[FairfieldLife] Re: Beyond Planck, John Hagelin on Entanglements, Worm Holes and the Brain

2016-01-29 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Studying natural phenomena, also here on earth that shaktis of that we know as 
experience and call as divine virtue evidently are vibrational with physical 
vector on a scale. Love for instance. Physicists and their physics will evolve 
to find this for themselves in time. 

 Though everyone at the least gets to transcend once in their life, when they 
die while others can become more studied at this in time and experience and 
know a little more about It all as they would live. 

 It would seem that even scientists should worry about their souls more as an 
implication of a physical construct of light bodies or subtle energetics of the 
physical body is that the souls of people die and go on, simultaneously as 
light-bodies of form. Merging as we see in the entanglement slides of the 
lecture. Hence, make use of your time on earth whilst you got it. Though in the 
reality of a soul embodied this is way more than just 'transcending', it is 
also about living life whist you have it. -JaiGuruYou   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The all-pervading Soul

 15. As oil in sesame seeds, as butter in cream,
 As water in River-beds, and as fire in the friction-sticks
 So is the Soul (Atman) apprehended in one's own soul,
 If one looks for Him with true austerity (tapas).

 16. The Soul (Atman) which pervades all things
 As butter is contained in cream,
 Which is rooted in self-knowledge and austerity-
 This is Brahma, the highest mystic teaching (upanishad)
 This is Brahma, the highest mystic teaching.

 -Svetasvatarea Upanishad
 First Adhyaya

 The Thirteen Principal Upanishads 
 The Thirteen Principal Upanishads 
Internet Archive BookReader - The Thirteen Principal Upanishads The BookReader 
requires JavaScript to be enabled.

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---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Not physical, as if birth and death are not physical? Souls are proly just 
measurable in experience by tools at this point such as nervous systems at less 
than the planck but I feel based on my own research and data that even the 
physical scientific community will evolve and find that their souls are 
entangled existing in or as a simultaneity both here embodied in a portion 
experiencing life in this realm as mortal dimension while also (simultaneously) 
existing in some larger portion at the same moment elsewhere. 
 Like an over-soul dipping its toe in to life using the life of a human nervous 
system. Is marvelous really.  Physical scientists will like it when they find 
it.  Even Hagelin in his mortal coil as he sits with it more.  -JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Physicists are in the business of studying natural phenomena and typically 
stay away from philosophical and spiritual arguments.  But as they delve deeper 
into the subatomic particles, they are realizing that they may not have the 
technology to measure particles near or below the Planck length.  The best 
thing that they have now is to have the String Theory or variation thereof to 
explain the theoretical dynamics of the immeasurable realm.

 But Hagelin  is now carrying the torch that MMY was trying to prove to the 
world-- that the world is based on consciousness.  He may or may not succeed in 
this endeavor.  IMO, conservative physicists will most likely make a statement 
saying that particles below a certain length cannot be measured and thus are 
out of bounds for further study to uphold the scientific method.

 As discussed in the video, scientists have made similar statements in the 
study of quantum entanglements.  Specifically,they are trying to uphold 
Einstein's theory that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.  As 
such, they are saying that entangled particles cannot be used to send messages 
across vast distances in the universe.  But, at the same time, they are saying 
that entangled particles simultaneously affect each other over vast distances 
in the universe.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Good video, jr. Thanks. 

 But, how does physics explain what evidently is of a divine construct as 
soul(s) in the life of human beings? Does physics have much to say about the 
incarnational implications of such energetic light-body structure within the 
human form as souls? What does physics say of Divine virtues in energetic 
vector, such as love exhibited as given and experienced?

 Souls, jivans, or virtues as vibrational form.. these kind of larger 
spirituality seems a little different than just calculating saying a Pure 
Consciousness as Transcendental Consciousness is the Unified Field.

 The Upanishads say quite a lot about Souls in life. TM and Maharishi had not 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Beyond Planck, John Hagelin on Entanglements, Worm Holes and the Brain

2016-01-29 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The all-pervading Soul
 15. As oil in sesame seeds, as butter in cream,
 As water in River-beds, and as fire in the friction-sticks
 So is the Soul (Atman) apprehended in one's own soul,
 If one looks for Him with true austerity (tapas).
 16. The Soul (Atman) which pervades all things
 As butter is contained in cream,
 Which is rooted in self-knowledge and austerity-
 This is Brahma, the highest mystic teaching (upanishad)
 This is Brahma, the highest mystic teaching.
 -Svetasvatarea Upanishad
 First Adhyaya
 The Thirteen Principal Upanishads 
 The Thirteen Principal Upanishads 
Internet Archive BookReader - The Thirteen Principal Upanishads The BookReader 
requires JavaScript to be enabled. 
 View on archive.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Not physical, as if birth and death are not physical? Souls are proly just 
measurable in experience by tools at this point such as nervous systems at less 
than the planck but I feel based on my own research and data that even the 
physical scientific community will evolve and find that their souls are 
entangled existing in or as a simultaneity both here embodied in a portion 
experiencing life in this realm as mortal dimension while also (simultaneously) 
existing in some larger portion at the same moment elsewhere. 
 Like an over-soul dipping its toe in to life using the life of a human nervous 
system. Is marvelous really.  Physical scientists will like it when they find 
it.  Even Hagelin in his mortal coil as he sits with it more.  -JaiGuruYou


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Physicists are in the business of studying natural phenomena and typically 
stay away from philosophical and spiritual arguments.  But as they delve deeper 
into the subatomic particles, they are realizing that they may not have the 
technology to measure particles near or below the Planck length.  The best 
thing that they have now is to have the String Theory or variation thereof to 
explain the theoretical dynamics of the immeasurable realm.

 But Hagelin  is now carrying the torch that MMY was trying to prove to the 
world-- that the world is based on consciousness.  He may or may not succeed in 
this endeavor.  IMO, conservative physicists will most likely make a statement 
saying that particles below a certain length cannot be measured and thus are 
out of bounds for further study to uphold the scientific method.

 As discussed in the video, scientists have made similar statements in the 
study of quantum entanglements.  Specifically,they are trying to uphold 
Einstein's theory that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.  As 
such, they are saying that entangled particles cannot be used to send messages 
across vast distances in the universe.  But, at the same time, they are saying 
that entangled particles simultaneously affect each other over vast distances 
in the universe.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Good video, jr. Thanks. 

 But, how does physics explain what evidently is of a divine construct as 
soul(s) in the life of human beings? Does physics have much to say about the 
incarnational implications of such energetic light-body structure within the 
human form as souls? What does physics say of Divine virtues in energetic 
vector, such as love exhibited as given and experienced?

 Souls, jivans, or virtues as vibrational form.. these kind of larger 
spirituality seems a little different than just calculating saying a Pure 
Consciousness as Transcendental Consciousness is the Unified Field.

 The Upanishads say quite a lot about Souls in life. TM and Maharishi had not 
much to say about souls. What does physics navigate about this practical aspect 
of imperishable souls in life, while we have life to live? Do physicists talk 
more particularly about this, or do they not have much experience with it? Just 
wondering, -JaiGuruYou



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This is a fairly new presentation with updates on the current developments in 
physics.  I'm not sure if the audience actually understood what he was 
saying--or even the watchers of this video.

 Entanglement, Space-Time Wormholes, and the Brain - John Hagelin 
 Entanglement, Space-Time Wormholes, and the Brain -... 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvVDYQoGWyk We present an extraordinary 
breakthrough from String theory that explains the “spooky action-at-a-distance” 
nature of quantum entanglement, and ties this lon...

 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvVDYQoGWyk 
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