[FairfieldLife] Re: meowthirteen

2011-01-11 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "parsleysage" 
She likes the dried goji berri and mulberry trail mix especially. She
eats the raisins-?

I would guess that as a carnavore she likes carnavore food more though?

[FairfieldLife] Re: meowthirteen

2011-01-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:55 AM, parsleysage wrote:
> >
> > She eats the raisins-?...more later. Thanks for caring about her.
> You do know raisins are toxic to cats and dogs, right?

Yup. As are things like chocolate, garlic, onions, some
nuts, and tomatoes. Here's an article on the subject:


The problem is that in many cases the cats or dogs in
question actually like or even crave the foods that are
toxic to them. My dogs would eat any morsel of chocolate
left available to them. Better safe than sorry when it 
comes to our pets...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: meowthirteen

2011-01-11 Thread Vaj

On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:55 AM, parsleysage wrote:

She eats the raisins-?...more later. Thanks for caring about her.

You do know raisins are toxic to cats and dogs, right?

[FairfieldLife] Re: meowthirteen

2011-01-11 Thread parsleysage
I would be most delighted complete w pics! As soon as i can! Today i am 
traveling for work, so sometime this week. She is almost like a circus kitty, 
she can walk on her hind legs and stands up and grabs treats. She started doing 
this on her own. She loves the herbs i get from Everybody s . Everytime she 
hears me rustling in the back to get a particular this or that, she runs back 
there.She likes the dried goji berri and mulberry trail mix especially. She 
eats the raisins-?...more later.  Thanks for caring about her.  :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey  wrote:
> Can we get a status report on the Christmas kitty you adopted last year?

[FairfieldLife] Re: meowthirteen

2010-01-04 Thread nelson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey  wrote:
> > Be mindful feeding feral cats in the city nelson. It may not be
> > the best solution as it encourages reproduction. A small 
> > problem grows quickly. I'm not suggesting you let them starve.
> > I'm suggesting that other solutions must be coupled with feeding.
> He's right, Nelson. You might want to check around and
> see if there are any animal shelters or vets who would
> be willing to spay/neuter the cats at no charge or for
> a reduced fee if you brought them in. Some of them might
> even be adoptable, but that's iffy with ferals. In most
> cases, after the surgery you'd need to take them back 
> to wherever they'd been hanging out.
  The cats are quite concerned that there is a cat shortage and,
 usually work hard to correct the problem.
  In the case here, there has been a long time effort to catch them and make 
them more socially responsible.
   Sometimes, there are reduced rates at the vet or some sponsoring agency that 
helps out.
   Some of the cats took a lot of tries to trap but now, it looks like things 
are pretty much under control.

[FairfieldLife] Re: meowthirteen

2010-01-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey  wrote:

> Be mindful feeding feral cats in the city nelson. It may not be
> the best solution as it encourages reproduction. A small 
> problem grows quickly. I'm not suggesting you let them starve.
> I'm suggesting that other solutions must be coupled with feeding.

He's right, Nelson. You might want to check around and
see if there are any animal shelters or vets who would
be willing to spay/neuter the cats at no charge or for
a reduced fee if you brought them in. Some of them might
even be adoptable, but that's iffy with ferals. In most
cases, after the surgery you'd need to take them back 
to wherever they'd been hanging out.

[FairfieldLife] Re: meowthirteen

2010-01-03 Thread azgrey

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nelson"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13  wrote:
> > 
> > > The End
> > > roll credits
> > > show snap shots of future snugglings with kitten
> > >  
> > >  
> > > true story
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Bravo! Brava! Bravi!
> >
>Nice story Meowy.
>At work, in town, there are a number of ferals that I help feed and, some 
> of them have become more social to where they come in and complain if there 
> isn't something to eat.
>One of them will often sit on my shoulder and and act blissed out- pur, 
> purr, rub, etc,  
> Living out in the county, it is dog country and, we have always had some 
> drop offs or throw aways that turn out to be great friends.
>Maybe it is my imagination but it seems they might be gratefull to have a 
> home and not have starved.

Be mindful feeding feral cats in the city nelson. It may not be
the best solution as it encourages reproduction. A small 
problem grows quickly. I'm not suggesting you let them starve.
I'm suggesting that other solutions must be coupled with feeding.
In the country, as you mentioned, it is a different story. 

I share your tendency toward anthropomorphism. The experience
of feeling that gratefulness is very real. Used to think I was kinda
being silly. I long ago gave up caring and chose to revel in the 
whole phenomenology of it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: meowthirteen

2010-01-03 Thread azgrey

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nelson"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13  wrote:
> > 
> > > The End
> > > roll credits
> > > show snap shots of future snugglings with kitten
> > >  
> > >  
> > > true story
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Bravo! Brava! Bravi!
> >
>Nice story Meowy.
>At work, in town, there are a number of ferals that I help feed and, some 
> of them have become more social to where they come in and complain if there 
> isn't something to eat.
>One of them will often sit on my shoulder and and act blissed out- pur, 
> purr, rub, etc,  
> Living out in the county, it is dog country and, we have always had some 
> drop offs or throw aways that turn out to be great friends.
>Maybe it is my imagination but it seems they might be gratefull to have a 
> home and not have starved.

Be mindfull when feeding them nelson. I'm not suggesting
you let feral cats starve. I'm suggesting that there may be
ways of caring for them that don't involve encouraging 
them to reproduce at will. Organized groups that feed 
feral cats where I reside would not cease and are now being
cited and forced to desist. Heart felt good deeds were turning
a small problem into a huge one.   

[FairfieldLife] Re: meowthirteen

2010-01-03 Thread azgrey
Wow. I'm completely floored. That's soo cool. Perfect. 
Maybe a schnauser puppy will wander into the neighborhood
come springtime.  Thank you for taking the time to
share such a great tale. Your joy is palpable and contagious. 

