Unrestricted War: the leveller
Compensating for the PLA's slow rate of military modernisation, Chinese 
military strategists have published a new theory of warfare that focuses on the 
weaknesses of potential adversaries. Dr Ehsan Ahrari investigates. 
ALTHOUGH economic development is Beijing's foremost priority, since 1991 China 
has been steadily modernising its armed forces. Aside from initiating various 
modernisation programmes for the People's Liberation Army (PLA), Chinese 
strategic thinkers have also started to concentrate on making the best of their 
relative military weakness. A number have concluded that China should look for 
the 'Achilles' heels' of its potential adversaries and enemies. 
Since the implosion of the Soviet Union, the only powerful potential enemy 
facing China is the USA - a superpower that has successfully used its economic 
power to build its military muscle. China has always been wary of both US 
intentions in the Asia-Pacific region and US aspirations to be a dominant force 
in the international arena. It has never ruled out the potential for future 
military conflict with the USA. The future status of Taiwan might be a key 
source of friction, but it is by no means the only one. 
China is also fully aware of its economic underdevelopment and the attendant 
military weakness vis-à-vis the USA. So how should it handle the reality of US 
military power? The answer is to study the weak points of the US war machine 
and warfighting style and try to master the US mindset regarding war. Only 
then, say Chinese strategists, will China be able to level the playing field in 
a future military conflict. 
So what major lessons has China drawn about the overall US approach to war? 
First and foremost, Americans greatly value human life. The human losses 
absorbed by US forces in two World Wars were heavy, but in view of what was at 
stake, the US perspective was that the sacrifice was worth taking. However, the 
Second World War might have been the 'last good war' the USA fought. The Korean 
War, although fought under the banner of the UN, became an unpopular domestic 
issue in the 1950s; the Vietnam War almost tore the social fabric of the 
country apart. The USA's political will to get involved in military conflict 
has dramatically diminished, unless it is possible to fight from a distance and 
with minimum human loss. 
Secondly, the USA's near obsession with minimising casualties in military 
conflict means it will rely heavily on technological systems to keep its troops 
as far from harm as possible. Since the USA has always preferred quality to 
quantity in its military research and development and the production of 
military wherewithal, its weapon systems have generally been rated as far 
superior to those of the former Soviet Union or other European countries. 
Conflict in the 1991 Gulf War was decisive: proof of the qualitative 
superiority of US war-making technology. Nevertheless, no country, no matter 
how superior a force it might create at a given time, is entirely invulnerable. 
If its adversaries try hard enough, they are likely to find weak points. 
Since US forces are heavy consumers of high-technology equipment, an adversary 
should examine in detail the major technological systems used by US forces to 
determine which ones are vulnerable and at what point in the evolution of a 
military conflict those systems could be attacked or even destroyed. 
Thirdly, US forces have been victimised twice by acts of terrorism in Saudi 
Arabia. The potential for transnational terrorism remains a source of concern 
for US strategic planners. This substantial pre-occupation with potential acts 
of terrorism against US troops deployed on foreign soil has made the issue of 
'force protection' a crucial one for US commanders. 
The essence of the doctrine 
Unrestricted War, the book by two senior colonels of China's People's 
Liberation Army/Air Force (PLAAF), Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, mentions the 
use of terrorism as a strategy of war. Colonel Qiao has pointed out in an 
interview about the book: "You will find . . . not a single word about how 
China should use the 'terror war'". He added: "Unrestricted war . . . is a 
double-edged sword and is not aimed at the war plans of a specific country." 
However, the USA is the chief focus of analysis for Qiao and Wang. Their 
interpretation of US foreign policy behaviour is highly unconventional, and at 
times their phraseology is similar to that used by anti-US groups in different 
parts of the world. What seems to have brought this book to the attention of 
the Western media is that it was written by two senior PLA officials and that 
it was reportedly read not only by the Chinese defence and foreign policy 
establishment but also by President Jiang Zemin himself. 
Unrestricted War has been described by some in China as "an original theory in 
two decades", and the "emergence of a new military thinking". The authors claim 
they have tried to put forth "new ideas, new thinking and new angles concerning 
war". To fight future wars with advanced technology, they believe it is 
"necessary to dare to completely upset the order of the cards in one's hands 
and reorganise them in accordance with the needs of war and the interests of a 
They point out that many traditional phenomena are undergoing radical changes. 
