[FairfieldLife] Say Cheese!

2015-10-22 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
It's been found to be addictive.  Now I'm off for the Brie on crackers. :-D


[FairfieldLife] Say hello to The Bomb

2015-07-11 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Trinity was the code name of the first detonation of an atomic bomb, 
conducted by the US Army on 16 July 1945 at Alamogordo so the 70th anniversary 
of the birth of our nuclear weapons age is just a few days away. It should be a 
sober event. Pity there aren't some things we can disinvent but maybe the fact 
that the Cold War never became heated is owing to The Bomb and M.A.D. and we 
should give thanks . . .



[FairfieldLife] Say goodbye to the hippie van

2013-09-24 Thread s3raphita

[FairfieldLife] Say it

2012-08-27 Thread curtisdeltablues
It's a beautiful life, say it, say it. 

The last request had an urgency that I couldn't continue to ignore.  The 
request was from Johnathan, who inexplicably changed his name to John Paul in 
the last few years and gets very agitated if you forget.  He is a twenty-two 
year old African American boy-child, and I have known him since he was five.   
His body has continued to grow, but his mind has not kept pace. The euphemistic 
names for his condition don't give me any distance from this human tragedy.

He has been listening to me play music every Summer weekend for most of his 
life as he wanders around while his father busks in a revolutionary war outfit 
playing the fife in historic Old Town Alexandria.  His dad is one of the 
cheeriest guys I know, full of Christian greetings.  The kind of dad who 
sprinkles his conversations with the word blessing while standing next to his 
son lost in an internal world he cannot escape from to join us on a more level 
playing field.  His dad and I often hug in greeting, he from his boundless 
loving spirit, and me probably a little from the guilt of knowing I dodged this 
bullet and he took it between the eyes.

Johnathan NO, IT'S JOHN PAUL NOW calls me Bludesman and likes my music.  
No, that isn't exactly right, he hovers around me while I play waiting for a 
break when I can join him in the odd handshake elbow bump ritual we have 
created together.  He initiated it and I modified it.  Specifically I shifted 
the handshake into a fist bump when his hormones switched on a number of years 
ago and I noticed that his hands spent a lot of time South of the equator when 
not pressing my flesh.  He doesn't mind the fist bump variation although I do 
have to remind him occasionally.  He repeats the ritual sequence until I walk 
away with him doing an awkward, urgent last one as I am moving out of reach.

He is part of my intersection of human universes when I perform outside that 
includes homeless people and the very rich who bring their kids to me for 
enrichment, so they can take their proper place in society where John Paul is 
not headed.

John Paul is obsessed with the raising and lowering of the flag on the docks.  
It took me a long time to sort it all out when he would come up to me and 
inform me that it was the end of the duty day and mutter something about the 
flag.  WTF? I would ponder.  Does he mean doodie or duty, and what does it have 
to do with the flag?  One day it all broke clear: at the beginning of the duty 
day (his dad is in the military) the flag goes up and at the end of the duty 
day they take it down.  He records this event faithfully each weekend day 
and night with a camera phone that has not been charged for a long time.  I sat 
facing this flag pole performing for seventeen years and never really noticed 
this ritual event consciously. Now that I am in on the secret it delights him 
to use me as an obsession sounding board like some old codger at the bar who 
wont shut up about golf to non-golfers.  

I enjoy this narrow ramp into his tiny world and we run the reps together.  
Why do they take down the flag he asks me earnestly as if it was the very 
first time.  Because it is the end of the duty day I feed back my well 
rehearsed line.  He lights up at the prompt.  YES it is the end of the duty 
day and the flag comes down.  What happens at the beginning of the duty day 
John Paul? I ask in complete innocence.  This is urgent and I need to know.  
He is about to win the highest prize ever on Jeopardy:  The flag goes up, it 
is the beginning of the duty day.  He breaks into the kind of smile we saw 
recently on the faces of Olympic medalists.  So far it all is cute and charming 
and I am filled with virtuous compassion-bliss.  Then he proceeds to run this 
routine into the ground until I have to shoo him away so I can continue my 
show.  As he walks away I hear the bits and pieces of our conversation 
repeated in fragments.  He articulates each word very carefully as if each 
syllable is as precious as a Vedic hymn.  

