[FairfieldLife] Re: What could he have said or done?

2007-03-28 Thread Richard J. Williams
llundrub wrote:
 Success for me is having my health to 
 sit by my wife and watch TV during a 
 few hours off from work, where I call 
 the shots and get respect for being 
 an artist. 

So, you watched TV last night.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: What could he have said or done?

2007-03-28 Thread llundrub
Yeah, A maricon Idol, and had 24 taped, love that show.  Then watched the
season finale of 'Dirt.' Really liked that too. Will watch 'The Shield' next
week. That show is so realistic acting wise that it radiates actual bad
vibes. The Devil is in the media again. I guess he must exist, or the Pope
wouldn't keep talking about him. 

-Original Message-
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 9:14 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: What could he have said or done?

llundrub wrote:
 Success for me is having my health to 
 sit by my wife and watch TV during a 
 few hours off from work, where I call 
 the shots and get respect for being 
 an artist. 

So, you watched TV last night.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: What could he have said or done?

2007-03-28 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There are *thousands* of things that Maharishi could
 have done or said to prevent the situation he finds
 himself in now. But those things would have involved 
 true humility on his part and a desire to actually
 help the people of the world (as opposed to a desire
 to make money by announcing his intention to help
 the people of the world and then sitting back and
 collecting checks from the faithful).

And we know that MMY doesn't believe (rightly or
wrongly) that what he's been doing will help the
people of the world exactly how?  Does the fact
that one believes differently about what will
and won't help the people of the world somehow
automatically mean MMY must not believe in what
he's doing?

 But he didn't do these things, and now he finds him-
 self in the position of having to outsource butt-
 bouncers from India, because only a few hundred 
 students in the entire world still believe him when
 he asks them to put their lives on hold and do what
 he tells them to do.

There's a bit of a damned if they do, damned if they
don't element here. In some contexts, TMers are
mocked for putting their lives on hold and doing what
MMY tells them to do.  But when they don't, MMY is
mocked for not being able to convince them to behave
like sheep.
 Meanwhile, the people who can cut the *biggest* checks 
 are NOT butt-bouncing in Fairfield. They *still* don't
 even have to mingle with the great unwashed of the
 *TM faithful* any more. They can prance around in robes
 and crowns in Vlodrop and get daily strokes from the 
 guru while these other peons do the grunt work for them. 
 And it's all covered under codicil 371.3 of Natural Law, 
 which says, He who cuts the biggest check gets the most
 strokes, and achieves enlightenment first. Plus, he
 gets to wear robes and a Burger King crown.
 What could Maharishi have done to avoid this sad, sad,
 sad situation? He could have valued people more than

I find this a little puzzling, because from everything
I've read, many if not most of the rajas are not holed
up at Vlodrop at all but are very busy in their own
countries carrying out all kinds of projects that would
involve lots of interaction with the great unwashed--not
just of the TM faithful but with non-TMers as well.

If we want to determine what MMY could have done to
avoid the current situation, we need to have an
accurate picture of what the situation *is*.  Otherwise
we're jousting with a straw man.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What could he have said or done?

2007-03-28 Thread nablusoss1008

  What could he have said or done otherwise to get
  this going with his 
  old TM'er movement?  What went wrong for Maharishi?

Nothing went wrong for Maharishi. He himself says that he is very 
fulfilled. Are you in a position to claim that this is untrue ?

Anyway, Maharishi is sending 1000 Pundits to that country and is 
funding it. Not exactly a failure, in my opinion.
If anyone is a failure it is the thousands of 
meditators/Sidhas/Governors who never really took Maharishi very 
serious and found his demand for Tapas to be too demanding. But then 
again that is their karma. Nothing wrong with that, it is just the way 
it is. It happened to all the Saints that came to the West and will 
continue to happen.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What could he have said or done?

