[FairfieldLife] Re: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Message and Guru Purnima

2009-07-07 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn at 15 degrees on 7/7/09 
 at 5:21AM EDT.
 A special Message from the Pleiadian’s through Lou Valentino
 I sit down and put some blissful heart aroma oil in my diffuser...

Alex, you asked us to be watchful for posts that could
potentially be considered pornographic by Yahoo and get
us stuck in the Adult category again. 

I'm not sure, but I think that the image of Lou rubbing
blissful heart aroma oil on his diffuser might just
fall into that category.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Message and Guru Purnima

2009-07-06 Thread meowthirteen
--- Namaste
: )   In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn at 15 degrees on 7/7/09 at 5:21AM EDT.
 A special Message from the Pleiadian’s through Lou Valentino
 I sit down and put some blissful heart aroma oil in my diffuser, light a 
 small white candle near Mother Meera’s picture, put on some Ocean sounds. I 
 take three deep breaths and the following dialogue starts………
 The Pleiadian’s: The Moon is waxing tonight (7/4/09) towards a wonderful 
 bright and foggy full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn for the Western 
 hemisphere on 7/7/09, your Grandmother’s birthday.
 Capricorn rules big business and big government. As America celebrates its 
 birthday families are coming together under the influence of the Zodiac sign 
 Cancer. The sign that America is born under.
 Lou: You are starting off with astrological information which is different. 
 The Pleiadian’s: Why not. It is what is in the NOW of our experience. And 
 is in the NOW of America’s experience. Celebration of a birth in past, 
 present and future context. 
 Capricorn has been getting some tough lessons over the past year or so. We 
 and many other higher energies have started the dismantling process so 
 earthlings can prepare for a new economical and political direction. One that 
 is more self-sufficient.
 Lou: Could you explain what this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse has to teach us?
 The Pleiadian’s: Eclipses have a six month energy run. The next six months 
 will continue to dismantle the old ideas or old ways of doing things. 
 President Barack Obama will find out by the end of this six month run that 
 the healthcare system he wants to implement is still a part of the old ways 
 of doing things even if you have new ideas.
 In order to build a new system you have to have new ideas OUTSIDE of 
 Washington D.C.. The next models of society will be developed by the people 
 and for the people in small communities. No more than 100 people in each 
 family group.
 Evolved souls from the fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions had to do some 
 dismantling as Pluto entered Capricorn around the middle of 2007 and at the 
 beginning of 2008 of the economic system that has kept you all stuck in 
 matter. It was the only way to capture the attention of the human race or 
 else it would have continued down a road of self-centered materialism.
 Now we await the entering of Uranus in Aries in March of 2011 for a more 
 physical connection to bridge the gap between spirit and matter that most of 
 you are feeling. This connection will begin massive UFO sightings and will 
 begin a new and rewarding interest in spirituality which includes holistic 
 Lou: Since it is Guru Purnima could you comment on the significance of the 
 Guru or teacher of Light? Do you have teachers also?
 The Pleiadian’s: The significance of Guru Day is to honor your spiritual 
 teachers and to make a special wish or wishes to fulfill certain desires.
 We do have teachers in our culture. These teachers are given certain 
 responsibilities to help gather and channel more light in the lives of all 
 Pleiadian’s. However, we are not co-dependant on teachers as much because 
 most of the inner development has been acquired to be more self-sufficient.
 As you honor your chosen teacher or teachers you are increasing the light on 
 your planet which is most needed over the next several years of your time. 
 Many of your spiritual teachers are volunteers from higher dimensions. 
 Any group that has more than 100 people is sassesable to ego manipulations. 
 You have seen this with groups who have followed Osho and Maharishi Mahesh 
 Yogi. People put so much value into the teacher they forget the very 
 teachings they are following to honor themselves. 
 They forget to smile, laugh and hug each other. To share the very light that 
 the Guru is experiencing in you as you. To be companionate to their own 
 people. They become lost in the old model of Capricorn that has so much 
 bureaucracy within the organization it fails to teach equality and a sense of 
 You, Lou had experienced this in Fairfield, Iowa. How a spiritual teacher can 
 start off with a simple message and technique and end up with piles of real 
 estate and an organization that wants to take over the world. 
 Watch out for those teachers who think their positions and techniques are 
 most important and promise to heal all of your wounds. Your journey can be 
 helped considerably by someone else but no one else can ever know you as well 
 as you know yourself or heal you as well as you can heal yourself. 
 Light of the Guru is always everywhere at all times. The Pleiadian culture 
 uses the Shakti that permeates from within our being and shared freely 
 without censorship or some special technique. We are in the flow