Once I ran into his dad at the health food store with his other son.  This son 
is brilliant and snarky and the essence of youthful cool.  He is a nice kid who 
not only connects, he is on point, and talking with him stretched my mind to 
keep up.  His father speaks about John Paul with the same level of pride and 
adoration.  I make a mental picture of their dinner table and then send it to 
the place I keep my photo essays on Appalachian children with mothers hooked on 
Oxy.  Let's make sure that little fire wall is secure, OK.

Once I was going to my car later than usual with a bag full of cash.  It wasn't 
Mitt Romney money, but on the street it attracts attention from those I wish 
wouldn't notice.  I am in a parking lot alone and someone is lurking behind a 
cement divider keeping out of sight but I catch a shoulder.  Shit! After all 
these years of being safe I am finally gunna have to man up and defend myself.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Say it

2012-08-27 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/27/2012 09:10 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
 It's a beautiful life, say it, say it.

 The last request had an urgency that I couldn't continue to ignore.  The 
 request was from Johnathan, who inexplicably changed his name to John Paul in 
 the last few years and gets very agitated if you forget.  He is a twenty-two 
 year old African American boy-child, and I have known him since he was five.  
  His body has continued to grow, but his mind has not kept pace. The 
 euphemistic names for his condition don't give me any distance from this 
 human tragedy.

 He has been listening to me play music every Summer weekend for most of his 
 life as he wanders around while his father busks in a revolutionary war 
 outfit playing the fife in historic Old Town Alexandria.  His dad is one of 
 the cheeriest guys I know, full of Christian greetings.  The kind of dad who 
 sprinkles his conversations with the word blessing while standing next to 
 his son lost in an internal world he cannot escape from to join us on a more 
 level playing field.  His dad and I often hug in greeting, he from his 
 boundless loving spirit, and me probably a little from the guilt of knowing I 
 dodged this bullet and he took it between the eyes.

 Johnathan NO, IT'S JOHN PAUL NOW calls me Bludesman and likes my music.  
 No, that isn't exactly right, he hovers around me while I play waiting for a 
 break when I can join him in the odd handshake elbow bump ritual we have 
 created together.  He initiated it and I modified it.  Specifically I shifted 
 the handshake into a fist bump when his hormones switched on a number of 
 years ago and I noticed that his hands spent a lot of time South of the 
 equator when not pressing my flesh.  He doesn't mind the fist bump variation 
 although I do have to remind him occasionally.  He repeats the ritual 
 sequence until I walk away with him doing an awkward, urgent last one as I am 
 moving out of reach.

 He is part of my intersection of human universes when I perform outside that 
 includes homeless people and the very rich who bring their kids to me for 
 enrichment, so they can take their proper place in society where John Paul is 
 not headed.

 John Paul is obsessed with the raising and lowering of the flag on the docks. 
  It took me a long time to sort it all out when he would come up to me and 
 inform me that it was the end of the duty day and mutter something about 
 the flag.  WTF? I would ponder.  Does he mean doodie or duty, and what does 
 it have to do with the flag?  One day it all broke clear: at the beginning of 
 the duty day (his dad is in the military) the flag goes up and at the end 
 of the duty day they take it down.  He records this event faithfully each 
 weekend day and night with a camera phone that has not been charged for a 
 long time.  I sat facing this flag pole performing for seventeen years and 
 never really noticed this ritual event consciously. Now that I am in on the 
 secret it delights him to use me as an obsession sounding board like some old 
 codger at the bar who wont shut up about golf to non-golfers.

