[FairfieldLife] Re: What is it that most people are most afraid of?

2008-07-16 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My theory -- and it's ONLY a theory, a half-baked opinion --
 explains SO MUCH of what we see in the world around us,
 and on this forum. Think about the sometimes over-the-top
 ways that people react to the idea that maybe Maharishi
 wasn't right about everything, or that America is not 
 exactly the beacon of wealth, happiness, liberty, justice, 
 and freedom for all it pretends to be. Some people go 
 CRAZY when these beliefs are challenged. 
 And WHY? Well, I think it's because they perceive -- and
 correctly -- that if the things that these heretics are
 saying about the things that they believe are true, then 
 their beliefs themselves are not true, or not complete. 

No doubt this does happen from time to time.
However, it's a mistake for the heretics to
assume that all resistance to their attempts to
set believers straight is due to the latter's 
fear of cognitive dissonance.

This assumption, in fact, can become a defense
against cognitive dissonance *on the part of the
heretics*. It can get turned around into the
proposition that if believers reject what the
heretics are telling them, it's because what
the heretics are saying is correct.

In fact, it's entirely possible that it's the
heretics who are incorrect, and the believers
are pointing that out.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What is it that most people are most afraid of?

2008-07-16 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is just a café rap inspired by a previous post 
 to Richard Hughes earlier today, about whether demos
 of people flying would radically change people's minds
 about the TMO. If you didn't like the original rap,
 you aren't going to like this one, so hit NEXT now. :-)
 So what is the Big Bad Boogey Man, the thing that most
 people on this planet are most afraid of?
 Some are going to say death, but I'm going to disagree.
 That's kind of a given, and most people have found ways
 to either never think about the prospect or to have some
 comforting belief about what death involves. 
 So, are most people most afraid of terrorism? Of losing
 their jobs or a way to make a living and ending up poor
 and homeless? Of bad things happening to them or their 
 loved ones? If you watch the news, it's clear that all 
 of these are BIG fears in the minds of a lot of people 
 on this planet. But I don't think any of them is the 
 biggest fear, the Big Bad Boogey Man himself.
 I think that the BBBM -- the thing that most people are
 most afraid of -- is cognitive dissonance. Most people
 are most afraid of changing their minds.
 I think that the thing they fear the most is that the 
 belief systems that they have constructed or adopted to 
 explain the world around them and how it works are 
 wrong or incomplete, and that if they ever admit this, 
 they'll be in a position of Having No Clue, having to 
 start over and come up with a *new* belief system to 
 explain the world around them.
 My theory -- and it's ONLY a theory, a half-baked opinion --
 explains SO MUCH of what we see in the world around us,
 and on this forum. Think about the sometimes over-the-top
 ways that people react to the idea that maybe Maharishi
 wasn't right about everything, or that America is not 
 exactly the beacon of wealth, happiness, liberty, justice, 
 and freedom for all it pretends to be. Some people go 
 CRAZY when these beliefs are challenged. 
 And WHY? Well, I think it's because they perceive -- and
 correctly -- that if the things that these heretics are
 saying about the things that they believe are true, then 
 their beliefs themselves are not true, or not complete. 
 And if that were so, what then? 
 The people who react with anger or TBness IMO perceive a 
 quagmire of *cognitive dissonance* lurking behind the
 heretics and what they are saying. And they're right. 
 But WHY do they fear this?
 One would think that a seeker of truth would be *pleased*
 to discover that his previous beliefs about a subject 
 were incorrect or only partially correct. That would mean
 that the seeker HAD LEARNED SOMETHING NEW. He or 
 she would have *grown*, expanded his or her knowledge of
 the world around them. They wouldn't have lost anything
 at all, except the illusory certainty that they knew
 everything about the world around them already.
 As a Buddhist, what I see in the overreactions some have
 to their core beliefs being challenged is attachment. If 
 they were unattached to their beliefs, what would there be
 to fear in having to change them, based on new information?
 And yet people DO fear changing their beliefs. They fight
 WARS to keep from changing their beliefs, and to impose 
 those beliefs on others. 
 I think these people are fearful for no reason, and that
 cognitive dissonance is a Good Thing. I think it's the
 thing that indicates progress -- both intellectual progress 
 and spiritual progress. If you still believe exactly the 
 same things today that you did last year, IMO you have made 
 no progress and learned nothing new during that year. 
 The fearful would say, But...but...but my beliefs haven't
 changed because they're RIGHT. That could be. Or it could 
 be that their fear that their beliefs AREN'T right or 
 complete has made them attack or close themselves off to 
 new knowledge that might reveal that their previous beliefs 
 weren't right ENOUGH. They weren't quite there yet.
 So, my theory is that the Biggest Baddest Boogey Man for
 most people is the fear of cognitive dissonance -- the
 realization that something you believed could not possibly
 happen IS happening, right in front of you. Or conversely,
 that the things you believed with absolute certainty will 
 happen aren't happening. When they are confronted with the 
 potential for cognitive dissonance, they react with the 
 fight or flight response -- they lash out or close down, 
 to try to make that potential GO AWAY.
 IMO, what they are lashing out at and closing themselves
 off to is the universe trying to teach them something new.

Very insightful post, Thanks...

[FairfieldLife] Re: What is it that most people are most afraid of?

2008-07-16 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
 I think that the BBBM -- the thing that most people are
 most afraid of -- is cognitive dissonance. Most people
 are most afraid of changing their minds.
Is that what 'cognitive dissonance' means? A fear of 
changing your minds? How many 'minds' do people have
to change?

In psychology, cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable 
feeling or stress caused by holding two contradictory 
ideas simultaneously. The theory of cognitive dissonance 
proposes that people have a fundamental cognitive drive 
to reduce this dissonance by modifying an existing belief, 
or rejecting one of the contradictory ideas.

Cognitive dissonance: