Re: [FairfieldLife] To Buck

2014-02-21 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/20/2014 9:02 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> I have found fault with Bevan Morris, Greg and Georgina Wilson, Bill 
> Sands, Neal Patterson, Marshy, Girish, the Srivastavas brothers, Susan 
> Humphries, Cris Crowell, John Hagelin, Reed Martin and all the lying 
> and manipulation that they and other small medium and large managers 
> in the TMO have done.
Someone on the kitchen staff at a school would probably never come into 
direct contact with any school administrators, let alone the school 
President or anyone on the Board of Directors. These sound like people 
you never even met up with. Go figure.

Maybe one of your problems was that you were a nobody at MIU - that's 
what happened to me at UT. I thought I knew it all and was a big shot 
too until I got to the campus with the other 35,000 students. It was a 
rude awakening to find out that I was a nobody. You need to get over it 
- I hate the community college Chancellor down here as much as anyone, 
but I'm not blaming him for my own failures.

Re: [FairfieldLife] To Buck

2014-02-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 2/20/2014 9:02 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Specifically, I have found fault with Bevan Morris, Greg and Georgina 
> Wilson, Bill Sands, Neal Patterson, Marshy, Girish, the Srivastavas 
> brothers, Susan Humphries, Cris Crowell, John Hagelin, Reed Martin and 
> all the lying and manipulation that they and other small medium and 
> large managers in the TMO have done.
So, what do these people have to do with your meditation?

[FairfieldLife] To Buck

2014-02-20 Thread Michael Jackson
Okay Buddy, you are laying it on the line here:

"Obviously we are born in to this wold with nature and then there is nurture. 
Evidently moral behavior is something developed and cultured in good 
upbringing. My feeling in watching is that a lot of the bad behavior that MJ in 
writing here for instance is so upset about in the TM community movement comes 
from bad upbringing and does not have so much of anything to do with whether 
some one meditates. It's mostly bad manners without virtue. Evidently. That's 
what I see, they are just being bad people for their poor upbringings and 
sometimes they are even immoral. Okay, that can be really bad at times on the 
part of some but not the normative of most folks. Just really bad upbringing."

The whole point to many of my posts here is that TM does not work as you claim 
it works. The WHOLE FUCKING POINT to TM all these years is that TM IMPROVES 
EVERYTHING! That is the claim made for it. That's the whole point to doing TM, 
improving your life. If one has bad upbringing, then TM can make you a better 
person. Why do you think the David Lynch leeches are pushing so hard to get TM 
to the AT RISK populations, especially the young ones??? To, among other 
things, counteract BAD UPBRINGING!

So if bad upbringing can't be negated or improved by regular practice of TM, 
what good is the practice? You have hoist yourself on your own petard, Buck. 
You seem to be saying that if one has bad upbringing, TM won't change the 
behavior that bad upbringing creates.

Specifically, I have found fault with Bevan Morris, Greg and Georgina Wilson, 
Bill Sands, Neal Patterson, Marshy, Girish, the Srivastavas brothers, Susan 
Humphries, Cris Crowell, John Hagelin, Reed Martin and all the lying and 
manipulation that they and other small medium and large managers in the TMO 
have done.

Are you saying that all the above named individuals had bad upbringing? You are 
making excuses for why TM obviously seems to work in reverse for people who run 
the Movement. 

[FairfieldLife] to Buck Susan Alex Doc RD Steve Ann

2012-12-03 Thread Share Long
BUCK according to Farmers Almanac, east will be wetter and colder, west will be 
drier and warmer and us in the middle will have fluctuating temps and storms.  
But I bet you already knew that.  It's like spring out there today!  The air so 
full of moisture feels wonderful on my skin.

SUSAN thanks for your feedback.  I'm taking it one step at a time.

ALEX John Newton also has a good sense of humor.  We women are more partial to 
that in general.

DOC of course I'm always in Divine Grace.  But bj's question is a great way to 
keep lively the connection between that and daily life.

RD, yours is the only post that didn't arrive to my inbox this morning.  I 
found it when I went to archives looking for a post of Bucks that I accidently 
deleted from Trash.  Anyway, when Emily wrote to me or if you prefer, that 
sounded like a question to me.  So I answered by telling her what I prefer.  I 
agree that nobody causes anybody to feel anything.  But I agree with Marshall 
Rosenberg who qualifies that by saying that we do contribute to the feelings of 
others.  Meaning that what we do and say has an influence on the feelings of 
others.  Seems kind of common sense to me but also a useful distinction to make.

STEVE what is a bogey and how can I tell if one is still on my bottom?  Thank 
you (-:

ANN I'm not sure what Ms. King's initials stands for.  She's from Texas so I'm 
guessing a nice southern name like Betty Jean.  As for the other meaning, 
perhaps she keeps those initials just so people can be helped in working on 
their sexual issues.  As for financial rape, her presentation on Saturday night 
was free.  There was also a bunch of free materials.  Also some for which she 
asked a donation.  I don't attend the presentation of every teacher healer who 
comes to FF.  In fact I didn't attend Kenji's recent Quantum Lightweaving 
workshop!  But I saw bj when she was here 6 years ago and I found her info 
fascinating.  Plus I REALLY like her energy and the energy of the people who 
attend her events.  From my POV a rapist is someone
 who invades without permission.  I find her to be respectful of boundaries.

Ok, I'm off to writing group this afternoon.  Back later.      

What is the next single thing for me to do or know for me to be in a state of 
Divine Grace?

[FairfieldLife] To Buck - I can't stand the rain - Cassandra Wilson

2012-07-13 Thread Emily Reyn