It's none of my biz, but this isn't the first time you have mentioned
husband's wrath. Here's to hoping that is merely a rhetorical device. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13  wrote:
> Scene one
> husband having past mentioned dispising all things 'kitty'
> kitty paw prints,etc..all the things kitties do as @$#%%^&!!!
> whilst speaking softly, cuddly ish about a schnauser he had and dogs in 
> general...
> Scene two
> wife of husband dare not do anything with feline due to fear of husbands 
> wrath on her or kitten,
> fearing God s wrath on her/karmic reprocussions however, she get a box and 
> puts her rabbit fur sleves cut off her coat and some bear fur so found at a 
> garage sale in it...makes a 'nest'.Tucks box and kitten in it under deck 
> within the arms of the riding lawn mower.
> Wife feeds and waters and brushes kitten.
> scene three
> Husband does not tell wife, but cleans out garage like a doting father baby 
> proofing the home.He takes the kitten into his lair(the garage,his cave of 
> zen 'space') throws down a paper bag,a belt from the snowblower that broke,a 
> zip tie, and teaches the kitty to "shake".
> scene four
> wife goes out to give kitty warm eggs she watered down for easy eating, mixed 
> with kitten food ,rehydrated and mushy...heart goes cold...no kitten...no 
> box..she remembers she made husband promise he would not kill 'Pee Wee' as 
> she got to call 'it'...goes into garage,wide eyed...
> scene five
> Food in hand, she turns the door handle to the garage.
> (duh dun duNNNnnnNNnn)
> There is the kitten in husbands lap!
> Wife surveys floor of garage...very neat tidy perfectionist husband who's 
> garage is sacred has a bag, and a circular belt and a zip tie on the floor ?!
> Wife asks, are those toys?
> Husband sheepishly says, yes, i thought the kitty needed something to play 
> with.
> Husband remarks proudly how he cleaned up the garage really good, so nothing 
> would accidently choke the kitten,or accidently strangle it...
> Wife is relieved, because it is raining and snowing and so cold outside.
> Wife hopes no one calls for kitten even though she listed on four boards on 
> internet and called the no kill shelter and got on the waiting list.
> Wife goes and buys a handful of funny toys at the store for it.
> Daughter buys it gift for the holiday...wife hopes daughter won't be 
> heartbroken if kitten gets adopted before the Holiday.
> scene six
> Someone posts on the internet a possible home.
> Wife's heart goes cold.
> The time has come.
> She envisions life without the perky kitten who runs out to greet her every 
> time she comes.
> Poor thing was so hungry it choked down the mushy food.
> It went right in the litter box!Like magic!
> No more cute little eyes looking up at her.
> It even let her "beep" it's nose-and licked her on the face.
> Oh well, she thinks, it will go with a lot of toys and that will be nice 
> ...and that big bag of kitten food.
> Wife makes phone call.
> Husband answers .
> Babe, she says, there is a possible home for that kitten.
> Oh yeah?
> Wife hoped he would say, oh no!
> Wife says, yes.But i kinda like that PeeWee!
> Husband says, I kinda do too.
> Husband says, well, you have to decide if you want it to be an inside cat, or 
> outside cat.
> It must have shots, etc, first, if you want it to be inside cat.
> Oh, thank you husband!exclaims wife!
> Heart of wife thanks God for her birthday present, the best most useful 
> compassionate present of all, a friend .
> Scene seven
> Wife makes necessary phone call to gracious person considering adoption of 
> kitten, to other people,and to vet. 
> Wife thanks God for miracle of angel kitty melting heart of husband.
> Every day she goes out to visit husband in garage having quiet time with 
> kitty till vet's app't date arrives for final shots.
> She finds newly fashioned"toys" for the kitten most days.A box he cut out...a 
> plastic circle off something or other...he shows wife ,'look, she can 
> shake'...wife looks on incredulously-at the fact of a cat hater with a kitten 
> curled up in his lap, and his remark that indicated he's been playing with 
> her, teaching her...husband puts out hand , and says, shake!
> He says it again, and puts out his hand,'shake!'
> The kitten puts out her paw on his.
> Wife can't believe this, she has grown up with multiple cats all her life, 
> and never seen a cat "shake"
> Wife gets rid of ficus tree in the house that husband disliked to make room 
> for kitten's food area.
> The End
> roll credits
> show snap shots of future snugglings with kitten
> true story
> -M

[FairfieldLife] Re: meowthirteen

2010-01-03 Thread m 13
I am so glad you have a wing big enough to open up and spread over a life(s)
smaller than your in body, but not so in spirit
I think most cannot get a job like the Geico gecko,
so, to extend some small bit of our time and money to give nourishment is
and they are so charming anyway
Thanks to you for having a leaky heart and letting it's contents spill onto 
other beings;be they small or no...


[FairfieldLife] Re: meowthirteen

2010-01-03 Thread nelson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13  wrote:
> > The End
> > roll credits
> > show snap shots of future snugglings with kitten
> >  
> >  
> > true story
> Bravo! Brava! Bravi!
   Nice story Meowy.
   At work, in town, there are a number of ferals that I help feed and, some of 
them have become more social to where they come in and complain if there isn't 
something to eat.
   One of them will often sit on my shoulder and and act blissed out- pur, 
purr, rub, etc,  
Living out in the county, it is dog country and, we have always had some 
drop offs or throw aways that turn out to be great friends.
   Maybe it is my imagination but it seems they might be gratefull to have a 
home and not have starved.

[FairfieldLife] Re: meowthirteen

2010-01-03 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13  wrote:

> The End
> roll credits
> show snap shots of future snugglings with kitten
> true story

Bravo! Brava! Bravi!