Initially the CWLF [ Christian World Liberation Front] kind of Christians came 
in to the TM case wanting to interrupt hedonisms and narcissisms of the hippie 
culture and new-agers but then with some bad taste in their mouths they had to 
come around to actually argue that TM was legitimate religion more than just 
hedonism and hence it should be thrown out of schools; arguing by bringing in 
all kinds of expert theologians and other scholars on religions to examine what 
religions are and thereby establish that SCI through TM was indeed a religion 
with a religious practice and ironically even on par with Christianity. They 
won the case in the extreme. The judge wrote an important opinion that stands 
in American jurisprudence. I was at a conference last week where a scholar 
presented a paper on the fragmentation of the CWLF during those 1960's-'70's 
years. Telling their larger story he incidentally referenced that TM court case 
as coming out of the CWLF. I spoke with him a little afterwards learning abou 
this. I remember reading the court opinion written for the TM case. It was 
really well written and is actually worth reading.
 -Buck in the Dome     

 '68 Berkeley also the Christian World Liberation Front began as a mission to 
the city's radicals. CWLF going on to sue and win in New Jersey Federal Court 
the case defining Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence a religion and 
hence that TM should not be taught in publicly sponsored schools. It seems that 
the David Lynch Foundation under Roth has won that case in the end. Huzzah!


---In, <> wrote:

  '68 at UC Berkeley -- a campus considered Ground Zero for the anti-war 
movement and the cultural changes sweeping through the country at the time.

---In, <> wrote:

 Transcendental Meditation with the following analogy: The surface of the ocean 
is waves and white caps. But deeper down, the ocean is still. How TM differs 
from other meditations, he says, is that it doesn't attempt to still the waves, 
but rather allow access to the stillness. 

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