Barry pulling back: Version 30.0

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 I think I reached a "cusp" with regard to my participation in this tiny frog 
pond in cyberspace we call Fairfield Life recently, during my vacation in 
France and after returning to Leiden. As I've said before, due to the 
overposting of a few and the Duh! quotient of a few others, I realized that 
reading through FFL had become more a chore for me than it was a pleasure. 
That's always a bit of a red flag...I don't tend to linger long around either 
women or environments that are as "high maintenance" as FFL had become. :-)

I could have reacted to this by just going away, as so many before me have 
done. But every so often Xeno or Salyavin or Michael or Bhairitu or merudanda 
or azgrey or Alex or any number of other people post something really 
interesting, something that tempts me both to read it and reply. I realized 
that I'd actually *miss* that if I gave up on the place and followed Curtis, 
Vaj, Marek, Joe, Sally Sunshine and so, so many others into the sunset. 

At the same time, I'm a pragmatic occultist and I want my time at Fairfield 
Life to be as productive as possible, requiring of me as little wasted time as 
possible. With that in mind, I have chosen to keep on truckin' along the FFL 
Way, but while technologically pursuing the path of ignoring and not bothering 
to read posts made by a small number of people. They all have a track record of 
wasting my time. I don't want to waste my time any more. They're toast. 

The way I figure it, ignoring these people enables me to avoid having to 
interact with them at the same time I get to stick around and enjoy the posts 
of people I *do* enjoy interacting with. Win-Win.

Some people would call this an exercise in mindfulness. You may call it 
whatever you want. 

If it twists your panties and makes you feel the need to call it -- or me -- 
something nasty, chances are I'll auto-nuke your post and never read it. 

See what I mean? Win-Win. :-) :-)


  • [FairfieldLife] Win-Win TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
    • [FairfieldLife] Re:... [FairfieldLife]

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