Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Coming of the New World - lecture by Charlie Lutes (c1981)

2007-12-15 Thread Angela Mailander
For the record, I did not see a conspiracy in Charlie's speech.  I noted that 
the philosophy or world view he expressed could be misused by fascist types  
masquerading as spiritually evolved  souls--of which there are a few here in 
Ff.   That is not at all the same thing as seeing a conspiracy.  Apparently 
there is a conspiracy being "bandied about," but I was not aware of it.  Now 
that I am, I find it somewhat amusing.

"do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > To me this is a form of witnessing and watching events with "eyes wide 
 > open."  With this ability one is able to observe things that don't 
 > really add up.  So no wonder people like us can see the conspiracies 
 > others are blind to.
 I agree with you that some of us seem to be able to see that kind of
 bullshit and clearly, others can't. Many of us could clearly see all
 the lying and deception taking place leading up to the Iraq killing
 fields, for example. It seemed to me that most of the American people
 must be missing critical brain parts NOT to see that - it was so obvious.
 BUT to suggest that Angela really DID see a conspiracy in Charlie
 Lutes' lecture is just laughable and nuts, Bhairitu. 
 Here's a conspiracy you can really sink your teeth into. If this stuff
 below is true, it further supports my information about who killed
 JFK. While the stuff below isn't about the JFK assassination keep in
 mind as you read this that George Bush Sr was a CIA liaison in Dallas
 when JFK was shot:
 Confessions of a Covert Agent
 Psychological Operations is my specialty. PsyOps.
 Everything I've done has been highly classified, all black programs
 and black operations. Some people I know thought I worked for the CIA,
 but it's much more complicated than that. I've worked with people in
 the CIA, DIA, NSC, NSA, SAIC, Army Intel and many more lesser known
 agencies within the intelligence apparatus.
 Before focusing on PsyOps I started out running covert combat
 missions, special operations. I was good at what I did and rose
 through the ranks fast. When the "War on Terror" started I was paid a
 lot of money to consult with private military contractors. When
 private paramilitary units needed to get the jobs done that paid the
 most money they would come to me with checkbooks filled with US
 taxpayer dough.
 I've seen the worst things imaginable, hell on earth. Had friends die
 in my arms. Seen piles of rotten corpses. Seen men, women and children
 tortured. I've seen the eyes of terrified and confused children being
 sold into a vicious life of slavery and an early death.
 I could get a lot more graphic, but you get the idea.
 That was my life, and all along I was told that I was fighting for
 freedom and working for the "good guys." What a ridiculous comment
 that is! In the black world, that is, in the covert world, there
 aren't any "good guys" — just varying degrees of evil.
 As Brigadier General Butler famously stated, "War is a racket." It
 doesn't have anything to do with freedom and democracy. It is not good
 fighting evil. There's just a bunch of old greedy gangsta
 motherfuckers making obscene amounts of cash and breeding hatred,
 violence, terrorists and sex slaves.
 The truth is, there is no oversight! Meaning, you can get away with
 anything, nothing is illegal because no one knows about it, or the few
 who do are either in on it or have a vested interest in keeping quiet.
 Whether you're runnin' guns, weapons, drugs, gold, diamonds, women,
 children, it just doesn't matter. As long as the old guard gets their
 resources, it's all good. And in the end, it's all about power. 
 The people who really run this planet know that natural resources
 (oil, water, coltan, cobalt, etc.) are the key. The "War on Terror" is
 just a front for a geo-strategic resource grab on a massive scale.
 Even the wars in Northern Africa are all about exploitation of
 resources. Once the good ole CIA boys at Bechtel did their NASA
 satellite studies of the Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) mineral
 resources and discovered that it was the "richest patch of earth on
 the planet," all hell broke loose! They figured out that the DRC has
 80% of the world's coltan, among many other vital resources. Without
 coltan, you can't have any technology that requires a computer chip:
 computers, cell phones, satellites and weapon systems, of course. So
 Bechtel, the CitiBank boys, the World Bank, IMF and various covert
 elements have been supplying brutal regime after brutal regime in the
 region. Well over four million and counting have died there.
 Same thing with oil in the Middle East. Do you think they really give
 a shit about Iraqi freedom? We worked hard to make you believe that,
 but c'mon, they don't give a shit about the Iraqi people. They've
 killed about a MILLION of them! And that's NOT an exaggeration! They

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Coming of the New World - lecture by Charlie Lutes (c1981)

2007-12-14 Thread off_world_beings
Lol, the great seer Charlie Lutes.
I'm still waiting on those blue oval shaped UFO's to show up that he 
predicted categorically for the mid-nineties. Still waitin' to get 
picked so I can get off this rock.