 I enjoy this narrow ramp into his tiny world and we run the reps together.  
 Why do they take down the flag he asks me earnestly as if it was the very 
 first time.  Because it is the end of the duty day I feed back my well 
 rehearsed line.  He lights up at the prompt.  YES it is the end of the duty 
 day and the flag comes down.  What happens at the beginning of the duty day 
 John Paul? I ask in complete innocence.  This is urgent and I need to know.  
 He is about to win the highest prize ever on Jeopardy:  The flag goes up, it 
 is the beginning of the duty day.  He breaks into the kind of smile we saw 
 recently on the faces of Olympic medalists.  So far it all is cute and 
 charming and I am filled with virtuous compassion-bliss.  Then he proceeds to 
 run this routine into the ground until I have to shoo him away so I can 
 continue my show.  As he walks away I hear the bits and pieces of our 
 conversation repeated in fragments.  He articulates each word very 
 carefully as if each syllable is as precious as a Vedic hymn.

 Once I ran into his dad at the health food store with his other son.  This 
 son is brilliant and snarky and the essence of youthful cool.  He is a nice 
 kid who not only connects, he is on point, and talking with him stretched my 
 mind to keep up.  His father speaks about John Paul with the same level of 
 pride and adoration.  I make a mental picture of their dinner table and then 
 send it to the place I keep my photo essays on Appalachian children with 
 mothers hooked on Oxy.  Let's make sure that little fire wall is secure, OK.

 Once I was going to my car later than usual with a bag full of cash.  It 
 wasn't Mitt Romney money, but on the street it attracts attention from those 
 I wish wouldn't notice.  I am in a parking lot alone and someone is lurking 
 behind a cement divider keeping out of sight but I catch 

[FairfieldLife] Say Neti....

2011-12-16 Thread Yifu
to Neti pots...thanks for the info. Could be harmful to one's health:


[FairfieldLife] Say yes to Pakistan

2011-06-25 Thread nablusoss1008
The Swan Song, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan;


[FairfieldLife] Say Hey Jerry Jarvis

2010-02-28 Thread tartbrain
The Life, the Legend
By James S. Hirsch

A long time ago in America, there was a beautiful game called baseball. This 
was before 30 major-league teams were scattered in a blurry variety of 
divisions; before 162-game seasons and extended playoffs and fans who watched 
World Series games in thick down jackets; before the D.H. came to the American 
League; before AstroTurf on baseball fields and aluminum bats on sandlots; 
before complete games by pitchers were a rarity; before ballparks were named 
for corporations instead of individuals; and long, long before the innocence of 
the game was permanently stained by the filthy deception of steroids.

In that vanished time, there was a ballplayer named Willie Mays.

And long time ago in America, there once was a beautiful thing called SIMS. 
This was before 30 major-league saints regularly toured the country encouraging 
a vast hoopla of Selfism; before 162-hour raja drone-on marathons, a time when 
fans who braved winters in Berkeley and Westwood in $29 sports coats; before 
the Designated Donor subsidized outrageous ticket prices so kids can learn and 
see the game; before phallic palaces and golden crowns, when initiations were 
held is spare neighborhood bedrooms; when week long mumbo jumbo pseudo-science 
circuses were a rarity; before centers were named for big time donors instead 
of brilliant teachers; and long, long before the innocence of the game was 
permanently stained by the filthy deception of yogic flying.

In that vanished time, there was a great ballplayer named Jerry Jarvis.

[FairfieldLife] Say it in scouse (Liverpudlian??)!

2009-12-11 Thread cardemaister


allus - always †aina

bail out - leave †jättää

bells - o’clock †kello (esim. See you at six bells.)

bent †stolen †varastettua tavaraa

bevvy †beer †olut

bezzie -best friend †bestis

biddy - old woman †eukko

bizzie †police officer †pollari

boss! - cool! †makeeta!

boxed - pregnant †raskaana

boozer - pub -pubi, baari

butty - sandwitch †voileipä

cat - goalkeeper †kassari

chuffed - happy †onnellinen

ciggie - cigarette †savuke

college pud - student †opiskelija, oppipöpi

Crimbo †Christmas †joulu

doll - girl, woman †nainen, pimu

dozey - stupid †tyhmä

footy - football †jalkapallo, jalitsu

gaffer - boss †pomo

gear! - marvellous! †kiva! makee!

gear - illegal drugs †huume

gimme - give me †anna

hold on! †wait a moment! †vartoos ny!

hooter - nose †nenä

jar - pint of beer †oluttuoppi

judy - girl, woman †tyttö, pimu

jockey - driver †sahvööri

[FairfieldLife] Say goodbye to Mr. Bush :-)

2009-01-17 Thread TurquoiseB
As Mr. Miyagi said in The Karate Kid,
Wax on, wax off. 

