In a message dated 2/2/08 12:30:45 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

( ,  "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
( ,  Peter <drpetersutphen@> wrote:
> >
> > Anything  Ann says I take with huge dose of
> > antipsychotics. I think it is  sad how these
> > ultra-conservatives can not tolerate a  moderate
> > republican like McCain because he is more  interested
> > in solving problems than spouting some  Neo-Reagan
> > boilerplate agenda. Also, having spent 7 years in  a
> > POW camp and not leaving when he could have because
>  > his men could not go with him gets several extra
> > points in  my book. Hannity, Colmes, Coulter, what a
> > bunch of effete  cupcakes!

> I personally don't like the guy at all  and I sure don't believe he 
> win the election.


Unfortunately, national consciousness is  so low, that despite 
McCain's commitment, displayed in this youtube video  link, to fewer 
jobs and more wars, a promise this psycho will fulfill if  he ends up 
in the White House, McCain has been endorsed by several  Governors and 
certainly will be elected if Obama is the Dem candidate  (Hillary 
might win against him).

I don't like the guy either. I think he's a loose cannon and you'll never  
know when or where he'll go off, politically speaking that is.  I think the  
media loves the *maverick* because he loves to *dis* Bush and they also  know 
will be a cinch to tear apart when they decide to. However if he's  nominated, 
heaven forbid, he will beat either Obama or Hillary because he will  attract 
the independent vote and that is what is making him win now.< Obama  is the 
most liberal and far left person in the Senate. He may be a nice guy but  his 
record will not be an asset. Hillary is also too far left, has way too  many 
negatives and will never attract the majority of independents. Hillary is  not 
more popular than her husband who never got 50% of the vote in either of his  

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