Title: Stop another Republican falsehood advert
For Iowans.  Please pass this on to any Iowa voters . . .


Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your television, along
comes yet another unaccountable special interest group spreading
misleading negative political attacks against Democrats.

This time it isn't "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" or the "Economic
Freedom Fund." They are called "Iowans for Agriculture," and the more
real Iowans know about this unregulated 527 group, the fewer will fall
victim to their attempt to buy this election.

Their TV ads start airing Monday, October 23rd. Please forward this
email to everyone who might vote in November, so that they know "Iowans
for Agriculture" is just another secretive group trying to mislead them
into voting for Republicans.

What do we know about "Iowans for Agriculture?" 527s are so unregulated
that we know almost nothing.

We don't know who they are.

We don't know how many corporations or wealthy individuals contributed
tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to them.

We don't know what their real agenda is.

In short, we don't know much, but we know they are coming- and Iowans
deserve to be prepared.

Please send this email to everyone you know. Write a letter to your
local newspaper. Tell Iowans that a group claiming to be "Iowans for
Agriculture" is really just another unaccountable, unregulated 527
group trying to buy this election, just like Republicans have bought so
much else.

Don't let them do it.

Thank you.

Sally Pederson
Iowa Democratic Party Chair

PS. For more information about this year's unprecedented negative
campaigning, visit www.stopgopsmear.com <http://www.stopgopsmear.com> .

Rob Sand
Campaign Manager, O'Brien for Secretary of Ag
1111 East Army Post Road
Suite 476
Des Moines, IA 50315
office: 515-953-0978
cell: 515-441-6748

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