As I say, Wax off, MoFo.


The whole aim of practical politics is to keep 
the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be 
led to safety) by menacing it with an endless 
series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
- H. L. Mencken

[FairfieldLife] Say what?

2007-10-28 Thread michael florescu
Say what?
by Nathan Burstein

The Jerusalem PostTranslate This Article
28 October 2007

On 28 October 2007 The Jerusalem Post reported: Film director, and four-time 
Oscar nominee, David Lynch recently met with Israeli film students and 
politicians to promote Transcendental Meditation and answer questions about his 
work. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which 
indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed 
to bring fulfilment to the field of culture. 

The Jerusalem Post reported, 'As he explains at a Monday press conference at 
Jerusalem's Sam Spiegel Film and Television School, Lynch believes many of 
Israel's problems could be solved—or at least significantly diminished—were the 
country to find '250 advanced meditators working day by day to bring harmony, 
peace, happiness and creativity, and to dissolve this [regional] enmity'.' 

'He's not suggesting peace will arrive merely as a result of meditation', the 
article stated, 'but instead advocates the practice as a way of changing the 
country's emotional and spiritual balance'. 

The Jerusalem Post quoted Lynch as saying, 'I want Israel to have a 
peace-creating group. Keep everything the same, keep your defenses the same. 
Just add this group [of meditators] and keep them protected and working.' 

He also stated that the group of meditators should be in Israel 'on a permanent 
basis, radiating a glorious field of unity every day'. 

The article noted that the practice of Transcendental Meditation has 'clearly 
made a difference for him ... leading the filmmaker to establish the David 
Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace, ... [which] 
promotes meditation primarily as a boost to children's education.' 

The director said that he meditates twice a day, which has helped him during 
his multi-level artistic career. He also noted that in the United States 
children's learning improves when Transcendental Meditation is added to the 

The director also explained the benefits of Transcendental Meditation in 
separate meetings with Israel's Education Minister Yuli Tamir, with Culture, 
Science and Sport Minister Ghaleb Majadle, and with President Shimon Peres.   
Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life 
dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law 
based—Total Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every 
individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting 
state of world peace.
  Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service. 

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[FairfieldLife] say, 'I am going to be Immortal whilst I raise my country to Invincibility'

2006-09-25 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Today's meeting with Maharishi

24th September.

Dear friends,

I have just come out of the Invincible America Meeting with 
Maharishi. The atmosphere here in Fairfield is amazing - with 
EVERYONE totally focused on getting 2,000 here on the Course. All 
phone lines are fully occupied!

With everyone phoning and emailing we now have to date 1,275 people 
signed up for the course.
Howard Settle has already paid in the first one million dollars to 
pay for this month's scholarships. The $500 per month Scholarships 
are now available to anyone who needs it who will sign up and stay 
from 6 months to a 1 year. 

This week 67 meditators enjoyed the CIC - getting the Sidhi's for 
FREE. Next week 80 more meditators will be doing the same...and we 
hope more will be signing up on the website to take this unique 
opportunity to get the Sidhi techniques free.  You can sign up 
through your local Course Office or on the web. The site is:


NEVER has there been such an opportunity as this to come and be in 
such a large group with Maharishi every day, and be paid for it! 

Maharishi spoke very clearly and strongly. He said:

Tide and time wait for no one. This is the opportunity; don't loose 

He added:
Thousands of young men take their profession in the military and are 
willing to die for their country.  They die and the country is left 
without them. By contrast young men [anyone] taking this course in 
Fairfield as their profession, can say, 'I am going to be Immortal 
whilst I raise my country to Invincibility'.  Instead of dyeing they 
are going to become younger and younger as they make their nation 
invincible.  So drag your friends from their homes and come and join 

All the rajas from around the world will be holding daily conference 
calls in their countries so every Sidha (and would be Sidha) gets to 
hear about this. 

