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ffiliate=40538&encoding=UTF-8>       Wall Street protests enter 14th day
See show times ยป <http://piersmorgan.blogs.cnn.com/>   [Piers Morgan
Tonight]  <http://piersmorgan.blogs.cnn.com/>     By the CNN Wire Staff
September 30, 2011 -- Updated 0827 GMT (1627 HKT)      
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apitalism.cnn>   Does Michael Moore support capitalism?     STORY
    * The protest is driven by social media
    * Dozens have been arrested
    * Some protesters are accusing police of using excessive force
    * Police are investigating those claims

(CNN) -- Protests to draw attention to the power of Wall Street firms in
the United States and world economies will continue for a 14th straight
day Friday in New York City.

Demonstrations are addressing various issues including police brutality,
union busting and the economy, said Occupy Wall Street protest group.

The group, taking its inspiration from the Arab Spring protests that
swept through Africa and the Middle East, has taken up residence in a
park in New York's Financial District, calling for 20,000 people to
flood the area for a "few months."

Social media fueled those uprisings in places like Egypt and Libya and
organizers are hoping it will work in the United States too.

Organizers say they had as many as 600 demonstrators in the area over
the weekend, but the crowds have dwindled to about 200 people in recent

About 100 people have been arrested during the protests, police said.
People were apprehended for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest,
obstructing governmental administration and assaulting a police officer,
said New York City Deputy Commissioner Paul J. Browne.

Most of the arrests came Saturday. There were no arrests Sunday and
Monday, organizers said.

Demonstrators have accused police of using excessive force after the
release of a video from Saturday that shows an officer pepper-spraying
several women.

Police have said they are investigating the incidents.

The protest campaign -- which uses the hashtag #occupywallstreet on the
microblogging site Twitter -- began in July with the launch of a simple
campaign website calling for a march and a sit-in at the New York Stock

Though the agenda of the protest has been posted on the website of the
group Occupy Wall Street, protesters say there is no group leader and
have spent several days trying to organize and create a unified plan.

"We are gathered here in this place to craft a mission statement, to
shape a statement of what it is we want and how we're going to get it,"
said Robert Segal, one of the protesters.

CNN's Susan Candiotti contributed to this report.

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