don't have Maharishi's blessing to teach advanced techniques. I hope your 
 fortunes change for the better. In the meantime, have a peaceful heart and be 

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... .. 
 ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect 
 money from their children?
 you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people who 
 do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
 open your heart, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his 
 children or his wife .. if they want the techniques aprendr ok?
 you'll feel better
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for I 
   have learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. 
   transcendental meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. I 
   only bow to the knowledge that I received ... but I want to learn more 
   ... I looked at what you have learned many advanced techniques .. please 
   I beg you to teach me these advanced techniques, it will be great for my 
   life ... my email tmer1306@
  I don't have Maharishi's blessing to teach advanced techniques. I hope your 
  fortunes change for the better. In the meantime, have a peaceful heart and 
  be happy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio

 and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... .. 
 ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect 
 money from their children?
 you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people who 
 do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
 open your heart, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his 
 children or his wife .. if they want the techniques aprendr ok?
 you'll feel better

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for I 
   have learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. 
   transcendental meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. I 
   only bow to the knowledge that I received ... but I want to learn more 
   ... I looked at what you have learned many advanced techniques .. please 
   I beg you to teach me these advanced techniques, it will be great for my 
   life ... my email tmer1306@
  I don't have Maharishi's blessing to teach advanced techniques. I hope your 
  fortunes change for the better. In the meantime, have a peaceful heart and 
  be happy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread WillyTex
  Or, maybe you have some other explanation. But, in over
  ten years of reading your posts, you have failed to
  explain very much about the mechanics of consciousness.
 Maybe that's because consciousness isn't mechanical you 

So, you paid thousands of dollars to the TMO to get common,
everyday words found in any Hindi dictionary for free, and 
you spent years and years taking courses to learn how to 
sleep while sitting on your butt, but I'm the 'idiot'. 

Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread wayback71

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

to Vaj:
 So, you paid thousands of dollars to the TMO to get common,
 everyday words found in any Hindi dictionary for free, and 
 you spent years and years taking courses to learn how to 
 sleep while sitting on your butt, 

Willy, people who did this (does that include you?) are not idiots.  They were 
young and hopeful and many got and stlll get lots out of TM.  OTH, You could 
make a case for these idiots being victims of a corrupt organization.  No one 
went in to learning TM and all the extras that cost so much with bad 
intentions, or with anything other than a sincere desire to improve their own 

I honestly dont't know whether you or Vaj ever learned TM or the siddhis.

 Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread yifuxero

Marcio:  Just preface Aing Namah with Sri.
But you need more Shakti. Access SYDA.org and bring up store/media and send 
away for the GURU GITA chanting tape. Very powerful!
Then get some audio CD's of Pundits from Ramana Maharshi's Ashram chanting the 
RUDRAM, the most powerful Shiva chant along with the GURU GITA.  It's part of 
evening Parayana.
The RUDRAM has two parts: obeisances to Shiva - giving to Him our devotion, 
and another part asking from Shiva various boons. This chant is part of the 
Rudra-Abhishekam ritual performed by MMY's Pundits.
While I'm at hit, those youngsters are being held in captivity. I'm contacting 
the Mormons to get them rescued.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

   Or, maybe you have some other explanation. But, in over
   ten years of reading your posts, you have failed to
   explain very much about the mechanics of consciousness.
  Maybe that's because consciousness isn't mechanical you 
 So, you paid thousands of dollars to the TMO to get common,
 everyday words found in any Hindi dictionary for free, and 
 you spent years and years taking courses to learn how to 
 sleep while sitting on your butt, but I'm the 'idiot'. 
 Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio

you charge for your children or parents. ? How much did you charge them? please 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... .. 
 ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect 
 money from their children?
 you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people who 
 do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
 open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his 
 children or his wife .. if they want the techniques aprendr ok?
 you'll feel better
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for I 
   have learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. 
   transcendental meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. I 
   only bow to the knowledge that I received ... but I want to learn more 
   ... I looked at what you have learned many advanced techniques .. please 
   I beg you to teach me these advanced techniques, it will be great for my 
   life ... my email tmer1306@
  I don't have Maharishi's blessing to teach advanced techniques. I hope your 
  fortunes change for the better. In the meantime, have a peaceful heart and 
  be happy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio

ho willy

there are many sutras of Patanjali in the book, poqur reason MMY selected only 
18? do you know? you know aversion TM-Sidhi for invisibility? ?

you know some more technique taught by MMY? could you teach? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

   Aing, Aing, Aing, repeat or remember 
   only the bija subtly until I forget...
  I would never consider practicing any 
 Are you seriously suggesting that the only 
 way to get a 'sri' extension for his TM 
 mantra is to pay someone $2,500, when
 everyone knows that the word 'sri' is a 
 common Hindi word found in everyday Indian
 conversation and in any Sanskrit dictionary? 
 This is just outrageous!

