[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-28 Thread Duveyoung
  Considering who and what Guru Dev is/was, 
  it seems perfectly reasonable to me that he 
  indeed DID have the spiritual status to manifest 
  wealth for his purposes without relying on conventional 
  outside sources.

If Guru Dev had money appearing out of the infinite, there would have been tons 
of reports from his followers who would tell how cash appeared at some time or 
placeand following these accounts, one could surmise easily that Guru Dev 
was indeed pulling buckzoids out of the thinnest air.  

I haven't heard one single report like this.  No one's on record saying that 
Guru Dev handed over some cash or gold or had someone (poor) do it for him.  I 
mean, come on, the ashram would be abuzz with gossip about how cash had arrived 
to some project or other.

If there's smoke there's fire, where's the smoke (history of anecdotes about 
money appearing?)

And, if it's infinity bux, why didn't Guru Dev really cough up a shipload and 
get all the pundits bought and paid and chanting?  If Guru Dev had actually had 
such a siddhi, why didn't Maharishi learn it from Guru Dev?  

We all know Maharishi thought that if there was enough money, then we'd change 
the world overnight with paid pundits, and that's just Maharishi's cover story; 
we know that he wanted a fabulous kingdom too with all the trappings, so where 
was the money-siddhi and why didn't Maharishi (who was 24/7 with Guru Dev) pick 
up on such a siddhi and bother Guru Dev until he got instructed? 

Oh, it's all glorious bullshit, my friends, and that starts with B and rhymes 
with Money.

Fuck stories about siddhis from those who cannot produce any evidence.  Buying 
into a story like that is like buying a lottery ticket -- it might be a winner, 
and the story might be true, so let's just hang with that mood of expectation 
of wonders to come -- rather than face real life.

Did anyone here ever even once see Maharishi take a check or grab a wad of 
cash from a TB?  This sort of thing is tawdry, so it was all down out of sight 
with Bobby Warren touching the filthy lucre.  

Given the era when Guru Dev lived, what with not much TV or suchlike, the world 
was filled with quite innocent rubes, and it was easy to create a story about 
oneself for marketing purposes.  Not that Guru Dev was anything like the shuck 
and jiver, Maharishi, but that those who surround Guru Dev-types are sure to 
support all manner of image enhancing half truths, speculations, lies, etc.

Believe in siddhi at your own peril -- if they get you believing something, 
they can shunt that into check writing.


[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-28 Thread Duveyoung
  Considering who and what Guru Dev is/was, 
  it seems perfectly reasonable to me that he 
  indeed DID have the spiritual status to manifest 
  wealth for his purposes without relying on conventional 
  outside sources.

If Guru Dev had money appearing out of the infinite, there would have been tons 
of reports from his followers who would tell how cash appeared at some time or 
placeand following these accounts, one could surmise easily that Guru Dev 
was indeed pulling buckzoids out of the thinnest air.  

I haven't heard one single report like this.  No one's on record saying that 
Guru Dev handed over some cash or gold or had someone (poor) do it for him.  I 
mean, come on, the ashram would be abuzz with gossip about how cash had arrived 
to some project or other.

If there's smoke there's fire, where's the smoke (history of anecdotes about 
money appearing?)

And, if it's infinity bux, why didn't Guru Dev really cough up a shipload and 
get all the pundits bought and paid and chanting?  If Guru Dev had actually had 
such a siddhi, why didn't Maharishi learn it from Guru Dev?  

We all know Maharishi thought that if there was enough money, then we'd change 
the world overnight with paid pundits, and that's just Maharishi's cover story; 
we know that he wanted a fabulous kingdom too with all the trappings, so where 
was the money-siddhi and why didn't Maharishi (who was 24/7 with Guru Dev) pick 
up on such a siddhi and bother Guru Dev until he got instructed? 

Oh, it's all glorious bullshit, my friends, and that starts with B and rhymes 
with Money.

Fuck stories about siddhis from those who cannot produce any evidence.  Buying 
into a story like that is like buying a lottery ticket -- it might be a winner, 
and the story might be true, so let's just hang with that mood of expectation 
of wonders to come -- rather than face real life.

Did anyone here ever even once see Maharishi take a check or grab a wad of 
cash from a TB?  This sort of thing is tawdry, so it was all down out of sight 
with Bobby Warren touching the filthy lucre.  

Given the era when Guru Dev lived, what with not much TV or suchlike, the world 
was filled with quite innocent rubes, and it was easy to create a story about 
oneself for marketing purposes.  Not that Guru Dev was anything like the shuck 
and jiver, Maharishi, but that those who surround Guru Dev-types are sure to 
support all manner of image enhancing half truths, speculations, lies, etc.