--- In, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It can be said that our world is really many worlds containing 
> at various levels of consciousness and behavior patterns, living
> within different geographical environments. So what may be truth for
> one level of consciousness and for one environment is probably not
> true for another.
> Some parts of the world reflect more negativity than other parts. 
> parts are so negative that they are unable to embody constructive
> energy of expression. Also, some parts of the world will experience
> disastrous impacts either from human causes such as wars, etc., or
> from natural causes, such as earthquakes, tidal waves, fires, etc.
> The Earth at the present time is undergoing a cleansing of excess
> negativity. So, disasters of one nature or another will occur unless
> there are forces of creativity emerging in a strong fashion to
> neutralize the destructive forces. If we are in tune with God then a
> protective shield will surround us and keep us safe.
> In this world we experience just what we attract to ourselves, and
> this is determined by our attitude and by our devotion to God. Those
> who are in the process of expressing a more enlightened and positive
> awareness in life are attracting to themselves only creative and
> positive experiences. Their world holds no suffering or disaster for
> them - such is the nature of the world and the nature of nature 
> At the present time we live in a dual world; one open to 
> negativity and destruction, the other open to manifesting positive
> creativity and peace in the world. 
> The coming of the new age heralds many changes; some radical and 
> not so severe. These changes, though resisted by many, will come. 
> will be destructive to many, yet uplifting to others. It will be the
> end of the world for many, yet the beginning of a new world for many
> more. If we live the law, the law will support us. If we do not
> support the law, we will be abandoned by the self-same law. The 
> law of creation is the law of love.
> In the future there will be many souls who will not be able to
> incarnate on this planet, for to do so would be to expose themselves
> to vibrations beyond their ability to withstand. On the other hand,
> there are numerous higher beings who would like to incarnate upon 
> Earth, only the vibrations at present are too low and too gross for
> them, because the Earth of today does have very intense material
> vibrations of a low nature. The Earth of tomorrow will, however, be 
> vastly different heavenly Earth. That is why it will be called, 
> on Earth.
> Many people feel that destruction is a fast way into the new age, 
> it is not. It only creates new burdens and in many cases retards our
> progress. The object is not to destroy the old, but rather to
> superimpose the new over the old. The Earth did not create the low
> vibrations. The humans did this.
> The Earth is now in the process of raising its own vibrations so 
> truly there will be a new heaven and a new Earth, and there will 
> a flood of love that will cover the Earth from pole to pole. Those
> coming into this Earth will be high souls, and the path to 
> will be made much easier. Because then, we will have mastered our 
> human nature and we will be on our way to become masters of nature 
> ultimately masters of all of the universe.
> The prophesies of the scriptures will be fulfilled and there will 
be a
> new heaven and a new Earth and a new Jerusalem (meaning 
> will descend upon the Earth. A new Earth of heavenly vibrations will
> create a new heaven and a new Jerusalem - this means spirituality 
> descend upon the Earth and the devil (meaning negativity and
> destructive forces) will be chained and cast into the bottomless 
> meaning that where love and spirituality reign negativity and hate
> cannot co-exist. 
> It is the human who expresses one or the other. In the new age now
> upon us only our God nature will be expressed, and heaven will be on
> Earth for all to love and enjoy. We will now from day to day see the
> breakups of old patterns and the coming forth of new age patterns 
> will endure for two-thousand years. It will be very interesting for
> some and a disaster for others.
> ~~  Lectures by Charlie Lutes

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Coming of the New World - lecture by Charlie Lutes (c1981)

