[FairfieldLife] Re: Religulous

2008-10-26 Thread Janet Luise
RELIGULOUSThe word is a combination  of religion and ridiculous
and is Bill Maher's take on this subject.

I've always enjoyed Bill Maher's sense of HUMOR.  His political satire
shows on TV are biting   often extremely accurate.  He brings
interesting political types to awareness..  I don't go to many
movies,  I'd seen some religious groups making youtube videos asking
for a boycott on this one.  And recently I've heard Maher say some
pretty strange things about faith and superstition   SO I decided
to see the movie  and write a blistering review of it.

WELL, I've seen it  and I would say unequivocally
Any person of FAITH will have NO problem with this movie.
I thought the best part was when the truckers prayed over Bill
Maher Bill Maher thanked them for being Christlike. But remember
one trucker got angry  left when Maher started asking questions after
church service.
This movie is a great threat to people with only BELIEF as a guide.

Bill Maher didn't make any distinction between FAITH and BELIEF which
in my humble opinion was his big mistake.

Faith is the result of EXPERIENCING ultimate reality (GOD) and from a
point of KNOWLEDGE having FAITH that GOD is the correct reality even
when we don't yet experience GOD  24/7.

BELIEF -  is a WORKING knowledge that something is true.   You might
believe milk/apple cider vinegar/honey is good for your body, You
might believe the Phillies/Lakers/Steelers are the best sports team. 
 You might believe every word in the BIBLE is directly from GOD.   And
beliefs DO help us grow.

BELIEF is the cast to help mold us to the better values we want for
ourself.  But lets not become a cult of the CAST!
 We use structures to grow our FAITH, we get strong enough for FAITH
to live in us.  When we're strong and healthy we can walk without a cast.
That doesn't mean we won't be walking with GOD, it just means SOME
BELIEFS, some structures may have fallen away in importance.

How big is your GOD?

That's the title of a book I haven't yet read, but I like the idea.  I
think however much we travel on the spiritual path, our concept of GOD
just keeps getting BIGGER and BIGGER.

Where were you when I made heaven and earth?   GOD ask Job in the
Old Testament.  With our limited little human knowledge we might
really NOT KNOW all the answers.  That's OK.

Jesus said to Love GOD and to Love your neighbor as yourself. It
seems to me if you try to love the people that are hard to love, with
God's help you WILL be expanding GOD in your life.

Tim Lehaye, G.W. Bush, Donald Rumsfield and Sarah Palin share the
BELIEF that we need a big war in the middle east so the second coming
of Jesus will happen!   I'm pretty sure Jesus never said that!

I think there are probably as many paths to GOD as there are people. 
It doesn't seem very smart to think you have the ONLY TRUTH in your
little bucket.   FOR SURE, whatever you believe is TRUE FOR YOU at
this point in time. but GOD has that tricky trait of always

In the aspect of letting GOD expand, it doesn't seem like Bill Maher's
movie is a very good ideato poke fun of religion.  But if BELIEF
rather than FAITH has taken over as RELIGION maybe it's an OK idea for
a comedian to do what he does best.

Hello Fairfielders.  I didn't write this for you guys as I know you're
much more snarky than my 100 first cousins I actually wrote this
for.. but remember the Foo Bird!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Religulous

2008-10-09 Thread yifuxero
-thx for the critique.  I'll check it out.

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just got back from seeing it at the film festival.
 And I think that everyone here should see it, but
 I'll be the first to use the Judy-word and describe
 it as snarky.
 Snarky is just what Bill Maher DOES, and that is 
 one of his great strengths, but it does kinda limit
 the audience you can appeal to to those who agree
 with your particular brand of snark.
 The film was very funny in parts, and got quite a 
 few laughs, each of them well-deserved. But at one
 point in the film, Bill trots out the statistic that
 in America 16% of the population lists themselves as
 non-religious. THAT is the audience that Maher is
 speaking to.
 And there is nothing wrong with that, because a lot
 of those people in that 16% still are intimidated by
 the centuries of persecution in which it not only 
 wasn't proper to criticize or poke fun at religion,
 doing so could cost you your life.
 His clear message is at the end of the film, and I
 agree with it wholeheartedly, snark or no snark. We
 live in an age in which many, if not most, of the
 predominant religions teach Apocalypse, and to fol-
 lowers who actually HOPE that it will happen, and 
 that it will happen in their lifetimes. 
 This is insanity. When you have millions and millions 
 of people on the planet ALL believing and hoping that 
 the end is near, well, I'm sorry, but the end really 
 IS near. Consciously and subconsciously, they are help-
 ing to bring that fiery end to planet Earth by dwelling 
 on it each and every day. Maher is absolutely correct 
 IMO that we who are in that non-religious 16% should 
 speak up every time we see some nutcase preaching 
 hatred and bigotry and violence and Armageddon.
 I just wish that Maher had been able to find a way 
 to speak to the other 84% of Americans, the ones who
 have faith. Many of us many find their faith ridicu-
 lous, whether it is in a talking snake and a guy 
 living for three days in the belly of a whale and
 a virgin birth or whether it is a blue-skinned flute
 player fucking 1000 cowherds in one night and a guy
 with the head of an elephant and another guy who is
 really a monkey. And most of us know -- if from 
 nothing else our experience on this forum -- that
 there is NOTHING one can do to talk a person out of
 even the most ridiculous religious beliefs. If they 
 believe it now, they will believe it until they stop 
 believing it on their own, and no amount of rational 
 argument can change that simple fact.
 But we might be able to get even the most mindlessly
 faithful person to *think through* the ramifications
 of believing that the world is in its last days. 
 That's not faith; that's ego, and really, really
 *dangerous* ego. That's an insecure ego shouting to 
 the world, I'm so important that the world is going 
 to die when I die...or at least I hope so.
 All in all, Religulous is a flawed but interesting 
 and at times very funny look at some of the silly sides
 of religion, and at some of the downright frightening
 sides of religion. In my opinion, as human beings we 
 should not only be free to criticize and make fun of 
 other people's religions, we should almost be required 
 to criticize and make fun of our own. The most destruc-
 tive dogma in ANY religion is that anything we could
 possibly say or do with regard to that religion or 
 spiritual path could ever be considered Off The Program.