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio

Raunchydog ?

 you charge for your children or parents. ? How much did you charge them? 
 please answer?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... .. 
  ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect 
  money from their children?
  you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people 
  who do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
  open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his 
  children or his wife .. if they want the techniques aprendr ok?
  you'll feel better
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:

I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for I 
have learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. 
transcendental meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. I 
only bow to the knowledge that I received ... but I want to learn more 
... I looked at what you have learned many advanced techniques .. 
please I beg you to teach me these advanced techniques, it will be 
great for my life ... my email tmer1306@
   I don't have Maharishi's blessing to teach advanced techniques. I hope 
   your fortunes change for the better. In the meantime, have a peaceful 
   heart and be happy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Bhairitu
Where are you and why do you even care about doing TM stuff?  It is mass 
marketed yoga lite.  I would suggest hanging out at some other 
organizations or with other teachers in your area (if possible) to learn 
what they do.  Just do some information gathering.  Read Dr. Robert 
Svoboda's trilogy on tantra for some background on traditions.  Read 
some of Swami Sivananda's writing to get some background.  Read Swami 
Muktananda's stuff.  Be careful about pop gurus as they are there for 
the fame and money.  Real teachers teach one on one and aren't looking 
for big followings.

On 01/07/2011 12:28 PM, Marcio wrote:
 ho willy

 there are many sutras of Patanjali in the book, poqur reason MMY selected 
 only 18? do you know? you know aversion TM-Sidhi for invisibility? ?

 you know some more technique taught by MMY? could you teach?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTexwilly...@...  wrote:

 Aing, Aing, Aing, repeat or remember
 only the bija subtly until I forget...

 I would never consider practicing any

 Are you seriously suggesting that the only
 way to get a 'sri' extension for his TM
 mantra is to pay someone $2,500, when
 everyone knows that the word 'sri' is a
 common Hindi word found in everyday Indian
 conversation and in any Sanskrit dictionary?

 This is just outrageous!

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio
YEARS ... The benefits are huge in my personal life, I THINK




--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Where are you and why do you even care about doing TM stuff?  It is mass 
 marketed yoga lite.  I would suggest hanging out at some other 
 organizations or with other teachers in your area (if possible) to learn 
 what they do.  Just do some information gathering.  Read Dr. Robert 
 Svoboda's trilogy on tantra for some background on traditions.  Read 
 some of Swami Sivananda's writing to get some background.  Read Swami 
 Muktananda's stuff.  Be careful about pop gurus as they are there for 
 the fame and money.  Real teachers teach one on one and aren't looking 
 for big followings.
 On 01/07/2011 12:28 PM, Marcio wrote:
  ho willy
  there are many sutras of Patanjali in the book, poqur reason MMY selected 
  only 18? do you know? you know aversion TM-Sidhi for invisibility? ?
  you know some more technique taught by MMY? could you teach?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTexwillytex@  wrote:
  Aing, Aing, Aing, repeat or remember
  only the bija subtly until I forget...
  I would never consider practicing any
  Are you seriously suggesting that the only
  way to get a 'sri' extension for his TM
  mantra is to pay someone $2,500, when
  everyone knows that the word 'sri' is a
  common Hindi word found in everyday Indian
  conversation and in any Sanskrit dictionary?
  This is just outrageous!

