[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Sarah Pants on Fire

2008-10-05 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Can you name them?  If so, did they give him the kind of What is the 
 speed velocity of a hummingbird's wings questions that Palin got?
 Anytime Obama is confronted with off-the-cuff questions he hems and 
 haws and stumbles and mumbles TEN TIMES worse than anything Palin has 
 But everyone in the media treats him with kid gloves.
 What a big, fat, fucking baby.  Wah-wah-wah.

Palin's winking was quite entertaining during her debate with
Biden, but I'd rather not have a woman, who's said e.g. to believe
tha world is less than 10 k year old, to have the right to
decide whether to press THE BUTTON, on not wink wink . ;D

That's quite likely gonna be the case, sooner or later, if McCain gets

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Sarah Pants on Fire

2008-10-05 Thread Robert
 Palin's winking was quite entertaining during her debate with
 Biden, but I'd rather not have a woman, who's said e.g. to believe
 tha world is less than 10 k year old, to have the right to
 decide whether to press THE BUTTON, on not wink wink . ;D
 That's quite likely gonna be the case, sooner or later, if McCain 
This is why he will not win.
He cannot win.
There's too much at stake.
The cards are stacked against him.
He is the last of the LBJ/Nixon/Reagan/Bush regime.
We are living in a different time, now.
She will go back to Alaska.
He will go back to the Senate.
All will be well with the world.
The whole of humanity is looking forward to the Obama Presidency.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Sarah Pants on Fire

2008-10-04 Thread shempmcgurk
According to factcheck.org, both Biden and Palin are guilty of 
getting their facts wrong in the debate.

Here's their full fact check on the debate:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 But whats Truth got to do with it?
 Sarah Palin set a new standard Thursday night. I was in awe. 
 right into the camera, smiling, winking, and gosh darn it blatently
 lying to the American people and world.  
 With her skills she could easily be a corporate PR heavy pulling in
 over a mil a year. Lying skills like that are rare and well-prized. 
 And she is soo much better a liar than Bush. With Bush -- its so 
 he is lying. Palin adds some bubbly sweet mystery to it all.
 It does bring up the moral question: is it a lie if you say it but
 don't know its a lie? I think that is the case with Sarah. She can 
 (and not act) so sincere because she is just puking out what 
 have fed her. I don't think she knows she's lying. Does that make it
 OK? Or worse -- that she is so uninformed she can't distinguish a
 cooked-up lies from sanity and truth?
 (But she pukes in such a cute way -- reminds me of some gf's as I 
 their head over he toilet bowl -- she on her knees. Very endearing 
 cute. Except when she hit my shoes. )
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
   I was talking to a friend today about debates and I mentioned 
   of Biden saying FDR on TV in 1929 (yes I was defending media 
   of Palin Shemp, as I often do --- up to a point.)
   My friend pointed out that FD Roosevelt was Governer of New 
York in
   1929, and I found out that New York city did have regular TV
   broadcasting from 1928 on, and it is HIGHLY LIKELY that in the 
   where the stock exchange crashed that the Governere would go on 
   and TV to make speeches about it.
   Sounds like Coulter is talking through her ass again, and Shemp 
   swallowing it hook line a sinker.
   Looks like Biden was right.
  Yes, it's correct that there were regular broadcasts of what 
  pass as television in New York from 1928 on but only in the 
  limited sense of both words.  They were one-inch screens and the 
  whole enterprise was of an experimental nature.  And the 
  were local, not state-wide.
  There is no evidence nor any documentation that FDR made any TV 
  broadcasts (or radio broadcasts for that matter) in 1928 or 1929.
  However, an early kinetoscope of one of FDR's TV broadcasts has 
  making the rounds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvR3ilZAWHw

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Sarah Pants on Fire

2008-10-04 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 According to factcheck.org, both Biden and Palin are guilty of
 getting their facts wrong in the debate.

Those fact-checks comparing Biden to Palin in the debate, are more like
comparing the gravitous weight of the Obama mistake that he had been
married 16 years, not 15, compared to McCain's consitent lies about his
own voting record, and stinging character assinations of Obama.