Believe in siddhi at your own peril -- if they get you believing something, 
they can shunt that into check writing.


[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-28 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

   Considering who and what Guru Dev is/was, 
   it seems perfectly reasonable to me that he 
   indeed DID have the spiritual status to manifest 
   wealth for his purposes without relying on conventional 
   outside sources.
 If Guru Dev had money appearing out of the infinite, there would have been 
 tons of reports from his followers who would tell how cash appeared at some 
 time or placeand following these accounts, one could surmise easily that 
 Guru Dev was indeed pulling buckzoids out of the thinnest air.  
 I haven't heard one single report like this. 

Haha, Edg never heard one single report, so it must be lies !
Did it not occur to you that the reason you never heard this before is that you 
are a lazy and uninterested individual ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-28 Thread Duveyoung
Nab wrote:
 Haha, Edg never heard one single report, so it must be lies !
 Did it not occur to you that the reason you never heard this before is that 
 you are a lazy and uninterested individual ?

In all my 29 years in the movement, I never not once passed up hearing or 
reading about Guru Dev -- I loved the whole metaphor that his life was to me 
test me, ask me anything about Guru Dev you think a true believe should at 
least have heard about, I'll know it.  So fuck you asshole -- you don't know a 
single thing about Guru Dev that I haven't had run through my brain a thousand 

Here's the deal:

You can't make money appear out of nowhere and have nothing in the historical 
record reacting to that miracle.  People are miracle-fixated -- show them even 
a magician's stage trick, and they're hoping it's for real.  There's no way 
that Guru Dev had a magical source without it attracting a flood of attention 
from every ilk.  More likely it was devotees who knew that Guru Dev had a 
personal intent never to beg, so they just did that for him and put the money 
on the altar or whereverand presto, another miracle!  

Not to mention that if Guru Dev was able to do this then he would have been 
kidnapped almost immediately and tortured until he gave up the secret -- by 
whom? -- take your pick -- anyone in power in Guru Dev's vicinity would have 
sniffed it out just to be sure that they weren't missing something -- like, 
well, money laundering?  ???  

Tell us the stories you've heard, Nab, -- especially any from Maharishi you 
heard with your own ears -- that assert Guru Dev had this power.  I doubt 
you'll be able to come back with such that could be in the least 

In fact, let's go easy on ya and ask merely that you tell us of ANY miracle of 
Guru Dev or Maharishi that can be in the least documented -- hell, I'll even 
just take the stories of TBs throughout the movement's history.  In fact, I'll 
tell you one of the miracle stories I was told by someone who supposedly was 
the target of the miracle: a teacher in the movement had gotten a crystal 
necklace from Maharishi to wear for a little while, but she kept avoiding 
returning it, then one day, after Maharishi mentioned it to her, it simply 
disappeared -- so she told me.  Come on, Nab, given your certainties, why, you 
must have a thousand stories like that, but if you do, I predict none of them 
will be researchable.

I was there, man I was so there, for the least gossip about miracles.  I loved 
the story of Guru Dev putting his sickness into a cloth and telling a visitor 
that it was a kitten playing under it rather than that the cloth, somehow a 
conscious entity-of-the-nonce, was able to be sick and shivering or that a 
human being could temporarily remove sickness when it was inconvenient.  But, 
who tells these stories and attests that they're true -- where's the beef? 
Where's the witness' name and phone number?  It's all bogus horseshit 
promulgated by TBs who are in denial about their fucking exaggerations.

In fact, I'll go even easier, show us any miracle ever by anyone ever that you 
think can be substantiated with a high degree of certainty, and watch how 
easily anyone here can pick it apart for its obviously lack of logic or 

Turq tells us he saw levitation many times.

Now think about that.  It has to be a fucking lie.

Fucking levitation!  Yeah, right.

Yet even with many iterations of such levitation, Turq dumped his miracle 
worker.  So, you tell me, would you walk away from a genuine siddha?  Yet, here 
we see Turq poo-poohing it like it was nothing, yet anyone in the entire world 
would easily recognize that the laws of physics were being bent to one's will 
in a way that the best minds in history could not explain in the least.  Yet, 
Turq would have us believe that Rama was never grabbed by the powers that be to 
see if they could get his secret of gravity control from him.  In other 
words, Rama was a trickster, and the CIA or whatever couldn't be bothered to 
waterboard him any more than they would Criss Angel. 

Real miracles require extraordinary proof -- or, hey, if not, then I get to say 
anything I want and you can't ask me for proof, right?  --  and, hey, I get to 
brow beat you if you don't accept my assertion, right?

You're brow beating me, and you've got exactly zilch in the proof department, 
yet, you will not allow anyone else this right.

In other words, Nab, you are a world class hypocrite true believer who'll do 
anything to shore up your religion rather than face reality.