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio
Raunchydog ?

 you charge for your children or parents. ? How much did you charge them?
please answer?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... ..
ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect money
from their children?
  you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people who
do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
  open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his
children or his wife .. if they want learn the techniques  ok?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 Raunchydog ?
  you charge for your children or parents. ? How much did you charge them? 
  please answer?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... 
   .. ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will 
   collect money from their children?
   you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people 
   who do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
   open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his 
   children or his wife .. if they want the techniques aprendr ok?
   you'll feel better
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:

 I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for I 
 have learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. 
 transcendental meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. I 
 only bow to the knowledge that I received ... but I want to learn 
 more ... I looked at what you have learned many advanced techniques 
 .. please I beg you to teach me these advanced techniques, it will be 
 great for my life ... my email tmer1306@

I don't have Maharishi's blessing to teach advanced techniques. I hope 
your fortunes change for the better. In the meantime, have a peaceful 
heart and be happy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Bhairitu
There are plenty of other very powerful techniques than TM.  I really 
don't care if you're grateful to TM for changing your life maybe 
something else might have also.  You don't know. But ignorance of other 
techniques is simply ignorance.  I'm grateful that I learned about other 
schools of though, went to India where I learned things and 10 years ago 
was initiated into tantra by an authentic tantric guru here in the 
states.  I haven't looked back since.

Since I was also made a TM teacher and a governor I left TM in it's 
package when I moved on.

On 01/07/2011 01:19 PM, Marcio wrote:
 OVER 20 YEARS ... The benefits are huge in my personal life, I THINK




 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozg...@...  wrote:
 Where are you and why do you even care about doing TM stuff?  It is mass
 marketed yoga lite.  I would suggest hanging out at some other
 organizations or with other teachers in your area (if possible) to learn
 what they do.  Just do some information gathering.  Read Dr. Robert
 Svoboda's trilogy on tantra for some background on traditions.  Read
 some of Swami Sivananda's writing to get some background.  Read Swami
 Muktananda's stuff.  Be careful about pop gurus as they are there for
 the fame and money.  Real teachers teach one on one and aren't looking
 for big followings.

 On 01/07/2011 12:28 PM, Marcio wrote:
 ho willy

 there are many sutras of Patanjali in the book, poqur reason MMY selected 
 only 18? do you know? you know aversion TM-Sidhi for invisibility? ?

 you know some more technique taught by MMY? could you teach?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTexwillytex@   wrote:

 Aing, Aing, Aing, repeat or remember
 only the bija subtly until I forget...

 I would never consider practicing any

 Are you seriously suggesting that the only
 way to get a 'sri' extension for his TM
 mantra is to pay someone $2,500, when
 everyone knows that the word 'sri' is a
 common Hindi word found in everyday Indian
 conversation and in any Sanskrit dictionary?

 This is just outrageous!

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio

you taught tm? you know the advanced techniques? can you teach me? MMY reason 
why only 18 selected sutras, you know? I'm curious to know about it

and you could tell me what you've learned I'm interested .. also .. I am not a 
fanatic by TM .. I am open to new knowledge .. If you can answer me I would 
greatly appreciate it .. because I am a seeker of yoga .. ..

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 There are plenty of other very powerful techniques than TM.  I really 
 don't care if you're grateful to TM for changing your life maybe 
 something else might have also.  You don't know. But ignorance of other 
 techniques is simply ignorance.  I'm grateful that I learned about other 
 schools of though, went to India where I learned things and 10 years ago 
 was initiated into tantra by an authentic tantric guru here in the 
 states.  I haven't looked back since.
 Since I was also made a TM teacher and a governor I left TM in it's 
 package when I moved on.
 On 01/07/2011 01:19 PM, Marcio wrote:
  OVER 20 YEARS ... The benefits are huge in my personal life, I THINK
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
  Where are you and why do you even care about doing TM stuff?  It is mass
  marketed yoga lite.  I would suggest hanging out at some other
  organizations or with other teachers in your area (if possible) to learn
  what they do.  Just do some information gathering.  Read Dr. Robert
  Svoboda's trilogy on tantra for some background on traditions.  Read
  some of Swami Sivananda's writing to get some background.  Read Swami
  Muktananda's stuff.  Be careful about pop gurus as they are there for
  the fame and money.  Real teachers teach one on one and aren't looking
  for big followings.
  On 01/07/2011 12:28 PM, Marcio wrote:
  ho willy
  there are many sutras of Patanjali in the book, poqur reason MMY selected 
  only 18? do you know? you know aversion TM-Sidhi for invisibility? ?
  you know some more technique taught by MMY? could you teach?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTexwillytex@   wrote:
  Aing, Aing, Aing, repeat or remember
  only the bija subtly until I forget...
  I would never consider practicing any
  Are you seriously suggesting that the only
  way to get a 'sri' extension for his TM
  mantra is to pay someone $2,500, when
  everyone knows that the word 'sri' is a
  common Hindi word found in everyday Indian
  conversation and in any Sanskrit dictionary?
  This is just outrageous!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jan 7, 2011, at 4:07 PM, Marcio wrote:

 you taught tm? you know the advanced techniques? can you teach me? MMY reason 
 why only 18 selected sutras, you know? I'm curious to know about it

