It's sad to hear of Jerry's passing. However, I imagine he might be the first 
to gracefully recast his insight and reality -- that "there was never a time 
when I or you did not exist, there will never be a time when we cease to 
exist", crafted in an uplifting and mirthful way -- with his inevitable glow, 
grin, and soft chuckle.   

 I searched for obituaries -- though finding none, assuming that he would get 
at least modest mention by some notable media.  That may unfold in next few 
days.  He is worthy of such I suggest -- he made a significant impact on 
America and the world, from the mid-60s to mid -70s. Perhaps that was too short 
a period, too long ago, for much current notice of his passing. If so, that's a 

 Arguably, by creating and effectively managing the rapid expansion of SIMS, 
taping the latent energy of, inspiring and guiding tens of 1000's of students, 
he helped usher in an impressive leap forward in the acceptance of meditation 
in the world's mindset, opening the door wide for the plethora human potential 
programs and practices flourishing today.  That is a notable achievement, 
though I am sure he would have preferred a more TM-centric outcome -- TM 
centers as prevalent as Starbucks ("a better jolt of wakefulness", he might 

 It was a wild and untamed time, an un-trodden path, a bumpy, twisty ride at 
times.  However, I sense few if any could have pulled it all together and held 
it together as well and as long as he did -- beaming with his extensive grace, 
knowledge, gentle yet pervasive wit, and remarkable calmness.  

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