Must reading for those interested in what lies "beyond" the physical. 

 This one differs from typical NDE accounts since Billy actually died at age 
62, hit by a car. After some time, his sister started getting messages from him 
over the course of a year. Of course, one might challenge the authenticity of 
such messages, but feel read the accounts for yourself.  They are very 
 In any event, the basic pattern of what unfolds reminds me of the Tibetan 
Book, of the Dead, and what stages one might go through on the journey to the 
Clear Light.  That is, if one makes it that far without being attracted to the 
lure of the astral planes and the gravity of former attachments.  Feel free to 
skip to the end, where the Sister gives an account of the end of the story: 
Billy making it into the Clear Light through the help of Chenrezig.  This is 
interesting in that Billy displayed no apparent attachment to any form of Deity 
or Yidam worship in his physical life; and in fact led a life of debauchery.  
Then, how to explain the appearance of Chenrezig in spite of zero religious 
affiliation or practeces on his part?  In my mind, the favorable outcome of 
Billy's journey must have been due to devotion to Chenrezig in a previous 
lifetime (a hypothesis not mentioned in the book).

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