Not sure if this ground has already been covered, 
but here are the first 3:  sri, sri, (your mantra) namah
Sri is pronounced like shree.

You can just send the $7500 to me instead. :)


[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio

you funny ... this is good ... yes I know .. and I received this information 
from official teacher tm .. But shri shri mantra namah namah , and shri shri 
mantra mantra namah namah .. I do not know if this correct ...

but I'll tell you to send $ 7,500 .. send your bank account ... :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 7, 2011, at 4:07 PM, Marcio wrote:
  you taught tm? you know the advanced techniques? can you teach me? MMY 
  reason why only 18 selected sutras, you know? I'm curious to know about it
 Not sure if this ground has already been covered, 
 but here are the first 3:  sri, sri, (your mantra) namah
 Sri is pronounced like shree.
 You can just send the $7500 to me instead. :)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Tom Pall
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Marcio tmer1...@gmail.com wrote:


 you funny ... this is good ... yes I know .. and I received this
 information from official teacher tm .. But shri shri mantra namah namah ,
 and shri shri mantra mantra namah namah .. I do not know if this correct ...

 but I'll tell you to send $ 7,500 .. send your bank account ... :)

Marcio, this is not true for all.  My initial mantra, which I've never seen
posted anywhere, lasted through my 4th advanced technique, then it was

Send me no money.  Instead, send me your full name and address so I can send
you a cashiers/treasurers check for $10,000.  Just cash the check and wire
me back 10% of it, OK?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Bhairitu
I don't teach TM any longer.  I teach a different technique and that 
teaching is in person not on the Internet.  Besides only a few 
initiators were made official advanced technique teachers.  There are 
a few unofficial ones here though. :-D

On 01/07/2011 02:07 PM, Marcio wrote:

 you taught tm? you know the advanced techniques? can you teach me? MMY reason 
 why only 18 selected sutras, you know? I'm curious to know about it

 and you could tell me what you've learned I'm interested .. also .. I am not 
 a fanatic by TM .. I am open to new knowledge .. If you can answer me I would 
 greatly appreciate it .. because I am a seeker of yoga .. ..

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozg...@...  wrote:
 There are plenty of other very powerful techniques than TM.  I really
 don't care if you're grateful to TM for changing your life maybe
 something else might have also.  You don't know. But ignorance of other
 techniques is simply ignorance.  I'm grateful that I learned about other
 schools of though, went to India where I learned things and 10 years ago
 was initiated into tantra by an authentic tantric guru here in the
 states.  I haven't looked back since.

 Since I was also made a TM teacher and a governor I left TM in it's
 package when I moved on.

 On 01/07/2011 01:19 PM, Marcio wrote:
 OVER 20 YEARS ... The benefits are huge in my personal life, I THINK




 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
 Where are you and why do you even care about doing TM stuff?  It is mass
 marketed yoga lite.  I would suggest hanging out at some other
 organizations or with other teachers in your area (if possible) to learn
 what they do.  Just do some information gathering.  Read Dr. Robert
 Svoboda's trilogy on tantra for some background on traditions.  Read
 some of Swami Sivananda's writing to get some background.  Read Swami
 Muktananda's stuff.  Be careful about pop gurus as they are there for
 the fame and money.  Real teachers teach one on one and aren't looking
 for big followings.

 On 01/07/2011 12:28 PM, Marcio wrote:
 ho willy

 there are many sutras of Patanjali in the book, poqur reason MMY selected 
 only 18? do you know? you know aversion TM-Sidhi for invisibility? ?

 you know some more technique taught by MMY? could you teach?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTexwillytex@wrote:
 Aing, Aing, Aing, repeat or remember
 only the bija subtly until I forget...