Increasing interdependence among states has blurred notions of national 
sovereignty. The emergence of international finance markets has enhanced money 
transactions, capital flow and currency exchange rates across the globe, and 
the Internet has ensured communications to and from far-off places can take 
place in seconds. Established governments which could once monopolise 
information in all spheres of life within their borders now have to compete 
with other transnational sources of information. 
Today's citizens are well-informed and less susceptible to manipulation by 
their governments through mis-/disinformation. Such changes in peacetime 
transactions are bound also to affect the mode and scope of warfighting. 
Unrestricted War should be studied in the context of changes that will remain 
in flux for some time. 
'Unrestricted war' will be fought in a world where national borders have lost 
their original meaning. It will be conducted by nations, one or more of whose 
armed forces are heavy consumers of the most sophisticated, highly integrated, 
precision-guided war-making technologies. In Unrestricted War, distinctions 
between the traditional and unconventional battlefields are blurred; 
war-fighters will include conventional soldiers as well as civilian 
programmers, technocrats and computer hackers. Other non-traditional 
war-fighters will include financial institutions, drug cartels, transnational 
crime syndicates and terrorist groups. So, while stealth and precision as well 
as digital, biochemical and technological issues will continue to play a 
crucial role in the warfare of the future, an increasing number of actors from 
the civilian and technological communities will also participate more in war. 
As the authors of Unrestricted War observe: "[The] war will be fought and won 
in a
 war beyond the battlefield." 
The basic question raised by Qiao and Wang is this: "Faced with high-tech 
warfare, how can a weak and developing country survive?" To answer it, they 
decided to study the USA, the sole superpower of the post-Cold War era whose 
economic power and dominance in contemporary warfare is unquestioned. As a 
general strategy, the authors of Unrestricted War also analyse the overall 
foreign policy behaviour of the USA since the implosion of the USSR. Their 
analysis includes military operations, such as 'Desert Storm' in 1991, 'Desert 
Fox' in 1998 and 'Allied Force' in 1999. They also focus on US policies 
regarding the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) countries and North 
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as well as looking at the Asian financial 
crisis of the 1990s. 
Their unstated assumption is that, with the disappearance of the Soviet Union, 
the global arena is receptive to US tactics aimed at establishing its global 
hegemony. Qiao and Wang say the USA is "an extremely rich country" with an 
"extreme fear of casualties", which would rather "treat war as a marathon 
contest in military technology" than "a trial of strength in morale, bravery, 
cleverness and resourcefulness". Americans "like a war of luxury weapons in 
which only millionaires can fight". In the most recent air campaign against 
Yugoslavia, the USA "dispatched aircraft costing an average of US$26 million 
each and used Tomahawk cruise missiles costing US$1.6 million apiece to destroy 
buildings and bridges that cost a great deal less". Yet the US people were very 
pleased with this kind military "extravagance" with "zero casualties". 
Qiao and Wang identify 25 different types of warfare, a number of which, they 
claim, have been used by the USA. For example, in dealing with Osama bin Laden, 
they write: "[The] Americans have used state terrorist warfare, intelligence 
warfare, financial warfare, network warfare and legal warfare." Their use of 
the phrase "state terrorist warfare" apparently refers to the August 1998 
decision by the Clinton administration to launch cruise missiles into Sudan and 
Afghanistan. Against Iraq, say the authors, the USA has simultaneously used 
"conventional warfare, diplomatic warfare, sanctions warfare, legal warfare, 
media warfare, psychological warfare and intelligence warfare". Other states, 
they claim, also use such practices. For instance, Hong Kong, since becoming a 
part of China, has used various types of warfare against financial speculators. 
These include "financial warfare, legal warfare, psychological warfare and 
media warfare". 
Individual states are likely to indulge in "international law warfare". The USA 
has also been a leader in this arena. In the pursuit of its national and 
security interests, "a mature great power like the United States appeared much 
smarter than Iraq", write the authors. "Since the day they stepped onto the 
international stage, the Americans have been seizing things by force or by 
trickery, and the benefits they obtained from other countries were many times 
greater than what Iraq got from Kuwait." 
To maintain its dominance in world affairs, the USA, the authors claim, "never 
misses any opportunity to take a hand in international organisations involving 
US interests" and makes sure that all of these organisations are "closely 
related to US interests". They give two examples to make their argument: 
l when Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke originally promoted the idea of 
APEC, it was only aimed at including Asian countries. Washington opposed this 
idea and successfully insisted on incorporating itself and Canada, then "spared 
no effort in insisting [that] some Asian countries sign independent agreements 
with the NAFTA"; 
l the USA opposed the Japanese proposal to create an Asian monetary fund to 
deal with the Asian financial crisis. Instead, Washington "advocated the 
implementation of a rescue plan, with strings attached, by way of the 
International Monetary Fund, of which it is a major shareholder". 