2007-12-14 Thread Bhairitu
do.rflex wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
>> To me this is a form of witnessing and watching events with "eyes wide 
>> open."  With this ability one is able to observe things that don't 
>> really add up.  So no wonder people like us can see the conspiracies 
>> others are blind to.
> I agree with you that some of us seem to be able to see that kind of
> bullshit and clearly, others can't. Many of us could clearly see all
> the lying and deception taking place leading up to the Iraq killing
> fields, for example. It seemed to me that most of the American people
> must be missing critical brain parts NOT to see that - it was so obvious.
The detachment is something a little different. I'm talking about it 
occurring during these shock incidents such as 9/11.  It's more of a 
state of consciousness than an act of rationalization.
> BUT to suggest that Angela really DID see a conspiracy in Charlie
> Lutes' lecture is just laughable and nuts, Bhairitu. 
I was addressing the experience she mentioned about watching the ship go 
down.  The TM conspiracy theory that is bandied about is that the 
Freemasons wanted to set up a Christianized form of Hinduism and TM was 
the target.  They supposedly used Maharishi and I suppose they think 
that Charlie with his background in the "mystery schools" was the 
operative.  I don't buy in to that but you can see how the theory might 

Similarly it is claimed that Marshall McLuhan told John Lennon that the 
Beatles were being used by the establishment and after that Lennon did 
only charity concerts.
> Here's a conspiracy you can really sink your teeth into. If this stuff
> below is true, it further supports my information about who killed
> JFK. While the stuff below isn't about the JFK assassination keep in
> mind as you read this that George Bush Sr was a CIA liaison in Dallas
> when JFK was shot:
> Confessions of a Covert Agent

That's almost more of an opinion piece and reminds me of the article a 
few month back where someone claimed to be a PsyOp involved in 9-11.  At 
the end of the piece you learned it was fictional but he made a lot of 
good points along the way.   This is sort of the same style of writing 
so might be the same author.  He makes some good points though, not that 
we haven't seen them before.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Coming of the New World - lecture by Charlie Lutes (c1981)

2007-12-14 Thread do.rflex
--- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> To me this is a form of witnessing and watching events with "eyes wide 
> open."  With this ability one is able to observe things that don't 
> really add up.  So no wonder people like us can see the conspiracies 
> others are blind to.

I agree with you that some of us seem to be able to see that kind of
bullshit and clearly, others can't. Many of us could clearly see all
the lying and deception taking place leading up to the Iraq killing
fields, for example. It seemed to me that most of the American people
must be missing critical brain parts NOT to see that - it was so obvious.

BUT to suggest that Angela really DID see a conspiracy in Charlie
Lutes' lecture is just laughable and nuts, Bhairitu. 

Here's a conspiracy you can really sink your teeth into. If this stuff
below is true, it further supports my information about who killed
JFK. While the stuff below isn't about the JFK assassination keep in
mind as you read this that George Bush Sr was a CIA liaison in Dallas
when JFK was shot:

Confessions of a Covert Agent

Psychological Operations is my specialty. PsyOps.

Everything I've done has been highly classified, all black programs
and black operations. Some people I know thought I worked for the CIA,
but it's much more complicated than that. I've worked with people in
the CIA, DIA, NSC, NSA, SAIC, Army Intel and many more lesser known
agencies within the intelligence apparatus.

Before focusing on PsyOps I started out running covert combat
missions, special operations. I was good at what I did and rose
through the ranks fast. When the "War on Terror" started I was paid a
lot of money to consult with private military contractors. When
private paramilitary units needed to get the jobs done that paid the
most money they would come to me with checkbooks filled with US
taxpayer dough.

I've seen the worst things imaginable, hell on earth. Had friends die
in my arms. Seen piles of rotten corpses. Seen men, women and children
tortured. I've seen the eyes of terrified and confused children being
sold into a vicious life of slavery and an early death.

I could get a lot more graphic, but you get the idea.

That was my life, and all along I was told that I was fighting for
freedom and working for the "good guys." What a ridiculous comment
that is! In the black world, that is, in the covert world, there
aren't any "good guys" — just varying degrees of evil.

As Brigadier General Butler famously stated, "War is a racket." It
doesn't have anything to do with freedom and democracy. It is not good
fighting evil. There's just a bunch of old greedy gangsta
motherfuckers making obscene amounts of cash and breeding hatred,
violence, terrorists and sex slaves.