Sad to be you.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
Considering who and what Guru Dev is/was, 
it seems perfectly reasonable to me that he 
indeed DID have the spiritual status to manifest 
wealth for his purposes without relying on conventional 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-27 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

   Yes, I insist that Guru Dev attended, if not 
   organized, the Delhi Mahayagna in 1943, and 
   with the help of  Mr. Raj Varma and his nephew, 
   Bal Bramhacharya who also attended the event, 
   sitting right next to the Guru Dev. 
 nablusoss wrote:
  Wait a minute: How long will it take for Rick 
  Archer, or for that fellow Vaj or that scumbag 
  paulmason, to start claiming that none of these 
  Saints actually were present on this occasion 
  in Delhi, 1943?
 About thirty-six minutes, Nabby. 
 snip; I do not believe they sent cash as He did not allow such contributions; 
but flowers and fruits, chairs and tents; obviously.
 According to some people, because the Guru Dev
 performed this Yagya, WWII lasted only a few 
 years instead of fifty. I don't know.

Guru Dev being the most senior of the Masters of Wisdom in incarnation at the 
time, as far as I know, could accomplish this in close cooperation with the 
other Masters. This descision was taken with the blessing of the most senior of 
the Masters of Wisdom; Maitreya.

If He wanted to stop WWII and usher in the Age of Enlightenment He certainly 
had the power to do so. And He did.

With the Blessings from Guru Dev, Maharishi implemented in the world at large 
that which had already been descided and is today the destiny of men: The Age 
of Enlightenment and the return to the everday lives of men by Maitreya for the 
first time in a human body for 100.000 years.

For more information, please see:

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-27 Thread WillyTex
   Wait a minute: How long will it take for Rick 
   Archer, or for that fellow Vaj or that scumbag 
   paulmason, to start claiming that none of these 
   Saints actually were present on this occasion 
   in Delhi, 1943?
  About thirty-six minutes, Nabby. 
Nabby wrote:
 I do not believe they sent cash as He did not allow 
 such contributions; but flowers and fruits, chairs 
 and tents; obviously.
Have you ever heard of the Jyotirmath Trust Fund? What 
do you think a Trust Fund does, Nabby? It takes 
donations from wealthy patrons and puts it in the bank 
in a 'trust fund' to be spent for worthy causes. Where
do you think they got all the money to rebuild the
Jyotirmath Ashram?

Yes, I insist that Guru Dev attended, if not 
organized, the Delhi Mahayagna in 1943, and 
with the help of  Mr. Raj Varma and his nephew, 
Bal Bramhacharya who also attended the event, 
sitting right next to the Guru Dev. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-27 Thread Paul Mason
As far as I can gather Guru Dev seldom visited Jyotirmath, perhaps only twice 
during his tenure as Shankaracharya. His main ashram was in Benares (it is 
still there)  that ashram is dedicated to his guru and funded by a trust in 
Dandi Swami Krishanand's name.
Regarding his expenditures, all sources are agreed that he used some sort of 
divine purse, that he had some sort of siddhi that dealt with material funds. 
Yes, I know it seems very childish to believe such things are possible, but 
unless accounts of some trust are discovered, which show that Guru Dev was 
supported by benefactors' donations, I for one will continue to keep an open 
On the subject of controversy, I recently had a German initiator contact me to 
tell me how Maharishi declared to about seventy course participants on the 
Spiritual Guides Course in Rishikesh early 1970 that Guru Dev had been killed 
by rat poison administered repeatedly by the cook. And I had thought this was 
just a rumour created and circulated on AMT. Does anyone else at FFL remember 
Maharishi saying this?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

Wait a minute: How long will it take for Rick 
Archer, or for that fellow Vaj or that scumbag 
paulmason, to start claiming that none of these 
Saints actually were present on this occasion 
in Delhi, 1943?
   About thirty-six minutes, Nabby. 
 Nabby wrote:
  I do not believe they sent cash as He did not allow 
  such contributions; but flowers and fruits, chairs 
  and tents; obviously.
 Have you ever heard of the Jyotirmath Trust Fund? What 
 do you think a Trust Fund does, Nabby? It takes 
 donations from wealthy patrons and puts it in the bank 
 in a 'trust fund' to be spent for worthy causes. Where
 do you think they got all the money to rebuild the
 Jyotirmath Ashram?
 Yes, I insist that Guru Dev attended, if not 
 organized, the Delhi Mahayagna in 1943, and 
 with the help of  Mr. Raj Varma and his nephew, 
 Bal Bramhacharya who also attended the event, 
 sitting right next to the Guru Dev. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-27 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason premanandp...@... wrote:

 As far as I can gather Guru Dev seldom visited Jyotirmath, perhaps only twice 
 during his tenure as Shankaracharya. His main ashram was in Benares (it is 
 still there)  that ashram is dedicated to his guru and funded by a trust in 
 Dandi Swami Krishanand's name.
 Regarding his expenditures, all sources are agreed that he used some sort of 
 divine purse, that he had some sort of siddhi that dealt with material funds. 
 Yes, I know it seems very childish to believe such things are possible, but 
 unless accounts of some trust are discovered, which show that Guru Dev was 
 supported by benefactors' donations, I 
 for one will continue to keep an open mind.

