[FairfieldLife] Sat Guru's growing on trees- defining the word Maharishi

2007-07-15 Thread Ron
Poster Billy:

Sat Gurus don't grow on trees, in this day and age you'd think so! MMY
has never claimed to be a Sat Guru, his honesty is refreshing. Yet, he
still offers an effective technique for Self Realization, although, at
some point a Sat guru may step in and help a *sincere* devotee out,
not till then.

One must have very good karma to get the personal attention of a Sat
Guru.there may not even be any on the planet as we speak, at least
not in the west!!


For me a some point, there is going to be a leap of faith, probably
for most. So here is what I have to go on regarding my own Guru
because after that, then what does my Guru have to say...

The line with my own Guru is Her SatGuru Rajiv is still in the body,
still a SatGuru but not very available to most, and was appointed by
PapaJi. Some of my Guru's disciples visited Rajiv under my Guru's
instructions. PapaJi was apointed by Ramana Maharishi. Under Papaji
were also GangaJi and others.

Also, my Guru was tested with machines. At will and while conscious,
only delta waves were seen. This is something seen in deep sleep,
acording to my Guru ( I think I have this right). The one conducting
the study did not know how to respond.

Because of my own progress, the above is enough for me.

On this basis, my leap of faith is accepting my Guru as Sat Guru for
me, and it is a westerner living in the usa. One side thing- why would
this be limited to Indians? God's design? I am not buying into that.
Sat Guru's can be in any country, of any background.

Based on what you have seen, unless this One is known, then there is
going to have to be a leap of faith- do you see it that there may not
be any Sat Guru's on the planet? OK

I am going with what I said- then the next point about it is what my
Guru has to say about unfolding enlightenment through your Guru- that
they can take you only to where they are.

Furthermore, I have seen a lot say I am not a Guru but this is a
curious thing, as even if they say this, there are many that still
consider them their Guru.

Mother Meera say's she is not a Guru. From reading her books, she is
saying she is an Avatar and was aware of her birth. I buy into that
one. She said her role is more general.

I have seen some clearly play the part of Guru, and at the same time
putting Guru's down and saying you dont need a Guru. One of these is
Christine Breese from metaphysics University- on youtube.

My Guru's comments to this is if this is so, then Christine should
come on with one line- You are there, and that is the end. Instead ,
she has many videos, acting in the capacity of a Guru while saying you
dont need one.= which is it?

Didn't Maharishi define what that means? Rishi see's, Maharishi- shows
others how to see. I don't remember where that definition came from.
Also, it appears Maharishi never procalaimed this name, people
starting calling him this.

I think the word Maharishi would be defined as Sat Guru

Re: [FairfieldLife] Sat Guru's growing on trees- defining the word Maharishi

2007-07-15 Thread billy jim
  You are such a diligent worker for gspot. You must love this slave-uh you 
perform for her - trawling the forums for potential disciples. However this is 
just not working very well here on FFL. You don't seem to be getting the 
necessary bites to pay for the ideative disdain your guruess receives.
  If I may recommend - why don't you consult with the statuesque Vajra-naught, 
an illumnated masonite. He has defended swami uttama before from the sneers of 
puny minds like mine (help me jesus - there's nothing to make me what i am). 
Surely he can recommend more successful ways to troll your bait in the streams 
of consciouness here.
  emptyless is nessy's mess

  Poster Billy:

Sat Gurus don't grow on trees, in this day and age you'd think so! MMY
has never claimed to be a Sat Guru, his honesty is refreshing. Yet, he
still offers an effective technique for Self Realization, although, at
some point a Sat guru may step in and help a *sincere* devotee out,
not till then.

One must have very good karma to get the personal attention of a Sat
Guru.there may not even be any on the planet as we speak, at least
not in the west!!


For me a some point, there is going to be a leap of faith, probably
for most. So here is what I have to go on regarding my own Guru
because after that, then what does my Guru have to say...

The line with my own Guru is Her SatGuru Rajiv is still in the body,
still a SatGuru but not very available to most, and was appointed by
PapaJi. Some of my Guru's disciples visited Rajiv under my Guru's
instructions. PapaJi was apointed by Ramana Maharishi. Under Papaji
were also GangaJi and others.

Also, my Guru was tested with machines. At will and while conscious,
only delta waves were seen. This is something seen in deep sleep,
acording to my Guru ( I think I have this right). The one conducting
the study did not know how to respond.

Because of my own progress, the above is enough for me.

On this basis, my leap of faith is accepting my Guru as Sat Guru for
me, and it is a westerner living in the usa. One side thing- why would
this be limited to Indians? God's design? I am not buying into that.
Sat Guru's can be in any country, of any background.

Based on what you have seen, unless this One is known, then there is
going to have to be a leap of faith- do you see it that there may not
be any Sat Guru's on the planet? OK

I am going with what I said- then the next point about it is what my
Guru has to say about unfolding enlightenment through your Guru- that
they can take you only to where they are.

Furthermore, I have seen a lot say I am not a Guru but this is a
curious thing, as even if they say this, there are many that still
consider them their Guru.

Mother Meera say's she is not a Guru. From reading her books, she is
saying she is an Avatar and was aware of her birth. I buy into that
one. She said her role is more general.

I have seen some clearly play the part of Guru, and at the same time
putting Guru's down and saying you dont need a Guru. One of these is
Christine Breese from metaphysics University- on youtube.

My Guru's comments to this is if this is so, then Christine should
come on with one line- You are there, and that is the end. Instead ,
she has many videos, acting in the capacity of a Guru while saying you
dont need one.= which is it?

Didn't Maharishi define what that means? Rishi see's, Maharishi- shows
others how to see. I don't remember where that definition came from.
Also, it appears Maharishi never procalaimed this name, people
starting calling him this.

I think the word Maharishi would be defined as Sat Guru


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