[FairfieldLife] The makings of a Landslide for Obama

2008-11-03 Thread do.rflex

~Obama's national poll numbers:

USA Today +11.

CBS +13.

WaPo/ABC +11.

WSJ +8%.

Link to each poll: 

~Electoral Vote Projection

Obama 340.2  McCain 197.8


~Obama's favorables at 62% -- best since 1992


Re: [FairfieldLife] The makings of a Landslide for Obama

2008-11-03 Thread Vaj

On Nov 3, 2008, at 9:31 AM, do.rflex wrote:~Obama's national poll numbers:USA Today +11.CBS +13.WaPo/ABC +11.WSJ +8%.That's good to hear.It's gotten quite scary in the last couple of days as McCains TV ads have gotten increasingly negative. I got a (mass) letter from Obama twice this weekend stating that "John McCain and the Republican National Committee had $20 million more in the bank than our campaign and the DNC combined as of October 15th. They are pouring it into crucial battleground states, and we're facing an onslaught of negative attacks."I saw one last night with him and Jeremiah Wright and mentioned the word terrorist numerous times in the type of "guilt by association" and  "poisoning the well" tactics I'd thought they'd put behind them. Not so. It's worse now than ever. It's gone really, really negative and some of the ads are not from the McCain campaign or RNC but other "new swiftboat" type groups.The cool thing was previous Obama supporters were all given the chance this weekend, in the putsch to help counter the terrible negative ads, for a donation of 25 dollars or more, you're placed in a drawing for 5 couples to be there backstage Tuesday night in Chicago, flight and hotel paid--and then front row seats as history is made.