"Bhairitu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To: <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] PS3 vs. Wii - Apple Style!

> larry.potter wrote:
>> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2964751562925463883
>> with all this estrogen on their campaign it's hard to decide 
which one 
>> is better or maybe it's very easy. ;)
> I believe that's a spoof rather than an actual "Wii" commercial as 
> has the G4 which is the game network logo on it. 

yes, it was a joke/parody ;)

 The "Wii" seems to be 
> the winner this round as Sony seems to be going through a real 
> (I need to look at Sony horoscope). 

yeh , they need a strong yagya.. :)

> Or maybe they should stick to 
> professional broadcast gear and camcorders.  I need to look into 
> HC7 hi-def camcorder they announced at CES as it may well be using 

funny that you mentioned it, I was planning to purchase a new 
camcorder and didn't get around to research the thing yet.

> same technology that they built for the Panavision single chip hi-
> camera that was used to film the last Superman and Apocalypto.  
You get 
> 3 CCD color without 3 CCDs!
> BTW, local coverage of Mac Whirled shows that the majority of the 
> attendees look like the PC guy and not a bunch of artsy types 
which in 
> reality probably is only 10-20% of their market and only because 
> artists and musicians are computer phobic. ;-)

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