The truth is, there is no oversight! Meaning, you can get away with
anything, nothing is illegal because no one knows about it, or the few
who do are either in on it or have a vested interest in keeping quiet.
Whether you're runnin' guns, weapons, drugs, gold, diamonds, women,
children, it just doesn't matter. As long as the old guard gets their
resources, it's all good. And in the end, it's all about power. 

The people who really run this planet know that natural resources
(oil, water, coltan, cobalt, etc.) are the key. The "War on Terror" is
just a front for a geo-strategic resource grab on a massive scale.
Even the wars in Northern Africa are all about exploitation of
resources. Once the good ole CIA boys at Bechtel did their NASA
satellite studies of the Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) mineral
resources and discovered that it was the "richest patch of earth on
the planet," all hell broke loose! They figured out that the DRC has
80% of the world's coltan, among many other vital resources. Without
coltan, you can't have any technology that requires a computer chip:
computers, cell phones, satellites and weapon systems, of course. So
Bechtel, the CitiBank boys, the World Bank, IMF and various covert
elements have been supplying brutal regime after brutal regime in the
region. Well over four million and counting have died there.

Same thing with oil in the Middle East. Do you think they really give
a shit about Iraqi freedom? We worked hard to make you believe that,
but c'mon, they don't give a shit about the Iraqi people. They've
killed about a MILLION of them! And that's NOT an exaggeration! They
sure as hell give a shit about Iraqi oil though. They also care about
Saudi oil, and have a nice deal with a dictatorship that brutally
oppresses their people. If freedom and democracy are the issue, how
about freeing the Saudi people? Why do you think 15 of the 9/11
terrorists came from Saudi Arabia? We support a regime that oppresses
those people. We support them because they cooperate on the oil front.
So, why strike back at them? Let's hit Iraq. They don't give us any
oil - let's get'em!

If you look at the history of covert special operations, it's all
about securing a p

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Coming of the New World - lecture by Charlie Lutes (c1981)

2007-12-14 Thread Bhairitu
Angela, a couple years back on this group I mentioned that I felt 
nothing when 9/11 happened and just shrugged and thought "it finally 
happened here" and went on my usual morning walk.  Not only did I 
experience that with 9/11 but also the Cuban Missile Crisis (I remember 
the girls in high school crying because they thought we were about to be 
nuked) and the JFK assassination too.  Turq was probably the only one 
who chimed in and said he experience those events the same way.  But 
people here thought I was awful for not feeling the emotions of the 
moment.  I also got chastised by my sister for not crying when my mother 
passed away.  My niece and I just looked at each other and told her we 
felt glad that my mother was finally freed from the suffering due to her 

To me this is a form of witnessing and watching events with "eyes wide 
open."  With this ability one is able to observe things that don't 
really add up.  So no wonder people like us can see the conspiracies 
others are blind to.

Angela Mailander wrote:
> This is my last post of the week, so here goes:
> A knowledge of history, or a question as to how certain philosophies might be 
> misused, is not tantamount to fear.  I do not have my head in the sand, and I 
> have lived on this planet for 67 years in six different cultures with my eyes 
> open.  I also do not understand why every time something is mentioned that is 
> not a Pollyanna view of the world as proscribed by the TMO and other 
> religious organizations, this automatically means that someone is plagued by 
> fear as if fear were somehow a less than honorable part of life.  The key in 
> any event would be to master it. I don't know if I would have what it takes 
> to master fear because I have almost never experienced it.  I have stood on 
> the deck of a ship and have watched another ship go down in a storm that was 
> threatening us as well.  I was exhilarated, not afraid, and had to endure 
> flack from others for being too cold-blooded to be afraid and to grieve for 
> all the people who drowned--only three boys were saved later.  If you see
>  fear in my words, your are reading your own.  
> I'm pasting an essay below which says that we have passed the point of no 
> return in the global warming crisis.  If this guy is right, and I've seen a 
> couple of other essays that make this claim, all of us have our heads in the 
> sand.  But even this would not be enough to make me afraid.  I am too old for 
> that and have been meditating for 60 plus years.  Moreover, fear is not part 
> of my jyotish chart. In Western astrology, I'm an Aries; in Chinese 
> astrology, I'm a Spring Dragon.  We tend to be pretty fearless.  I also have 
> fearlessness in my blood.  I'm a fourth generation refugee.  Of course you're 
> free to call all that a river in Egypt.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Coming of the New World - lecture by Charlie Lutes (c1981)

