The Inner Life and Quality

Without a doubt this is the hardest thing to try and write about, for it
is all about QUALITY, and how does one quantify that. It is about the
inner life and how one is feeling and relating to it all. It is about
the effect which things have on us on our inside. That is what we live,
the inside, that IS our life. I cannot live out there. I cannot even get
out there.

Put any one hundred people in front of Big Ben, or any location on
earth, and they all see the same thing (forget the bit about some might
be colour blind etc) it is the same reality for all of us. But what
effect does it have on you? That is the whole hub and crux of it. It is
not the thing, it is the effect. I often tell people that those profound
mystical encounters have not changed me (they taught me more) but they
have not really changed me, for I have always been the same. The effect
of experiencing things in daily life is the same today as it was when I
was born here, or as early as I can remember anyway – two years of
age.  This is ones EXISTENTIAL life. It IS the relationship between the
observer and the observed. It is what it does to us on the inside and
how it makes us FEEL. We have to FEEL it all. It IS a dance, it is a
love affair. It is a kiss. It is a union.

One can count trees, one can measure distances and time, one can weigh
potatoes, but how do we measure, count, weigh, QUALITY? !  It cant be
done. There is a scale for earth tremors. There is no scale for quality,
love, beauty, dancing with the all, and the FEELING it. You cannot teach
this, you cannot give it away; but there IT IS. What does science tell
you about this? What does psychology tell you about this? What do
religions tell you about this? NOTHING!  What does believing anything
have to do with it? NOTHING ! What does yakety-yak have to do with it?

I tell folks, quite honestly, as it happened, that it was the QUALITY,
this dancing with life, which CAUSED those mystical and transcendent
experiences. But they want measurement, how to's, a system. There is no
system.  It is simply like attracting like. It is the STUFF causing the
STUFF. I cannot for the life of me see why they cannot see it. But they
are looking at books, looking at history, looking at icons, looking at
other people. They are looking at the WRONG stuff. They ought to be
looking at the stuff out there and the stuff in here; and being WITH IT.

Go out in the dinner hour and sit on a bench in the park. Do you see
what I see?  Do you FEEL what I FEEL ?  You cannot give it away, and
even though words can describe many things and tell many stories the
cannot tell of QUALITY.  Quality is sacrosanct, personal, private and
secret; axiomatic yet incommunicable, unutterable.

So, when you are telling a story about something, and which is easy
enough, you still cannot give away the Quality which was enshrined in it
at the time. I mentioned in the chapter on Essences, that this QUALITY
is always there, even in the memory of this or that event. In fact the
quality is just as good, if not even better, in the memory than in the
event at the time.  Why?  Easy. Because at the time other things can
distract from the moment and the thing, perhaps like a car horn
sounding, but in memory they cannot. Nothing distracts from the quality
in memory.

So, you see, it is not just what we see, like Big Ben or the mists which
garland the feet of Dunkery at dawn, but rather as to how all this STUFF
takes one, grabs one by the balls and the very fibre of our being and
tosses us around in a dance and swoon of inner excitement, and love. Who
needs paradise – for it is also in a rose, a kiss, a foggy damp day
on the moors. It is rain dropping in a puddle, the silent kiss of snow
falling upon snow on a silent night. It is the sun reflecting on the
wings of a skylark. It is a moon beam dancing in her hair.   It is LIFE.
It is EVERYWHERE and everything. It is BEING. Do you see what I mean ?
Do you see what I see?  Do you feel what I feel ?  It is good. But how
do you tell it. It cant be done. I think the modern world calls it
fantasising. Huh ! Maybe they are jealous :- ))) But, you know, all this
is FREE. All you have to do is to be there. And we are there. What more
can one say.


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