They are of whole a different order of fact discrepancy


 Here's their full fact check on the debate:

 http://tinyurl.com/4fpela http://tinyurl.com/4fpela

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , new.morning no_reply@
  But whats Truth got to do with it?
  Sarah Palin set a new standard Thursday night. I was in awe.
  right into the camera, smiling, winking, and gosh darn it blatently
  lying to the American people and world.
  With her skills she could easily be a corporate PR heavy pulling in
  over a mil a year. Lying skills like that are rare and well-prized.
  And she is soo much better a liar than Bush. With Bush -- its so
  he is lying. Palin adds some bubbly sweet mystery to it all.
  It does bring up the moral question: is it a lie if you say it but
  don't know its a lie? I think that is the case with Sarah. She can
  (and not act) so sincere because she is just puking out what
  have fed her. I don't think she knows she's lying. Does that make it
  OK? Or worse -- that she is so uninformed she can't distinguish a
  cooked-up lies from sanity and truth?
  (But she pukes in such a cute way -- reminds me of some gf's as I
  their head over he toilet bowl -- she on her knees. Very endearing
  cute. Except when she hit my shoes. )
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings
I was talking to a friend today about debates and I mentioned
of Biden saying FDR on TV in 1929 (yes I was defending media
of Palin Shemp, as I often do --- up to a point.)
My friend pointed out that FD Roosevelt was Governer of New
 York in
1929, and I found out that New York city did have regular TV
broadcasting from 1928 on, and it is HIGHLY LIKELY that in the
where the stock exchange crashed that the Governere would go on
and TV to make speeches about it.
Sounds like Coulter is talking through her ass again, and Shemp
swallowing it hook line a sinker.
Looks like Biden was right.
   Yes, it's correct that there were regular broadcasts of what
   pass as television in New York from 1928 on but only in the
   limited sense of both words.  They were one-inch screens and the
   whole enterprise was of an experimental nature.  And the
   were local, not state-wide.
   There is no evidence nor any documentation that FDR made any TV
   broadcasts (or radio broadcasts for that matter) in 1928 or 1929.
   However, an early kinetoscope of one of FDR's TV broadcasts has
   making the rounds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvR3ilZAWHw

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Sarah Pants on Fire

2008-10-04 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 According to factcheck.org, both Biden and Palin are guilty of 
 getting their facts wrong in the debate.
 Here's their full fact check on the debate:

A lot of the fact misstatements are due to ineadequate time to
explain context and the fuller issues. Short cut statments need to be
made in 90 seconds. I didn't hear anything from Biden that was
applaulling or which could not have been clarified with more time. I
did from palin. She made BOLD FACED lies. Winking and smiling and darn
tootin it up as she did so. He is less scrupulous than a used car
salesman in a navy town when the ship is in. 

1) She repeated said Obama would raise taxes on regular people, the
middle class. Thats a bold, bald-faced lie if you define middle class
as making under 250k a year. (I know MCain defines it as making less
than 5 mil -- but that speaks for itself. Obama proposes a tax cut for
those making under $125 k. She was lying through her teeth -- but
maybe its ok -- she winked. (which is NOT blinking mind you)

2) She said McCain would lower taxes for everyone in the audience. He
is not lowering their marginal tax rate for personal income -- which
her words imply. He does propose lowering business taxes and capital
gains / dividends. That is NOT what her statement said or implied.

(Actually, I am for a subset of that -- to eliminate double taxation.
Tax income once -- either a business tax or dividend tax; and income
or capital gains made from saved income -- but not both.) 

3) Energy policy -- some bold faced lies about the obama energy plan
-- and the merits of the mcCain plan.

4) Having a time table for Iraq is the white flag of surrender -- I
guess Bush and the president of Iraq are raising the white flag of
surrender then.