2007-12-14 Thread do.rflex
--- In, Angela Mailander
> This is my last post of the week, so here goes:
> A knowledge of history, or a question as to how certain philosophies
might be misused, is not tantamount to fear.  I do not have my head in
the sand, and I have lived on this planet for 67 years in six
different cultures with my eyes open.  I also do not understand why
every time something is mentioned that is not a Pollyanna view of the
world as proscribed by the TMO and other religious organizations, this
automatically means that someone is plagued by fear as if fear were
somehow a less than honorable part of life.  The key in any event
would be to master it. I don't know if I would have what it takes to
master fear because I have almost never experienced it.  I have stood
on the deck of a ship and have watched another ship go down in a storm
that was threatening us as well.  I was exhilarated, not afraid, and
had to endure flack from others for being too cold-blooded to be
afraid and to grieve for all the people who drowned--only three boys
were saved later.  If you see
>  fear in my words, your are reading your own.  
> I'm pasting an essay below which says that we have passed the point
of no return in the global warming crisis.  If this guy is right, and
I've seen a couple of other essays that make this claim, all of us
have our heads in the sand.  But even this would not be enough to make
me afraid.  I am too old for that and have been meditating for 60 plus
years.  Moreover, fear is not part of my jyotish chart. In Western
astrology, I'm an Aries; in Chinese astrology, I'm a Spring Dragon. 
We tend to be pretty fearless.  I also have fearlessness in my blood.
 I'm a fourth generation refugee.  Of course you're free to call all
that a river in Egypt. 

I'm not interested in continuing this conversation with you, Angela. I
so completely disagree with so many of your premisses, presumptions,
totally unjustified insinuations and assumptions [here and in most
other threads where you've posted] that I don't' believe it's worth it
to continue… for either of us.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Coming of the New World - lecture by Charlie Lutes (c1981)

2007-12-13 Thread Angela Mailander
This is my last post of the week, so here goes:
A knowledge of history, or a question as to how certain philosophies might be 
misused, is not tantamount to fear.  I do not have my head in the sand, and I 
have lived on this planet for 67 years in six different cultures with my eyes 
open.  I also do not understand why every time something is mentioned that is 
not a Pollyanna view of the world as proscribed by the TMO and other religious 
organizations, this automatically means that someone is plagued by fear as if 
fear were somehow a less than honorable part of life.  The key in any event 
would be to master it. I don't know if I would have what it takes to master 
fear because I have almost never experienced it.  I have stood on the deck of a 
ship and have watched another ship go down in a storm that was threatening us 
as well.  I was exhilarated, not afraid, and had to endure flack from others 
for being too cold-blooded to be afraid and to grieve for all the people who 
drowned--only three boys were saved later.  If you see
 fear in my words, your are reading your own.  

I'm pasting an essay below which says that we have passed the point of no 
return in the global warming crisis.  If this guy is right, and I've seen a 
couple of other essays that make this claim, all of us have our heads in the 
sand.  But even this would not be enough to make me afraid.  I am too old for 
that and have been meditating for 60 plus years.  Moreover, fear is not part of 
my jyotish chart. In Western astrology, I'm an Aries; in Chinese astrology, I'm 
a Spring Dragon.  We tend to be pretty fearless.  I also have fearlessness in 
my blood.  I'm a fourth generation refugee.  Of course you're free to call all 
that a river in Egypt.  

