Why plan a transition? McCain is so indebted to Bush for the Repub Pres 
support, that as payoff, McCain must retain the current Bush administration in 
instead of shaping his own.  McCain = McSame.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Hero" John McCain's idea of how to wage a campaign:
> let the women do the fighting for him:
> Cindy McCain Unleashed: From Calm to Combative
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/08/cindy-mccain-
> Cindy McCain, who has largely remained soft-spoken and optimistic
> during public appearances on her husband's behalf, has joined the
> attack dogs of the McCain campaign in recent days.
> Just as McCain and Sarah Palin and prominent GOP supporters like Rudy
> Giuliani have stepped up their negative attacks on Obama this week,
> Cindy McCain took "one of her most personal shots yet at Barack Obama
> today" during a rally in Pennsylvania.
> . . .
> Her newfound aggressiveness is obviously sanctioned by the campaign -
> a McCain aide said last night that the Republican nominee
> "wholeheartedly agrees with his wife's assessment."
> And, as McCain sics his two pitbulls with lipstick 
> on Obama, he's too much of a coward to do it himself:
> McCain Wasn't Willing To Say Ayers Attacks "To My Face" 
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/08/obama-mccain-scoring-
> During an interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson Wednesday night, Barack
> Obama accused John McCain of scoring "cheap political points" with the
> personal attacks he had leveled at him in recent days. Speaking of the
> previous night's presidential debate, Obama said he was surprised
> McCain didn't attempt to repeat these attacks during their time on
> stage together:
> "Well, I am surprised that, you know, we've been seeing some pretty
> over-the-top attacks coming out of the McCain campaign over the last
> several days that he wasn't willing to say it to my face."
> I guess that's what Republicans consider a "hero."
> McCain's shrewd thinking also seems to apply to planning
> ahead for his administration's transition to power. As
> the Huffington Post exposes in an exclusive report, Obama's
> transition team is already functional and working, while
> McCain has superstitiously (see emphasis supplied by me
> below) not done anything at all to create a transition team.
> I guess he thinks he's gonna "maverick" everything into
> happening:
> Obama, McCain Transition Efforts Are Worlds Apart
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/08/obama-mccain-transition-
> As the 2008 campaign nears its conclusion, the presidential transition
> efforts of the two major candidates have become a study in contrasts:
> Sen. Barack Obama has organized an elaborate well-staffed network to
> prepare for his possible ascension to the White House, while Sen. John
> McCain has all but put off such work until after the election.
> The Democratic nominee has enlisted the assistance of dozens of
> individuals -- divided into working groups for particular federal
> agencies -- to produce policy agendas and lists of recommended
> appointees. As evidence of their advanced preparations, officials
> provided a copy of the strict ethics guidelines that individuals
> working on the transition effort are required to sign.
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/08/text-obama-transition-
> John McCain, by contrast, has done little. Campaign spokespersons did
> not respond to requests for elaboration. But one official with direct
> knowledge, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, expressed concern
> with McCain's approach. The Arizona Senator has instructed his team to
> not spend time on the transition effort, according to the source, both
> out of a desire to have complete focus on winning the election *** as
> well as a superstitious belief that the campaign shouldn't put the
> cart before the horse ***.
> John McCain -- a coward who lets his women do the fighting
> for him, and refuses to plan ahead out of superstition.
> Just what America needs.

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