Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

Directory of Active Fairfield Spiritual Practice Groups

Outside of Fairfield, people intently ask, "What is going on in
The spiritual, utopian side of Fairfield is something they are
about. Fairfield has become recognized as a spiritual Mecca of sorts,
ranking with Sedona, Arizona, Boulder and Crestone, Colorado,
North Carolina and the like. Within these past three decades,
spiritual practice groups have matured, giving this community a
rich, new
The long-time Fairfield meditating community today is its own center
spiritual practice. The breadth of spiritual practice groups in
Fairfield is
now a unique feature of our town in the 21st Century.


A Course in Miracles, Mondays 7:30 pm. Local contact: 472-7148.

Ammachi Fairfield Satsang
Ammachi Fairfield weekly schedule of meditation, chanting, and
contact: 472-8563

Art of Living Foundation -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Meditation and program
schedule in Fairfield. 472-2053

Babaji Group: Local contact: 472-9952

Bapuji Group Shri Avadoot, better known as ³Bapuji². Local contact:

Chalanda Sai Maa Satang in Fairfield
Group meditations based on the teachings of Chalanda Sai Maa Lakshmi
First and third Monday of the month at 7:30 PM. Call for location &
information: 472-5175.

Circle of Sophia a holy order for women at St. Gabriel and All
Angels, the
Liberal Catholic Church. Original worship celebration, written from
in ancient Christianity, enlivens the Feminine Divine for both men
women. Celebrations monthly. 300 E. Burlington. www.stgabe.org, 472-
for information and calendar.

Deeksha Darshan and teachings of Bhagavan Kalki & Padmavati Amma
Fairfield contact for local program: 472-6948

Divine Mother Church in Fairfield
³We don¹t talk about God, we commune with God². Sundays 10 AM; 409 W.
Broadway; 472-0662.

Fairfield Vedic Pujas, Yagyas and Ceremonies
Scheduled public events always open to interested persons. By Vedic
and Priest, Pandit Dhruv Narain Sharma: 630-240-3368

Fellowship of the Holy Spirit in Fairfield
³Consciousness, Joy, and Devotion: Christianity that works.²
Sundays, 11 AM,
Gateridge Building, 1100 N. 4th. 472-8737.

Friends Meeting Fairfield Society of Friends (Quakers) Un-programmed
silent meeting for worship. 472-8422.

Gangaji Group Local contact: 472-9476.

Golden Shield Qi Gong Fairfield practice: 641-919-3913.

Hatha Yoga classes. Sue Berkey: 472-6577

Henry Hertzberger Chanting, Pujas & Yagyas. Mahaganapati Temple

Fairfield Shri Karunamayi Satsang
Fairfield Group Meditation and Program. 472-8422

Liberal Catholic Church in Fairfield
St Gabriel and all Angels, 300 E. Burlington. 472-1625

Manavata Mandir Vedic Temple
800 W. Burlington in Fairfield. 469-6041.

Mother Meera: 641.472.5149

Saniel Bonder, `Waking Down' in Fairfield. Sittings calendar: call

Scalar Group Meditation Programs
facilitated by Lilli Botchis. A unique opportunity as a group to
research in
mind/body consciousness the universal themes of pure energy and
manifestation potential of HHFe Scalar wave regeneration system.
designed to clear, balance and open the chakra system. 472-0129.

Shivabalayogi Group All are welcome. There is never any charge for
Swamiji's blessings. For further information, contact: 641-233-1025.

Svaroopa Yoga (641) 472-7499.

Tetra Building TM-Sidhi Meditation Practice Room. Daily morning and
meditation facility for the practice of the TM-Sidhi meditation
program. A
quiet, clean and convenient place (to do program). Contact David
for use and membership information: 472-3799.

Transcendental Meditation Programs: 641-919.8188 or 472-1174

Transformational Prayer in Fairfield
For information on Fairfield activities, call 472-0662.

Wednesday Night Satsang - Every Wednesday starting at 8pm Central
Kirkwood Apartments just east of Sidha Insurance near 4th and
First apartment on the right, up the stairs.
The mechanics of what happens in the Wednesday Night Satsang is as
With anywhere from a dozen or more awake people in the room there
begins a
sharing of how the wholeness of the awakening has or is being
experienced/lived by one or more awake people. This sharing stirs the
wholeness into activity. Those in the room feel it in a palpable
way. The
sharing of the experience of how it is gives everyone in the room
direct and
complete understanding of what this wholeness is. Any one who is in
the room
then has the direct physical experience of wholeness and the
understanding of how and why wholeness is lived. This completes the
of both the experience and the intellectual understanding
That is how those who are in the room enhance their own awakening
and those
who haven't quite got it complete the search. Tom Traynor - 919-6917

The Active Spiritual Practice Groups of Fairfield

Fairfield of recent years has changed into something else which is
now quite rich after nearly three decades development.

The long-time Fairfield meditating community today is its
own center for spiritual practice. The breadth of spiritual practice
groups in Fairfield is now a unique feature of the town in the 21st

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