England: Queen’s Swan Is Barbecued and Eaten
Published: August 21, 2013 
The charred carcass of one of Queen Elizabeth’s own swans was found on a 
riverbank near Windsor Castle after having been barbecued and eaten, 
according to the police and a charity called Swan Lifeline. 

The swan was one of about 200 that live on Baths Island and belong to the 
Until 1998, under a law dating to the 12th century, killing or injuring a swan 
was classified as treason, and the crown retains ownership of all 
unmarked mute swans in areas along the River Thames. Wild swans are also 
protected under a 1981 act, and to injure or kill a swan — let alone 
eat one — is against the law. 

Wendy Hermon of Swan Lifeline said that 
“the whole breast had been removed, and it looked like it had been eaten for 
lunch.” There was “just a swan skeleton left,” she said. “It’s 
absolutely disgusting, I can’t imagine the kind of people that would do 
this.” She said the carcass, with its feathers still attached, was taken by her 
group to be cremated. 

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