Forget Robert's hysterical comparison of Vaj 
to Hitler and the enemies of Socrates. Forget
EmptyBill's EmptyRhetoric and EmptyGrudge and
EmptySoul. Forget Judy's attempt to "prove"
Vaj a "liar," as she attempts for pretty much
everyone she doesn't like. Forget Off and Nabby
altogether. :-)

What's *really* going on with the "pile on Vaj"
thang, eh?

I mean, it's a real phenomenon. SURE Vaj pisses
people off and pushes their buttons. And SURE 
he does it intentionally.

But the HYSTERIA with which Robert and others
react *when* he pushes their buttons is what
intrigues me. 

It seems to me -- whether you like him or hate
him -- that Vaj just fuckin' OWNS these people.

He has an intuitive feel for what their samskaric
"hot buttons" are, and how to push them. In a 
Buddhist monastery, where seekers actually want
to *get rid of* their samskaras, he would actually
be appreciated. If your spiritual goal is to elim-
inate your hot button overreactions, the person
who can push those buttons is your *friend*. He
or she reveals to you the things you still need
to work on.

But here he's not only not perceived as a friend,
he's perceived as evil, an enemy, Hitler, the
kind of person who tormented Socrates.

I think that by going as over the top as they 
have been going when Vaj successfully pushes their
buttons and demonstrates how completely he OWNS
them, the folks who have been trying their 
damnedest to demonize Vaj have been revealing 
more about themselves and their "spiritual slacker" 
mentality than his.

Clearly these people do *NOT* want to eliminate or
control their own "hot button" issues. Instead, they
*celebrate* them, they wear their oh-so-easily-
pushable hot buttons on their sleeves, and trot them
out as if their anger and their outrage and yes,
their hysteria should actually be viewed as a 
Good Thing.

And I'm sure that there are people here who are a 
few cans short of a spiritual six-pack who actually 
do see it that way. I'm not one of them. What I see 
is a guy who has a serious 'tude about Maharishi, TM, 
and the TM movement who is OWNING the lazy, slacker
TMers whose buttons he can push without even break-
ing a sweat. 

There are people on this forum who love Maharishi
and love TM and even (although I'm not sure how)
love the TM movement, and who DO NOT spend all 
their time being OWNED by Vaj and overreacting to
the things he says. They don't play "pile on" when 
the spiritual slackers start ragging on him. They
don't seem upset at all.

Them I respect. They may despise the guy too for 

The spiritual slackers CAN'T keep it in their
pants. Push their buttons and they just *have* to
react hysterically, or angrily, or mean-spiritedly,
spring a hot-button-boner and start waving it all
around. And they actually seem to believe that 
doing so makes them look good.

I don't think so. This is *NOT* an attempt to
demonize them in "retaliation" or as any kind of
"defense" of Vaj. This is what I honestly, truly,
and completely think of all these "pile on" folks. 

"Spiritual slacker" is the term I used, and 
"spiritual slacker" is the term I meant. 

They're committed to *indulging* their own hot
button issues rather than dealing with them and 
eventually eliminating them. I think that's sad, 
because it enables someone like Vaj to completely 
run their lives.

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