Considering who and what Guru Dev is/was, it seems perfectly reasonable to me 
that he indeed DID have the spiritual status to manifest wealth for his 
purposes without relying on conventional outside sources.

== Guru Dev was known for his self-sufficiency and would not accept donations 
from anyone, whether rich or poor. In fact, a sign was erected at his ashram 
which said,

Worthy of Worship, Infinitely Bestowed, 
The Universal Guru Shankaracharya Jyotirmath, 
Swami Brahmananda Saraswati Maharaj 
prohibits any offerings of wealth.

Among the sages of India, the concept of self-sufficiency has a special 

First, it means one who is filled with love of the Divine and beyond personal 
human relationships. 

Second, it means one who is beyond personal attachments and cannot be swayed 
from right action. 

And third, it means one who lives without any earthly means of support. ==

~~I believe you have the above in your archives, Paul.

 On the subject of controversy, I recently had a German initiator contact me 
 to tell me how Maharishi declared to about seventy course participants on the 
 Spiritual Guides Course in Rishikesh early 1970 that Guru Dev had been killed 
 by rat poison administered repeatedly by the cook. And I had thought this was 
 just a rumour created and circulated on AMT. Does anyone else at FFL remember 
 Maharishi saying this?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_reply@ wrote:
 Wait a minute: How long will it take for Rick 
 Archer, or for that fellow Vaj or that scumbag 
 paulmason, to start claiming that none of these 
 Saints actually were present on this occasion 
 in Delhi, 1943?

About thirty-six minutes, Nabby. 

  Nabby wrote:
   I do not believe they sent cash as He did not allow 
   such contributions; but flowers and fruits, chairs 
   and tents; obviously.
  Have you ever heard of the Jyotirmath Trust Fund? What 
  do you think a Trust Fund does, Nabby? It takes 
  donations from wealthy patrons and puts it in the bank 
  in a 'trust fund' to be spent for worthy causes. Where
  do you think they got all the money to rebuild the
  Jyotirmath Ashram?
  Yes, I insist that Guru Dev attended, if not 
  organized, the Delhi Mahayagna in 1943, and 
  with the help of  Mr. Raj Varma and his nephew, 
  Bal Bramhacharya who also attended the event, 
  sitting right next to the Guru Dev. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-27 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

Wait a minute: How long will it take for Rick 
Archer, or for that fellow Vaj or that scumbag 
paulmason, to start claiming that none of these 
Saints actually were present on this occasion 
in Delhi, 1943?
   About thirty-six minutes, Nabby. 
 do you think they got all the money to rebuild the
 Jyotirmath Ashram?

From He who gives the whole thing, the real thing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-27 Thread authfriend
Whatever did happen to Michael Jackson, here's 
a video reminder of the person he was underneath
all the glitz and neuroses:


This was shot for a Pepsi commercial in 1992.
Kudos to the Pepsi folks for having the restraint
to capture this lovely glimpse of his shining,
gentle, tender aspect just as it was.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-27 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 Whatever did happen to Michael Jackson, here's 
 a video reminder of the person he was underneath
 all the glitz and neuroses:
 This was shot for a Pepsi commercial in 1992.
 Kudos to the Pepsi folks for having the restraint
 to capture this lovely glimpse of his shining,
 gentle, tender aspect just as it was.

Very lovely.

I remember as a resident when the Thriller album came out and we would goof 
around moonwalking the hospital hallways.  Such fun!  I can still do a pretty 
good Micheal Jackson dance moves.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bh...@... wrote:

 And how will he reincarnate?
 I believe he once practiced TM.
 Too bad they die so young.

This leaves us to wonder if there is a price for fame, glory and money.  
Perhaps, if he had requested for yagyas, he would have lived longer to reap the 
benefits of his notoriety.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bhrma@ wrote:
  And how will he reincarnate?
  I believe he once practiced TM.
  Too bad they die so young.
 This leaves us to wonder if there is a price for fame, 
 glory and money. Perhaps, if he had requested for yagyas, 
 he would have lived longer to reap the benefits of his 

And people think *Michael Jackson* was crazy!  :-)

John, please explain to us how the basis of your 
belief that paying money to the owners of young
boys sold into pundit-slavery to support their
families back in India is any different than the
ceremony performed in the video on this page:


In the video, a church in Connecticut performs an
exorcism to rid a young man of his homosexuality.
No shit. ( As a side note to those who have been
following the latest episodes of True Blood, 
does this not remind you of the anti-vampire
Bible thumpers in that series? )

So explain to me, John, how your belief that paying
young slave-boys to chant for you will extend your
life is that much different than these people 
believing that chanting the name of Jeezuz will
cure this kid of being gay. 