Despite its power, the authors observe, the USA has not been effective in 
dealing with transnational terrorism. They write: "Global terrorist activity is 
one of the by-products of globalisation, a trend that has been ushered in by 
the technological integration." Terrorist groups are "posing a greater and 
greater threat to sovereign nations". Compared to these groups, "professional 
armies are like gigantic dinosaurs that lack strength commensurate to their 
size in this new age". 
"The advent of Bin Laden-style terrorism has deepened the impression that 
national force, no matter how powerful, will find it difficult to gain the 
upper hand in a game that has no rules." This comment refers to the US firing 
of cruise missiles in retaliation for attacks on the US embassies in Nairobi 
and Dar-es-Salaam in August 1998. 
The greatest controversy concerning Unrestricted War stems from a statement 
made by Colonel Qiao in an interview after the book was published. He is said 
to have observed that President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia "did not know 
how to fight a people's war". Qiao says he should have sent teams of terrorists 
to Italy, France, Germany and Belgium, especially to US bases in some of these 
countries, during NATO's war on his country. Then he should have started an 
urban guerrilla war in Europe: "Once continental Europe feels the pain, it will 
no longer let . . . Britain and the United States conduct war on its 
Views on Unrestricted War 
Unrestricted War may not be compared to anything written by Clausewitz or Sun 
Tzu, but it does demonstrate some original thinking. As a statement linking the 
conduct of war in the 21st century to the emerging 'megatrends' and continuing 
'powershift', it is a respectable endeavour. However, as a general review of 
war, it is unlikely to be remembered for long. Most of the observations 
regarding information warfare, cyber warfare, cyber-terrorism, space warfare 
and other types of warfare have already been covered by other Chinese defence 
As China enhances its theoretical understanding of warfare in the future, 
Chinese strategists are attempting to integrate various largely Western 
theories of warfare and indigenise (or 'Sinicise') them. To the extent that 
Qiao and Wang advocate that Milosevic should have followed a 'People's War' 
principle and used urban terrorists during NATO's war on Yugoslavia, it is an 
interesting contribution to the theory of conventional warfare - and a variable 
about which the USA was highly concerned during the Gulf War and every time a 
US force built up in the Gulf since then. The fact that two Chinese military 
strategists have advocated the use of this tactic will only intensify the 
resolve of all nations to be more careful about potential terrorist acts when 
involved in military conflicts. 
When China was in the process of becoming a nuclear power, it ridiculed nuclear 
war and labelled nuclear powers 'paper tigers'. Yet even while it derided the 
established notions of the destructive power of nuclear weapons, China was 
labouring to possess them and gain entry into the 'big power' league. This 
episode is an important aspect of China's strategic legacy, and the ploy will 
be utilised repeatedly to gain advantage for the PRC in the coming decades. 
Following Unrestricted War, Chinese strategic thinkers are establishing a new 
framework. Claiming that future wars will be without limits is another way of 
saying that a militarily weak and economically underdeveloped nation (China) 
should go to any extreme, violate any rules and break any traditional precepts 
of war to be victorious over a technologically superior and militarily powerful 
country (the USA). Rules of war, Qiao and Wang say, need only be followed by 
the strong powers who make the rules; a weak nation is not obliged to follow 
suit. The all-encompassing aspects of unrestricted war underscore the fact that 
a militarily stronger side will not win simply because it enjoys technological 
superiority over its weaker opponent. 
The US armed forces took note of this study, which came out at a time when 
Sino-US relations were fragile. However, since then Washington and Beijing are 
unlikely to allow their mutual ties to deteriorate to the extent of triggering 
a military conflict. 
In this context, while the Taiwan issue is popular among Republican lawmakers 
in the USA, they are unlikely to push a US president to go to war with China 
over it. However, the PRC should be careful with rhetoric about the use of 
force to reunite Taiwan. While the USA might not want a war with China over 
Taiwan, it does represent a commitment made by the USA in the Taiwan Relations 
Act of 1979. The USA needs to stand by its security commitments in case Japan 
and Korea conclude that if Washington can violate its promise to defend Taiwan 
from a Chinese military takeover, it is also likely to violate commitments made 
to Tokyo and Seoul. 
Dr Ehsan Ahari is a Professor of National Security and Strategy at the Joint 
Combined Warfighting School, Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Virginia, 
©Jane's Information Group 2000

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