--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I was talking to a friend who is very well connected
> in the TMO and the subject of why the Maharishi Effect
> doesn't seem to be all that effective (if at all) came
> up. Turns out I was wrong about everything but I'd never
> heard the particular set of excuses, erm sorry "reasons"
> before.
> One thing of interest was the floods this year near Vedic
> city. Contrary to Bobs idea that they were purging the 
> world of sinners and those unfit to join in the wonderful
> AofE, it turns out they were caused be nature destroying
> the crops of non-organic farmers! The fools, they'll pay 
> for their crimes against nature.
> That was according to Bevan anyway. Also MMY had asked him
> how the IA course was going and Bevan was embarrassed
> to say that they couldn't seem to ever get the numbers right,
> MMY apparently laughed and said that this was the protective
> hand of Mother Nature. If we had gone straight to maximum
> coherence and maintained it it would have shook America too
> much, it would have been dramatic and dangerous.
> So there you go, it's all for a reason. The numbers go up
> and the resulting chaos from all that power has to be 
> stabilised before the next onslaught. Everything negative
> in society has to go and Nature will only let it happen
> gradually. It all makes sense now, yes?

Well, I talked to someone, who lives up in Cedar Rapids, and when I 
visited there, it felt really stressed out, and polluted...
She said, that recently, before the floods, she was walking around 
downtown Cedar Rapids, and was remarking to herself, that the city 
felt empty of any real culture. The streets were lined with new 
building, bland life-less feeling, there, she said.
She said, that the only real popular club downtown, had been the new 
bar, that has opened, a little ago, and featured some kind of 
transexual revue...
This was the extent of the high life, in Cedar Rapids,
Plus, the whole city was built, in the water plane.
So, there you have it.

Perhaps it was the same with New Orleans;
A basket full of karma there.
Used to be used for the Slave Trade, big time...
Has all kinds of voodoo, black majik, bars, alcohol, drunks are 
encouraged, lot's of racial tension.. and so on..

Perhaps Indra and  Vaiyuam have intelligence when they create the 
spin of the storm, the spark of the light, and the sound the thunder.
Just perhaps, this is so...

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