I mean...I'm really curious. To me, *both* beliefs
look crazier to me than Michael Jackson believing
that sleeping in a glass Snow White's coffin with
oxygen pumped into it at high pressure would keep
*him* alive and well and moonwalking forever.

All I can do is shake my head and wonder at the silly
things that human beings believe, and the things they
focus on. Two celebrities (our modern age's replace-
ment for gods) die on the same day, and of one -- a
child molester who was so addicted to plastic surgery
that he turned himself into one of his own monsters
from Thriller -- some crazed fan says, No joke. 
King of Pop is no more. Wow. It's like when Kennedy 
was assassinated. I will always remember being in 
Times Square when Michael Jackson died.

Meanwhile, another celebrity, she of the blonde hair,
far-too-many-teeth and perky nipples, garners mainly
tributes from her friends and family. *Her* death does
not seem to be causing crowds to form in Times Square,
possibly because she represented a *healthy* sexuality
and people prefer their sexuality either repressed 
(like John) or bent (like the fans of MJ). 

I am reminded of the announcer on French television
who used to end his broadcast by reading the latest
outrage, like George W. Bush lobbying to be nominated
for the Nobel Peace Prize, and then looking into the
camera and saying, Le monde est fou, fou, fou.

The world is crazy, crazy, crazy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread Vaj

On Jun 25, 2009, at 10:43 PM, seekliberation wrote:

But some respect for MJ.
Let us all take a moment to remember the all children he touched...

Too bad they don't get macheted younger.

I'm aware MJ was quite a freak, there's no denying this.  Regarding  
the children he allegedly molested, when the rumors and charges  
first came out, I assumed he was probably guilty.  But as the years  
went by, and more information came out, I changed my mind to think  
there's at least some possibility he may have not been guilty.

According to enlightened TMer, Robin Woodsworth Carlsen, MJ was an  
angel on earth.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread Vaj

On Jun 26, 2009, at 2:02 AM, John wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bh...@...  

And how will he reincarnate?
I believe he once practiced TM.
Too bad they die so young.

This leaves us to wonder if there is a price for fame, glory and  
money.  Perhaps, if he had requested for yagyas, he would have  
lived longer to reap the benefits of his notoriety.

Or more likely: he would have been even shorter on cash.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bhrma@ wrote:
  And how will he reincarnate?
  I believe he once practiced TM.
  Too bad they die so young.
 This leaves us to wonder if there is a price for fame, glory and money.  
 Perhaps, if he had requested for yagyas, he would have lived longer to reap 
 the benefits of his notoriety.

TMO yagyas for ca$h? What a fraud! 

Do you really think you can pay someone else to turn to God for you? ... to do 
your praying for you... as a substitute for your OWN prayers and sadhana?

That's called 'Buying a Stairway to Heaven,' or 'Paying cash for God.' Get a 
clue. It doesn't work that way, John. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread Peter L Sutphen

If he had requested yagyas he would have lived longer? I assume you are 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 26, 2009, at 2:02 AM, John jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bh...@... wrote:

And how will he reincarnate?
I believe he once practiced TM.
Too bad they die so young.

This leaves us to wonder if there is a price for fame, glory and money.  
Perhaps, if he had requested for yagyas, he would have lived longer to reap the 
benefits of his notoriety.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread WillyTex
 That's called 'Buying a Stairway to Heaven,' 
 or 'Paying cash for God.' Get a clue. It doesn't 
 work that way, John.

It's pretty common knowledge that Guru Dev used 
to participate in 'yagyas' during WWII; you can 
call it anyhting you want to. So maybe you need to 
get a clue: that's the way it works, John. You
already know this - how many dollars have you
tithed to the Mormon church? Why you're acting
stupid here is beyond me. Go figure.


According to Lynn Napper: Guru Dev toured 
all over India attracting thousands where ever 
he went. His darshan was now easy to obtain, 
but it came with a risk of lifelong attachment 
to him. He conducted many ceremonies on special 
days all through India. He was the center of 
attraction at the 1942 Kumbhamela in Allahabad. 
In Delhi he presided over a great yagya on the 
banks of the Yamuna. Yousands of people came 
to watch (Napper 136).

