Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Duveyoung's Rant

2014-09-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 9/13/2014 10:31 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
And my story is true for about 95% of all the folks that once invested 
in the technique — it just didn't pan out.

If you want to say that selling mantras for money was better than 
panhandling for money or getting welfare.

According to Curtis, he was selling "snake-oil." What happened to all 
the money?

If he lied for all those years, who would believe anything he says now?

He got cured? By reading an Advaita book? Go figure.

Peter Gabriel - Steam

[FairfieldLife] Re: Duveyoung's Rant

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 Hey Duveyoung, what a wonderful rant! I've pasted together many of your last 
posts to create an überrant, they are easier to delete this way, they have more 
sustaining power this way. Re: 'I got bupkis'. You got the whole secret right 
here, you got nada, zilch, blank, diddly, zero. Enlightenment is selling water 
by the river, always has been, always will be. That realisation should be a 
relief, because it is an inside job. Who did what to whom? Is anybody really 
there at home, or away from home? The dissatisfaction of finding out or the 
satisfaction of finding out depends on whether the realisation came when 
someone was at home, or not.

 For posterity: Duveyoung's Rant

 Yeah, I'm pissy, and I threaten physical violence.
 I was in the audience when Maharishi described how he came up with the 
mantras. (He may have given this explanation on other occasions...dunno.)

 It wasn't from Guru Dev...the technique might have been from Guru Dev, but the 
mantras were picked by Maharishi as he sat on his bed in a hotel room...if I 
remember correctly. There was never a moment when Guru Dev pulled Maharishi 
aside and gave birth to the technique as far as I can tell...merely from Guru 
Dev's talks did Maharishi get the concepts we're being told comes from 5,000 
years of tradition. But, nope, don't think so anymore. Can anyone add more to 
my dim memories of this?

 Maharishi never gave a damn about us ever understanding "a philosophy made 
necessary" if the concept "transcendental" is the basis of it.

 Except for learning puja and checking notes, we never had "general philosophy 
101" classes, never had exams, never had sub-leaders who could lead a 
discussion about philosophy, never were encouraged to study the Gita or other 
scriptures, never had any "must memorize" commands, etc. We were forbidden to 
read any other spiritual books.

 Yeah, Maharishi taught us by answering the mike-questions, but that was always 
informal and there was no "lesson plan" for the "students."

 In short we were put out into the public wilds completely unable to defend TM 
with concepts and logic...except such as we were able to individually pony up 
when the moment came that someone asked a deeper question.

 We were JOKES, and we didn't know it, but because most of our audiences were 
as un-scholarly as we were, so we could bullshit to the max. Any PhD in 
philosophy candidate could have us tied up in knots and sweating buckets.

 Oh, we were told we were Totakacharya types...the nice folks who were stupid 
but who would do great works none-the-less. We swallowed that shit like it was 

 So don't go pushing Chapter 7 on me — it's just window dressing in a billion 
dollar scam.

 I read the first six chapters and wore out three copies of the book 
underlining and adding comments and questions in the margins. After I got into 
Advaita, I read MMY's Gita one last time and I WAS APPALLED at the lack of 
consistency of how key concepts were used.

 Go ahead, try to find out what Maharishi would say are the defining 
DIFFERENCES "being, consciousness, isness, amness, transcendent, awareness, 
witness, soul, etc." I'll wait. No one...I repeat, NO ONE came off a TM 
teachers' training course being able to define these words without paradox or 
treating most of them as if they were synonyms of each other. We were hustlers 
with shiny shoes, a $200 suit and a $200 car.

 We were fucking chumps.

 Eight months of teacher training.

 29 years in the chair — four hours a day — five of the years in the dome.

 2000 initiations

 3% of Napa taught

 Many ATRs, many advance techniques

 Lived in one room of the center for 8 years and scraped by in order to keep 
the center open.

 Moved to FF because The Tubby Fut said we'd have a nuke war...lived in FF from 
1981 to 1999.

 Kids in MSAE all their lives.


 Where's the beef? We were promised MAGNIFICENT PERSONALITY EVOLUTION.

 I got bupkis.

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts." Not a single one predicted 
my future or knew stuff about me from my past. I went to Gandhi, "Maharishi's 
astrologer," when it was still allowed. Guy read my palm too! GAWD.

 Then there I consulted with about ten of the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon. Not saying jyotish doesn't work — just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does. 

 I did my jyotish diary for five years — actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life — on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, my 
dreams, my food, my sleep...about a dozen attributes...and then I tried to find 
correlations with the charts...never could get zilch for a correlation. Ya'd 
have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to make my life fit the 
stars better. You know, I should have wrote more poetry when Mercury was stro