 I would never consider practicing any

 Are you seriously suggesting that the only
 way to get a 'sri' extension for his TM
 mantra is to pay someone $2,500, when
 everyone knows that the word 'sri' is a
 common Hindi word found in everyday Indian
 conversation and in any Sanskrit dictionary?

 This is just outrageous!

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio
Hi Tom

sorry .. my english is not good .. I do not understand correctly the $ 10,000 

but you could tell me what their techniques? send to my email .. 
tmer1...@gmail.com I give you money:)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.p...@... wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:
  you funny ... this is good ... yes I know .. and I received this
  information from official teacher tm .. But shri shri mantra namah namah ,
  and shri shri mantra mantra namah namah .. I do not know if this correct ...
  but I'll tell you to send $ 7,500 .. send your bank account ... :)
 Marcio, this is not true for all.  My initial mantra, which I've never seen
 posted anywhere, lasted through my 4th advanced technique, then it was
 Send me no money.  Instead, send me your full name and address so I can send
 you a cashiers/treasurers check for $10,000.  Just cash the check and wire
 me back 10% of it, OK?

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio

Raunchydog ?

 you charge for your children or parents. ? How much did you charge them?
please answer?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... ..
ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect money
from their children?
  you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people who
do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
  open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his
children or his wife .. if they want learn the techniques ok?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 Raunchydog ?

  you charge for your children or parents. ? How much did you charge them?
please answer?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... ..
ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect money
from their children?
   you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people
who do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
   open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his
children or his wife .. if they want the techniques aprendr ok?
   you'll feel better
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:


 I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for I
have learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. transcendental
meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. I only bow to the knowledge
that I received ... but I want to learn more ... I looked at what you have
learned many advanced techniques .. please I beg you to teach me these advanced
techniques, it will be great for my life ... my email tmer1306@

I don't have Maharishi's blessing to teach advanced techniques. I hope
your fortunes change for the better. In the meantime, have a peaceful heart and
be happy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Tom Pall
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 5:35 PM, Marcio tmer1...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Tom

 sorry .. my english is not good .. I do not understand correctly the $
 10,000 :-)

 but you could tell me what their techniques? send to my email ..
 tmer1...@gmail.com I give you money:)

Your English is not good?  My original mantra and advanced techniques will
not work for you.  They are only good for people whose native language is
the President's English.

Perhaps you can switch to Herbert Benson's meditation, starting with the
mantra one?  I can give you the advanced techniques for Benson's
meditation.  The mantras go one, two, three, four and so on.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Tom Pall
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Marcio tmer1...@gmail.com wrote:

 ho willy

 there are many sutras of Patanjali in the book, poqur reason MMY selected
 only 18? do you know? you know aversion TM-Sidhi for invisibility? ?

Be careful with the invisibility sutra.  There have been wealth sidhas who
practiced it and millions of their dollars just up and disappeared.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio

sorry I did not understand what you mean .. I do not understand english very 
well .. I do not write very well English ... techniques you have to offer me 
right? And you want some money for them is it?

what techniques do you have? these techniques are the TM?

but I do not have $ 10,000

i use google translator   :) maybe I misunderstood

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.p...@... wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 5:35 PM, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:
  Hi Tom
  sorry .. my english is not good .. I do not understand correctly the $
  10,000 :-)
  but you could tell me what their techniques? send to my email ..
  tmer1...@... I give you money:)
 Your English is not good?  My original mantra and advanced techniques will
 not work for you.  They are only good for people whose native language is
 the President's English.
 Perhaps you can switch to Herbert Benson's meditation, starting with the
 mantra one?  I can give you the advanced techniques for Benson's
 meditation.  The mantras go one, two, three, four and so on.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread Marcio

you are funny .. this is good 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.p...@... wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:
  ho willy
  there are many sutras of Patanjali in the book, poqur reason MMY selected
  only 18? do you know? you know aversion TM-Sidhi for invisibility? ?
 Be careful with the invisibility sutra.  There have been wealth sidhas who
 practiced it and millions of their dollars just up and disappeared.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-07 Thread authfriend
Marcio, just stop. You've left something like nine
messages now asking the same thing in just a few
hours, several of them only a couple of minutes apart.

Do you really think raunchydog has nothing to do all
day but sit in front of her computer just waiting to
read and reply to your posts the instant they appear?