There were more.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
  But whats Truth got to do with it?
  Sarah Palin set a new standard Thursday night. I was in awe. 
  right into the camera, smiling, winking, and gosh darn it blatently
  lying to the American people and world.  
  With her skills she could easily be a corporate PR heavy pulling in
  over a mil a year. Lying skills like that are rare and well-prized. 
  And she is soo much better a liar than Bush. With Bush -- its so 
  he is lying. Palin adds some bubbly sweet mystery to it all.
  It does bring up the moral question: is it a lie if you say it but
  don't know its a lie? I think that is the case with Sarah. She can 
  (and not act) so sincere because she is just puking out what 
  have fed her. I don't think she knows she's lying. Does that make it
  OK? Or worse -- that she is so uninformed she can't distinguish a
  cooked-up lies from sanity and truth?
  (But she pukes in such a cute way -- reminds me of some gf's as I 
  their head over he toilet bowl -- she on her knees. Very endearing 
  cute. Except when she hit my shoes. )
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
I was talking to a friend today about debates and I mentioned 
of Biden saying FDR on TV in 1929 (yes I was defending media 
of Palin Shemp, as I often do --- up to a point.)

My friend pointed out that FD Roosevelt was Governer of New 
 York in
1929, and I found out that New York city did have regular TV
broadcasting from 1928 on, and it is HIGHLY LIKELY that in the 
where the stock exchange crashed that the Governere would go on 
and TV to make speeches about it.

Sounds like Coulter is talking through her ass again, and Shemp 
swallowing it hook line a sinker.

Looks like Biden was right.

   Yes, it's correct that there were regular broadcasts of what 
   pass as television in New York from 1928 on but only in the 
   limited sense of both words.  They were one-inch screens and the 
   whole enterprise was of an experimental nature.  And the 
   were local, not state-wide.
   There is no evidence nor any documentation that FDR made any TV 
   broadcasts (or radio broadcasts for that matter) in 1928 or 1929.
   However, an early kinetoscope of one of FDR's TV broadcasts has 
   making the rounds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvR3ilZAWHw

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Sarah Pants on Fire

2008-10-04 Thread bob_brigante
 There were more.


...as a test of clear thinking, the debate format was far less 
demanding than a face-to-face interview — the kind Ms. Palin had with 
Katie Couric of CBS.

Why? Because in a one-on-one conversation, you can't launch into a 
prepared speech on a topic unrelated to the question. Imagine this 
exchange — based on the first question that the moderator, Gwen 
Ifill, gave Ms. Palin and Senator Joe Biden — if it took place in 
casual conversation over coffee:

LISA How about that bailout? Was this Washington at its best or at 
its worst? 

MICHAEL You know, I think a good barometer here, as we try to figure 
out has this been a good time or a bad time in America's economy, is 
go to a kid's soccer game on Saturday, and turn to any parent there 
on the sideline and ask them, How are you feeling about the economy?

Lisa would flee. (This was, in fact, Ms. Palin's response.) In a 
conversation, you have to build your sentence phrase by phrase, 
monitoring the reaction of your listener, while aiming for relevance 
to the question. That's what led Ms. Palin into word salad with Ms. 
Couric. But when the questioner is 30 feet away on the floor and 
you're on a stage talking to a camera, which can't interrupt or make 
faces, you can reel off a script without embarrassment. The concerns 
raised by the Couric interviews — that Ms. Palin memorizes talking 
points rather than grasping issues — should not be allayed by her 
performance in the forgiving format of a debate. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Sarah Pants on Fire

2008-10-04 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk 
  According to factcheck.org, both Biden and Palin are guilty of
  getting their facts wrong in the debate.
 Those fact-checks comparing Biden to Palin in the debate, are more 
 comparing the gravitous weight of the Obama mistake that he had been
 married 16 years, not 15, compared to McCain's consitent lies about 
 own voting record, and stinging character assinations of Obama.
 They are of whole a different order of fact discrepancy

Then you need to compare Obama's record/stance on issues BEFORE he 
secured the nomination with his record/stance AFTER he secured the 

Obama's nose will be, oh, about 6 times longer than McCain's.

And, please note, I am NO fan of McCain's and I feel very 
uncomfortable painting him in a good light as a result of these 
comparisons with Barky.

They are both bums.

I think we can agree, off-kilter, that the bailout is a horrible 
thing.  Yet both McCain and Obama are for it.  The difference is that 
Obama was much more eager for this government intervention than 
McCain was.

As such, on this issue, Obama was MUCH MORE in line with Bush than 
McCain was.

So who's more representative of Bush's third term?