2007-03-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are *thousands* of things that Maharishi could
 have done or said to prevent the situation he finds
 himself in now. But those things would have involved 
 true humility on his part and a desire to actually
 help the people of the world (as opposed to a desire
 to make money by announcing his intention to help
 the people of the world and then sitting back and
 collecting checks from the faithful).
 But he didn't do these things, and now he finds him-
 self in the position of having to outsource butt-
 bouncers from India, because only a few hundred 
 students in the entire world still believe him when
 he asks them to put their lives on hold and do what
 he tells them to do. 

Is it not about spiritual regeneration, of the world?  

Someone say it isn't so.  It's about money?  Did he start off with a 
good heart and may be fell off the wagon somewhere along the line?  
Did that corruption of a good soul happen with those western women he 
fell head over heels for since early on or that lavishing wealth that 
he was kept with pretty much from the beginning of coming to the 
West?  Just like with Adam in the  garden, it most evidently was the 
women probably that undid him?  Or the money? 

Has the Spriritual Regeneration Movement always been a pre-text MO 
for a sub-text about money and its transport?

-Doug in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: What could he have said or done?

2007-03-27 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 

 Strong commentary on the predicament of Maharishi at the end.  
Where did his meditators go?  Used to be thousands would show up on 
a phone call.  Now, a few hundreds?
What could he have said or done otherwise to get this going with his 
old TM'er movement?  What went wrong for Maharishi?

(To the tune of Where Have All The Flowers Gone)

Where have all the flyers gone
Long time not ho op ping
Where have all the flyers gone
Long time ago

Where have all the flyers gone
Gone to other pursuits everyone
I guess they finally learned
I guess they fi inaly learned
  Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007
  From: Raja Wynne maillist@
  Subject: Vedic Pandit Update #3
[Global Country of World Peace]
  Dear Supporters of Permanent Invincibility for America,
  I wanted to let you know that 133 more Vedic Pandits from India 
 will be
  arriving next week and settling into their new campus in 
  City. That will make a total of 505 Vedic Pandits here 
  creating an invincible America through their Yogic Flying and 
  According to the plan I have mentioned before, another 500 
  be arriving over the next few months, bringing the total here to 
  This number of Pandits will assure that there will always be 
  the Super Radiance number of 1732 Yogic Flyers necessary to 
  permanent invincibility for America.
  The new Pandit campus in Maharishi Vedic City is now ready to 
  next group of 133, and homes for another 100 Pandits will be 
  occupancy in April. Now that the weather is improving, we should 
  to accommodate the remaining 400 new Pandits shortly after that.
  Below are photos of the recently completed dining room and 
  on the new campus, and a photo of a typical Pandit bedroom.
[Photo1]   New Pandit dining room   [Photo2]   Flying hall on
  new Pandit campus[Photo2]   Typical Pandit bedroom
  In order to complete the housing for the remaining 400 Pandits we
  continue to need your assistance. Once they are here, their 
  expenses are covered, like for all Invincible America Assembly 
  participants, with a $600 per month grant from the Howard and 
  Settle Foundation for an Invincible America. But the cost of
  constructing housing for the Pandits, and other costs like 
  visa costs, are not covered by the grant. We currently have a 
  grant from a donor for $100,000, so now is a doubly good time to 
 make a
  contribution for the Pandit housing. Please go to either Global 
  of World Peace 
  http://shopping.netsuite.com/s.nl/c.451217/it.A/id.9/.f or 
  Vedic City
  a secure online contribution, or send a check to Global Country 
  Peace 2000 Capital Boulevard, Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556, or 
  Hall, 1973 Grand Drive, Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556. If you 
  questions or would like an update, please call 800 373 9664.
  Thank you very much for helping to secure a peaceful and 
  America for yourself, your family, and the nation.
  Jai Guru Dev.
  Raja Wynne
  Mayor of Maharishi Vedic City and
  Raja of Maharishi Vedic America

[FairfieldLife] Re: What could he have said or done?

2007-03-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5
   What could Maharishi have done or said to bring 
   meditators back to the domes and group meditation,
   to get the numbers needed, even way back last 
   summer when this latest TM course started?

