--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> In case you aren't up on the news Rush Limbaugh declared that if health 
> care reform passes he is going to leave the country.  Leave it for Costa 
> Rica.  To show you how dense he is Costa Rica has a national health care 
> system.

Rush Limbaugh has so many hundreds of millions of dollars that he doesn't 
really need a healthcare system as he is one of the few lucky ones who can pay 
as he goes, so I doubt the question of Costa Rica's health policies made a 
difference to him one way or the other in his choice of where to emigrate to.  
Warm weather and nice beaches were probably more of a consideration.

Also, he said that if the health care bill passes AND the major points are 
implemented in 5 years, then he would leave.

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