[FairfieldLife] Re: Upselling: lofty spiritual goals as a distraction from Here And Now

2012-08-11 Thread sparaig

And you are still posting things in FFL because...?

And you still attack Judy because?


It seems to me that you haven't really gotten over much of anything.

You're still carrying the woman we left back in the village a few miles back...

So to speak.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Walking my dogs this morning, I caught a glimpse of 
> myself in a shop window, and couldn't help but notice
> the enormous smile on my face. The day is beautiful --
> warm, sunny, and almost what summer is supposed to
> be like in places other than the Netherlands :-), 
> and I noticed the smile and it made me realize
> that I *really* look forward to the rest of my day.
> Life on a 46-year spiritual path hasn't always been
> like that for me. I can remember back to many mornings
> in which I *wasn't* looking forward to the events of
> the day, and to enjoying them, and to spreading that 
> joy among the people I love. Instead, a large part of 
> me was thinking how much "better" my day would be and 
> my life would be if I were just enlightened.
> I got over it. 
> Now I'm content with the moment, and trying to live it 
> fully. I look upon this "goal shift" as having made 
> spiritual progress.
> I've known so many seekers over the decades who have
> been sold lofty spiritual goals, which, once they
> bought into them, became the entire focus of their
> lives. These seekers may have *started* meditating
> just to enjoy their lives a little more, but that
> was before their teachers ran an "upsell" routine
> on them, and convinced them that these goals weren't
> lofty or meaningful enough.
> What was "really" important was to become enlightened.
> Or to actually levitate. Or to get thousands or millions
> of people to meditate and believe the same things they
> did. Or to achieve world peace.
> The "lofty goals" vary from spiritual trip to spiritual
> trip, but the purpose of them -- in my opinion -- never
> does. The lofty, probably unachievable goals are served
> up by the teachers to *distract* the students and keep
> them focused on the carrot-on-a-stick that keeps getting
> moved further and further away every year. The lofty
> goals are designed to keep them from noticing that they
> still haven't realized the "lesser goals" that were the
> reasons they started to meditate or pursue a spiritual
> path in the first place -- being able to live a happier,
> more fulfilling life, both for themselves and those
> they love, every day.
> How many people do you know who honestly believe that
> they won't be truly happy until they're enlightened?
> Be honest, now. Where do you think they *got* that
> belief? It was almost always given to them as part of 
> an "upsell" campaign, from one or more of their spir-
> itual teachers. Now think about these people as
> individuals. How many of them would you characterize
> as being consistently happy in the Here And Now?
> My point is that many of them have *forgotten* about
> that "lesser goal." They've been told that it's "better"
> to focus on the lofty goals, and they've been told this 
> for so long that they have forgotten the reasons that 
> they actually started meditating in the first place.
> I think it's more intelligent to backtrack a little,
> and try to remember those original "lesser goals." 
> Who CARES if you become enlightened, if you spend all
> of the days leading up to flashing out being not happy,
> and not fulfilled, always feeling that something is
> missing or lacking from your life? 
> The last day of each of our lives is going to start
> exactly like today did. Chances are we're going to live 
> it pretty much the same way we live today. I'm pretty
> sure, looking forward to my day -- I'm taking a bunch
> of kids to the beach -- that if it turns out to be my 
> last day, I'll dive into the Bardo content and with 
> the same smile on my face I caught a reflection of 
> this morning in a window. And along the Way, I'll
> have probably shared that smile with a few others. 
> Who needs more than that? I'll leave the lofty goals
> to those who feel that they're important. Call me a 
> spiritual slacker, but I've come "full circle" to the
> goals I had when I first started meditating -- to become
> more able to live each day a little happier and a little
> more content, and thus more able to do nice and produc-
> tive things for the people I meet.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Upselling: lofty spiritual goals as a distraction from Here And Now

2012-08-11 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > Walking my dogs this morning, I caught a glimpse of 
> > myself in a shop window, and couldn't help but notice
> > the enormous smile on my face. 
> At first I thought the proximity of Vlodrop might explain
> at least some of that, but just found out the distance
> between Leiden and Vlodrop is almost 100 miles! ;D

Don't be silly. First, Vlodrop is more like 220 
kilometers (137 miles) from Leiden. Second, the
crime rates in the Eastern parts of the country
(where Vlodrop is) are consistently as high or
higher than in other parts of the Netherlands,
*including* Amsterdam. Just across the border
(and thus much closer to Vlodrop than Leiden), 
the Nordrhein-Westfalen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
area of Germany is listed as the weakest economy
among the German states, and has the 2nd-highest
unemployment rate, at 8.1%

Third, and most important, a bunch of people 
bouncing on their butts does absolutely *nothing*
to improve the vibe of a place, or lower the
crime rate, let alone increase the SILENCE of
a place, as far as I can tell. The SILENCE is
ever-present, ever-the-same-everywhere, and
never-changing. I have journeyed to places of
power all over the world, and any SILENCE I
found there was equally present in New York
City (the area around Wall Street is positively
*smokin'* in the wee hours of the morning) and
Paris (one feels the same SILENCE walking along
the Seine). The SILENCE is there -- everywhere --
in equal amounts, *whether you notice it or not*.

The only difference I think exists from place 
to place is whether the energies of that place
are in harmony with your own, and thus allow
you to *notice* the ever-present SILENCE when
there. *For me* Leiden is a place of power 
because something in me resonates with the
flow of energies along its many canals, and
thus leaves me "open" to perceiving the 
SILENCE that underlies any city noises.

There is no Woo Woo involved, *let alone* any
emanating from Vlodrop. Get over it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Upselling: lofty spiritual goals as a distraction from Here And Now

2012-08-11 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Walking my dogs this morning, I caught a glimpse of 
> myself in a shop window, and couldn't help but notice
> the enormous smile on my face. 

At first I thought the proximity of Vlodrop might explain
at least some of that, but just found out the distance
between Leiden and Vlodrop is almost 100 miles! ;D