  Here's their full fact check on the debate:
  http://tinyurl.com/4fpela http://tinyurl.com/4fpela
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , new.morning no_reply@
   But whats Truth got to do with it?
   Sarah Palin set a new standard Thursday night. I was in awe.
   right into the camera, smiling, winking, and gosh darn it 
   lying to the American people and world.
   With her skills she could easily be a corporate PR heavy 
pulling in
   over a mil a year. Lying skills like that are rare and well-
   And she is soo much better a liar than Bush. With Bush -- its so
   he is lying. Palin adds some bubbly sweet mystery to it all.
   It does bring up the moral question: is it a lie if you say it 
   don't know its a lie? I think that is the case with Sarah. She 
   (and not act) so sincere because she is just puking out what
   have fed her. I don't think she knows she's lying. Does that 
make it
   OK? Or worse -- that she is so uninformed she can't distinguish 
   cooked-up lies from sanity and truth?
   (But she pukes in such a cute way -- reminds me of some gf's as 
   their head over he toilet bowl -- she on her knees. Very 
   cute. Except when she hit my shoes. )
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings
 I was talking to a friend today about debates and I 
 of Biden saying FDR on TV in 1929 (yes I was defending media
 of Palin Shemp, as I often do --- up to a point.)

 My friend pointed out that FD Roosevelt was Governer of New
  York in
 1929, and I found out that New York city did have regular TV
 broadcasting from 1928 on, and it is HIGHLY LIKELY that in 
 where the stock exchange crashed that the Governere would 
go on
 and TV to make speeches about it.

 Sounds like Coulter is talking through her ass again, and 
 swallowing it hook line a sinker.

 Looks like Biden was right.


Yes, it's correct that there were regular broadcasts of what
pass as television in New York from 1928 on but only in the
limited sense of both words.  They were one-inch screens and 
whole enterprise was of an experimental nature.  And the
were local, not state-wide.
There is no evidence nor any documentation that FDR made any 
broadcasts (or radio broadcasts for that matter) in 1928 or 
However, an early kinetoscope of one of FDR's TV broadcasts 
making the rounds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvR3ilZAWHw

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Sarah Pants on Fire

2008-10-04 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  There were more.
 ...as a test of clear thinking, the debate format was far less 
 demanding than a face-to-face interview — the kind Ms. Palin had 
 Katie Couric of CBS.
 Why? Because in a one-on-one conversation, you can't launch into a 
 prepared speech on a topic unrelated to the question.

Gosh, the KING of prepared only-speak-from-the-teleprompter speakers 
is Barack Obama and he has NEVER been exposed to the kind of Gotcha! 
journalism that Palin was exposed to by both Couric and Gibson.

Obama was interviewed by O'Reilly who did NOT play Gotcha! journalism 
with him...but in hindsight he should have.

Who else beside O'Reilly did Barack get interviewed with that can be 
said to be hostile to him?

Can you name them?  If so, did they give him the kind of What is the 
speed velocity of a hummingbird's wings questions that Palin got?

Anytime Obama is confronted with off-the-cuff questions he hems and 
haws and stumbles and mumbles TEN TIMES worse than anything Palin has 

But everyone in the media treats him with kid gloves.

What a big, fat, fucking baby.  Wah-wah-wah.

 Imagine this 
 exchange — based on the first question that the moderator, Gwen 
 Ifill, gave Ms. Palin and Senator Joe Biden — if it took place in 
 casual conversation over coffee:
 LISA How about that bailout? Was this Washington at its best or at 
 its worst? 
 MICHAEL You know, I think a good barometer here, as we try to 
 out has this been a good time or a bad time in America's economy, 
 go to a kid's soccer game on Saturday, and turn to any parent there 
 on the sideline and ask them, How are you feeling about the 
 Lisa would flee. (This was, in fact, Ms. Palin's response.) In a 
 conversation, you have to build your sentence phrase by phrase, 
 monitoring the reaction of your listener, while aiming for 
 to the question. That's what led Ms. Palin into word salad with Ms. 
 Couric. But when the questioner is 30 feet away on the floor and 
 you're on a stage talking to a camera, which can't interrupt or 
 faces, you can reel off a script without embarrassment. The 
 raised by the Couric interviews — that Ms. Palin memorizes talking 
 points rather than grasping issues — should not be allayed by her 
 performance in the forgiving format of a debate. 