"do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, Angela Mailander
 >   When I read a sentence like this, "Countries where there is
 terrible unrest, riots, revolutions, etc. indicate that these places
 are heavily inhabited by such destructive people who are causing
 turmoil wherever they are" I wonder if this includes countries like
 the ones in the Southern Cone which were developing nicely until the
 U.S. destabilized them.  I guess this falls under the heading of
 creating war (and other types of unrest) out of greed.  But that is
 not all Charlie says.   When I read sentences like these, "If the
 unwanted destructive population continues to increase, the Earth will
 become like hell. These destructive people are not concerned with
 developing a trade or honorable profession in life; rather they prefer
 to live on welfare or steal from others, and then some deal in drugs,
 etc. to make a living from the misery of others," I wonder how big a
 step it takes to conclude from such writing that we ought to wipe
 these people out, never mind the fact that
 >  we created them in the first place through economic and political
 You appear to have an imagination driven by your own fears, Angela. It
 shows up in much of what you write. Again, nowhere in the lecture does
 Charlie say or even remotely suggest anything you are attempting to
 > "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   ---
 In, Angela Mailander
 >   wrote:
 >  >
 >  > Is Charlie saying that the poor and the desperate are born, not
 >  nurtured by economic policies? Seems a pretty important question to
 >  I don't see anywhere in that lecture that Charlie said or even
 >  remotely suggested anything like what you just asked about, Angela.
 >  [snip]
 >  Send instant messages to your online friends

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Coming of the New World - lecture by Charlie Lutes (c1981)

2007-12-13 Thread do.rflex
--- In, Angela Mailander
>   When I read a sentence like this, "Countries where there is
terrible unrest, riots, revolutions, etc. indicate that these places
are heavily inhabited by such destructive people who are causing
turmoil wherever they are" I wonder if this includes countries like
the ones in the Southern Cone which were developing nicely until the
U.S. destabilized them.  I guess this falls under the heading of
creating war (and other types of unrest) out of greed.  But that is
not all Charlie says.   When I read sentences like these, "If the
unwanted destructive population continues to increase, the Earth will
become like hell. These destructive people are not concerned with
developing a trade or honorable profession in life; rather they prefer
to live on welfare or steal from others, and then some deal in drugs,
etc. to make a living from the misery of others," I wonder how big a
step it takes to conclude from such writing that we ought to wipe
these people out, never mind the fact that
>  we created them in the first place through economic and political

You appear to have an imagination driven by your own fears, Angela. It
shows up in much of what you write. Again, nowhere in the lecture does
Charlie say or even remotely suggest anything you are attempting to

> "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   ---
In, Angela Mailander
>   wrote:
>  >
>  > Is Charlie saying that the poor and the desperate are born, not
>  nurtured by economic policies? Seems a pretty important question to
>  I don't see anywhere in that lecture that Charlie said or even
>  remotely suggested anything like what you just asked about, Angela.
>  [snip]
>  Send instant messages to your online friends

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Coming of the New World - lecture by Charlie Lutes (c1981)

2007-12-13 Thread Angela Mailander
  When I read a sentence like this, “Countries where there is terrible unrest, 
riots, revolutions, etc. indicate that these places are heavily inhabited by 
such destructive people who are causing turmoil wherever they are” I wonder if 
this includes countries like the ones in the Southern Cone which were 
developing nicely until the U.S. destabilized them.  I guess this falls under 
the heading of creating war (and other types of unrest) out of greed.  But that 
is not all Charlie says.   When I read sentences like these, “If the unwanted 
destructive population continues to increase, the Earth will become like hell. 
These destructive people are not concerned with developing a trade or honorable 
profession in life; rather they prefer to live on welfare or steal from others, 
and then some deal in drugs, etc. to make a living from the misery of others,” 
I wonder how big a step it takes to conclude from such writing that we ought to 
wipe these people out, never mind the fact that
 we created them in the first place through economic and political policies.  

"do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   --- In, Angela Mailander
 > Is Charlie saying that the poor and the desperate are born, not
 nurtured by economic policies? Seems a pretty important question to me.  
 I don't see anywhere in that lecture that Charlie said or even
 remotely suggested anything like what you just asked about, Angela.

 Send instant messages to your online friends 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Coming of the New World - lecture by Charlie Lutes (c1981)

2007-12-13 Thread do.rflex
--- In, Angela Mailander
> Is Charlie saying that the poor and the desperate are born, not
nurtured by economic policies? Seems a pretty important question to me.  

I don't see anywhere in that lecture that Charlie said or even
remotely suggested anything like what you just asked about, Angela.