   Is interesting that even with even with paying people 
   to meditate, bringing by the hundreds hire-ling 
   student pandits from India, giving the sidhi's away 
   in exchange for practicing in the domes, they can 
   not get the numbers in the dome.
According to the plan I (Raja W.) have mentioned 
   before, another 500 Pandits will be arriving over 
   the next few months, bringing the total here to 
   1,000. This number of Pandits will assure that there 
   will always be more than the Super Radiance number 
   of 1732 Yogic Flyers necessary to maintain permanent 
   invincibility for America.
  Mayor and 'Raja' Wynne says it and confirms it all right there.
  Strong commentary on the predicament of Maharishi at the end.  
  Where did his meditators go?  

On the whole, they followed his lead. They holed
up somewhere safe and let other people worry about
(and work to relieve) the problems of the world.

  Used to be thousands would show up on a phone call.  

Back when Maharishi still had an ounce of credibility,
and more important, still had the ability to inspire 
others without bullying, scaring, or threatening them.

  Now, a few hundreds?
  What could he have said or done otherwise to get this 
  going with his old TM'er movement?  What went wrong 
  for Maharishi?

I think that those who are interested in this question
might benefit from a reading of (or re-reading of)
Hermann Hesse's Magister Ludi: The Glass Bead Game.
It's the story of a long-term spiritual tradition
falling apart because its leaders holed up inside
the walls of their monastery and 1) stopped having
anything to do with the unspiritual people outside
the walls, 2) stopped even *listening* to these
unspiritual people outside the walls, and 3) stop-
ped listening to anyone who *was* inside the walls
who suggested that they should do more for those
outside of them. It's the story of a spiritual
movement gone mad from self-indulgence and the
focus on its own self-importance.

As the focus shifted away from actual teaching of TM
(which involves and *requires* daily interaction with
the great unwashed, the people outside the walls of
the ashram, the self importance of the TM movement
and its core followers grew larger and larger, at
the same time that the minds and the compassion of 
these core followers grew smaller and smaller.

Cutting a check so that *other* people could interact
with the great unwashed and teach TM became prefer-
able to interacting with these lesser-evolved people
oneself. And lo, cutting a check was rewarded with
strokes from the guru, and with proximity to him. 
Other followers, brought up on the shining example
of Trotakacharya and others who supposedly realized
their enlightenment through nothing *but* proximity
to the guru looked at this phenomenon and made the
obvious (to them) choice. Why work our butts off in
the field catering to these people who are so much
less evolved than we are when we can gain proximity
to the guru (and thus our own all-important enlight-
enment) by simply cutting a check? And yea verily,
cutting a check became the new pathway to enlight-

There are *thousands* of things that Maharishi could
have done or said to prevent the situation he finds
himself in now. But those things would have involved 
true humility on his part and a desire to actually
help the people of the world (as opposed to a desire
to make money by announcing his intention to help
the people of the world and then sitting back and
collecting checks from the faithful).

But he didn't do these things, and now he finds him-
self in the position of having to outsource butt-
bouncers from India, because only a few hundred 
students in the entire world still believe him when
he asks them to put their lives on hold and do what
he tells them to do. 

Meanwhile, the people who can cut the *biggest* checks 
are NOT butt-bouncing in Fairfield. They *still* don't
even have to mingle with the great unwashed of the
*TM faithful* any more. They can prance around in robes
and crowns in Vlodrop and get daily strokes from the 
guru while these other peons do the grunt work for them. 
And it's all covered under codicil 371.3 of Natural Law, 
which says, He who cuts the biggest check gets the most
strokes, and achieves enlightenment first. Plus, he
gets to wear robes and a Burger King crown.

What could Maharishi have done to avoid this sad, sad,
sad situation? He could have valued people more than

And, like Amma or Gandhi or any of the other great 
teachers of the world, he could have presented an 
example to that world that he really