..the photo shown at the above link is the very 
same one on page 37 of the Life article I cited.  
Interestingly, the Life photo is a cropped 
version (missing a bit at the top and a little 
at the bottom). I tried to find a reference to 
a photographer or photograph news agency 
accompanying the photo, but there were none. 

Read more:

From: Shemp McGurk
Subject: Re: Guru Dev's Mahayajna
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: January 5, 2003

Yes, I insist that Guru Dev attended, if not 
organized, the Delhi Mahayagna in 1943, and 
with the help of  Mr. Raj Varma and his nephew, 
Bal Bramhacharya who also attended the event, 
sitting right next to the Guru Dev. 

Read more:

From: Willytex
Subject: Re: Guru Dev's Mahayajna
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: January 11, 2003

Works cited:

'Our Spiritual Heritage'
An Informal History of the Shankaracharya Order.
By Lynn Napper
Hesperdes, 1998 

'Truth is One'
The Story of the World's Great Living Religions 
in Pictures and Text.
By Henry James Forman and Roland Gammon
Harper  Row, 1954
page 12

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

 Yes, I insist that Guru Dev attended, if not 
 organized, the Delhi Mahayagna in 1943, and 
 with the help of  Mr. Raj Varma and his nephew, 
 Bal Bramhacharya who also attended the event, 
 sitting right next to the Guru Dev. 

Wait a minute: How long will it take for Rick Archer, or for that fellow Vaj 
or that scumbag paulmason, to start claiming that none of these Saints actually 
were present on this occasion in Delhi, 1943 ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_reply@ wrote:
  Yes, I insist that Guru Dev attended, if not 
  organized, the Delhi Mahayagna in 1943, and 
  with the help of  Mr. Raj Varma and his nephew, 
  Bal Bramhacharya who also attended the event, 
  sitting right next to the Guru Dev.

The key difference is that the people THEMSELVES collectively PARTICIPATED in 
that Mahayagya over which Guru Dev presided. The massive crowds of people's 
hearts and minds were DIRECTLY INVOLVED in the process. 

That's totally different from sending cash to the TMO for someone else to do 
the whole thing like the TMO recommends as they ring their ca$h registers. 

You can't pay pay someone else to turn to God for you ... to do
your praying for you... as a substitute for your OWN prayers and sadhana.

It doesn't work that way.

 Wait a minute: How long will it take for Rick Archer, or for that fellow 
 Vaj or that scumbag paulmason, to start claiming that none of these Saints 
 actually were present on this occasion in Delhi, 1943 ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bh...@... wrote:

 And how will he reincarnate?
 I believe he once practiced TM.

Extremely unlikely? I think he was a Jehova's witness!

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread WillyTex
  Yes, I insist that Guru Dev attended, if not 
  organized, the Delhi Mahayagna in 1943, and 
  with the help of  Mr. Raj Varma and his nephew, 
  Bal Bramhacharya who also attended the event, 
  sitting right next to the Guru Dev. 
nablusoss wrote:
 Wait a minute: How long will it take for Rick 
 Archer, or for that fellow Vaj or that scumbag 
 paulmason, to start claiming that none of these 
 Saints actually were present on this occasion 
 in Delhi, 1943?

About thirty-six minutes, Nabby. 

From what I've read, even the President of India 
and many, many other devotees, sent cash to help 
Guru Dev perform this Mahayagya. People have been
sending cash for the performance of Yagyas in 
India for at least 3,000 years.

According to some people, because the Guru Dev
performed this Yagya, WWII lasted only a few 
years instead of fifty. I don't know.

The key difference is that the people THEMSELVES 
collectively PARTICIPATED in that Mahayagya over 
which Guru Dev presided. The massive crowds of 
people's hearts and minds were DIRECTLY INVOLVED 
in the process. That's totally different from 
sending cash to the TMO for someone else to do the 
whole thing like the TMO recommends as they ring 
their ca$h registers. You can't pay pay someone 
else to turn to God for you ... to do your praying 
for you... as a substitute for your OWN prayers 
and sadhana. It doesn't work that way. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread WillyTex
  I believe he once practiced TM.
cardemaister wrote:
 Extremely unlikely?

Apparently Michael Jackson learned TM from
Deepak Chopra, along with Madonna and Shirley 

Deepak Inc. attracted its share of celebrity 
pilgrims seeking higher truths. Madonna and 
Michael Jackson and George Harrison tuned in...