She drops by the forum from time to time. She may not
be back for days. If she sees one of your posts the
next time she's here, she'll probably reply to it
(although in my opinion you have no business asking
her personal questions, and she is under no obligation
to answer them).

As to calling her selfish and saying she has no
compassion, that's ridiculous. She explained to you
already why she can't teach you any advanced
techniques: MMY didn't assign her to teach them. Even
if you wanted to pay her, she couldn't teach them to
you. It has nothing to do with money, it has to do
with her commitment to follow MMY's teaching and

Plus which, no TMer who has advanced techniques is
supposed to be telling other people what they are.
Like your mantra, advanced techniques are private
instruction, and when you receive them, you agree to
keep them private. Those who have posted their
advanced techniques here have broken their word.
That's their choice, but not everybody is willing
to take their agreements so lightly.

So you're *way* out of line in a number of different
ways in your harassment of raunchydog.

Just stop it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 Raunchydog ?
  you charge for your children or parents. ? How much did you charge them?
 please answer?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... ..
 ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect money
 from their children?
   you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people 
 do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
   open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his
 children or his wife .. if they want learn the techniques ok?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  Raunchydog ?
   you charge for your children or parents. ? How much did you charge them?
 please answer?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... 
 ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect money
 from their children?
you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people
 who do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his
 children or his wife .. if they want the techniques aprendr ok?
you'll feel better
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for 
 have learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. transcendental
 meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. I only bow to the 
 that I received ... but I want to learn more ... I looked at what you have
 learned many advanced techniques .. please I beg you to teach me these 
 techniques, it will be great for my life ... my email tmer1306@

 I don't have Maharishi's blessing to teach advanced techniques. I hope
 your fortunes change for the better. In the meantime, have a peaceful heart 
 be happy.


[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread raunchydog
Good grief, Marcio. Give it a rest. Impugning my character isn't winning you 
any points. Maybe you missed it. So I'll repeat slowly: 
Maharishi...has...not...given...me...his...blessing...to teach advanced 
techniques to *anyone* including family and certainly not to you. I'm simply 
honoring my pledge to Maharishi to keep the teaching pure. Get it? I am not 
standing in the way of your happiness. Refusing to teach advanced techniques 
has nothing to do with you and everything to do with my personal realtionship 
with Maharishi and respect for his wishes.

Tom offered you $10 grand. Stop asking him questions about it. Send him your 
name and address, then take the money and run. Preferably, not in my direction. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1...@... wrote:

 and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... .. 
 ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect 
 money from their children?
 you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the people who 
 do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
 open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his 
 children or his wife .. if they want the techniques aprendr ok?
 you'll feel better
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. for I 
   have learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. 
   transcendental meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. I 
   only bow to the knowledge that I received ... but I want to learn more 
   ... I looked at what you have learned many advanced techniques .. please 
   I beg you to teach me these advanced techniques, it will be great for my 
   life ... my email tmer1306@
  I don't have Maharishi's blessing to teach advanced techniques. I hope your 
  fortunes change for the better. In the meantime, have a peaceful heart and 
  be happy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-07 Thread raunchydog
Hey Ho, Sister! Nice to see you off the bench. Thanks for running interference. 
Touch down! Blessings.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 Marcio, just stop. You've left something like nine
 messages now asking the same thing in just a few
 hours, several of them only a couple of minutes apart.
 Do you really think raunchydog has nothing to do all
 day but sit in front of her computer just waiting to
 read and reply to your posts the instant they appear?
 She drops by the forum from time to time. She may not
 be back for days. If she sees one of your posts the
 next time she's here, she'll probably reply to it
 (although in my opinion you have no business asking
 her personal questions, and she is under no obligation
 to answer them).
 As to calling her selfish and saying she has no
 compassion, that's ridiculous. She explained to you
 already why she can't teach you any advanced
 techniques: MMY didn't assign her to teach them. Even
 if you wanted to pay her, she couldn't teach them to
 you. It has nothing to do with money, it has to do
 with her commitment to follow MMY's teaching and
 Plus which, no TMer who has advanced techniques is
 supposed to be telling other people what they are.
 Like your mantra, advanced techniques are private
 instruction, and when you receive them, you agree to
 keep them private. Those who have posted their
 advanced techniques here have broken their word.
 That's their choice, but not everybody is willing
 to take their agreements so lightly.
 So you're *way* out of line in a number of different
 ways in your harassment of raunchydog.
 Just stop it.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
  Raunchydog ?
   you charge for your children or parents. ? How much did you charge them?
  please answer?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend ... 
  ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect 
  from their children?
you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the 
people who
  do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...
open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his
  children or his wife .. if they want learn the techniques ok?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   Raunchydog ?
you charge for your children or parents. ? How much did you charge them?
  please answer?
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:

 and his son, his daughter, his father. his sister .. a close friend 
 ... ..
  ask to teach you the techniques for them, you ask 2500? you will collect 
  from their children?

