The Fall of Man from the Garden of Paradise

Or in other words why do we get booted out of Paradise?  Is it true?  Oh
yeah, and how. But it aint like the religions of priestcraft tell  it :-

I knew just before leaving that I was getting slung out of the idyllic
paradesium of Eternity in the GROUND OF BEING. And it WAS a little scary
because one did not know what `TIME TO GO' meant.  What is
`go'?  There is nowhere else, only here!  Not so, there was some
place else to go – EARTH.

But whilst there I had lost all memory of here. But when it was over I
was back here again, Just where I had left off before going there –
except three hours had passed. So I missed a tick – three hours
actually. Hence a Miss-Tick :- )  FUN innit. You HAVE to laugh.

Anyway, if you want to know WHY we are booted out of Paradise then read
the Mystical Gnosis Event and the Human Situation. IT IS FREE at the
Psychognosis website. Psychognosis means  The Knowledge of SELF.

FREE! That means no charge. I AM FREE ! I AM no longer a captive of
Paradise. My job is to help make this place a better place for kids to
live it. And it aint easy. Is anyone going to help. I cant do it. So,
get a grip of yourself and pull all three parts together. And then we
can all get it done. Ipso bloody well Facto Amigos.

Dick Richardson a Miss-Tick.

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