'Inner Peacekeeper'
By Tom Dunkel
Baltimore Sun, April 29, 2005 

Read more:

From: Willytex
Subject: Depackage Deep Stuff
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: May 19, 2005 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bhrma@ wrote:
   And how will he reincarnate?
   I believe he once practiced TM.
   Too bad they die so young.
  This leaves us to wonder if there is a price for fame, 
  glory and money. Perhaps, if he had requested for yagyas, 
  he would have lived longer to reap the benefits of his 
 And people think *Michael Jackson* was crazy!  :-)
 John, please explain to us how the basis of your 
 belief that paying money to the owners of young
 boys sold into pundit-slavery to support their
 families back in India is any different than the
 ceremony performed in the video on this page:

It's all a matter of belief.  That's what counts.  If he was born into the 
Hindu culture, it would have been an act of faith for him to request the yagya 
needed to mitigate any bad karmas he may have incurred in the past or the 
present life.

Since he was born Christian, or a Jehovah Witness, it would have been an act of 
faith to request his minister to perform a ceremony or rite to give thanks for 
the benefits he had received in this life time.  For example, among Catholics 
it is part of tradition to request a mass to be requested for those who are 
sick or who have passed away.

According to MMY in his commentary to the Gita, doing TM is a form of yagya.  
We don't know if Jackson was a meditator or if he was initiated into TM, we 
don't know if he continued his practice.

Esta bien?

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter L Sutphen drpetersutp...@... 

 If he had requested yagyas he would have lived longer? I assume you are 

No, I'm not joking.  Please, see my response to Barry, our resident Buddhist or 

 Sent from my iPhone
 On Jun 26, 2009, at 2:02 AM, John jr_...@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bhrma@ wrote:
 And how will he reincarnate?
 I believe he once practiced TM.
 Too bad they die so young.
 This leaves us to wonder if there is a price for fame, glory and money.  
 Perhaps, if he had requested for yagyas, he would have lived longer to reap 
 the benefits of his notoriety.
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[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bhrma@ wrote:
And how will he reincarnate?
I believe he once practiced TM.
Too bad they die so young.
   This leaves us to wonder if there is a price for fame, 
   glory and money. Perhaps, if he had requested for yagyas, 
   he would have lived longer to reap the benefits of his 
  And people think *Michael Jackson* was crazy!  :-)
  John, please explain to us how the basis of your 
  belief that paying money to the owners of young
  boys sold into pundit-slavery to support their
  families back in India is any different than the
  ceremony performed in the video on this page:
 It's all a matter of belief.  That's what counts.  If he 
 was born into the Hindu culture, it would have been an 
 act of faith for him to request the yagya needed to 
 mitigate any bad karmas he may have incurred in the 
 past or the present life.
 Since he was born Christian, or a Jehovah Witness, it 
 would have been an act of faith to request his minister 
 to perform a ceremony or rite to give thanks for the 
 benefits he had received in this life time.  For example, 
 among Catholics it is part of tradition to request a mass 
 to be requested for those who are sick or who have passed 
 According to MMY in his commentary to the Gita, doing TM 
 is a form of yagya.  We don't know if Jackson was a 
 meditator or if he was initiated into TM, we don't know 
 if he continued his practice.
 Esta bien?

I stand on my original statement:

And people think *Michael Jackson* was crazy!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread Vaj

On Jun 26, 2009, at 5:02 PM, John wrote:

 And people think *Michael Jackson* was crazy!  :-)

 John, please explain to us how the basis of your
 belief that paying money to the owners of young
 boys sold into pundit-slavery to support their
 families back in India is any different than the
 ceremony performed in the video on this page:

 It's all a matter of belief.  That's what counts.  If he was born  
 into the Hindu culture, it would have been an act of faith for him  
 to request the yagya needed to mitigate any bad karmas he may have  
 incurred in the past or the present life.

Since you've heard your spin on Hindu culture from a Brahmanic slant,  
this is what you believe. But not all Hindus subscribe to these  
Brahmin trappings, in fact Vedic interest is waning--dying--in India.  
It's really only the slant on Hinduism we got through the filter of  
the British Raj that makes it seem as if 'the Brahmins are in charge  
and what they say is they way things go'. There's more to India than  
Brahmin dreams of a mythical Vedism. Most of Hinduism in Tantric in  