 you are selfish ... you have no compassion .. you are part of the 
  who do not care about the suffering of the world, you're insensitive ...

 open your hea, you'll feel better .. and does not cover money from his
  children or his wife .. if they want the techniques aprendr ok?

 you'll feel better
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marcio tmer1306@ wrote:
   I practice TM-Sidhi daily for 20 years, I am grateful to MMY .. 
   for I
  have learned to transecendental meditation, I agree with you .. 
  meditation I love, my life changed for the better .. I only bow to the 
  that I received ... but I want to learn more ... I looked at what you have
  learned many advanced techniques .. please I beg you to teach me these 
  techniques, it will be great for my life ... my email tmer1306@
  I don't have Maharishi's blessing to teach advanced techniques. I 
  your fortunes change for the better. In the meantime, have a peaceful heart 
  be happy.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-07 Thread Tom Pall
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 7:12 PM, raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Hey Ho, Sister! Nice to see you off the bench.

I expected as much for years.  Your sis is Judge Judy, isn't she?

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread emptybill
It was a straightforward statement.
No ... I didn't leave the TTC in Fiuggi
prematurely but rather full of hope.
Why are you making this stuff up?
Are you insisting you need to find
something that could be controversial?

Don't waste more of my time.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 6, 2011, at 9:16 PM, emptybill wrote:

  So teachers … what say you?

 Have you been recertified?

 I thought you left your course prematurely William?

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers Raunchydog ?

2011-01-07 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall thomas.p...@... wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 7:12 PM, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:
  Hey Ho, Sister! Nice to see you off the bench.
 I expected as much for years.  Your sis is Judge Judy, isn't she?

Sister, as in Sisterhood of the traveling pantsuit.


[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread seventhray1

 I second this. Marco, you can't learn to meditate properly without
some personal instruction. Already you are confused. It just won't work
for you. A description of how to meditate is not the same as the
prescription of how to do it.

But he's begging!  He's crying out!  Oh heart of mine be still!  I need
the imparting of the Shree, or the Namah  to quiet this agitation
and make me whole.  Oh Vaj, Oh Raunch have mercy upon me!  Don't keep
the mystic syllables on the gross.  Left to my own devices, they will
endlessly float on the surface, unable to find their way to the finer,
subtler levels of my mind.  Would y0u leave me as a stone dropped  from
a height that comes crashing down?  Oh, what  cruel fate has behallen
me.  I pine only to be the leaf that floats,  floats, and slowly,
delectibly,  reaches that most quiet  part of my being where I can
finally find peace.  I beseech you!  Impart, impart the mantras without

[FairfieldLife] Re: About Advanced Techniques fertilizers

2011-01-07 Thread yifuxero
No problem. Willytex gave it: Sri.  Now he has to send $2,500.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sun...@... wrote:

  I second this. Marco, you can't learn to meditate properly without
 some personal instruction. Already you are confused. It just won't work
 for you. A description of how to meditate is not the same as the
 prescription of how to do it.
 But he's begging!  He's crying out!  Oh heart of mine be still!  I need
 the imparting of the Shree, or the Namah  to quiet this agitation
 and make me whole.  Oh Vaj, Oh Raunch have mercy upon me!  Don't keep
 the mystic syllables on the gross.  Left to my own devices, they will
 endlessly float on the surface, unable to find their way to the finer,
 subtler levels of my mind.  Would y0u leave me as a stone dropped  from
 a height that comes crashing down?  Oh, what  cruel fate has behallen
 me.  I pine only to be the leaf that floats,  floats, and slowly,
 delectibly,  reaches that most quiet  part of my being where I can
 finally find peace.  I beseech you!  Impart, impart the mantras without

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