This quote from Yoga-tattva-upanishad seems to 
mention several "side-effects" of mastering(?)
levitation (bhuumi-tyaaga, Yogic Flying?):

svalpa.n vaa bahudhaa duHkha.n yogii na vyathate tadaa .. 56..
alpamuutrapuriishhashcha svalpanidrashcha jaayate .
kiilavo dR^ishhikaa laalaa svedadurgandhataanane .. 57..
etaani sarvathaa tasya na jaayante tataH param.h .
tato.adhikataraabhyaasaadbalamutpadyate bahu .. 58..
yena bhuuchara siddhiH syaadbhuucharaaNaa.n jaye kshamaH .
vyaaghro vaa sharabho vyaapi gajo gavaya eva vaa .. 59..
si.nho vaa yoginaa tena mriyante hastataaDitaaH .
kandarpasya yathaa ruupa.n tathaa syaadapi yoginaH .. 60..
tadruupavashagaa naaryaH kaa~Nkshante tasya sa~Ngamam.h .
yadi sa~Nga.n karotyeshha tasya bindukshayo bhavet.h .. 61..
varjayitvaa striyaaH sa~Nga.n kuryaadabhyaasamaadaraat.h .
yogino.a~Nge sugandhashcha jaayate bindudhaaraNaat.h .. 62..

I'll try to come up with a very free translation that
gives just a general idea of the text above:

Neither small (svalpa) or big (bahudhaa: much) "bad things"
(duHkham) disturb (vyathate) that yogii then (tadaa).
He starts (jaayate: [this condition, or stuff] is born)
to "have" scarce (alpa) pee (muutra) and shit (puurii)
and needs very little (svalpa) sleep (nidraa).

kiilava(??) visible (dRSikaa?) saliva (laalaa) and bad
smelling sweat and breath disappear after that.

(not translation, but description of the contents:)

After that are mentioned several animals that the yogii
can kill (mriyate) by bare hands (tiger, lion, elephant, etc.)
The yogii becomes like a great lover (kandarpa) and women (naaryaaH)
want (kaankSante) to have sex with him (samgamam: together-going).
If he does fuck them, the result is "bindukSaya"(well,duh).
?If he can avoid fvcking the ladies?, the result is 
 his limbs begin to smell good (sugandha) because of
preserving the semen (bindudhaaraNaat; that seems the
only reasonable meaning for that word in this context, 
doesn't it?).

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