Maharishi needs everyone to come right away. The target is Victory 
Day - October 2nd.  

Just get in the car and start driving!, Bevan urged everyone.

Come NOW and we will provide them with food and a place to live.

Mayor Wynne is starting new Vastu buildings using the new building 
methods introduced at Guru Purnimah this year.  These buildings will 
be bed-sits for the Invincibility participants, as also will be the 
Vastu homes which are already well under way. Come and live in Vastu!

Bevan concluded on how unique this moment is in the whole history of 
the Movement:

* Finances are available for all who need it.
* The accommodation provided will be in new Vastu.
* The quality of course for your own evolution is proven with 
the fantastic level of experiences 
* Meet every day with Maharishi who is checking experiences and 
giving out more and more profound knowledge to guide everyone to the 
highest in the fastest time possible.


All those of you receiving this who have been long in the Movement 
will remember how opportunities arise - and pass.  Do all you can to 
consider and jump into this opportunity - even if it seems 
impossible.  Even if it is just to get on a plane in three days time 
to be her through Victory Day - to just taste the experience. 

More information and signing up can be done on the web site:


MEDITATORS.  We really want everyone to have this chance

Jai Guru Dev

-- End of Forwarded Message

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Re: [FairfieldLife] say, 'I am going to be Immortal whilst I raise my country to Invincibility'

2006-09-25 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Sep 25, 2006, at 8:15 AM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:

 Today's meeting with Maharishi

 24th September.

 Dear friends,

 I have just come out of the Invincible America Meeting with
 Maharishi. The atmosphere here in Fairfield is amazing - with
 EVERYONE totally focused on getting 2,000 here on the Course.

Really? Not in the area where I live. Guess we just haven't felt the 
love yet.

 All phone lines are fully occupied!

Still waiting for my call...:)

 With everyone phoning and emailing we now have to date 1,275 people
 signed up for the course.
 Howard Settle has already paid in the first one million dollars to
 pay for this month's scholarships.

Howard Settle is a perfect proof of PT Barnum's axiom.

 The $500 per month Scholarships
 are now available to anyone who needs it who will sign up and stay
 from 6 months to a 1 year.

 This week 67 meditators enjoyed the CIC - getting the Sidhi's for
 FREE. Next week 80 more meditators will be doing the same...and we
 hope more will be signing up on the website to take this unique
 opportunity to get the Sidhi techniques free.

IOW, we can't get the numbers we want from the long-term siddhas, so 
we'll try to get them any way we can. Desperation?

 You can sign up
 through your local Course Office or on the web. The site is:


 NEVER has there been such an opportunity as this to come and be in
 such a large group with Maharishi every day, and be paid for it!

 Maharishi spoke very clearly and strongly. He said:

 Tide and time wait for no one. This is the opportunity; don't loose 

Uh, that's 'lose,' Doug, not to be picky or anything...

 He added:
 Thousands of young men take their profession in the military and are 
 willing to die for their country.  They die and the country is left 
 without them. By contrast young men [anyone] taking this course in 
 Fairfield as their profession, can say, 'I am going to be Immortal 
 whilst I raise my country to Invincibility'.  Instead of dyeing they 
 are going to become younger and younger as they make their nation 
 invincible.  So drag your friends from their homes and come and join 

 All the rajas from around the world will be holding daily conference
 calls in their countries so every Sidha (and would be Sidha) gets to
 hear about this.

 Maharishi needs everyone to come right away. The target is Victory
 Day - October 2nd.

 Just get in the car and start driving!, Bevan urged everyone.

 Come NOW and we will provide them with food and a place to live.

 Mayor Wynne is starting new Vastu buildings using the new building
 methods introduced at Guru Purnimah this year.  These buildings will
 be bed-sits for the Invincibility participants, as also will be the
 Vastu homes which are already well under way. Come and live in Vastu!

 Bevan concluded on how unique this moment is in the whole history of
 the Movement:

Cult-time, anyone?

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