Title: The Anklesaria's' position with the TMO
To the many who have expressed their support or concerns to us, this is to clarify our position with the TMO.

Dr Michael Dillbeck recently asked to have the TESP research so it could be included in the current volume on Scientific Research on TM.  His letter to us was forwarded to a mutual acquaintance, informing our friend that this request from the TM movement certainly endorsed our position because the TMO knew that we were not re-certified, not teaching in Stapathya Ved premises, and not paying $2500 course fees for our probationers.  That "mutual acquaintance", a diehard movement person, forwarded the email on to Michael who responded that his request for our research ought not to be construed as endorsement of what we were doing with the TESP!  This ambiguous and hypocritical situation has been maintained by the TMO for years now - they take whatever good they can from TESP and at the same time deny we are a bona fide organization "worthy" of being in the TMO.

What has been our crime?  We refused to pay the $2500 course fee for each probationer instructed.  For many years, our organization paid the course fees to the TMO when the fees were still in the reasonable range.  We ran up our personal credit card to pay these fees. Then, when the fee was arbitrarily raised to $2500 and no concession was given to TESP to teach probationers sentenced by the court, we stopped paying course fees.  We were advised by a legal representative that we should change our name, hence we say we teach Transcendental Stress Management.  The only difference in what we teach now is that our course is long (not 7 steps) as we provide a 20-lesson course for probationers.  Everything else is the same.  Many TM teachers have volunteered their services to teach probationers with us over the years, and they can verify that we teach in precisely the same way as all other teachers.  The change of name is to prevent a lawsuit from the TMO and to prevent embarrassment to the judiciary in St Louis when the press reveals the strange goings-on in the TMO e.g. rajas, bagpipes, limos, million-dollar courses etc.  The judges cannot afford to be embarrassed in this way.

It should also be noted that in addition to the obvious service the TESP is providing to the under-privileged (see the inspiring stories carrier on our website at tesp.org), having 15 judges favoring the program we teach here could have been so useful to the TMO if it were broad-
minded enough to recognize that values are not necessarily only in dollars and cents.  The New Jersey court cases 25 years ago clearly established TM as unconstitutional and religious in nature.  The work of the TESP with the judges here offers strong proof against the notion of TM being religious.  Based on the TESP work, the TMO could be assured of a success in court if the matter were re-litigated.  This is what we have been advised by some of the judges here.  So, in effect, we have given the movement victory before even going to court - a matter that could have cost millions at re-litigation.  

Unfortunately, the movement places full emphasis on the money aspect only, ignoring the big picture. The TESP is a non-profit 501 c 3 organization.  The TMO could easily have made a special concession for us to continue to teach TM with the goodwill of all.  Instead, they penalized us in every way possible to conform to their unreasonable rules and requests.  The result - we're not re-certified and have no intention of re-certifying.  We stand alone and are grateful for the support of so many Governors, Sidhas and meditators in the field who have written us on the matter.

If a doctor has the knowledge to heal, is it right for him to pass a patient in dire need because he cannot afford the doctor's fee?  If we are teachers of "supreme knowledge" with the gift to remove suffering, how much greater is our sin if we fail to use our talent for the poor and under-privileged and use it exclusively for the rich. We cannot abide by the new philosophy and strange practices in the TMO anymore.  We  are doing our bit to keep the flag of pure consciousness flying, under the banner of TESP and Transcendental Stress Management.

The matter of the conference is unrelated but true.  About seven years ago, MUM, Bevan's office, asked me to organize for the judges and me to speak at the late Dr Skip Alexander's conference at MUM. After we arranged for the judges to speak, Bevan's office sent me a note stating that being invited to MUM was a "privilege" and that it would not be extended to me!   I informed Bevan's office that if I was being un-invited, the judges will also not be attending. Shortly thereafter, we got a call from Bevan's office indicating that I was indeed invited and they paid for all my expenses to attend the conference.  

We hope this clarifies matters.

With very best wishes,

Farrokh & Ruffina

Farrokh & Ruffina Anklesaria
The Enlightened Sentencing Project (TESP)
Administrative Office
202 Tiffin Ave
Ferguson, MO 63135
Visit our website at www.tesp.org
Tel: 314 521 4390

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