Maharishi’s Global Family Chat Summary

14 / AUGUST / 2012

Transcendental Meditation for the military is spreading in the US
As consciousness rises more big projects pop up in Latin America

Dr Adam Pressman described how the news is going mainstream that 
Transcendental Meditation is providing a solution for military 
personnel, veterans and ‘first responders’ (police, firemen, emergency 
workers) as they battle with post-traumatic stress.

Typical of the spread was an event held at Fort Hamilton, New York, last 
Saturday. Adam showed a powerful video of the New York Fire 
Department chief, the local congressman, and other veterans passionately 
encouraging the attendees to contribute to the Warrior Wellness 

Particularly moving was the story told by Debbie Ortiz, wife of a police
 officer who suffered from severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
 which was cleared within three days by his practice of Transcendental 

Dr Swan commented that the tone of Dr Pressman’s and Dr Bobbie Roth’s 
reports has changed remarkably in the past 6 months: they used to speak 
as though they were leading the collective consciousness from ‘outside’,
 but now the collective consciousness has risen to the extent that they 
speak as leaders, but from within the national awareness. Dr Pressman 
agreed and emphasized that all the developments are due solely to the 
large group of Yogic Flyers in and around the Invincible America 

Raja Luis said this has been a special week, in which the rapidly changing 
quality of collective consciousness has delivered two more large projects.
At a time when intensive planning is under way to find ways to fulfil huge 
teaching projects, new 
projects are popping up from unexpected angles. This week the government of a 
(neighbouring country,) where there has not been much TM activity, requested a 
pilot project of 10,000 students to learn Transcendental 
Meditation. And based on that success TM would be implemented for all 
students nationwide.
While thinking about this, a Sidha who leads an international unit 
teaching health education programmes in many countries including Africa, 
requested another large project.
Raja Luis also emphasized that this ‘contagion’ is spreading due to the 
existing large groups of Yogic Flyers who are purifying the 
collective consciousness of the entire continent. He said we are not in 
control, but we just keep on steadily doing what we have to do, and then the 
next step comes by itself.
Soon he will be asking again for TM Teachers to come and help.

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