There's an on-going backlash in India on the whole idea of Brahmin  

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bhrma@ wrote:
   And how will he reincarnate?
   I believe he once practiced TM.
   Too bad they die so young.
  This leaves us to wonder if there is a price for fame, 
  glory and money. Perhaps, if he had requested for yagyas, 
  he would have lived longer to reap the benefits of his 
 And people think *Michael Jackson* was crazy!  :-)
 John, please explain to us how the basis of your 
 belief that paying money to the owners of young
 boys sold into pundit-slavery to support their
 families back in India is any different than the
 ceremony performed in the video on this page:
 In the video, a church in Connecticut performs an
 exorcism to rid a young man of his homosexuality.
 No shit. ( As a side note to those who have been
 following the latest episodes of True Blood, 
 does this not remind you of the anti-vampire
 Bible thumpers in that series? )
 So explain to me, John, how your belief that paying
 young slave-boys to chant for you will extend your
 life is that much different than these people 
 believing that chanting the name of Jeezuz will
 cure this kid of being gay. 
 I mean...I'm really curious. To me, *both* beliefs
 look crazier to me than Michael Jackson believing
 that sleeping in a glass Snow White's coffin with
 oxygen pumped into it at high pressure would keep
 *him* alive and well and moonwalking forever.
 All I can do is shake my head and wonder at the silly
 things that human beings believe, and the things they
 focus on. Two celebrities (our modern age's replace-
 ment for gods) die on the same day, and of one -- a
 child molester who was so addicted to plastic surgery
 that he turned himself into one of his own monsters
 from Thriller -- some crazed fan says, No joke. 
 King of Pop is no more. Wow. It's like when Kennedy 
 was assassinated. I will always remember being in 
 Times Square when Michael Jackson died.
 Meanwhile, another celebrity, she of the blonde hair,
 far-too-many-teeth and perky nipples, garners mainly
 tributes from her friends and family. *Her* death does
 not seem to be causing crowds to form in Times Square,
 possibly because she represented a *healthy* sexuality
 and people prefer their sexuality either repressed 
 (like John) or bent (like the fans of MJ). 
 I am reminded of the announcer on French television
 who used to end his broadcast by reading the latest
 outrage, like George W. Bush lobbying to be nominated
 for the Nobel Peace Prize, and then looking into the
 camera and saying, Le monde est fou, fou, fou.
 The world is crazy, crazy, crazy.

Like 'The Beatles' claimed, in the last line of their last song:
'The love you take, is equal to the love, you make...

How much did this soul, touch all the other souls?
Someone like the Princess of Wales, Diana, touched our collective soul...
Someone like John Lennon, touched all of our souls...

Some other ones, when they die, we breath a sigh of relief...

Some other die, like Elinor Rigby, who picks up the rice, where a wedding has 
Others like Father McKinsey, wipes the dirt from his hands, as he walks from 
her grave...
All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
All the lonely people, where do they all belong?


[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-26 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jun 26, 2009, at 5:02 PM, John wrote:
  And people think *Michael Jackson* was crazy!  :-)
  John, please explain to us how the basis of your
  belief that paying money to the owners of young
  boys sold into pundit-slavery to support their
  families back in India is any different than the
  ceremony performed in the video on this page:
  It's all a matter of belief.  That's what counts.  If he was born  
  into the Hindu culture, it would have been an act of faith for him  
  to request the yagya needed to mitigate any bad karmas he may have  
  incurred in the past or the present life.
 Since you've heard your spin on Hindu culture from a Brahmanic slant,  
 this is what you believe. But not all Hindus subscribe to these  
 Brahmin trappings, in fact Vedic interest is waning--dying--in India.  
 It's really only the slant on Hinduism we got through the filter of  
 the British Raj that makes it seem as if 'the Brahmins are in charge  
 and what they say is they way things go'. There's more to India than  
 Brahmin dreams of a mythical Vedism. Most of Hinduism in Tantric in  
 There's an on-going backlash in India on the whole idea of Brahmin  

I think this is an ongoing backlash around the world, 
For anyone preaching against materialism...

The supremacy now in India, is measured in dollars and cents, or rupees, same 

When in Roma, do what the Roma's do doo...


[FairfieldLife] Re: What happened to Michael Jackson?

2009-06-25 Thread seekliberation

 But some respect for MJ.
 Let us all take a moment to remember the all children he touched...
 Too bad they don't get macheted younger.

I'm aware MJ was quite a freak, there's no denying this.  Regarding the 
children he allegedly molested, when the rumors and charges first came out, I 
assumed he was probably guilty.  But as the years went by, and more information 
came out, I changed my mind to think there's at least some possibility he may 
have not been guilty.

First of all, the first kid accusing him was supposedly a cancer survivor.  
Turns out he never had cancer, and also tried to get money from Jay Leno and 
Chris Tucker in some other schemes.  So that case was closed.  

Then years later I thought to myself, what would any 40 yr old man want a child 
in his bed for?  There's only one logical thing I could think of.  And that's 
why I think MJ has a 'possibility' of being innocent.  Because it seems like 
the only logical thing to want a child in your bed for.  I think MJ is so 
freaking wierd that there's a possibility that he didn't molest those kids.  He 
could still be guilty.  What keeps the idea of guilt alive is the fact that the 
issue kept coming up over and over.  But I think the automatic assumption that 
molestation is the only logical conclusion takes away the reality that he was 
too mentally fucked up to predict his motives when doing anything he did in his 
