--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> do.rflex wrote:
> > A tiny rectangle superimposed on the vast expanse of the Sahara
> > captures the seductive appeal of the audacious plan to cut 
> > carbon emissions by harnessing the fierce power of the desert sun.
> >
> > Dwarfed by any of the north African nations, it represents an area
> > slightly smaller than Wales but scientists claimed yesterday it 
> > one day generate enough solar energy to supply all of Europe with
> > clean electricity.
> >
> > Speaking at the Euroscience Open Forum in Barcelona, Arnulf
> > Jaeger-Walden of the European commission's Institute for Energy, 
> > it would require the capture of just 0.3% of the light falling on 
> > Sahara and Middle East deserts to meet all of Europe's energy 
> >
> > The scientists are calling for the creation of a series of huge 
> > farms - producing electricity either through photovoltaic cells, 
or by
> > concentrating the sun's heat to boil water and drive turbines - as
> > part of a plan to share Europe's renewable energy resources 
across the
> > continent. 
> >
> > Full article:
> > 
> And Reagan when he took office had the solar panels that Carter had 
> up removed.  Shows you what a bunch of dumbass oil company suck ups 
> Republicans are.  They are the people to blame for the fix we're in 
> don't let anyone tell you different (because they are most likely a 
> Republican shill).

Reagan began a process that has led to Bush.
Hopefully this cycle will be over soon.
Or, it might be too, too late?

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